void let_first_stage_test() 
	int n = 10;
	long long arg[n];
	char my_out[10000];
	char true_out[10000];
	memset(my_out, 0, 10000);
	memset(true_out, 0, 10000);
	std::string format = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
		format += gen_flag();
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		arg[i] = long_rand();
	hw_sprintf(my_out, format.c_str(), arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8], arg[9]);
	sprintf(true_out, format.c_str(), arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6], arg[7], arg[8], arg[9]);
	if (memcmp(true_out, my_out, 1000) != 0) {
		std::cerr << (("Fail on "+ format).c_str()) << "\n";
		std::cerr << "True string: " << "|" << true_out << "|" << "\n";
		std::cerr << "My string:   " << "|" << my_out << "|" << "\n";
		std::cerr << "Args: ";
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			std::cerr << arg[i] << " ";
		std::cerr << "\n";
	} else {
		//std::cerr << "Ok: " + format + "\n";
static int 
maxmatch(v_data * graph,	/* array of vtx data for graph */
	ex_vtx_data * geom_graph,	/* array of vtx data for graph */
	int nvtxs,	/* number of vertices in graph */
	int *mflag,	/* flag indicating vtx selected or not */
	int dist2_limit
    Compute a matching of the nodes set. 
    The matching is not based only on the edge list of 'graph', 
    which might be too small, 
    but on the wider edge list of 'geom_graph' (which includes 'graph''s edges)

    We match nodes that are close both in the graph-theoretical sense and 
    in the geometry sense  (in the layout)
    int *order;			/* random ordering of vertices */
    int *iptr, *jptr;		/* loops through integer arrays */
    int vtx;			/* vertex to process next */
    int neighbor;		/* neighbor of a vertex */
    int nmerged = 0;		/* number of edges in matching */
    int i, j;			/* loop counters */
    float max_norm_edge_weight;
    double inv_size;
    double *matchability = N_NEW(nvtxs, double);
    double min_edge_len;
    double closest_val = -1, val;
    int closest_neighbor;
    float *vtx_vec = N_NEW(nvtxs, float);
    float *weighted_vtx_vec = N_NEW(nvtxs, float);
    float sum_weights;

    // gather statistics, to enable normalizing the values
    double avg_edge_len = 0, avg_deg_2 = 0;
    int nedges = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	avg_deg_2 += graph[i].nedges;
	for (j = 1; j < graph[i].nedges; j++) {
	    avg_edge_len += ddist(geom_graph, i, graph[i].edges[j]);
    avg_edge_len /= nedges;
    avg_deg_2 /= nvtxs;
    avg_deg_2 *= avg_deg_2;

    // the normalized edge weight of edge <v,u> is defined as:
    // weight(<v,u>)/sqrt(size(v)*size(u))
    // Now we compute the maximal normalized weight
    if (graph[0].ewgts != NULL) {
	max_norm_edge_weight = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	    inv_size = sqrt(1.0 / geom_graph[i].size);
	    for (j = 1; j < graph[i].nedges; j++) {
		if (graph[i].ewgts[j] * inv_size /
		    sqrt((float) geom_graph[graph[i].edges[j]].size) >
		    max_norm_edge_weight) {
		    max_norm_edge_weight =
			(float) (graph[i].ewgts[j] * inv_size /
    } else {
	max_norm_edge_weight = 1;

    /* Now determine the order of the vertices. */
    iptr = order = N_NEW(nvtxs, int);
    jptr = mflag;
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	*(iptr++) = i;
	*(jptr++) = -1;

    // Option 1: random permutation
#if 0
    int temp;
    for (i=0; i<nvtxs-1; i++) {
          // use long_rand() (not rand()), as n may be greater than RAND_MAX
    // Option 2: sort the nodes begining with the ones highly approriate for matching

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	vtx = order[i];
	matchability[vtx] = graph[vtx].nedges;	// we less want to match high degree nodes
	matchability[vtx] += geom_graph[vtx].size;	// we less want to match large sized nodes
	min_edge_len = 1e99;
	for (j = 1; j < graph[vtx].nedges; j++) {
	    min_edge_len =
		    ddist(geom_graph, vtx,
			 graph[vtx].edges[j]) / avg_edge_len);
	matchability[vtx] += min_edge_len;	// we less want to match distant nodes
	matchability[vtx] += ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;	// add some randomness 
    quicksort_place(matchability, order, 0, nvtxs - 1);

    // Start determining the matched pairs
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	vtx_vec[i] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	weighted_vtx_vec[i] = 0;

    // relative weights of the different criteria
    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
	vtx = order[i];
	if (mflag[vtx] >= 0) {	/*  already matched. */
	inv_size = sqrt(1.0 / geom_graph[vtx].size);
	sum_weights = fill_neighbors_vec(graph, vtx, weighted_vtx_vec);
	fill_neighbors_vec_unweighted(graph, vtx, vtx_vec);
	closest_neighbor = -1;

	   We match node i with the "closest" neighbor, based on 4 criteria:
	   (1) (Weighted) fraction of common neighbors  (measured on orig. graph)
	   (2) AvgDeg*AvgDeg/(deg(vtx)*deg(neighbor)) (degrees measured on orig. graph)
	   (3) AvgEdgeLen/dist(vtx,neighbor)
	   (4) Weight of normalized direct connection between nodes (measured on orig. graph)

	for (j = 1; j < geom_graph[vtx].nedges; j++) {
	    neighbor = geom_graph[vtx].edges[j];
	    if (mflag[neighbor] >= 0) {	/*  already matched. */
	    // (1): 
	    val =
		A * unweighted_common_fraction(graph, vtx, neighbor,

	    if (val == 0 && (dist2_limit || !dist3(graph, vtx, neighbor))) {
		// graph theoretical distance is larger than 3 (or 2 if '!dist3(graph, vtx, neighbor)' is commented)
		// nodes cannot be matched
	    // (2)
	    val +=
		B * avg_deg_2 / (graph[vtx].nedges *

	    // (3)
	    val += C * avg_edge_len / ddist(geom_graph, vtx, neighbor);

	    // (4)
	    val +=
		(weighted_vtx_vec[neighbor] * inv_size /
		 sqrt((float) geom_graph[neighbor].size)) /

	    if (val > closest_val || closest_neighbor == -1) {
		closest_neighbor = neighbor;
		closest_val = val;

	if (closest_neighbor != -1) {
	    mflag[vtx] = closest_neighbor;
	    mflag[closest_neighbor] = vtx;
	empty_neighbors_vec(graph, vtx, vtx_vec);
	empty_neighbors_vec(graph, vtx, weighted_vtx_vec);

    return (nmerged);