/* store a record into the db */ int ltdb_store(struct ldb_module *module, const struct ldb_message *msg, int flgs) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); TDB_DATA tdb_key, tdb_data; int ret; tdb_key = ltdb_key(module, msg->dn); if (!tdb_key.dptr) { return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } ret = ltdb_pack_data(module, msg, &tdb_data); if (ret == -1) { talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } ret = tdb_store(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key, tdb_data, flgs); if (ret == -1) { ret = ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); goto done; } ret = ltdb_index_add(module, msg); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { tdb_delete(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key); } done: talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); talloc_free(tdb_data.dptr); return ret; }
/* store a record into the db */ int ltdb_store(struct ldb_module *module, const struct ldb_message *msg, int flgs) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); TDB_DATA tdb_key, tdb_data; struct ldb_val ldb_data; int ret = LDB_SUCCESS; tdb_key = ltdb_key(module, msg->dn); if (tdb_key.dptr == NULL) { return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } ret = ldb_pack_data(ldb_module_get_ctx(module), msg, &ldb_data); if (ret == -1) { talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } tdb_data.dptr = ldb_data.data; tdb_data.dsize = ldb_data.length; ret = tdb_store(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key, tdb_data, flgs); if (ret != 0) { ret = ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); goto done; } done: talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); talloc_free(ldb_data.data); return ret; }
static int ltdb_del_trans(struct ldb_module *module) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); ltdb->in_transaction--; if (ltdb_index_transaction_cancel(module) != 0) { tdb_transaction_cancel(ltdb->tdb); return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } if (tdb_transaction_cancel(ltdb->tdb) != 0) { return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } return LDB_SUCCESS; }
static int ltdb_prepare_commit(struct ldb_module *module) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); if (ltdb->in_transaction != 1) { return LDB_SUCCESS; } if (ltdb_index_transaction_commit(module) != 0) { tdb_transaction_cancel(ltdb->tdb); ltdb->in_transaction--; return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } if (tdb_transaction_prepare_commit(ltdb->tdb) != 0) { ltdb->in_transaction--; return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } ltdb->prepared_commit = true; return LDB_SUCCESS; }
static int ltdb_start_trans(struct ldb_module *module) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); if (tdb_transaction_start(ltdb->tdb) != 0) { return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } ltdb->in_transaction++; ltdb_index_transaction_start(module); return LDB_SUCCESS; }
/* delete a record from the database, not updating indexes (used for deleting index records) */ int ltdb_delete_noindex(struct ldb_module *module, struct ldb_dn *dn) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); TDB_DATA tdb_key; int ret; tdb_key = ltdb_key(module, dn); if (!tdb_key.dptr) { return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } ret = tdb_delete(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key); talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); if (ret != 0) { ret = ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } return ret; }
static int ltdb_end_trans(struct ldb_module *module) { void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); if (!ltdb->prepared_commit) { int ret = ltdb_prepare_commit(module); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { return ret; } } ltdb->in_transaction--; ltdb->prepared_commit = false; if (tdb_transaction_commit(ltdb->tdb) != 0) { return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } return LDB_SUCCESS; }
/* modify a record - internal interface yuck - this is O(n^2). Luckily n is usually small so we probably get away with it, but if we ever have really large attribute lists then we'll need to look at this again 'req' is optional, and is used to specify controls if supplied */ int ltdb_modify_internal(struct ldb_module *module, const struct ldb_message *msg, struct ldb_request *req) { struct ldb_context *ldb = ldb_module_get_ctx(module); void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); TDB_DATA tdb_key, tdb_data; struct ldb_val ldb_data; struct ldb_message *msg2; unsigned int i, j, k; int ret = LDB_SUCCESS, idx; struct ldb_control *control_permissive = NULL; if (req) { control_permissive = ldb_request_get_control(req, LDB_CONTROL_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_OID); } tdb_key = ltdb_key(module, msg->dn); if (!tdb_key.dptr) { return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } tdb_data = tdb_fetch(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key); if (!tdb_data.dptr) { talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } msg2 = ldb_msg_new(tdb_key.dptr); if (msg2 == NULL) { free(tdb_data.dptr); ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ldb_data.data = tdb_data.dptr; ldb_data.length = tdb_data.dsize; ret = ldb_unpack_data(ldb_module_get_ctx(module), &ldb_data, msg2); free(tdb_data.dptr); if (ret == -1) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } if (!msg2->dn) { msg2->dn = msg->dn; } for (i=0; i<msg->num_elements; i++) { struct ldb_message_element *el = &msg->elements[i], *el2; struct ldb_val *vals; const struct ldb_schema_attribute *a = ldb_schema_attribute_by_name(ldb, el->name); const char *dn; switch (msg->elements[i].flags & LDB_FLAG_MOD_MASK) { case LDB_FLAG_MOD_ADD: if (el->num_values == 0) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': attribute on '%s' specified, but with 0 values (illegal)", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; goto done; } /* make a copy of the array so that a permissive * control can remove duplicates without changing the * original values, but do not copy data as we do not * need to keep it around once the operation is * finished */ if (control_permissive) { el = talloc(msg2, struct ldb_message_element); if (!el) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } *el = msg->elements[i]; el->values = talloc_array(el, struct ldb_val, el->num_values); if (el->values == NULL) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } for (j = 0; j < el->num_values; j++) { el->values[j] = msg->elements[i].values[j]; } } if (el->num_values > 1 && ldb_tdb_single_valued(a, el)) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } /* Checks if element already exists */ idx = find_element(msg2, el->name); if (idx == -1) { if (ltdb_msg_add_element(ldb, msg2, el) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } else { j = (unsigned int) idx; el2 = &(msg2->elements[j]); /* We cannot add another value on a existing one if the attribute is single-valued */ if (ldb_tdb_single_valued(a, el)) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } /* Check that values don't exist yet on multi- valued attributes or aren't provided twice */ /* TODO: This is O(n^2) - replace with more efficient check */ for (j = 0; j < el->num_values; j++) { if (ldb_msg_find_val(el2, &el->values[j]) != NULL) { if (control_permissive) { /* remove this one as if it was never added */ el->num_values--; for (k = j; k < el->num_values; k++) { el->values[k] = el->values[k + 1]; } j--; /* rewind */ continue; } ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': value #%u on '%s' already exists", el->name, j, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } if (ldb_msg_find_val(el, &el->values[j]) != &el->values[j]) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': value #%u on '%s' provided more than once", el->name, j, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } /* Now combine existing and new values to a new attribute record */ vals = talloc_realloc(msg2->elements, el2->values, struct ldb_val, el2->num_values + el->num_values); if (vals == NULL) { ldb_oom(ldb); ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } for (j=0; j<el->num_values; j++) { vals[el2->num_values + j] = ldb_val_dup(vals, &el->values[j]); } el2->values = vals; el2->num_values += el->num_values; ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } break; case LDB_FLAG_MOD_REPLACE: if (el->num_values > 1 && ldb_tdb_single_valued(a, el)) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } /* TODO: This is O(n^2) - replace with more efficient check */ for (j=0; j<el->num_values; j++) { if (ldb_msg_find_val(el, &el->values[j]) != &el->values[j]) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': value #%u on '%s' provided more than once", el->name, j, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } /* Checks if element already exists */ idx = find_element(msg2, el->name); if (idx != -1) { j = (unsigned int) idx; el2 = &(msg2->elements[j]); /* we consider two elements to be * equal only if the order * matches. This allows dbcheck to * fix the ordering on attributes * where order matters, such as * objectClass */ if (ldb_msg_element_equal_ordered(el, el2)) { continue; } /* Delete the attribute if it exists in the DB */ if (msg_delete_attribute(module, ldb, msg2, el->name) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } } /* Recreate it with the new values */ if (ltdb_msg_add_element(ldb, msg2, el) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } break; case LDB_FLAG_MOD_DELETE: dn = ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn); if (dn == NULL) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } if (msg->elements[i].num_values == 0) { /* Delete the whole attribute */ ret = msg_delete_attribute(module, ldb, msg2, msg->elements[i].name); if (ret == LDB_ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE && control_permissive) { ret = LDB_SUCCESS; } else { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': no such attribute for delete on '%s'", msg->elements[i].name, dn); } if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } else { /* Delete specified values from an attribute */ for (j=0; j < msg->elements[i].num_values; j++) { ret = msg_delete_element(module, msg2, msg->elements[i].name, &msg->elements[i].values[j]); if (ret == LDB_ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE && control_permissive) { ret = LDB_SUCCESS; } else { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': no matching attribute value while deleting attribute on '%s'", msg->elements[i].name, dn); } if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } } break; default: ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute '%s': invalid modify flags on '%s': 0x%x", msg->elements[i].name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn), msg->elements[i].flags & LDB_FLAG_MOD_MASK); ret = LDB_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR; goto done; } } ret = ltdb_store(module, msg2, TDB_MODIFY); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } ret = ltdb_modified(module, msg2->dn); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } done: talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return ret; }
/* modify a record - internal interface yuck - this is O(n^2). Luckily n is usually small so we probably get away with it, but if we ever have really large attribute lists then we'll need to look at this again 'req' is optional, and is used to specify controls if supplied */ int ltdb_modify_internal(struct ldb_module *module, const struct ldb_message *msg, struct ldb_request *req) { struct ldb_context *ldb = ldb_module_get_ctx(module); void *data = ldb_module_get_private(module); struct ltdb_private *ltdb = talloc_get_type(data, struct ltdb_private); TDB_DATA tdb_key, tdb_data; struct ldb_message *msg2; unsigned i, j; int ret = LDB_SUCCESS, idx; tdb_key = ltdb_key(module, msg->dn); if (!tdb_key.dptr) { return LDB_ERR_OTHER; } tdb_data = tdb_fetch(ltdb->tdb, tdb_key); if (!tdb_data.dptr) { talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return ltdb_err_map(tdb_error(ltdb->tdb)); } msg2 = talloc(tdb_key.dptr, struct ldb_message); if (msg2 == NULL) { free(tdb_data.dptr); ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ret = ltdb_unpack_data(module, &tdb_data, msg2); free(tdb_data.dptr); if (ret == -1) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } if (!msg2->dn) { msg2->dn = msg->dn; } for (i=0; i<msg->num_elements; i++) { struct ldb_message_element *el = &msg->elements[i], *el2; struct ldb_val *vals; const struct ldb_schema_attribute *a = ldb_schema_attribute_by_name(ldb, el->name); const char *dn; if (ldb_attr_cmp(el->name, "distinguishedName") == 0) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "it is not permitted to perform a modify on 'distinguishedName' (use rename instead): %s", ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; goto done; } switch (msg->elements[i].flags & LDB_FLAG_MOD_MASK) { case LDB_FLAG_MOD_ADD: if (el->num_values == 0) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "attribute %s on %s specified, but with 0 values (illigal)", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; goto done; } if (a && a->flags & LDB_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE_VALUE) { if (el->num_values > 1) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } /* Checks if element already exists */ idx = find_element(msg2, el->name); if (idx == -1) { if (ltdb_msg_add_element(ldb, msg2, el) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } else { /* We cannot add another value on a existing one if the attribute is single-valued */ if (a && a->flags & LDB_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE_VALUE) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } el2 = &(msg2->elements[idx]); /* Check that values don't exist yet on multi- valued attributes or aren't provided twice */ for (j=0; j<el->num_values; j++) { if (ldb_msg_find_val(el2, &el->values[j]) != NULL) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "%s: value #%d already exists", el->name, j); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } if (ldb_msg_find_val(el, &el->values[j]) != &el->values[j]) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "%s: value #%d provided more than once", el->name, j); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } /* Now combine existing and new values to a new attribute record */ vals = talloc_realloc(msg2->elements, el2->values, struct ldb_val, el2->num_values + el->num_values); if (vals == NULL) { ldb_oom(ldb); ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } for (j=0; j<el->num_values; j++) { vals[el2->num_values + j] = ldb_val_dup(vals, &el->values[j]); } el2->values = vals; el2->num_values += el->num_values; ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } } break; case LDB_FLAG_MOD_REPLACE: if (a && a->flags & LDB_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE_VALUE) { /* the RELAX control overrides this check for replace. This is needed as DRS replication can produce multiple values here for a single valued attribute when the values are deleted links */ if (el->num_values > 1 && (!req || !ldb_request_get_control(req, LDB_CONTROL_RELAX_OID))) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "SINGLE-VALUE attribute %s on %s specified more than once", el->name, ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn)); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } /* TODO: This is O(n^2) - replace with more efficient check */ for (j=0; j<el->num_values; j++) { if (ldb_msg_find_val(el, &el->values[j]) != &el->values[j]) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "%s: value #%d provided more than once", el->name, j); ret = LDB_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto done; } } idx = find_element(msg2, el->name); if (idx != -1) { el2 = &(msg2->elements[idx]); if (ldb_msg_element_compare(el, el2) == 0) { /* we are replacing with the same values */ continue; } /* Delete the attribute if it exists in the DB */ if (msg_delete_attribute(module, ldb, msg2, el->name) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } } /* Recreate it with the new values */ if (ltdb_msg_add_element(ldb, msg2, el) != 0) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } ret = ltdb_index_add_element(module, msg2->dn, el); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } break; case LDB_FLAG_MOD_DELETE: dn = ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg2->dn); if (dn == NULL) { ret = LDB_ERR_OTHER; goto done; } if (msg->elements[i].num_values == 0) { /* Delete the whole attribute */ if (msg_delete_attribute(module, ldb, msg2, msg->elements[i].name) != 0) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "No such attribute: %s for delete on %s", msg->elements[i].name, dn); ret = LDB_ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; goto done; } } else { /* Delete specified values from an attribute */ for (j=0; j < msg->elements[i].num_values; j++) { if (msg_delete_element(module, msg2, msg->elements[i].name, &msg->elements[i].values[j]) != 0) { ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "No matching attribute value when deleting attribute: %s on %s", msg->elements[i].name, dn); ret = LDB_ERR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; goto done; } } } break; default: ldb_asprintf_errstring(ldb, "Invalid ldb_modify flags on %s: 0x%x", msg->elements[i].name, msg->elements[i].flags & LDB_FLAG_MOD_MASK); ret = LDB_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR; goto done; } } ret = ltdb_store(module, msg2, TDB_MODIFY); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } ret = ltdb_modified(module, msg2->dn); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { goto done; } done: talloc_free(tdb_key.dptr); return ret; }