文件: packetmgr.c 项目: luobailiang/c
void packetmgr_del_packet( qqpacketmgr* mgr, qqpacket* p )
	if( p->match ){
		loop_remove( &mgr->sent_loop, p->match );
		delete_func( p->match );
	delete_func( p );
文件: packetmgr.c 项目: luobailiang/c
int handle_packet( qqclient* qq, qqpacket* p, uchar* data, int len )
	qqpacketmgr* mgr = &qq->packetmgr;
	mgr->recv_packets ++;
	bytebuffer* buf;
	NEW( buf, sizeof( bytebuffer ) );
	if( !buf ){
		DBG("error: no enough memory to allocate buf.");
		return -99;
	buf->pos = 0;
	buf->len = buf->size = len;
	memcpy( buf->data, data, buf->len );
	//get packet info
	if( qq->network == TCP || qq->network == PROXY_HTTP )
		get_word( buf );	//packet len
	p->head = get_byte( buf );
	p->tail = buf->data[buf->len-1];
	if( p->head != 0x02 || p->tail!=0x03 || buf->len > 2000 ){
		DBG("[%u] wrong packet. len=%d  head: %d  tail: %d", qq->number, buf->len, p->head, p->tail );
		DEL( buf );
		return -1;
	p->version = get_word( buf );
	p->command = get_word( buf );
	p->seqno = get_word( buf );
	uint chk_repeat = (p->seqno<<16)|p->command;
	//check repeat
	if( loop_search( &mgr->recv_loop, (void*)chk_repeat, repeat_searcher ) == NULL ){
		loop_push_to_tail( &mgr->recv_loop, (void*)chk_repeat );
		p->match = match_packet( mgr, p );
		p->time_alive = time(NULL);
		//do a test
		if ( !p->buf ){
			DBG("%u: Error impossible. p->buf: %x  p->command: %x", qq->number, p->buf, p->command );
		//deal with the packet
		process_packet( qq, p, buf );
		qqpacket* t;
		while( (t = loop_pop_from_tail( &mgr->temp_loop )) ){
			loop_push_to_head( &mgr->ready_loop, t );
		if( p->match ){
			loop_remove( &mgr->sent_loop, p->match );
			delete_func( p->match );
		p->match = NULL;
		mgr->failed_packets = 0;
	//	DBG("repeated packet: cmd: %x  seqno:%x", p->command, p->seqno );
	DEL( buf );
	check_ready_packets( qq );
	return 0;
文件: webqq.c 项目: PythonYXY/myqq3
static void* webqq_guarder( void* data )
	int counter = 0;
	DBG (("webqq_guarder"));
	while( webqq_running ){
		time_t timenow = time(NULL);
		counter ++;
		user* u;
			u = loop_search( &user_loop, (void*)timenow, guarder_searcher );
			if( u ){
				DBG("removing qq: %u  time1: %u - time2: %u > 120", 
					((qqclient*)u->qq)->number, timenow, u->update_time );
				loop_remove( &user_loop, (void*)u );
				delete_func( (void*)u );
		}while( u );
		SLEEP( 1 );
	DBG (("end."));
	return NULL;
文件: packetmgr.c 项目: luobailiang/c
int packetmgr_check_packet( struct qqclient* qq, int timeout )
	qqpacketmgr *mgr = &qq->packetmgr;
	qqpacket* p;
	time_t timeout_time = time(NULL) - timeout;
	//when locked, cannot recv packet till unlock.
		p = loop_search( &mgr->sent_loop, (void*)timeout_time, timeout_searcher );
		if( p ){
			loop_remove( &mgr->sent_loop, p );
		if( p ){
			if( p->send_times >= 10 ){
				MSG("[%u] Failed to send the packet. command: %x\n", qq->number, p->command );
				if( p->command == QQ_CMD_SEND_IM ){
					buddy_msg_callback( qq, 10000, time(NULL), "刚才某条消息发送失败。" );
				//make an event to tell the program that we have a
				char event[64];
				sprintf( event, "sendfailed^$%d^$%d", p->command, p->seqno );
				qqclient_put_event( qq, event );
				delete_func( p );
				mgr->failed_packets ++;
				//To avoid too many failed packets, just shut it down.
				if( mgr->failed_packets > 5 || qq->process != P_LOGIN ){
					qqclient_set_process( qq, P_ERROR );
				DBG("[%u] resend packet cmd: %x", qq->number, p->command );
				packetmgr_put_urge( qq, p, 1 );
	}while( 0 && p );
	return 0;
文件: webqq.c 项目: PythonYXY/myqq3
EXPORT void webqq_remove( user* u )
	loop_remove( &user_loop, u );
	delete_func( (void*) u );