struct InterCodes* translate_VarDec(struct TreeNode* VarDec){ if(strcmp(VarDec->children->name, "ID") == 0){ printf("VarDec - ID\n"); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(VarDec->children->value_str,&item,0); if(item->type->kind == structure){ struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = DEC_; code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->>u.ID, item->inter_name); code1->code.u.dec.size = dec_size(item->type); return code1; } } if(strcmp(VarDec->children->name, "RB") == 0){ printf("VarDec - VarDec LB INT RB\n"); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(VarDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = DEC_; code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->>u.ID, item->inter_name); code1->code.u.dec.size = dec_size(item->type); } }
static int mdbAddTable(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) != 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } if ((table = mprAllocObj(MdbTable, manageTable)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } if ((table->rows = mprCreateList(0, 0)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } table->name = sclone(tableName); if (mdb->tables == 0) { mdb->tables = mprCreateList(0, 0); } if (!growSchema(table)) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } mprAddItem(mdb->tables, table); autoSave(mdb, lookupTable(mdb, tableName)); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static int mdbDeleteRow(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; int r, rc; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mprAssert(key && *key); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((r = lookupRow(table, key)) < 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } rc = mprRemoveItemAtPos(table->rows, r); if (table->index) { mprRemoveKey(table->index, key); } autoSave(mdb, table); unlock(mdb); return rc; }
static int mdbChangeColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int type, int flags) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mprAssert(columnName && *columnName); mprAssert(type); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } col->name = sclone(columnName); col->type = type; autoSave(mdb, table); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static int mdbAddValidation(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, EdiValidation *vp) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mprAssert(columnName && *columnName); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if (col->validations == 0) { col->validations = mprCreateList(0, 0); } mprAddItem(col->validations, vp); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
/* IndexName is not implemented yet */ static int mdbAddIndex(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, cchar *indexName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mprAssert(columnName && *columnName); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((table->index = mprCreateHash(0, MPR_HASH_STATIC_VALUES)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } table->indexCol = col; col->flags |= EDI_INDEX; autoSave(mdb, table); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static int mdbAddColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int type, int flags) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mprAssert(columnName && *columnName); mprAssert(type); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) != 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } if ((col = createCol(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } col->type = type; col->flags = flags; autoSave(mdb, table); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static EdiRec *mdbCreateRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; EdiRec *rec; EdiField *fp; int f, nfields; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { return 0; } nfields = max(table->schema->ncols, 1); if ((rec = mprAllocMem(sizeof(EdiRec) + sizeof(EdiField) * nfields, MPR_ALLOC_MANAGER | MPR_ALLOC_ZERO)) == 0) { return 0; } mprSetManager(rec, ediManageEdiRec); rec->edi = edi; rec->tableName = table->name; rec->nfields = nfields; for (f = 0; f < nfields; f++) { col = getCol(table, f); fp = &rec->fields[f]; fp->type = col->type; fp->name = col->name; fp->flags = col->flags; } return rec; }
static EdiRec *mdbReadRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbRow *row; EdiRec *rec; int r; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; rec = 0; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } if ((r = lookupRow(table, key)) < 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } if ((row = mprGetItem(table->rows, r)) != 0) { rec = createRecFromRow(edi, row); } unlock(mdb); return rec; }
static int mdbGetColumnSchema(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int *type, int *flags, int *cid) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if (type) { *type = col->type; } if (flags) { *flags = col->flags; } if (cid) { *cid = col->cid; } unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static EdiField mdbReadField(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key, cchar *fieldName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; MdbRow *row; EdiField field, err; int r; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); err.valid = 0; if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return err; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, fieldName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return err; } if ((r = lookupRow(table, key)) < 0) { unlock(mdb); return err; } row = mprGetItem(table->rows, r); field = makeFieldFromRow(row, col); unlock(mdb); return field; }
struct InterCodes* translate_Dec(struct TreeNode* Dec){ if(strcmp(Dec->children->name, "Exp") == 0){ printf("Dec - VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp\n"); Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Dec->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Dec->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } }
/* Return a list of column names */ static MprList *mdbGetColumns(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbSchema *schema; MprList *list; int i; mprAssert(edi); mprAssert(tableName && *tableName); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } schema = table->schema; mprAssert(schema); list = mprCreateList(schema->ncols, 0); for (i = 0; i < schema->ncols; i++) { /* No need to clone */ mprAddItem(list, schema->cols[i].name); } unlock(mdb); return list; }
struct InterCodes* translate_FunDec(struct TreeNode* FunDec){ if(strcmp(FunDec->children->neighbours->name, "LP") == 0){ printf("FunDec - ID LP RP\n"); lookupTable(FunDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&pFunc,1); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = FUNCTION_; strcpy(code1->code.u.function.func, FunDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str); return code1; } if(strcmp(FunDec->children->neighbours->name, "VarList") == 0){ printf("FunDec - ID LP VarList RP\n"); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = FUNCTION_; strcpy(code1->code.u.function.func, FunDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(FunDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,1); lookupTable(FunDec->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&pFunc,1); FieldList p = item->type->u.function->tail; while(p != NULL){ struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = PARAM_; code2->code.u.param.op = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.param.op->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.param.op->u.ID, p->inter_name); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; p = p->next; } return code1; } }
static EdiGrid *mdbReadWhere(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, cchar *operation, cchar *value) { Mdb *mdb; EdiGrid *grid; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; MdbRow *row; int nrows, next, op, r, count; assert(edi); assert(tableName && *tableName); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } nrows = mprGetListLength(table->rows); if ((grid = ediCreateBareGrid(edi, tableName, nrows)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } grid->flags = EDI_GRID_READ_ONLY; if (columnName) { if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } if ((op = parseOperation(operation)) < 0) { unlock(mdb); return 0; } if (col->flags & EDI_INDEX && (op & OP_EQ)) { if ((r = lookupRow(table, value)) != 0) { row = getRow(table, r); grid->records[0] = createRecFromRow(edi, row); grid->nrecords = 1; } } else { grid->nrecords = count = 0; for (ITERATE_ITEMS(table->rows, row, next)) { if (!matchRow(col, row->fields[col->cid], op, value)) { continue; } grid->records[count++] = createRecFromRow(edi, row); grid->nrecords = count; } } } else { for (ITERATE_ITEMS(table->rows, row, next)) {
/* This function generates a 10 ascii character router extension string @exceptions: This function can throw exceptions */ std::string virtualPortRouter::generateRouterExtension() { std::string lookupTable("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); std::string routerExtension; std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> stringGenerationDistribution(0, lookupTable.size()-1); //Generate 10 random characters for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { routerExtension.push_back(lookupTable[stringGenerationDistribution(gen)]); } return routerExtension; }
static int mdbLookupField(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *fieldName) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, fieldName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } unlock(mdb); return col->cid; }
/** * This utility function does interpolation and range resizing for * a table representing a lookup function. * newXdivs is one less than the size of the table; it is the number of * subdivisions that the table represents. */ void HHGate::tabFill( vector< double >& table, unsigned int newXdivs, double newXmin, double newXmax ) { if ( newXdivs < 3 ) { cout << "Error: tabFill: # divs must be >= 3. Not filling table.\n"; return; } vector< double > old = table; double newDx = ( newXmax - newXmin ) / newXdivs; table.resize( newXdivs + 1 ); bool origLookupMode = lookupByInterpolation_; lookupByInterpolation_ = 1; for( unsigned int i = 0; i <= newXdivs; ++i ) { table[i] = lookupTable( table, newXmin + i * newDx ); } lookupByInterpolation_ = origLookupMode; }
static int mdbGetTableSchema(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, int *numRows, int *numCols) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if (numRows) { *numRows = mprGetListLength(table->rows); } if (numCols) { *numCols = table->schema->ncols; } unlock(mdb); return 0; }
static int mdbAddColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int type, int flags) { Mdb *mdb; MdbTable *table; MdbCol *col; assert(edi); assert(tableName && *tableName); assert(columnName && *columnName); assert(type); mdb = (Mdb*) edi; lock(mdb); if ((table = lookupTable(mdb, tableName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } if ((col = lookupColumn(table, columnName)) != 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } if ((col = createCol(table, columnName)) == 0) { unlock(mdb); return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND; } col->type = type; col->flags = flags; if (flags & EDI_INDEX) { if (table->index) { mprError("Index already specified in table %s, replacing.", tableName); } if ((table->index = mprCreateHash(0, MPR_HASH_STATIC_VALUES)) != 0) { table->indexCol = col; } } autoSave(mdb, table); unlock(mdb); return 0; }
double HHGate::lookupB( double v ) const { return lookupTable( B_, v ); }
double HHGate::lookupA( double v ) const { return lookupTable( A_, v ); }
//符号表是全局变量 struct InterCodes* translate_Exp(struct TreeNode* Exp, Operand place){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "INT")){ printf("Exp - INT\n"); if(place != NULL){ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->value_str,&item,0); place->kind = CONSTANT; place->u.value = Exp->children->value_int; struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } else{ struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "ID")){ if(Exp->children->neighbours == NULL){ printf("Exp - ID\n"); if(place != NULL){ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->value_str,&item,0); place->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } else{ struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); temp->code.kind = NONE_; return temp; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DOT")){ printf("Exp - Exp DOT ID\n"); //Operand t1 = new_temp(); //struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); int i = lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,0); switch(i){ case 0:{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ADD_; code1->code.u.binop.result = t1; code1->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.binop.op1->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name); code1->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT; code1->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str); place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t1->u.ID); return code1; //break; } case 1:{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code1->code.u.assign.left = t1; code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = ADDRESS; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ADD_; code2->code.u.binop.result = t2; code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str); place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t2->u.ID); code1->next = code2; code2->prev = code1; return code1; } } } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "Exp")){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "ASSIGNOP")){ if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->name, "ID")){ printf("Exp - Exp ASSIGNOP Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; /*struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ASSIGN; code3->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.assign.right->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->inter_name);*/ place->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name); code2->code.u.assign.right = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "PLUS")){ printf("Exp - Exp PLUS Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ADD_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "MINUS")){ printf("Exp - Exp MINUS Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = SUB_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = SUB_; code2->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code2->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code2->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.op1->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.op1->u.value = 0; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = t1; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } else{ if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1); return code1; } } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "STAR")){ printf("Exp - Exp STAR Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = MUL_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DIV")){ printf("Exp - Exp DIV Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = DIV_; code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID); code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "RELOP") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "NOT") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "AND") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "OR")){ printf("Exp - Exp Cond Exp\n"); if(place != NULL){ Operand label1 = new_label(); Operand label2 = new_label(); struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code1->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT; code1->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 0; struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp, label1, label2); struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = LABEL_; code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1; struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = ASSIGN_; code4->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code4->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT; code4->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 1; struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code5->code.kind = LABEL_; code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label2; code1->next = code2; code2->prev = code1; struct InterCodes* p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; code3->next = code4; code4->prev = code3; code4->next = code5; code5->prev = code4; code5->next = NULL; return code1; } } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "LP")){ printf("Exp - ID LP RP\n"); if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "read") == 0){ struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = READ_; code1-> = place; return code1; } else{ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,1);//查函数 struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code1->code.kind = CALL_; code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code1->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code1->>u.ID, item->name); return code1; } } if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "Args")){ printf("Exp - ID LP Args RP\n"); struct ArgList* arg_list = NULL; struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Args(Exp->children->neighbours, arg_list); if(strcpy(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "write") == 0){ struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = WRITE_; code2->code.u.write.wr = arg_list->op; struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = NULL; return code1; } else{ FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,0); struct ArgList* q = arg_list; struct InterCodes* code2 = NULL; while(q != NULL){ struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ARG_; code3->code.u.arg.argument = q->op; if(code2 == NULL){ code2 = code3; } else{ struct InterCodes* p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code3; code3->prev = p; } q = q->next; } struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code4->code.kind = CALL_; code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID); code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code4->>kind = VARIABLE; strcpy(code4->>u.ID, item->name); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; p = code2; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code4; code4->prev = p; code4->next = NULL; return code1; } } if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "RB") == 0){ printf("Exp - Exp LB Exp RB\n"); FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_)); lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->children->value_str,&item,0); Operand t1 = new_temp(); Operand t2 = new_temp(); Operand t3 = new_temp(); struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours, t1); struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code2->code.kind = MUL_; code2->code.u.binop.result = t2; code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1; code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = CONSTANT; code2->code.u.binop.result->u.value = 4; struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes)); code3->code.kind = ADD_; code3->code.u.binop.result = t3; code3->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_)); code3->code.u.binop.op1->kind = ADDRESS; strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name); code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2; //place = t4; place->kind = REFERENCE; strcpy(place->u.ID, t3->u.ID); struct InterCodes* p = code1; while(p->next != NULL) p = p->next; p->next = code2; code2->prev = p; code2->next = code3; code3->prev = code2; code3->next = NULL; return code1; } }