/* description: chann r from local listen
static void
_local_chann_open(chann_t *r) {
   tun_local_t *tun = _tun_local();
   tun_local_chann_t *c = NULL;
   if (lst_count(tun->free_lst) > 0) {
      c = lst_popf(tun->free_lst);
   else {
      c = (tun_local_chann_t*)mm_malloc(sizeof(*c));
      c->bufin = buf_create(TUNNEL_CHANN_BUF_SIZE);
      c->chann_id = tun->chann_idx;
      tun->chann_idx += 1;
   tun->channs[c->chann_id] = c;
   c->magic = (++tun->magic_code);
   c->tcpin = r;
   c->node = lst_pushl(tun->active_lst ,c);

   if (tun->mode == TUNNEL_LOCAL_MODE_FRONT) {
      c->state = LOCAL_CHANN_STATE_WAIT_LOCAL; /* wait local connect cmd */
      mnet_chann_set_cb(c->tcpin, _local_chann_tcpin_cb_front, c);
   /* _verbose("chann %d:%d open, [a:%d,f:%d]\n", c->chann_id, c->magic, */
   /*          lst_count(tun->active_lst), lst_count(tun->free_lst)); */
t_values	*values_put(t_list *lst, t_values *values)
	t_list		*last_prev;
	int			lstlen;

	if (!lst || !values)
		return (0);
	lstlen = lst_count(lst);
	last_prev = lst_move_to(lst, lstlen - 1);
	values->first = *((int *)lst->content);
	values->last_prev = *((int *)last_prev->content);
	if (lstlen >= 2)
		values->last = *((int *)last_prev->next->content);
		values->last = *((int *)last_prev->content);
	return (values);
int main() {
  // Test values.
  LIST *empty = lst_create();
  LIST *anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  LIST *one = lst_create();  // List of one element [ 5 ].
  LIST *medium = lst_create();  // List of ten elements [ 1 2 ... 9 10 ].
  LIST *evenList;  // Lst of five even elements [ 2 4 6 8 10 ].
  LIST *oddList;  // List of five odd elements [ 1 3 5 7 9 ].
  LIST *dupsOfevenList; // List of some even duplicate elements [ 4 8 12 16 20 ].
  LIST *resultList;

  lst_push_back(one, 5);
  for(int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { lst_push_back(medium, i); }

  * Unit test for void lst_push_back(LIST *l, ElemType val);
  printf("\n\nTest: 0A\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 0 with elements [] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(empty, 42);
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 0B\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 5 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(one, 42);
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5); // Reset one for later tests.

  evenList = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 0C\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 5 with elements [2 4 6 8 10] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 2 4 6 8 10 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(evenList, 42);

   * 2. Unit tests on function: int lst_count(LIST *l, ElemType x);
  printf("\n\nTest: 2A\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 0 and x=5\nExpected output: 0\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n",  lst_count(empty, 5));

  printf("\n\nTest: 2B\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=-5\nExpected output: 0\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, -5));

  printf("\n\nTest: 2C\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=5\nExpected output: 1\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, 5));

  lst_push_front(medium, 10);
  printf("\n\nTest: 2D\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=10\nExpected output: 2\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, 10));
  lst_pop_front(medium); // Reset value for later tests.

   * 4. Unit tests on function: void lst_reverse(LIST *l);
  printf("\n\nTest: 4A\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output: ");

  printf("\n\nTest: 4B\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 1\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");

  printf("\n\nTest: 4C\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 10\nExpected output: [ 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_push_back(medium, 99);
  lst_pop_back(medium); // Check for tail correctness.
  medium = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) { lst_push_back(medium, i); } // Reset value for later tests.

   * 6. Unit tests on void lst_insert_sorted(LIST *l, ElemType x);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 6A\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 0 and x=5\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(empty, 5);
  empty = lst_create(); // Resets value for later tests.

  printf("\n\nTest: 6B\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=5\nExpected output: [ 2  4  5  6  8  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 5);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 6C\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=0\nExpected output: [ 0  2  4  6  8  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: " );
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 0);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 6D\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=12\nExpected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  12 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 12);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); } // Reset value for later tests.

   * 8. Unit tests on void lst_merge_sorted(LIST *a, LIST *b);
  printf("\n\nTest: 8A\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 0 with elements []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_merge_sorted(anotherEmptyList, empty);
  empty = lst_create();
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 8B\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and List b of length 0 with elements []\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(one, empty);
  one = lst_create();
  empty = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 10);

  printf("\n\nTest: 8C\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 1 with elements [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(empty, one);
  empty = lst_create();
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  oddList = lst_create();
  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) { lst_push_back(oddList, i*2+1); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 8D\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 1  3  5  7  9 ]");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(evenList, oddList);

  evenList = lst_create();
  dupsOfevenList = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(dupsOfevenList, i*4); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 8E\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 4  8  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 2  4  4  6  8  8  10  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(evenList, dupsOfevenList);

   * 10. Unit tests on LIST * lst_from_array(ElemType a[], int n);
  int emptyArray[] = {};
  int oneArray[] = {5};
  int manyArray[] = {1,2,3,4,5};

  printf("\n\nTest: 10A\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with array of length 0 with elements [] and n=0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(emptyArray, 0);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList);}

  printf("\n\nTest: 10B\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with Array of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and n=1\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(oneArray, 1);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 10C\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with Array of length 5 with elements [ 1  2  3  4  5 ] and n=5\nExpected output: [ 1  2  3  4  5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(manyArray, 5);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

   * 12. Unit tests for LIST * lst_prefix(LIST *lst, unsigned int k);
  printf("\n\nTest: 12A\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 0 with elements [] and k=0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []");
  printf("Your output:\n");
  resultList = lst_prefix(empty, 0);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 12B\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 0 with elements [] and k=3\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_prefix(empty, 3);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 12C\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and k=0\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_prefix(one, 0);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 12D\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and k=3\nExpected output: [ 8 10 ]\n");
  printf("Expected return value: [ 2  4  6 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  resultList = lst_prefix(evenList, 3);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

   * 14. Unit test for void lst_concat(LIST *a, LIST *b);
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  evenList = lst_create();
  oddList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(oddList, i*2-1); }  // 2 4 6 8 10
  printf("\n\nTest: 14A\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 0 with elements []\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(anotherEmptyList, empty);
  empty = lst_create();

  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  printf("\n\nTest: 14B\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and List b of length 0 with elements []\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(one, anotherEmptyList);
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 10);

  printf("\n\nTest: 14C\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 0 with elements []");
  printf(" and List b of length 1 with elements [ 10 ]\nExpected output: [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(anotherEmptyList, one);
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  printf("\n\nTest: 14D\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10]");
  printf(" and List b of length 5 with elements [ 1  3  5  7  9 ]\nExpected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  1  3  5  7  9 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(evenList, oddList);

  evenList = lst_create();
  dupsOfevenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(dupsOfevenList, i*4); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 14E\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 4  8  12  16  20 ]\n"
    "Expected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  4  8  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(evenList, dupsOfevenList);