static int doInitialize (struct nc_state_t *nc) 
	char *s = NULL;
	virNodeInfo ni;
	long long dom0_min_mem;

	logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "doInitialized() invoked\n");

	/* set up paths of Eucalyptus commands NC relies on */
	snprintf (nc->gen_libvirt_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_GEN_LIBVIRT_XML, nc->home, nc->home);
	snprintf (nc->get_info_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_GET_XEN_INFO, nc->home, nc->home);
	snprintf (nc->virsh_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_VIRSH, nc->home);
	snprintf (nc->xm_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_XM);
	snprintf (nc->detach_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_DETACH, nc->home, nc->home);
    snprintf (nc->connect_storage_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_CONNECT_ISCSI, nc->home, nc->home);
    snprintf (nc->disconnect_storage_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_DISCONNECT_ISCSI, nc->home, nc->home);
    snprintf (nc->get_storage_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_GET_ISCSI, nc->home, nc->home);
	strcpy(nc->uri, HYPERVISOR_URI);
	nc->convert_to_disk = 0;

        /* check connection is fresh */
        if (!check_hypervisor_conn()) {
          return ERROR_FATAL;

	/* get resources */
	if (virNodeGetInfo(nc->conn, &ni)) {
		logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "error: failed to discover resources\n");
		return ERROR_FATAL;

	/* dom0-min-mem has to come from xend config file */
	s = system_output (nc->get_info_cmd_path);
	if (get_value (s, "dom0-min-mem", &dom0_min_mem)) {
		logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "error: did not find dom0-min-mem in output from %s\n", nc->get_info_cmd_path);
		free (s);
		return ERROR_FATAL;
	free (s);

	/* calculate the available memory */
	nc->mem_max = ni.memory/1024 - 32 - dom0_min_mem;

	/* calculate the available cores */
	nc->cores_max = ni.cpus;

	/* let's adjust the values based on the config values */
	if (nc->config_max_mem && nc->config_max_mem < nc->mem_max)
		nc->mem_max = nc->config_max_mem;
	if (nc->config_max_cores)
		nc->cores_max = nc->config_max_cores;

	logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "Using %lld cores\n", nc->cores_max);
	logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "Using %lld memory\n", nc->mem_max);

	return OK;
 * Retrieves a translated label from <fault> block.
 * NOTE: The pointer returned by this function must be free()'d by the
 * caller.
 * FIXME: Consolidate with get_common_var()?
 * FIXME: Gosh this looks messy.
static char *
get_fault_var (const char *var, const xmlNode *f_node)
    if ((f_node == NULL) || (var == NULL)) {
        logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "get_fault_var() called with one or more NULL arguments.\n");
        return NULL;
    // Just in case we're matching the top-level node.
    // FIXME: Move this into a new tmfunction to eliminate repeated logic below?
    if ((f_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
        !strcasecmp ((const char *)f_node->name, var)) {
        xmlChar *value = xmlGetProp ((xmlNode *)f_node,
                                     (const xmlChar *)LOCALIZED_TAG);
        if (value == NULL) {
            value = xmlGetProp ((xmlNode *)f_node,
                                (const xmlChar *)MESSAGE_TAG);
        // This is a special (parent) case, so it doesn't handle
        // message/localized text in a child node.
        return (char *)value;
    for (xmlNode *node = xmlFirstElementChild ((xmlNode *)f_node); node;
         node = node->next) {
        if ((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
            !strcasecmp ((const char *)node->name, var)) {
            xmlChar *value = xmlGetProp (node, (const xmlChar *)LOCALIZED_TAG);

            if (value == NULL) {
                value = xmlGetProp (node, (const xmlChar *)MESSAGE_TAG);
            if (value == NULL) {
                // May be a child node, e.g. for "resolution"
                for (xmlNode *subnode = xmlFirstElementChild (node); subnode;
                     subnode = subnode->next) {
                    if ((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
                        !strcasecmp ((const char *)subnode->name,
                                     LOCALIZED_TAG)) {
                        return (char *)xmlNodeGetContent (subnode);
                // FIXME: More elegant method than another list walk?
                for (xmlNode *subnode = xmlFirstElementChild (node); subnode;
                     subnode = subnode->next) {
                    if ((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
                        !strcasecmp ((const char *)subnode->name,
                                     MESSAGE_TAG)) {
                        return (char *)xmlNodeGetContent (subnode);
            return (char *)value;
    logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "Did not find <%s> message in get_fault_var().\n",
    return NULL;
void libvirt_error_handler (	void *userData,
				virErrorPtr error)
	if ( error==NULL) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "libvirt error handler was given a NULL pointer\n");
	} else {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "libvirt: %s (code=%d)\n", error->message, error->code);
int instNetParamsSet(ccInstance *inst, void *in) {
  int rc, ret=0, i;
  char userToken[64], *cleanGroupName=NULL;

  if (!inst) {
  } else if ( (strcmp(inst->state, "Pending") && strcmp(inst->state, "Extant")) ) {

  logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "instNetParamsSet(): instanceId=%s publicIp=%s privateIp=%s privateMac=%s vlan=%d\n", inst->instanceId, inst->ccnet.publicIp, inst->ccnet.privateIp, inst->ccnet.privateMac, inst->ccnet.vlan);

  if (inst->ccnet.vlan >= 0) {
    // activate network
    vnetconfig->networks[inst->ccnet.vlan].active = 1;
    // set up groupName and userName
    if (inst->groupNames[0][0] != '\0' && inst->accountId[0] != '\0') {
      // logic to strip the username from the supplied network name
      snprintf(userToken, 63, "%s-", inst->accountId);
      cleanGroupName = strstr(inst->groupNames[0], userToken);
      if (cleanGroupName) {
	cleanGroupName = cleanGroupName + strlen(userToken);
      } else {
	cleanGroupName = inst->groupNames[0];

      //      if ( (vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName[0] != '\0' && strcmp(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName, inst->groupNames[0])) || (vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName[0] != '\0' && strcmp(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName, inst->accountId)) ) {
      if ( (vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName[0] != '\0' && strcmp(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName, cleanGroupName)) || (vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName[0] != '\0' && strcmp(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName, inst->accountId)) ) {
	// this means that there is a pre-existing network with the passed in vlan tag, but with a different netName or userName
	logprintfl(EUCAERROR, "instNetParamsSet(): input instance vlan<->user<->netname mapping is incompatible with internal state. Internal - userName=%s netName=%s vlan=%d.  Instance - userName=%s netName=%s vlan=%d\n", vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName, vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName, inst->ccnet.vlan, inst->accountId, cleanGroupName, inst->ccnet.vlan);
	ret = 1;
      } else {
	//	snprintf(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName, 32, "%s", inst->groupNames[0]);
	snprintf(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].netName, 64, "%s", cleanGroupName);
	snprintf(vnetconfig->users[inst->ccnet.vlan].userName, 48, "%s", inst->accountId);

  if (!ret) {
    // so far so good
    rc = vnetGenerateNetworkParams(vnetconfig, inst->instanceId, inst->ccnet.vlan, inst->ccnet.networkIndex, inst->ccnet.privateMac, inst->ccnet.publicIp, inst->ccnet.privateIp);
    if (rc) {
      print_ccInstance("instNetParamsSet(): failed to (re)generate network parameters: ", inst);
      ret = 1;

  if (ret) {
    logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "instNetParamsSet(): sync of network cache with instance data FAILED (instanceId=%s, publicIp=%s, privateIp=%s, vlan=%d, networkIndex=%d\n", inst->instanceId, inst->ccnet.publicIp, inst->ccnet.privateIp, inst->ccnet.vlan, inst->ccnet.networkIndex); 
  } else {
    logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "instNetParamsSet(): sync of network cache with instance data SUCCESS (instanceId=%s, publicIp=%s, privateIp=%s, vlan=%d, networkIndex=%d\n", inst->instanceId, inst->ccnet.publicIp, inst->ccnet.privateIp, inst->ccnet.vlan, inst->ccnet.networkIndex); 

int create_instance_backing (ncInstance * instance)
    int ret = ERROR;
    virtualMachine * vm = &(instance->params);

    // ensure instance directory exists
    set_path (instance->instancePath,    sizeof (instance->instancePath),    instance, NULL);
    if (ensure_directories_exist (instance->instancePath, 0, NULL, "root", BACKING_DIRECTORY_PERM) == -1)
        goto out;

    // set various instance-directory-relative paths in the instance struct
    set_path (instance->xmlFilePath,     sizeof (instance->xmlFilePath),     instance, "instance.xml");
    set_path (instance->libvirtFilePath, sizeof (instance->libvirtFilePath), instance, "libvirt.xml");
    set_path (instance->consoleFilePath, sizeof (instance->consoleFilePath), instance, "console.log");
    if (strstr (instance->platform, "windows")) {
        // generate the floppy file for windows instances
        if (makeWindowsFloppy (nc_state.home, instance->instancePath, instance->keyName, instance->instanceId)) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "[%s] error: could not create windows bootup script floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path (instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof (instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");
    char work_prefix [1024]; // {userId}/{instanceId}
    set_id (instance, NULL, work_prefix, sizeof (work_prefix));
    // compute tree of dependencies
    artifact * sentinel = vbr_alloc_tree (vm, // the struct containing the VBR
                                          FALSE, // for Xen and KVM we do not need to make disk bootable
                                          TRUE, // make working copy of runtime-modifiable files
                                          (instance->do_inject_key)?(instance->keyName):(NULL), // the SSH key
                                          instance->instanceId); // ID is for logging
    if (sentinel == NULL) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "[%s] error: failed to prepare backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

    sem_p (disk_sem);
    // download/create/combine the dependencies
    int rc = art_implement_tree (sentinel, work_bs, cache_bs, work_prefix, INSTANCE_PREP_TIMEOUT_USEC);
    sem_v (disk_sem);

    if (rc != OK) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "[%s] error: failed to implement backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

    if (save_instance_struct (instance)) // update instance checkpoint now that the struct got updated
        goto out;

    ret = OK;
    if (sentinel)
        art_free (sentinel);
    return ret;
/* caller must free the returned string */
char * euca_get_cert (unsigned char options) 
	if (!initialized) euca_init_cert ();
    char * cert_str = NULL;
    int s, fp;

    struct stat st;
    if (stat (cert_file, &st) != 0) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: cannot stat the certificate file %s\n", cert_file); 

    } else if ( (s = st.st_size*2) < 1) { /* *2 because we'll add characters */
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: certificate file %s is too small\n", cert_file); 

    } else if ( (cert_str = malloc (s+1)) == NULL ) { 
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: out of memory\n");

    } else if ( (fp = open (cert_file, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to open certificate file %s\n", cert_file);
        free (cert_str);
        cert_str = NULL;

    } else {
        ssize_t ret = -1;
        int got = 0; 

        while ( got < s && (ret = read (fp, cert_str + got, 1) ) == 1 ) {
            if ( options & CONCATENATE_CERT ) { /* omit all newlines */
                if ( cert_str [got] == '\n' ) 
            } else {
                if ( options & INDENT_CERT ) /* indent lines 2 through N with TABs */
                    if ( cert_str [got] == '\n' )
                        cert_str [++got] = '\t'; 
        if (ret != 0) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to read whole certificate file %s\n", cert_file);
            free (cert_str);
            cert_str = NULL;

        } else {
            if ( options & TRIM_CERT ) {
                if ( cert_str [got-1] == '\t' || 
                     cert_str [got-1] == '\n' ) got--;
                if ( cert_str [got-1] == '\n' ) got--; /* because of indenting */ 
            cert_str [got] = '\0';
        close (fp);
    return cert_str;
int diskutil_init (int require_grub) // 0 = not required, 1 = required
    int ret = 0;

    if (require_grub > 0) require_grub = 1;
    if (initialized < 1+require_grub) { // if init was called without grub requirement, it will run again if grub is needed now
        bzero (helpers_path, sizeof (helpers_path));
        int missing_handlers = verify_helpers (helpers, helpers_path, LASTHELPER);
        if (helpers_path [GRUB])
            grub_version = 1;

        if (helpers_path [GRUB_SETUP]) {// don't need it, but grub-setup only exists on v2
            if (grub_version != 1)
                grub_version = 2; // prefer 1 until 2 is implemented

        if (require_grub && grub_version == 0) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: cannot find either grub 1 or grub 2\n");
            ret = 1;   
        } else if (grub_version == 1) { 
            // grub 1 commands seem present, check for stage files, which we will be copying
            if (try_stage_dir ("/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-pc") ||
                try_stage_dir ("/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc") ||
                try_stage_dir ("/usr/lib/grub") ||
                try_stage_dir ("/boot/grub")) {
                logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "found grub 1 stage files in %s\n", stage_files_dir);
            } else if (require_grub) {
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: failed to find grub 1 stage files (in /boot/grub et al)\n");
                ret = 1;
        } else if (grub_version == 2) {
            logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "detected grub 2\n");
        // flag missing handlers
        if (missing_handlers) {
            for (int i=0; i<LASTHELPER; i++) {
                if (helpers_path [i] == NULL && i!=GRUB && i!=GRUB_SETUP) {
                    logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: missing a required handler: %s\n", helpers[i]);
                    ret = 1;
        if (initialized < 1)
            loop_sem = sem_alloc (1, "mutex");
        initialized = 1 + require_grub;
    return ret;
static int
doTerminateInstance(	struct nc_state_t *nc,
			ncMetadata *meta,
			char *instanceId,
			int *shutdownState,
			int *previousState)
	ncInstance *instance, *vninstance;
	virConnectPtr *conn;
	int err;

	sem_p (inst_sem); 
	instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instanceId);
	sem_v (inst_sem);
	if (instance == NULL) 
		return NOT_FOUND;

	/* try stopping the KVM domain */
	conn = check_hypervisor_conn();
	if (conn) {
	        virDomainPtr dom = virDomainLookupByName(*conn, instanceId);
		if (dom) {
			/* also protect 'destroy' commands, just in case */
			sem_p (hyp_sem);
			err = virDomainDestroy (dom);
			sem_v (hyp_sem);
			if (err==0) {
				logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "destroyed domain for instance %s\n", instanceId);
			virDomainFree(dom); /* necessary? */
		} else {
			if (instance->state != BOOTING)
				logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "warning: domain %s to be terminated not running on hypervisor\n", instanceId);

	/* change the state and let the monitoring_thread clean up state */
    sem_p (inst_sem);
    if (instance->state==BOOTING) {
        change_state (instance, CANCELED);
    } else {
        change_state (instance, SHUTOFF);
    sem_v (inst_sem);
	*previousState = instance->stateCode;
	*shutdownState = instance->stateCode;

	return OK;
int ncDescribeInstancesStub (ncStub *st, ncMetadata *meta, char **instIds, int instIdsLen, ncInstance ***outInsts, int *outInstsLen)
    axutil_env_t * env = st->env;
    axis2_stub_t * stub = st->stub;
    adb_ncDescribeInstances_t     * input   = adb_ncDescribeInstances_create(env); 
    adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_t * request = adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_create(env);
    /* set input fields */
    adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_set_nodeName(request, env, st->node_name);
    if (meta) {
        adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_set_correlationId(request, env, CORRELATION_ID);
        adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_set_userId(request, env, meta->userId);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<instIdsLen; i++) {
        adb_ncDescribeInstancesType_add_instanceIds(request, env, instIds[i]);
    adb_ncDescribeInstances_set_ncDescribeInstances(input, env, request);
    int status = 0;
        adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponse_t * output = axis2_stub_op_EucalyptusNC_ncDescribeInstances(stub, env, input);
        if (!output) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: DescribeInstances" NULL_ERROR_MSG);
            status = -1;

        } else {
            adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponseType_t * response = adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponse_get_ncDescribeInstancesResponse(output, env);
            if ( adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponseType_get_return(response, env) == AXIS2_FALSE ) {
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: DescribeInstances returned an error\n");
                status = 1;
            * outInstsLen = adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponseType_sizeof_instances(response, env);
            if (* outInstsLen) {
                * outInsts = malloc (sizeof(ncInstance *) * *outInstsLen);
                if ( * outInsts == NULL ) { 
                    logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: out of memory in ncDescribeInstancesStub()\n");
                    * outInstsLen = 0;
                    status = 2;
                } else {
                    for (i=0; i<*outInstsLen; i++) {
                        adb_instanceType_t * instance = adb_ncDescribeInstancesResponseType_get_instances_at(response, env, i);
                        (* outInsts)[i] = copy_instance_from_adb (instance, env);
    return status;
int ncDescribeResourceStub (ncStub *st, ncMetadata *meta, char *resourceType, ncResource **outRes)
    axutil_env_t * env = st->env;
    axis2_stub_t * stub = st->stub;
    adb_ncDescribeResource_t     * input   = adb_ncDescribeResource_create(env); 
    adb_ncDescribeResourceType_t * request = adb_ncDescribeResourceType_create(env);
    /* set input fields */
    adb_ncDescribeResourceType_set_nodeName(request, env, st->node_name);
    if (meta) {
        adb_ncDescribeResourceType_set_correlationId(request, env, CORRELATION_ID);
        adb_ncDescribeResourceType_set_userId(request, env, meta->userId);
    if (resourceType) {
        adb_ncDescribeResourceType_set_resourceType(request, env, resourceType);
    adb_ncDescribeResource_set_ncDescribeResource(input, env, request);
    int status = 0;
        adb_ncDescribeResourceResponse_t * output = axis2_stub_op_EucalyptusNC_ncDescribeResource(stub, env, input);
        if (!output) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: DescribeResource" NULL_ERROR_MSG);
            status = -1;

        } else {
            adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_t * response = adb_ncDescribeResourceResponse_get_ncDescribeResourceResponse(output, env);
            if ( adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_return(response, env) == AXIS2_FALSE ) {
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: DescribeResource returned an error\n");
                status = 1;

            ncResource * res = allocate_resource(
                (char *)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_nodeStatus(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_memorySizeMax(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_memorySizeAvailable(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_diskSizeMax(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_diskSizeAvailable(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_numberOfCoresMax(response, env),
                (int)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_numberOfCoresAvailable(response, env),
                (char *)adb_ncDescribeResourceResponseType_get_publicSubnets(response, env));

            if (!res) {
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: out of memory in ncDescribeResourceStub()\n");
                status = 2;
            * outRes = res;
    return status;
文件: cache.c 项目: sosilent/euca
// deletes on disk state for the item, but does nothing in memory
int delete_disk_item (disk_item * di)
    int ret = 0;

    if (unlink (di->path)) { logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to delete '%s'\n", di->path); ret = 1; }
    if (unlink (di->summ)) { logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "warning: failed to delete summary file '%s'\n", di->summ); }
    if (di->cache_item) {
        if (rmdir (di->base)) { logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to delete '%s'\n", di->base); ret = 1; }

    return ret;
ncInstance * scRecoverInstanceInfo (const char *instanceId)
    const int file_size = sizeof(struct ncInstance_t);
    ncInstance * instance = malloc(file_size);
    char file_path [BUFSIZE];
    struct dirent * dir_entry;
    DIR * insts_dir;
    char * userId = NULL;
    int fd;

    if (instance==NULL) {
	    logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "scRecoverInstanceInfo: NULL instance!\n");
	    return NULL;

    /* we don't know userId, so we'll look for instanceId in every user's
     * directory (we're assuming that instanceIds are unique in the system) */
    if ((insts_dir=opendir(sc_instance_path))==NULL) {
	    logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "scRecoverInstanceInfo: failed to open %s!\n", sc_instance_path);
	    return NULL;
    while ((dir_entry=readdir(insts_dir))!=NULL) {
        char tmp_path [BUFSIZE];
        struct stat mystat;

        snprintf(tmp_path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s", sc_instance_path, dir_entry->d_name, instanceId);
        if (stat(tmp_path, &mystat)==0) {
            userId = strdup (dir_entry->d_name);
            break; /* we got it! */
    if (userId==NULL) {
	    logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "scRecoverInstanceInfo: didn't find instance %s!\n", instanceId);
	    return NULL;

    snprintf(file_path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/instance-checkpoint", sc_instance_path, userId, instanceId);
    if ((fd=open(file_path, O_RDONLY))<0 ||
        read(fd, instance, file_size)<file_size) {
        free (instance);
	logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "scRecoverInstanceInfo: fail to read recover file for %s!\n", instanceId);
        return NULL;
    close (fd);
    instance->stateCode = NO_STATE;
    return instance;
int diskutil_loop (const char * path, const long long offset, char * lodev, int lodev_size)
    int found = 0;
    int done = 0;
    int ret = OK;
    char * output;

    // we retry because we cannot atomically obtain a free loopback
    // device on all distros (some versions of 'losetup' allow a file
    // argument with '-f' options, but some do not)
    for (int i=0; i<LOOP_RETRIES; i++) {
        sem_p (loop_sem);
        output = pruntf (TRUE, "%s %s -f", helpers_path[ROOTWRAP], helpers_path[LOSETUP]);
        sem_v (loop_sem);
        if (output==NULL) // there was a problem
        if (strstr (output, "/dev/loop")) {
            strncpy (lodev, output, lodev_size);
            char * ptr = strrchr (lodev, '\n');
            if (ptr) {
                *ptr = '\0';
                found = 1;
        free (output);

        if (found) {
            boolean do_log = ((i+1)==LOOP_RETRIES); // log error on last try only
            logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "{%u} attaching file %s\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self(), path);
            logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "{%u}             to %s at offset %lld\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self(), lodev, offset);
            sem_p (loop_sem);
            output = pruntf (do_log, "%s %s -o %lld %s %s", helpers_path[ROOTWRAP], helpers_path[LOSETUP], offset, lodev, path);
            sem_v (loop_sem);
            if (output==NULL) {
                logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "{%u} cannot attach to loop device %s (will retry)\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self(), lodev);
            } else {
                free (output);
                done = 1;
        sleep (1);
        found = 0;
    if (!done) {
        logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "{%u} error: cannot find free loop device or attach to one\n", (unsigned int)pthread_self());
        ret = ERROR;
    return ret;
文件: handlers.c 项目: Shebella/HIPPO
char* get_iscsi_target(const char *storage_cmd_path, char *dev_string) {
    char buf [MAX_PATH];
    char *retval;
    snprintf (buf, MAX_PATH, "%s %s", storage_cmd_path, dev_string);
    logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "get_iscsi_target invoked (dev_string=%s)\n", dev_string);
    if ((retval = system_output(buf)) == NULL) {
	logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: get_iscsi_target failed\n");
    } else {
	logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "Device: %s\n", retval);
    return retval;
文件: imager.c 项目: sosilent/euca
void err (const char *format, ...)
    va_list ap;

    va_start(ap, format);
    char buf [1024];
    vsnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), format, ap);

    logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "%s\n", buf);
    logprintfl (EUCAINFO,  "imager done (exit code=1)\n");
    exit (1);
 * Logs a fault, initializing the fault registry, if necessary.
 * Returns TRUE if fault successfully logged, FALSE otherwise.
log_eucafault_map (const char *fault_id, const char_map **map)
    int load = init_eucafaults (NULL);

    logprintfl (EUCATRACE, "init_eucafaults() returned %d\n", load);

    if (is_suppressed_eucafault (fault_id)) {
        logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "Fault %s detected, but it is being actively suppressed.\n", fault_id);
        return FALSE;
    return format_eucafault (fault_id, map);
文件: xml.c 项目: nelsonc/eucalyptus
static int write_xml_file (const xmlDocPtr doc, const char * instanceId, const char * path, const char * type)
    mode_t old_umask = umask (~BACKING_FILE_PERM); // ensure the generated XML file has the right perms
    chmod (path, BACKING_FILE_PERM); // ensure perms in case when XML file exists
    int ret = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc (path, doc, "UTF-8", 1);
    if (ret > 0) {
        logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "[%s] wrote %s XML to %s\n", instanceId, type, path);
    } else {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "[%s] failed to write %s XML to %s\n", instanceId, type, path);
    umask (old_umask);

    return (ret > 0) ? (OK) : (ERROR);
static int doInitialize (struct nc_state_t *nc) 
	char *s = NULL;
	virNodeInfo ni;
	long long dom0_min_mem;

	// set up paths of Eucalyptus commands NC relies on
	snprintf (nc->get_info_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_GET_XEN_INFO, nc->home, nc->home);
	snprintf (nc->virsh_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_VIRSH, nc->home);
	snprintf (nc->xm_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_XM);
	snprintf (nc->detach_cmd_path, MAX_PATH, EUCALYPTUS_DETACH, nc->home, nc->home);
	strcpy(nc->uri, HYPERVISOR_URI);
	nc->convert_to_disk = 0;
    nc->capability = HYPERVISOR_XEN_AND_HARDWARE; // TODO: set to XEN_PARAVIRTUALIZED if on older Xen kernel
    // check connection is fresh
    if (!check_hypervisor_conn()) {
        return ERROR_FATAL;
	// get resources
	if (virNodeGetInfo(nc->conn, &ni)) {
		logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "failed to discover resources\n");
		return ERROR_FATAL;

	// dom0-min-mem has to come from xend config file
	s = system_output (nc->get_info_cmd_path);
	if (get_value (s, "dom0-min-mem", &dom0_min_mem)) {
		logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "did not find dom0-min-mem in output from %s\n", nc->get_info_cmd_path);
		free (s);
		return ERROR_FATAL;
	free (s);

	// calculate the available memory
	nc->mem_max = ni.memory/1024 - 32 - dom0_min_mem;

	// calculate the available cores
	nc->cores_max = ni.cpus;

	// let's adjust the values based on the config values
	if (nc->config_max_mem && nc->config_max_mem < nc->mem_max)
		nc->mem_max = nc->config_max_mem;
	if (nc->config_max_cores)
		nc->cores_max = nc->config_max_cores;

	return OK;
/* caller must free the returned string */
char * euca_sign_url (const char * verb, const char * date, const char * url)
	if (!initialized) euca_init_cert ();
    char * sig_str = NULL;
    RSA * rsa = NULL;
    FILE * fp = NULL;

    if ( verb==NULL || date==NULL || url==NULL ) return NULL;

    if ( ( rsa = RSA_new() ) == NULL ) {
      logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: RSA_new() failed\n");
    } else if ( ( fp = fopen (pk_file, "r") ) == NULL) {
      logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to open private key file %s\n", pk_file);
      RSA_free (rsa);
    } else {
      logprintfl (EUCADEBUG2, "euca_sign_url(): reading private key file %s\n", pk_file);
      PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, &rsa, NULL, NULL); /* read the PEM-encoded file into rsa struct */
      if ( rsa==NULL ) {
	logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: failed to read private key file %s\n", pk_file);
      } else {
	unsigned char * sig;
	// RSA_print_fp (stdout, rsa, 0); /* (for debugging) */
	if ( (sig = malloc(RSA_size(rsa))) == NULL) {
	  logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: out of memory (for RSA key)\n");
	} else {
	  unsigned char sha1 [SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
#define BUFSIZE 2024
	  char input [BUFSIZE];
	  unsigned int siglen;
	  int ret;
	  /* finally, SHA1 and sign with PK */
	  assert ((strlen(verb)+strlen(date)+strlen(url)+4)<=BUFSIZE);
	  snprintf (input, BUFSIZE, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", verb, date, url);
	  logprintfl (EUCADEBUG2, "euca_sign_url(): signing input %s\n", get_string_stats(input));	
	  SHA1 ((unsigned char *)input, strlen(input), sha1);
	  if ((ret = RSA_sign (NID_sha1, sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, sig, &siglen, rsa))!=1) {
	    logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: RSA_sign() failed\n");
	  } else {
	    logprintfl (EUCADEBUG2, "euca_sign_url(): signing output %d\n", sig[siglen-1]);	
	    sig_str = base64_enc (sig, siglen);
	    logprintfl (EUCADEBUG2, "euca_sign_url(): base64 signature %s\n", get_string_stats((char *)sig_str));	
	  free (sig);
	RSA_free (rsa);
    return sig_str;
void LogprintfCache (void)
    struct stat mystat;
    cache_entry * e;
    if (cache_head) {
        logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "cached images (free=%lld of %lldMB):\n", cache_free_mb, cache_size_mb);
    } else {
        logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "cached images (free=%lld of %lldMB): none\n", cache_free_mb, cache_size_mb);
    for ( e = cache_head; e; e=e->next) {
        bzero (&mystat, sizeof (mystat));
        stat (e->path, &mystat);
        logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "\t%5dMB %8dsec %s\n", e->size_mb, mystat.st_mtime, e->path);
static int getRemoteURI (struct nc_state_t *nc, char *target, char *result, size_t max_result_size)
  /* TODO: Put URI format to eucalyptus.con */ 
  logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "getRemoteURI() invoked\n");
  if (!strcmp(nc->H->name, "xen")) 
    snprintf(result, max_result_size, "xen+ssh://eucalyptus@%s", target);
  else if (!strcmp(nc->H->name, "kvm"))
    snprintf(result, max_result_size, "qemu+ssh://eucalyptus@%s/system", target);
  else {
    strncpy(result, target, max_result_size);
    result = strdup(target);
  logprintfl(EUCADEBUG, "getRemoteURI(): result=%s\n", result); 
  return (OK);
static int 
doAttachSystemDisk (    struct nc_state_t *nc,
                           ncMetadata *meta,
                           char *instanceId,
                           char *isoPath)
    ncInstance *instance;
    virConnectPtr *conn;
    virDomainPtr dom = NULL;
    char xml[MAX_PATH]={'\0'};
    int err;
    snprintf (xml, sizeof(xml), "<disk type='block' device='cdrom'><source dev='%s'/><target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/><readonly/></disk>", isoPath);  
    //logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "doAttachSystemDisk(): founded %s [%s---%s---%d]\n", instanceId,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    instance = find_instance(&global_instances, instanceId);
    if (instance == NULL || (instance->state != RUNNING&& instance->state !=  BLOCKED&& instance->state !=PAUSED)) {
        logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "doAttachSystemDisk(): found %s failed or instance->state!=RUNNING||BLOCKED||PAUSED [file:%s---line:%d]\n", instanceId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return NOT_FOUND;
    conn = check_hypervisor_conn();
    if (conn) {
        snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "virsh attach-disk %s %s hdc --type cdrom --mode readonly",instanceId, isoPath);
        logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "xiongm: cmd=%s [%s---%s---%d]\n",cmd, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
        dom = NULL;
        dom = virDomainLookupByName(*conn, instanceId);
        if (dom) {
            sem_p (hyp_sem);
            err = virDomainAttachDevice (dom, xml);
            sem_v (hyp_sem);
            if(err != 0) {
                logprintfl(EUCAINFO,"virDomainAttachDevice failed. err=%d\n",err);
                return 1;
        logprintfl(EUCAINFO,"doAttachSystemDisk success.\n");
        return 0;  
    else {
        logprintfl(EUCAINFO, "doAttachSystemDisk(): no connect hypervisior [file:%s---line:%d]\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
        return 1;
// Semaphore increment (aka lock acquisition) function.
// The second parameter tells it not to log the event 
// (useful for avoiding infinite recursion when locking
// from the logging code).
int sem_prolaag (sem * s, boolean do_log)
    int rc;

    if (s && do_log) {
        char addr [24];
        snprintf (addr, sizeof (addr), "%lx", (unsigned long)s);
        logprintfl (EUCAEXTREME, "%s locking\n", (s->name)?(s->name):(addr));
    if (s && s->usemutex) {
        rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&(s->mutex));
	while(s->mutcount == 0) {
	  pthread_cond_wait(&(s->cond), &(s->mutex));
	rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(s->mutex));

    if (s && s->posix) {
        return sem_wait (s->posix);

    if (s && s->sysv > 0) {
        struct sembuf sb = {0, -1, 0};
        return semop (s->sysv, &sb, 1);

    return -1;
文件: cache.c 项目: sosilent/euca
// checks whether disk state of the item matches the spec (when it does not, function returns 1)
int verify_disk_item (const disk_item * di, artifacts_spec * spec)
    int ret = ERROR;
    struct stat mystat;
    if (stat (di->path, &mystat)<0) return ERROR;
    if (di->content_size != mystat.st_size) return ERROR;

    // TODO: check the checksum?
    char * file_summary = file2str (di->summ);
    char * spec_summary = gen_summary (spec);
    if (file_summary==NULL) {
        logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "warning: failed to read summary file '%s'\n", di->summ);
        if(spec_summary != NULL)
        ret = OK;
    } else {
        if (spec_summary!=NULL) {
            if (strcmp (file_summary, spec_summary)==0)
                ret = OK;
            free (spec_summary);
        free (file_summary);

    return ret;
// Semaphore decrement (aka lock release) function.
// The second parameter tells it not to log the event 
// (useful for avoiding infinite recursion when unlocking
// from the logging code).
int sem_verhogen (sem * s, boolean do_log)
    int rc;

    if (s && do_log) {
        char addr [24];
        snprintf (addr, sizeof (addr), "%lx", (unsigned long)s);
        logprintfl (EUCAEXTREME, "%s unlocking\n", (s->name)?(s->name):(addr));
    if (s && s->usemutex) {
        rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&(s->mutex));
        if (s->mutwaiters > 0) {
            rc = pthread_cond_signal(&(s->cond));
        rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(s->mutex));
    if (s && s->posix) {
        return sem_post (s->posix);

    if (s && s->sysv > 0) {
        struct sembuf sb = {0, 1, 0};
        return semop (s->sysv, &sb, 1);
    return -1;
文件: cache.c 项目: sosilent/euca
// finds disc item on disk (in work or cache), allocates and fills out memory struct for it
disk_item * find_disk_item (const char * id, const boolean cache_item)
    char path [EUCA_MAX_PATH];

    if (cache_item) {
        snprintf (path, EUCA_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s/content", get_cache_dir(), id);
    } else {
        snprintf (path, EUCA_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", get_work_dir(), id);

    if (cache_item) {
        scan_cache (); // rebuilds cache state in memory based on disk
        return find_in_cache (path);

    struct stat mystat;
    if (stat (path, &mystat)<0) {
        if (errno!=ENOENT) { // file not found
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "error: could not stat '%s'\n", path);
        return NULL;

    return alloc_disk_item (id, mystat.st_size, mystat.st_size, cache_item);
/* libcurl read handler */
static size_t read_data (char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *params)
    assert (params != NULL);

    FILE * fp = ((struct read_request *)params)->fp;
    int items_read = 0;
    do {
        items_read += fread (buffer, size, nitems-items_read, fp);
    } while (items_read!=nitems && !feof(fp));
    ((struct read_request *)params)->total_read += items_read * size;
    ((struct read_request *)params)->total_calls++;

    if (((struct read_request *)params)->total_calls%50==0) {
        time_t prev = ((struct read_request *)params)->timestamp;
        time_t now = time(NULL);
        if ((now-prev)>10) {
            ((struct read_request *)params)->timestamp = now;
            long long bytes_read = ((struct read_request *)params)->total_read;
            long long bytes_file = ((struct read_request *)params)->file_size;
            int percent = (int)((bytes_read*100)/bytes_file);
            logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "http_put(): upload progress %ld/%ld bytes (%d%%)\n", bytes_read, bytes_file, percent);

    return items_read;
static void add_to_cache (const char * cached_path, const long long file_size_bytes)
    long long file_size_mb = file_size_bytes/MEGABYTE;

    cache_entry * e = malloc (sizeof(cache_entry));
    if (e==NULL) {
        logprintfl (EUCAFATAL, "error: out of memory in add_to_cache()\n");

    strncpy (e->path, cached_path, BUFSIZE);
    e->size_mb = file_size_mb;
    e->next = NULL;
    e->prev = NULL;

    // add at the end
    cache_entry ** pp;
    cache_entry * p = NULL;
    for ( pp = & cache_head; * pp != NULL; pp = & ((* pp)->next)) p = * pp;
    if ( p ) {
        e->prev = p;
    * pp = e;

    cache_free_mb -= file_size_mb;
adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponse_t* ncDescribeUtilizationMarshal (adb_ncDescribeUtilization_t* ncDescribeUtilization, const axutil_env_t *env)
    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationType_t * input          = adb_ncDescribeUtilization_get_ncDescribeUtilization(ncDescribeUtilization, env);
    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponse_t * response   = adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponse_create(env);
    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_t * output = adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_create(env);

    // get standard fields from input
    axis2_char_t * correlationId = adb_ncDescribeUtilizationType_get_correlationId(input, env);
    axis2_char_t * userId = adb_ncDescribeUtilizationType_get_userId(input, env);

    // get operation-specific fields from input
    // e.g.: axis2_char_t * instanceId = adb_ncOPERATIONType_get_instanceId(input, env);

    eventlog("NC", userId, correlationId, "DescribeUtilization", "begin");
    { // do it
        ncMetadata meta = { correlationId, userId };
	ncUtilization utilization;

        int error = doDescribeUtilization (&meta, &utilization);
        if (error) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "ERROR: doDescribeUtilization() failed error=%d\n", error);
            adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_return(output, env, AXIS2_FALSE);

        } else {
	    int i;
	    // set standard fields in output
            adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_return(output, env, AXIS2_TRUE);
            adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_correlationId(output, env, correlationId);
            adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_userId(output, env, userId);
            // set operation-specific fields in output
	    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_utilization(output, env, utilization.utilization);
	    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_networkUtilization(output,env, utilization.networkUtilization);
	    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_powerConsumption(output, env, utilization.powerConsumption);
	    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_set_measurementTimepoint(output, env, (long) utilization.timePoint);
	    /*for (i=0; i<utilization.numInstances; i++)
		int numVcpus, j;
		numVcpus = utilization.instances[i].numVcpus;
		adb_instanceUtilization_t *instance = adb_instanceUtilization_create(env);
		adb_instanceUtilization_set_instanceId (instance, env, utilization.instances[i].instanceId);
		for (j=0; j<numVcpus; j++)
		    adb_instanceUtilization_add_vcpuUtilization (instance, env, utilization.instances[i].vcpuUtilization[j]);
		    adb_instanceUtilization_set_vnetworkUtilization (instance, env, utilization.instances[i].vnetworkUtilization);
		adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponseType_add_instances (output, env, instance);
    // set response to output
    adb_ncDescribeUtilizationResponse_set_ncDescribeUtilizationResponse(response, env, output);
    eventlog("NC", userId, correlationId, "DescribeUtilization", "end");
    return response;
//! downloads a digest of an image and compares it to file at old_digest_path
//! @param[in] url
//! @param[in] old_digest_path
//! @return 0 if same, -1 if different, EUCA_INVALID_ERROR if error
int walrus_verify_digest(const char *url, const char *old_digest_path)

    char *new_digest;
    char *old_digest = file2strn(old_digest_path, 2000000);
    if (old_digest == NULL) {
        logprintfl(EUCAERROR, "failed to read old digest %s\n", old_digest_path);
        return e;

    if ((new_digest = walrus_get_digest(url)) != NULL) {
        // compare the two
        if (strcmp(new_digest, old_digest)) {
            e = -1;
        } else {
            e = EUCA_OK;


    return e;