static void gfio_text_op(struct fio_client *client, struct fio_net_cmd *cmd) { struct cmd_text_pdu *p = (struct cmd_text_pdu *) cmd->payload; struct gfio_client *gc = client->client_data; struct gui_entry *ge = gc->ge; struct gui *ui = ge->ui; GtkTreeIter iter; struct tm *tm; time_t sec; char tmp[64], timebuf[80]; sec = p->log_sec; tm = localtime(&sec); strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); sprintf(timebuf, "%s.%03ld", tmp, (long) p->log_usec / 1000); gdk_threads_enter(); gtk_list_store_append(ui->log_model, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(ui->log_model, &iter, 0, timebuf, -1); gtk_list_store_set(ui->log_model, &iter, 1, client->hostname, -1); gtk_list_store_set(ui->log_model, &iter, 2, log_get_level(p->level), -1); gtk_list_store_set(ui->log_model, &iter, 3, p->buf, -1); if (p->level == FIO_LOG_ERR) gfio_view_log(ui); gdk_threads_leave(); }
static gint lua_log_index(lua_State* lua) { if (lua_type(lua, 2) == LUA_TSTRING && strcmp(lua_tostring(lua, 2), "level") == 0) { lua_pushstring(lua, log_level_to_string(log_get_level())); } else { lua_pushnil(lua); } return 1; }
static void add_quad(quadbuilder_t* qb, unsigned int* quad, void* token) { allquads_t* aq = token; if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) { int k; debug("quad: "); for (k=0; k<qb->dimquads; k++) debug("%-6i ", quad[k]); logverb("\n"); } quad_write_const(aq->codes, aq->quads, quad, aq->starkd, qb->dimquads, aq->dimcodes); }
static ssh_bind prepare_ssh(const char *keys_dir, const char *bind_addr, int port) { ssh_bind bind; char buffer[PATH_MAX]; int ssh_log_level; ssh_key rsakey = NULL; ssh_key ed25519key = NULL; ssh_log_level = SSH_LOG_WARNING + max(log_get_level() - LOG_NOTICE, 0); ssh_set_log_callback(ssh_log_function); bind = ssh_bind_new(); if (!bind) tmate_fatal("Cannot initialize ssh"); if (bind_addr) ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDADDR, bind_addr); ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT, &port); ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BANNER, TMATE_SSH_BANNER); ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &ssh_log_level); sprintf(buffer, "%s/ssh_host_rsa_key", keys_dir); ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rsakey); ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_IMPORT_KEY, rsakey); sprintf(buffer, "%s/ssh_host_ed25519_key", keys_dir); ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ed25519key); ssh_bind_options_set(bind, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_IMPORT_KEY, ed25519key); if (ssh_bind_listen(bind) < 0) tmate_fatal("Error listening to socket: %s\n", ssh_get_error(bind)); tmate_notice("Accepting connections on %s:%d", bind_addr ?: "", port); return bind; }
int ert_log_get_log_level(){ if(logh==NULL) ert_log_init_log(1,NULL,true); return log_get_level(logh); }
int hpquads(startree_t* starkd, codefile_t* codes, quadfile_t* quads, int Nside, double scale_min_arcmin, double scale_max_arcmin, int dimquads, int passes, int Nreuses, int Nloosen, int id, anbool scanoccupied, void* sort_data, int (*sort_func)(const void*, const void*), int sort_size, char** args, int argc) { hpquads_t myhpquads; hpquads_t* me = &myhpquads; int i; int pass; anbool circle = TRUE; double radius2; il* hptotry; int Nhptotry = 0; int nquads; double hprad; double quadscale; int skhp, sknside; qfits_header* qhdr; qfits_header* chdr; int N; int dimcodes; int quadsize; int NHP; memset(me, 0, sizeof(hpquads_t)); if (Nside > HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE) { ERROR("Error: maximum healpix Nside = %i", HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE); return -1; } if (Nreuses > 255) { ERROR("Error, reuse (-r) must be less than 256"); return -1; } me->Nside = Nside; me->dimquads = dimquads; NHP = 12 * Nside * Nside; dimcodes = dimquad2dimcode(dimquads); quadsize = sizeof(unsigned int) * dimquads; logmsg("Nside=%i. Nside^2=%i. Number of healpixes=%i. Healpix side length ~ %g arcmin.\n", me->Nside, me->Nside*me->Nside, NHP, healpix_side_length_arcmin(me->Nside)); me->sort_data = sort_data; me->sort_func = sort_func; me->sort_size = sort_size; tic(); me->starkd = starkd; N = startree_N(me->starkd); logmsg("Star tree contains %i objects.\n", N); // get the "HEALPIX" header from the skdt... skhp = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(me->starkd), "HEALPIX", -1); if (skhp == -1) { if (!qfits_header_getboolean(startree_header(me->starkd), "ALLSKY", FALSE)) { logmsg("Warning: skdt does not contain \"HEALPIX\" header. Code and quad files will not contain this header either.\n"); } } // likewise "HPNSIDE" sknside = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(me->starkd), "HPNSIDE", 1); if (sknside && Nside % sknside) { logerr("Error: Nside (-n) must be a multiple of the star kdtree healpixelisation: %i\n", sknside); return -1; } if (!scanoccupied && (N*(skhp == -1 ? 1 : sknside*sknside*12) < NHP)) { logmsg("\n\n"); logmsg("NOTE, your star kdtree is sparse (has only a fraction of the stars expected)\n"); logmsg(" so you probably will get much faster results by setting the \"-E\" command-line\n"); logmsg(" flag.\n"); logmsg("\n\n"); } quads->dimquads = me->dimquads; codes->dimcodes = dimcodes; quads->healpix = skhp; codes->healpix = skhp; quads->hpnside = sknside; codes->hpnside = sknside; if (id) { quads->indexid = id; codes->indexid = id; } qhdr = quadfile_get_header(quads); chdr = codefile_get_header(codes); add_headers(qhdr, args, argc, startree_header(me->starkd), circle, passes); add_headers(chdr, args, argc, startree_header(me->starkd), circle, passes); if (quadfile_write_header(quads)) { ERROR("Couldn't write headers to quad file"); return -1; } if (codefile_write_header(codes)) { ERROR("Couldn't write headers to code file"); return -1; } quads->numstars = codes->numstars = N; me->quad_dist2_upper = arcmin2distsq(scale_max_arcmin); me->quad_dist2_lower = arcmin2distsq(scale_min_arcmin); codes->index_scale_upper = quads->index_scale_upper = distsq2rad(me->quad_dist2_upper); codes->index_scale_lower = quads->index_scale_lower = distsq2rad(me->quad_dist2_lower); me->nuses = calloc(N, sizeof(unsigned char)); // hprad = sqrt(2) * (healpix side length / 2.) hprad = arcmin2dist(healpix_side_length_arcmin(Nside)) * M_SQRT1_2; quadscale = 0.5 * sqrt(me->quad_dist2_upper); // 1.01 for a bit of safety. we'll look at a few extra stars. radius2 = square(1.01 * (hprad + quadscale)); me->radius2 = radius2; logmsg("Healpix radius %g arcsec, quad scale %g arcsec, total %g arcsec\n", distsq2arcsec(hprad*hprad), distsq2arcsec(quadscale*quadscale), distsq2arcsec(radius2)); hptotry = il_new(1024); if (scanoccupied) { logmsg("Scanning %i input stars...\n", N); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { double xyz[3]; int j; if (startree_get(me->starkd, i, xyz)) { ERROR("Failed to get star %i", i); return -1; } j = xyzarrtohealpix(xyz, Nside); il_insert_unique_ascending(hptotry, j); if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) { double ra,dec; if (startree_get_radec(me->starkd, i, &ra, &dec)) { ERROR("Failed to get RA,Dec for star %i\n", i); return -1; } logdebug("star %i: RA,Dec %g,%g; xyz %g,%g,%g; hp %i\n", i, ra, dec, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], j); } } logmsg("Will check %zu healpixes.\n", il_size(hptotry)); if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) { logdebug("Checking healpixes: [ "); for (i=0; i<il_size(hptotry); i++) logdebug("%i ", il_get(hptotry, i)); logdebug("]\n"); } } else { if (skhp == -1) { // Try all healpixes. il_free(hptotry); hptotry = NULL; Nhptotry = NHP; } else { // The star kdtree may itself be healpixed int starhp, starx, stary; // In that case, the healpixes we are interested in form a rectangle // within a big healpix. These are the coords (in [0, Nside)) of // that rectangle. int x0, x1, y0, y1; int x, y; healpix_decompose_xy(skhp, &starhp, &starx, &stary, sknside); x0 = starx * (Nside / sknside); x1 = (starx+1) * (Nside / sknside); y0 = stary * (Nside / sknside); y1 = (stary+1) * (Nside / sknside); for (y=y0; y<y1; y++) { for (x=x0; x<x1; x++) { int j = healpix_compose_xy(starhp, x, y, Nside); il_append(hptotry, j); } } assert(il_size(hptotry) == (Nside/sknside) * (Nside/sknside)); } } if (hptotry) Nhptotry = il_size(hptotry); me->quadlist = bl_new(65536, quadsize); if (Nloosen) me->retryhps = il_new(1024); for (pass=0; pass<passes; pass++) { char key[64]; int nthispass; logmsg("Pass %i of %i.\n", pass+1, passes); logmsg("Trying %i healpixes.\n", Nhptotry); nthispass = build_quads(me, Nhptotry, hptotry, Nreuses); logmsg("Made %i quads (out of %i healpixes) this pass.\n", nthispass, Nhptotry); logmsg("Made %i quads so far.\n", (me->bigquadlist ? bt_size(me->bigquadlist) : 0) + (int)bl_size(me->quadlist)); sprintf(key, "PASS%i", pass+1); fits_header_mod_int(chdr, key, nthispass, "quads created in this pass"); fits_header_mod_int(qhdr, key, nthispass, "quads created in this pass"); logmsg("Merging quads...\n"); if (!me->bigquadlist) me->bigquadlist = bt_new(quadsize, 256); for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) { void* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i); bt_insert2(me->bigquadlist, q, FALSE, compare_quads, &me->dimquads); } bl_remove_all(me->quadlist); } il_free(hptotry); hptotry = NULL; if (Nloosen) { int R; for (R=Nreuses+1; R<=Nloosen; R++) { il* trylist; int nthispass; logmsg("Loosening reuse maximum to %i...\n", R); logmsg("Trying %zu healpixes.\n", il_size(me->retryhps)); if (!il_size(me->retryhps)) break; trylist = me->retryhps; me->retryhps = il_new(1024); nthispass = build_quads(me, il_size(trylist), trylist, R); logmsg("Made %i quads (out of %zu healpixes) this pass.\n", nthispass, il_size(trylist)); il_free(trylist); for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) { void* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i); bt_insert2(me->bigquadlist, q, FALSE, compare_quads, &me->dimquads); } bl_remove_all(me->quadlist); } } if (me->retryhps) il_free(me->retryhps); kdtree_free_query(me->res); me->res = NULL; me->inds = NULL; me->stars = NULL; free(me->nuses); me->nuses = NULL; logmsg("Writing quads...\n"); // add the quads from the big-quadlist nquads = bt_size(me->bigquadlist); for (i=0; i<nquads; i++) { unsigned int* q = bt_access(me->bigquadlist, i); quad_write(codes, quads, q, me->starkd, me->dimquads, dimcodes); } // add the quads that were made during the final round. for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) { unsigned int* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i); quad_write(codes, quads, q, me->starkd, me->dimquads, dimcodes); } // fix output file headers. if (quadfile_fix_header(quads)) { ERROR("Failed to fix quadfile headers"); return -1; } if (codefile_fix_header(codes)) { ERROR("Failed to fix codefile headers"); return -1; } bl_free(me->quadlist); bt_free(me->bigquadlist); toc(); logmsg("Done.\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int argchar; double ra=HUGE_VAL, dec=HUGE_VAL, radius=HUGE_VAL; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; char** myargs; int nmyargs; int i; char* outfn = NULL; fitstable_t* table = NULL; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'o': outfn = optarg; break; case 'r': ra = atof(optarg); break; case 'd': dec = atof(optarg); break; case 'R': radius = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); case 'h': default: printHelp(argv[0]); return -1; } log_init(loglvl); nmyargs = argc - optind; myargs = argv + optind; if (nmyargs < 1) { printHelp(argv[0]); exit(-1); } if (ra == HUGE_VAL || dec == HUGE_VAL || radius == HUGE_VAL) { printHelp(argv[0]); exit(-1); } if (outfn) { table = fitstable_open_for_writing(outfn); if (!table) { ERROR("Failed to open output table"); exit(-1); } if (fitstable_write_primary_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to write primary header of output table"); exit(-1); } } for (i=0; i<nmyargs; i++) { char* indexfn = myargs[i]; index_t index; sl* cols; int* inds; double* radecs; int N; int j; fitstable_t* tagtable = NULL; logmsg("Reading index \"%s\"...\n", indexfn); if (!index_load(indexfn, 0, &index)) { ERROR("Failed to read index \"%s\"", indexfn); continue; } logmsg("Index %s: id %i, healpix %i (nside %i), %i stars, %i quads, dimquads=%i, scales %g to %g arcmin.\n", index.indexname, index.indexid, index.healpix, index.hpnside, index.nstars, index.nquads, index.dimquads, arcsec2arcmin(index.index_scale_lower), arcsec2arcmin(index.index_scale_upper)); cols = startree_get_tagalong_column_names(index.starkd, NULL); { char* colstr = sl_join(cols, ", "); logmsg("Tag-along columns: %s\n", colstr); free(colstr); } logmsg("Searching for stars around RA,Dec (%g, %g), radius %g deg.\n", ra, dec, radius); startree_search_for_radec(index.starkd, ra, dec, radius, NULL, &radecs, &inds, &N); logmsg("Found %i stars\n", N); if (table) { int tagsize; int rowsize; char* rowbuf = NULL; if (i > 0) { fitstable_next_extension(table); fitstable_clear_table(table); } tagtable = startree_get_tagalong(index.starkd); if (tagtable) { fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct(tagtable); logverb("Input tag-along table:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) fitstable_print_columns(tagtable); fitstable_copy_columns(tagtable, table); } tagsize = fitstable_get_struct_size(table); debug("tagsize=%i\n", tagsize); // Add RA,Dec at the end of the row... fitstable_add_write_column_struct(table, fitscolumn_double_type(), 1, tagsize, fitscolumn_double_type(), "RA", "degrees"); fitstable_add_write_column_struct(table, fitscolumn_double_type(), 1, tagsize + sizeof(double), fitscolumn_double_type(), "DEC", "degrees"); rowsize = fitstable_get_struct_size(table); assert(rowsize == tagsize + 2*sizeof(double)); debug("rowsize=%i\n", rowsize); rowbuf = malloc(rowsize); logverb("Output table:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) fitstable_print_columns(table); if (fitstable_write_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to write header of output table"); exit(-1); } for (j=0; j<N; j++) { if (tagtable) { if (fitstable_read_struct(tagtable, inds[j], rowbuf)) { ERROR("Failed to read row %i of tag-along table", inds[j]); exit(-1); } } // Add RA,Dec to end of struct... memcpy(rowbuf + tagsize, radecs+2*j+0, sizeof(double)); memcpy(rowbuf + tagsize + sizeof(double), radecs+2*j+1, sizeof(double)); if (fitstable_write_struct(table, rowbuf)) { ERROR("Failed to write row %i of output", j); exit(-1); } } free(rowbuf); if (fitstable_fix_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to fix header of output table"); exit(-1); } } sl_free2(cols); free(radecs); free(inds); index_close(&index); } if (table) { if (fitstable_close(table)) { ERROR("Failed to close output table"); exit(-1); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; char* rdlsfn = NULL; char* wcsfn = NULL; char* xylsfn = NULL; char* rcol = NULL; char* dcol = NULL; anbool forcetan = FALSE; il* fields; int ext = 0; double ra=HUGE_VAL, dec=HUGE_VAL; anbool wcslib = FALSE; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; fields = il_new(16); while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 'L': wcslib = TRUE; break; case 'r': ra = atof(optarg); break; case 'd': dec = atof(optarg); break; case 'e': ext = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case 't': forcetan = TRUE; break; case 'o': xylsfn = optarg; break; case 'i': rdlsfn = optarg; break; case 'w': wcsfn = optarg; break; case 'f': il_append(fields, atoi(optarg)); break; case 'R': rcol = optarg; break; case 'D': dcol = optarg; break; } } log_init(loglvl); if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!(wcsfn && ((rdlsfn && xylsfn) || ((ra != HUGE_VAL) && (dec != HUGE_VAL))))) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!rdlsfn) { double x,y; anwcs_t* wcs = NULL; // read WCS. if (wcslib) { wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(wcsfn, ext); } else if (forcetan) { wcs = anwcs_open_tan(wcsfn, ext); } else { wcs = anwcs_open(wcsfn, ext); } if (!wcs) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file"); exit(-1); } logverb("Read WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { anwcs_print(wcs, log_get_fid()); } // convert immediately. if (anwcs_radec2pixelxy(wcs, ra, dec, &x, &y)) { ERROR("The given RA,Dec is on the opposite side of the sky."); exit(-1); } printf("RA,Dec (%.10f, %.10f) -> pixel (%.10f, %.10f)\n", ra, dec, x, y); anwcs_free(wcs); exit(0); } if (wcs_rd2xy(wcsfn, ext, rdlsfn, xylsfn, rcol, dcol, forcetan, wcslib, fields)) { ERROR("wcs-rd2xy failed"); exit(-1); } return 0; }
sip_t* wcs_pv2sip_header(qfits_header* hdr, double* xy, int Nxy, double stepsize, double xlo, double xhi, double ylo, double yhi, int imageW, int imageH, int order, anbool forcetan, int doshift) { double* radec = NULL; int rtn = -1; tan_t tanwcs; double x,y, px,py; double* rddist = NULL; int i, j; int nx, ny; double xstep, ystep; sip_t* sip = NULL; /** From p = PV1_ xi' = p0 + p1 * xi + p2 * eta + p3 * r + p4 * xi^2 + p5 * xi * eta + p6 * eta^2 + p7 * xi^3 + p8 * xi^2 * eta + p9 * xi * eta^2 + p10 * eta^3 + p11 * r^3 + p12 * xi^4 + p13 * xi^3 * eta + p14 * xi^2 * eta^2 + p15 * xi * eta^3 + p16 * eta^4 + p17 * xi^5 + p18 * xi^4 * eta + p19 * xi^3 * eta^2 + p20 * xi^2 * eta^3 + p21 * xi * eta^4 + p22 * eta^5 + p23 * r^5 + p24 * xi^6 + p25 * xi^5 * eta + p26 * xi^4 * eta^2 + p27 * xi^3 * eta^3 + p28 * xi^2 * eta^4 + p29 * xi * eta^5 + p30 * eta^6 p31 * xi^7 + p32 * xi^6 * eta + p33 * xi^5 * eta^2 + p34 * xi^4 * eta^3 + p35 * xi^3 * eta^4 + p36 * xi^2 * eta^5 + p37 * xi * eta^6 + p38 * eta^7 + p39 * r^7 p = PV2_ eta' = p0 + p1 * eta + p2 * xi + p3 * r + p4 * eta^2 + p5 * eta * xi + p6 * xi^2 + p7 * eta^3 + p8 * eta^2 * xi + p9 * eta * xi^2 + p10 * xi^3 + p11 * r^3 + p12 * eta^4 + p13 * eta^3 * xi + p14 * eta^2 * xi^2 + p15 * eta * xi^3 + p16 * xi^4 + p17 * eta^5 + p18 * eta^4 * xi + p19 * eta^3 * xi^2 + p20 * eta^2 * xi^3 + p21 * eta * xi^4 + p22 * xi^5 + p23 * r^5 + p24 * eta^6 + p25 * eta^5 * xi + p26 * eta^4 * xi^2 + p27 * eta^3 * xi^3 + p28 * eta^2 * xi^4 + p29 * eta * xi^5 + p30 * xi^6 p31 * eta^7 + p32 * eta^6 * xi + p33 * eta^5 * xi^2 + p34 * eta^4 * xi^3 + p35 * eta^3 * xi^4 + p36 * eta^2 * xi^5 + p37 * eta * xi^6 + p38 * xi^7 + p39 * r^7 Note the "cross-over" -- the xi' powers are in terms of xi,eta while the eta' powers are in terms of eta,xi. */ // 1 x y r x2 xy y2 x3 x2y xy2 y3 r3 x4 x3y x2y2 xy3 y4 // x5 x4y x3y2 x2y3 xy4 y5 r5 x6 x5y x4y2, x3y3 x2y4 xy5 y6 // x7 x6y x5y2 x4y3 x3y4 x2y5 xy6 y7 r7 int xp[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0}; int yp[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0}; int rp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7}; double xpows[8]; double ypows[8]; double rpows[8]; double pv1[40]; double pv2[40]; double r; char* ct; ct = fits_get_dupstring(hdr, "CTYPE1"); if ((ct && streq(ct, "RA---TPV")) || forcetan) { // logmsg("Replacing CTYPE1 = %s header with RA---TAN\n", ct); fits_update_value(hdr, "CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"); } ct = fits_get_dupstring(hdr, "CTYPE2"); if ((ct && streq(ct, "DEC--TPV")) || forcetan) { logmsg("Replacing CTYPE2 = %s header with DEC--TAN\n", ct); fits_update_value(hdr, "CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"); } tan_read_header(hdr, &tanwcs); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { printf("Read TAN header:\n"); tan_print(&tanwcs); } if (imageW && (imageW != tanwcs.imagew)) { logmsg("Overriding image width %f with user-specified %i\n", tanwcs.imagew, imageW); tanwcs.imagew = imageW; } if (imageH && (imageH != tanwcs.imageh)) { logmsg("Overriding image height %f with user-specified %i\n", tanwcs.imageh, imageH); tanwcs.imageh = imageH; } for (i=0; i<sizeof(pv1)/sizeof(double); i++) { char key[10]; double defaultval; if (i == 1) { defaultval = 1.0; } else { defaultval = 0.0; } sprintf(key, "PV1_%i", i); pv1[i] = qfits_header_getdouble(hdr, key, defaultval); sprintf(key, "PV2_%i", i); pv2[i] = qfits_header_getdouble(hdr, key, defaultval); } // choose grid for evaluating TAN-PV WCS if (xlo == 0 && xhi == 0) { xlo = 1.; xhi = tanwcs.imagew; } if (ylo == 0 && yhi == 0) { ylo = 1.; yhi = tanwcs.imageh; } assert(xhi >= xlo); assert(yhi >= ylo); if (stepsize == 0) stepsize = 100.; nx = MAX(2, round((xhi - xlo)/stepsize)); ny = MAX(2, round((yhi - ylo)/stepsize)); xstep = (xhi - xlo) / (double)(nx - 1); ystep = (yhi - ylo) / (double)(ny - 1); logverb("Stepping from x = %g to %g, steps of %g\n", xlo, xhi, xstep); logverb("Stepping from y = %g to %g, steps of %g\n", ylo, yhi, ystep); Nxy = nx * ny; if (xy == NULL) { int k = 0; xy = malloc(Nxy * 2 * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<ny; i++) { y = ylo + i*ystep; for (j=0; j<nx; j++) { x = xlo + j*xstep; //if (i == 0) //printf("x=%f\n", x); xy[k] = x; k++; xy[k] = y; k++; } //printf("y=%f\n", y); } assert(k == (Nxy*2)); } // distorted RA,Dec rddist = malloc(2 * Nxy * sizeof(double)); for (j=0; j<Nxy; j++) { double ix = xy[2*j+0]; double iy = xy[2*j+1]; tan_pixelxy2iwc(&tanwcs, ix, iy, &x, &y); // "x,y" here are most commonly known as "xi, eta". r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); // compute powers of x,y xpows[0] = ypows[0] = rpows[0] = 1.0; for (i=1; i<sizeof(xpows)/sizeof(double); i++) { xpows[i] = xpows[i-1]*x; ypows[i] = ypows[i-1]*y; rpows[i] = rpows[i-1]*r; } px = py = 0; for (i=0; i<sizeof(xp)/sizeof(int); i++) { px += pv1[i] * xpows[xp[i]] * ypows[yp[i]] * rpows[rp[i]]; // here's the "cross-over" mentioned above py += pv2[i] * ypows[xp[i]] * xpows[yp[i]] * rpows[rp[i]]; } // Note that the PV terms *include* a linear term, so no need // to re-add x,y to px,py. tan_iwc2radec(&tanwcs, px, py, rddist + 2*j, rddist + 2*j + 1); } sip = malloc(sizeof(sip_t)); assert(sip); { double* starxyz; starxyz = malloc(3 * Nxy * sizeof(double)); for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) radecdegarr2xyzarr(rddist + i*2, starxyz + i*3); memset(sip, 0, sizeof(sip_t)); rtn = fit_sip_coefficients(starxyz, xy, NULL, Nxy, &tanwcs, order, order, sip); assert(rtn == 0); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { printf("Fit SIP:\n"); sip_print(sip); } // FIXME? -- use xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi here?? Not clear. sip_compute_inverse_polynomials(sip, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { printf("Fit SIP inverse polynomials:\n"); sip_print(sip); } free(starxyz); } free(rddist); free(radec); return sip; }
sip_t* tweak2(const double* fieldxy, int Nfield, double fieldjitter, int W, int H, const double* indexradec, int Nindex, double indexjitter, const double* quadcenter, double quadR2, double distractors, double logodds_bail, int sip_order, int sip_invorder, const sip_t* startwcs, sip_t* destwcs, int** newtheta, double** newodds, double* crpix, double* p_logodds, int* p_besti, int* testperm, int startorder) { int order; sip_t* sipout; int* indexin; double* indexpix; double* fieldsigma2s; double* weights; double* matchxyz; double* matchxy; int i, Nin=0; double logodds = 0; int besti = -1; int* theta = NULL; double* odds = NULL; int* refperm = NULL; double qc[2]; memcpy(qc, quadcenter, 2*sizeof(double)); if (destwcs) sipout = destwcs; else sipout = sip_create(); indexin = malloc(Nindex * sizeof(int)); indexpix = malloc(2 * Nindex * sizeof(double)); fieldsigma2s = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(double)); weights = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(double)); matchxyz = malloc(Nfield * 3 * sizeof(double)); matchxy = malloc(Nfield * 2 * sizeof(double)); // FIXME --- hmmm, how do the annealing steps and iterating up to // higher orders interact? assert(startwcs); memcpy(sipout, startwcs, sizeof(sip_t)); logverb("tweak2: starting orders %i, %i\n", sipout->a_order, sipout->ap_order); if (!sipout->wcstan.imagew) sipout->wcstan.imagew = W; if (!sipout->wcstan.imageh) sipout->wcstan.imageh = H; logverb("Tweak2: starting from WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) sip_print_to(sipout, stdout); for (order=startorder; order <= sip_order; order++) { int step; int STEPS = 100; // variance growth rate wrt radius. double gamma = 1.0; //logverb("Starting tweak2 order=%i\n", order); for (step=0; step<STEPS; step++) { double iscale; double ijitter; double ra, dec; double R2; int Nmatch; int nmatch, nconf, ndist; double pix2; double totalweight; // clean up from last round (we do it here so that they're // valid when we leave the loop) free(theta); free(odds); free(refperm); // Anneal gamma = pow(0.9, step); if (step == STEPS-1) gamma = 0.0; logverb("Annealing: order %i, step %i, gamma = %g\n", order, step, gamma); debug("Using input WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) sip_print_to(sipout, stdout); // Project reference sources into pixel space; keep the ones inside image bounds. Nin = 0; for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { anbool ok; double x,y; ra = indexradec[2*i + 0]; dec = indexradec[2*i + 1]; ok = sip_radec2pixelxy(sipout, ra, dec, &x, &y); if (!ok) continue; if (!sip_pixel_is_inside_image(sipout, x, y)) continue; indexpix[Nin*2+0] = x; indexpix[Nin*2+1] = y; indexin[Nin] = i; Nin++; } logverb("%i reference sources within the image.\n", Nin); //logverb("CRPIX is (%g,%g)\n", sip.wcstan.crpix[0], sip.wcstan.crpix[1]); if (Nin == 0) { sip_free(sipout); free(matchxy); free(matchxyz); free(weights); free(fieldsigma2s); free(indexpix); free(indexin); return NULL; } iscale = sip_pixel_scale(sipout); ijitter = indexjitter / iscale; //logverb("With pixel scale of %g arcsec/pixel, index adds jitter of %g pix.\n", iscale, ijitter); /* CHECK for (i=0; i<Nin; i++) { double x,y; int ii = indexin[i]; sip_radec2pixelxy(sipout, indexradec[2*ii+0], indexradec[2*ii+1], &x, &y); logverb("indexin[%i]=%i; (%.1f,%.1f) -- (%.1f,%.1f)\n", i, ii, indexpix[i*2+0], indexpix[i*2+1], x, y); } */ for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { R2 = distsq(qc, fieldxy + 2*i, 2); fieldsigma2s[i] = (square(fieldjitter) + square(ijitter)) * (1.0 + gamma * R2/quadR2); } if (order == 1 && step == 0 && TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOTS) { TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOT("init", W, H, Nfield, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nin, indexpix, *p_besti, *newtheta, sipout->wcstan.crpix, testperm, qc); } /* logodds = verify_star_lists(indexpix, Nin, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nfield, W*H, distractors, logodds_bail, HUGE_VAL, &besti, &odds, &theta, NULL, &testperm); */ pix2 = square(fieldjitter); logodds = verify_star_lists_ror(indexpix, Nin, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nfield, pix2, gamma, qc, quadR2, W, H, distractors, logodds_bail, HUGE_VAL, &besti, &odds, &theta, NULL, &testperm, &refperm); logverb("Logodds: %g\n", logodds); verify_count_hits(theta, besti, &nmatch, &nconf, &ndist); logverb("%i matches, %i distractors, %i conflicts (at best log-odds); %i field sources, %i index sources\n", nmatch, ndist, nconf, Nfield, Nin); verify_count_hits(theta, Nfield-1, &nmatch, &nconf, &ndist); logverb("%i matches, %i distractors, %i conflicts (all sources)\n", nmatch, ndist, nconf); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { matchobj_log_hit_miss(theta, testperm, besti+1, Nfield, LOG_VERB, "Hit/miss: "); } /* logverb("\nAfter verify():\n"); for (i=0; i<Nin; i++) { double x,y; int ii = indexin[refperm[i]]; sip_radec2pixelxy(sipout, indexradec[2*ii+0], indexradec[2*ii+1], &x, &y); logverb("indexin[%i]=%i; (%.1f,%.1f) -- (%.1f,%.1f)\n", i, ii, indexpix[i*2+0], indexpix[i*2+1], x, y); } */ if (TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOTS) { char name[32]; sprintf(name, "o%is%02ipre", order, step); TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOT(name, W, H, Nfield, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nin, indexpix, besti, theta, sipout->wcstan.crpix, testperm, qc); } Nmatch = 0; debug("Weights:"); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { double ra,dec; if (theta[i] < 0) continue; assert(theta[i] < Nin); int ii = indexin[refperm[theta[i]]]; assert(ii < Nindex); assert(ii >= 0); ra = indexradec[ii*2+0]; dec = indexradec[ii*2+1]; radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, matchxyz + Nmatch*3); memcpy(matchxy + Nmatch*2, fieldxy + i*2, 2*sizeof(double)); weights[Nmatch] = verify_logodds_to_weight(odds[i]); debug(" %.2f", weights[Nmatch]); Nmatch++; /* logverb("match img (%.1f,%.1f) -- ref (%.1f, %.1f), odds %g, wt %.3f\n", fieldxy[i*2+0], fieldxy[i*2+1], indexpix[theta[i]*2+0], indexpix[theta[i]*2+1], odds[i], weights[Nmatch-1]); double xx,yy; sip_radec2pixelxy(sipout, ra, dec, &xx, &yy); logverb("check: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", xx, yy); */ } debug("\n"); if (Nmatch < 2) { logverb("No matches -- aborting tweak attempt\n"); free(theta); sip_free(sipout); free(matchxy); free(matchxyz); free(weights); free(fieldsigma2s); free(indexpix); free(indexin); return NULL; } // Update the "quad center" to be the weighted average matched star posn. qc[0] = qc[1] = 0.0; totalweight = 0.0; for (i=0; i<Nmatch; i++) { qc[0] += (weights[i] * matchxy[2*i+0]); qc[1] += (weights[i] * matchxy[2*i+1]); totalweight += weights[i]; } qc[0] /= totalweight; qc[1] /= totalweight; logverb("Moved quad center to (%.1f, %.1f)\n", qc[0], qc[1]); // sipout->a_order = sipout->b_order = order; sipout->ap_order = sipout->bp_order = sip_invorder; logverb("tweak2: setting orders %i, %i\n", sipout->a_order, sipout->ap_order); if (crpix) { tan_t temptan; logverb("Moving tangent point to given CRPIX (%g,%g)\n", crpix[0], crpix[1]); fit_tan_wcs_move_tangent_point_weighted(matchxyz, matchxy, weights, Nmatch, crpix, &sipout->wcstan, &temptan); fit_tan_wcs_move_tangent_point_weighted(matchxyz, matchxy, weights, Nmatch, crpix, &temptan, &sipout->wcstan); } int doshift = 1; fit_sip_wcs(matchxyz, matchxy, weights, Nmatch, &(sipout->wcstan), order, sip_invorder, doshift, sipout); debug("Got SIP:\n"); if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) sip_print_to(sipout, stdout); sipout->wcstan.imagew = W; sipout->wcstan.imageh = H; } } //logverb("Final logodds: %g\n", logodds); // Now, recompute final logodds after turning 'gamma' on again (?) // FIXME -- this counts the quad stars in the logodds... { double gamma = 1.0; double iscale; double ijitter; double ra, dec; double R2; int nmatch, nconf, ndist; double pix2; free(theta); free(odds); free(refperm); gamma = 1.0; // Project reference sources into pixel space; keep the ones inside image bounds. Nin = 0; for (i=0; i<Nindex; i++) { anbool ok; double x,y; ra = indexradec[2*i + 0]; dec = indexradec[2*i + 1]; ok = sip_radec2pixelxy(sipout, ra, dec, &x, &y); if (!ok) continue; if (!sip_pixel_is_inside_image(sipout, x, y)) continue; indexpix[Nin*2+0] = x; indexpix[Nin*2+1] = y; indexin[Nin] = i; Nin++; } logverb("%i reference sources within the image.\n", Nin); iscale = sip_pixel_scale(sipout); ijitter = indexjitter / iscale; for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { R2 = distsq(qc, fieldxy + 2*i, 2); fieldsigma2s[i] = (square(fieldjitter) + square(ijitter)) * (1.0 + gamma * R2/quadR2); } pix2 = square(fieldjitter); logodds = verify_star_lists_ror(indexpix, Nin, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nfield, pix2, gamma, qc, quadR2, W, H, distractors, logodds_bail, HUGE_VAL, &besti, &odds, &theta, NULL, &testperm, &refperm); logverb("Logodds: %g\n", logodds); verify_count_hits(theta, besti, &nmatch, &nconf, &ndist); logverb("%i matches, %i distractors, %i conflicts (at best log-odds); %i field sources, %i index sources\n", nmatch, ndist, nconf, Nfield, Nin); verify_count_hits(theta, Nfield-1, &nmatch, &nconf, &ndist); logverb("%i matches, %i distractors, %i conflicts (all sources)\n", nmatch, ndist, nconf); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { matchobj_log_hit_miss(theta, testperm, besti+1, Nfield, LOG_VERB, "Hit/miss: "); } if (TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOTS) { TWEAK_DEBUG_PLOT("final", W, H, Nfield, fieldxy, fieldsigma2s, Nin, indexpix, besti, theta, sipout->wcstan.crpix, testperm, qc); } } if (newtheta) { // undo the "indexpix" inside-image-bounds cut. (*newtheta) = malloc(Nfield * sizeof(int)); for (i=0; i<Nfield; i++) { int nt; if (theta[i] < 0) nt = theta[i]; else nt = indexin[refperm[theta[i]]]; (*newtheta)[i] = nt; } } free(theta); free(refperm); if (newodds) *newodds = odds; else free(odds); logverb("Tweak2: final WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) sip_print_to(sipout, stdout); if (p_logodds) *p_logodds = logodds; if (p_besti) *p_besti = besti; free(indexin); free(indexpix); free(fieldsigma2s); free(weights); free(matchxyz); free(matchxy); return sipout; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; char* rdlsfn = NULL; char* wcsfn = NULL; char* xylsfn = NULL; char* xcol = NULL; char* ycol = NULL; anbool forcetan = FALSE; anbool forcewcslib = FALSE; anbool forcewcstools = FALSE; anbool printhms = FALSE; il* fields; int ext = 0; double x, y; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; x = y = HUGE_VAL; fields = il_new(16); while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 's': printhms = TRUE; break; case 'L': forcewcslib = TRUE; break; case 'T': forcewcstools = TRUE; break; case 'x': x = atof(optarg); break; case 'y': y = atof(optarg); break; case 'e': ext = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case 't': forcetan = TRUE; break; case 'o': rdlsfn = optarg; break; case 'i': xylsfn = optarg; break; case 'w': wcsfn = optarg; break; case 'f': il_append(fields, atoi(optarg)); break; case 'X': xcol = optarg; break; case 'Y': ycol = optarg; break; } } log_init(loglvl); if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!(wcsfn && ((rdlsfn && xylsfn) || ((x != HUGE_VAL) && (y != HUGE_VAL))))) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!xylsfn) { double ra,dec; anwcs_t* wcs = NULL; // read WCS. if (forcewcslib) { wcs = anwcs_open_wcslib(wcsfn, ext); } else if (forcewcstools) { wcs = anwcs_open_wcstools(wcsfn, ext); } else if (forcetan) { wcs = anwcs_open_tan(wcsfn, ext); } else { wcs = anwcs_open(wcsfn, ext); } if (!wcs) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file \"%s\", extension %i", wcsfn, ext); exit(-1); } logverb("Read WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { anwcs_print(wcs, log_get_fid()); } // convert immediately. anwcs_pixelxy2radec(wcs, x, y, &ra, &dec); printf("Pixel (%.10f, %.10f) -> RA,Dec (%.10f, %.10f)\n", x, y, ra, dec); if (printhms) { char str[32]; ra2hmsstring(ra, str); printf(" RA,Dec (%20s, ", str); dec2dmsstring(dec, str); printf("%20s)\n", str); } anwcs_free(wcs); exit(0); } if (wcs_xy2rd(wcsfn, ext, xylsfn, rdlsfn, xcol, ycol, forcetan, forcewcslib, fields)) { ERROR("wcs-xy2rd failed"); exit(-1); } return 0; }
/* * Write a configuration to the config file. */ static void write_config(struct config_s *config) { #ifdef WINDOWS remove(CONFIG_BAK_FILENAME); // For windows rename() bug. #endif if (rename(CONFIG_FILENAME, CONFIG_BAK_FILENAME) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { warning("unable to back-up old configuation file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", CONFIG_FILENAME, CONFIG_BAK_FILENAME); } errno = 0; FILE *file = fopen(CONFIG_TMP_FILENAME, "w"); if (file == NULL) { warning("unable to open configuration file \"%s\" for writing", CONFIG_TMP_FILENAME); return; } fprintf(file, "# %s configuration file\n", PROGRAM_NAME_LONG); fputs("# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT\n", file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_ENABLED, bool_to_string(config->enabled)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP, bool_to_string(config->hide_tcp)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_DATA, bool_to_string(config->hide_tcp_data)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_SYN, enum_to_string(config->hide_tcp_syn, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_ACK, enum_to_string(config->hide_tcp_ack, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_PSH, enum_to_string(config->hide_tcp_psh, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_FIN, enum_to_string(config->hide_tcp_fin, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_TCP_RST, enum_to_string(config->hide_tcp_rst, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_HIDE_UDP, bool_to_string(config->hide_udp)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_SPLIT_MODE, enum_to_string(config->split, split_def, DEF_SIZE(split_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_LOG_LEVEL, enum_to_string((config_enum_t)log_get_level(), log_level_def, DEF_SIZE(log_level_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_GHOST_MODE, enum_to_string(config->ghost, ghost_def, DEF_SIZE(ghost_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_GHOST_CHECK, bool_to_string(config->ghost_check)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_GHOST_SET_TTL, bool_to_string(config->ghost_set_ttl)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%u\"\n", VAR_GHOST_TTL, config->ghost_ttl); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_FRAG_MODE, enum_to_string(config->fragment, frag_def, DEF_SIZE(frag_def))); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%u\"\n", VAR_TCP_PORT, config->tcp_port); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_TCP_PROTO, protocol_get_name(config->tcp_proto)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%u\"\n", VAR_UDP_PORT, config->udp_port); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_UDP_PROTO, protocol_get_name(config->udp_proto)); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%u\"\n", VAR_MTU, config->mtu); fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", VAR_LAUNCH_UI, bool_to_string(config->launch_ui)); fclose(file); #ifdef WINDOWS remove(CONFIG_FILENAME); #endif if (rename(CONFIG_TMP_FILENAME, CONFIG_FILENAME) != 0) { warning("unable to move temporary configuration file \"%s\" to \"%s\"", CONFIG_TMP_FILENAME, CONFIG_FILENAME); } }
/* * Call-back from the configuration server; save the configuration state. */ void config_callback(struct http_user_vars_s *vars) { bool should_save; if (http_user_var_lookup(vars, VAR_POST) == NULL) { // This is a GET request -- initialise variables: char buff[32]; http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_ENABLED, bool_to_string(config.enabled)); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP, bool_to_string(config.hide_tcp)); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_DATA, bool_to_string(config.hide_tcp_data)); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_SYN, enum_to_string(config.hide_tcp_syn, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_ACK, enum_to_string(config.hide_tcp_ack, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_PSH, enum_to_string(config.hide_tcp_psh, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_FIN, enum_to_string(config.hide_tcp_fin, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_TCP_RST, enum_to_string(config.hide_tcp_rst, flag_def, DEF_SIZE(flag_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_SPLIT_MODE, enum_to_string(config.split, split_def, DEF_SIZE(split_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_LOG_LEVEL, enum_to_string((config_enum_t)log_get_level(), log_level_def, DEF_SIZE(log_level_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_HIDE_UDP, bool_to_string(config.hide_udp)); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_GHOST_MODE, enum_to_string(config.ghost, ghost_def, DEF_SIZE(ghost_def))); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_GHOST_CHECK, bool_to_string(config.ghost_check)); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_GHOST_SET_TTL, bool_to_string(config.ghost_set_ttl)); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "%u", config.ghost_ttl); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_GHOST_TTL, buff); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_FRAG_MODE, enum_to_string(config.fragment, frag_def, DEF_SIZE(frag_def))); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "%u", config.tcp_port); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_TCP_PORT, buff); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_TCP_PROTO, protocol_get_name(config.tcp_proto)); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "%u", config.udp_port); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_UDP_PORT, buff); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_UDP_PROTO, protocol_get_name(config.udp_proto)); snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "%u", config.mtu); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_MTU, buff); http_user_var_insert(vars, VAR_LAUNCH_UI, bool_to_string(config.launch_ui)); } else if (http_get_bool_var(vars, VAR_SAVE, &should_save) && should_save) { // This is a POST request that wishes to save a new configuration: struct config_s config_temp; memmove(&config_temp, &config, sizeof(struct config_s)); load_config(vars, &config_temp); // Copy to the global configuration state. thread_lock(&config_lock); memmove(&config, &config_temp, sizeof(struct config_s)); thread_unlock(&config_lock); // Save the new configuration to disk. write_config(&config_temp); // Handle add/del of tunnel URLs const char *url; if (http_get_string_var(vars, VAR_ADD_URL, &url) && url[0] != '\0') { tunnel_add(url); } else if (http_get_string_var(vars, VAR_DEL_URL, &url) && url[0] != '\0') { tunnel_delete(url); } } }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int ext = 0,c; double ra,dec; double sol[2]; const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type *T; gsl_multiroot_fsolver *s; int status; size_t iter=0; const size_t n=2; gsl_multiroot_function f={&fvec,n,NULL}; gsl_vector *x = gsl_vector_alloc(n); char *wcsfn1=NULL, *wcsfn2=NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 'h': print_help(args[0]); exit(0); case '1': wcsfn1 = optarg; break; case '2': wcsfn2 = optarg; break; } } log_init(loglvl); if (optind != argc) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } if (!(wcsfn1) || !(wcsfn2)) { print_help(args[0]); exit(-1); } /* open the two wcs systems */ wcs1 = anwcs_open(wcsfn1, ext); if (!wcs1) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file"); exit(-1); } logverb("Read WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { anwcs_print(wcs1, log_get_fid()); } wcs2 = anwcs_open(wcsfn2, ext); if (!wcs2) { ERROR("Failed to read WCS file"); exit(-1); } logverb("Read WCS:\n"); if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) { anwcs_print(wcs2, log_get_fid()); } /* setup the solver, start in the middle */ gsl_vector_set(x,0,anwcs_imagew(wcs1)/2.0); gsl_vector_set(x,1,anwcs_imageh(wcs1)/2.0); T = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrids; s = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_alloc (T,2); gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set(s,&f,x); print_state(iter,s); do { iter++; status = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate(s); print_state(iter,s); if (status) break; status = gsl_multiroot_test_residual(s->f,1e-7); } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 1000); sol[0]=gsl_vector_get(s->x,0); sol[1]=gsl_vector_get(s->x,1); /* write some diagnostics on stderr */ /* transform to ra/dec */ anwcs_pixelxy2radec(wcs1, sol[0], sol[1], &ra, &dec); if (loglvl > LOG_MSG) fprintf(stderr,"Pixel (%.10f, %.10f) -> RA,Dec (%.10f, %.10f)\n", sol[0], sol[1], ra, dec); /* transform to x/y with second wcs center of rotation should stay the same x/y */ anwcs_radec2pixelxy(wcs2, ra, dec, &sol[0], &sol[1]); if (loglvl > LOG_MSG) fprintf(stderr,"RA,Dec (%.10f, %.10f) -> Pixel (%.10f, %.10f) \n", ra, dec, sol[0], sol[1]); /* write the solution */ fprintf(stdout,"%f\n",sol[0]); fprintf(stdout,"%f\n",sol[1]); return(0); }