void test_ned_to_ecef_to_ned( void ) {

#if 0
  struct EcefCoor_d ref_coor = { 4624497.0 , 116475.0, 4376563.0};
  printf("ecef0 : (%.02f,%.02f,%.02f)\n", ref_coor.x, ref_coor.y, ref_coor.z);

  struct LtpDef_d ltp_def;
  ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&ltp_def, &ref_coor);

  struct EcefCoor_d ecef_p1 = ref_coor;
  struct NedCoor_d  ned_p1;
  ned_of_ecef_point_d(&ned_p1, &ltp_def, &ecef_p1);
  printf("ecef to ned : (%f,%f,%f) -> (%f,%f,%f)\n",
	 ecef_p1.x, ecef_p1.y, ecef_p1.z,
	 ned_p1.x, ned_p1.y, ned_p1.z );

  struct EcefCoor_d ecef_p2;
  ecef_of_ned_point_d(&ecef_p2, &ltp_def, &ned_p1);
  printf("ned to ecef : (%f,%f,%f) -> (%f,%f,%f)\n",
	 ned_p1.x, ned_p1.y, ned_p1.z,
	 ecef_p2.x, ecef_p2.y, ecef_p2.z);


static void test_doubles(void) {

  printf("\n--- enu_of_ecef double ---\n");
  //  struct LlaCoor_f ref_coor;
  //  ref_coor.lat = RAD_OF_DEG(43.605278);
  //  ref_coor.lon = RAD_OF_DEG(1.442778);
  //  ref_coor.alt = 180.0;

  struct EcefCoor_d ref_coor = { 4624497.0 , 116475.0, 4376563.0};
  printf("ecef0 : (%.02f,%.02f,%.02f)\n", ref_coor.x, ref_coor.y, ref_coor.z);

  struct LtpDef_d ltp_def;
  ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&ltp_def, &ref_coor);

  printf("lla0 : (%f,%f,%f)\n", DegOfRad(ltp_def.lla.lat), DegOfRad(ltp_def.lla.lon), ltp_def.lla.alt);

  struct EcefCoor_d my_ecef_point = ref_coor;
  struct EnuCoor_d  my_enu_point;
  enu_of_ecef_point_d(&my_enu_point, &ltp_def, &my_ecef_point);

  printf("ecef to enu : (%f,%f,%f) -> (%f,%f,%f)\n",
	 my_ecef_point.x, my_ecef_point.y, my_ecef_point.z,
	 my_enu_point.x, my_enu_point.y, my_enu_point.z );
static void set_reference_direction(void){
	struct NedCoor_d	ref_dir_ned;
	struct EcefCoor_d pos_0_ecef_pprz,
	struct LtpDef_d current_ltp;
	VECTOR_AS_VECT3(pos_0_ecef_pprz, pos_0_ecef);
	ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&current_ltp, &pos_0_ecef_pprz);
	ecef_of_ned_vect_d(&ref_dir_ecef, &current_ltp, &ref_dir_ned);
	DoubleQuat initial_orientation;
	DOUBLE_QUAT_OF_RMAT(initial_orientation, current_ltp.ltp_of_ecef);
	ins.avg_state.orientation = DOUBLEQUAT_AS_QUATERNIOND(initial_orientation);
	// old transformation:
	//struct DoubleRMat ned2ecef;
	//NED_TO_ECEF_MAT(pos_0_lla, ned2ecef.m);
	//RMAT_VECT3_MUL(ref_dir_ecef, ned2ecef, ref_dir_ned);
	reference_direction = VECT3_AS_VECTOR3D(ref_dir_ecef).normalized();
	//reference_direction = Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
	std::cout <<"reference direction NED : " << VECT3_AS_VECTOR3D(ref_dir_ned).transpose() << std::endl;
	std::cout <<"reference direction ECEF: " << reference_direction.transpose() << std::endl;
/** Transformation **/
Quaterniond ecef2body_from_pprz_ned2body(Vector3d ecef_pos, struct DoubleQuat q_ned2body){
  Quaterniond       ecef2body;
  struct LtpDef_d   current_ltp;
	struct EcefCoor_d ecef_pos_pprz;
  struct DoubleQuat q_ecef2enu,
	VECTOR_AS_VECT3(ecef_pos_pprz, ecef_pos);
  ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&current_ltp, &ecef_pos_pprz);
  DOUBLE_QUAT_OF_RMAT(q_ecef2enu, current_ltp.ltp_of_ecef);
  QUAT_ENU_FROM_TO_NED(q_ecef2enu, q_ecef2ned);
//FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_NORM_SHORTEST(_a2c,          _a2b,        _b2c)
// a = ecef b = ned c = body
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP_INV_NORM_SHORTEST(q_ecef2body, q_ecef2ned, q_ned2body);
  printf("Right after initialization:\n");
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT("\t ned2body quaternion:", q_ned2body);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT_AS_EULERS_DEG("\t\t\t", q_ned2body);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT("\tecef2enu  quaternion:", q_ecef2enu);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT_AS_EULERS_DEG("\t\t\t", q_ecef2enu);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT("\tecef2ned  quaternion:", q_ecef2ned);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT_AS_EULERS_DEG("\t\t\t", q_ecef2ned);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT("\tecef2body quaternion:", q_ecef2body);
  DISPLAY_DOUBLE_QUAT_AS_EULERS_DEG("\t\t\t", q_ecef2body);
  #endif /* EKNAV_FROM_LOG_DEBUG */
  return DOUBLEQUAT_AS_QUATERNIOND(q_ecef2body);
static void init_ltp(void)

  struct LlaCoor_d llh_nav0; /* Height above the ellipsoid */
  llh_nav0.lat = RadOfDeg((double)NAV_LAT0 / 1e7);
  llh_nav0.lon = RadOfDeg((double)NAV_LON0 / 1e7);
  /* NAV_ALT0 = ground alt above msl, NAV_MSL0 = geoid-height (msl) over ellipsoid */
  llh_nav0.alt = (NAV_ALT0 + NAV_MSL0) / 1000.;

  struct EcefCoor_d ecef_nav0;
  ecef_of_lla_d(&ecef_nav0, &llh_nav0);

  ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&ltpdef, &ecef_nav0);

  fdm.ltp_g.x = 0.;
  fdm.ltp_g.y = 0.;
  fdm.ltp_g.z = 0.; // accel data are already with the correct format

#ifdef AHRS_H_X
#pragma message "Using magnetic field as defined in airframe file."
  fdm.ltp_h.x = AHRS_H_X;
  fdm.ltp_h.y = AHRS_H_Y;
  fdm.ltp_h.z = AHRS_H_Z;
  fdm.ltp_h.x = 0.4912;
  fdm.ltp_h.y = 0.1225;
  fdm.ltp_h.z = 0.8624;

static void set_reference_direction(void){
	struct NedCoor_d	ref_dir_ned;
	struct EcefCoor_d pos_0_ecef_pprz,
	VECTOR_AS_VECT3(pos_0_ecef_pprz, pos_0_ecef);
	ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&current_ltp, &pos_0_ecef_pprz);
	ecef_of_ned_vect_d(&ref_dir_ecef, &current_ltp, &ref_dir_ned);
	reference_direction = VECT3_AS_VECTOR3D(ref_dir_ecef).normalized();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Set the default tracking system position and angle
  struct EcefCoor_d tracking_ecef;
  //alt 45 m because of ellipsoid altitude in Delft
  tracking_ecef.x = 3924331.5;
  tracking_ecef.y = 300361.7;
  tracking_ecef.z = 5002197.1;
  tracking_offset_angle = 33.0 / 57.6;
  ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&tracking_ltp, &tracking_ecef);

  // Parse the options from cmdline
  parse_options(argc, argv);
  printf_debug("Tracking system Latitude: %f Longitude: %f Offset to North: %f degrees\n", DegOfRad(tracking_ltp.lla.lat),
               DegOfRad(tracking_ltp.lla.lon), DegOfRad(tracking_offset_angle));

  // Create the network connections
  printf_debug("Starting NatNet listening (multicast address: %s, data port: %d, version: %d.%d)\n",
               natnet_multicast_addr, natnet_data_port, natnet_major, natnet_minor);
  udp_socket_create(&natnet_data, "", -1, natnet_data_port, 0); // Only receiving
  udp_socket_subscribe_multicast(&natnet_data, natnet_multicast_addr);
  udp_socket_set_recvbuf(&natnet_data, 0x100000); // 1MB

  printf_debug("Starting NatNet command socket (server address: %s, command port: %d)\n", natnet_addr, natnet_cmd_port);
  udp_socket_create(&natnet_cmd, natnet_addr, natnet_cmd_port, 0, 1);
  udp_socket_set_recvbuf(&natnet_cmd, 0x100000); // 1MB

  // Create the Ivy Client
  GMainLoop *ml =  g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
  IvyInit("natnet2ivy", "natnet2ivy READY", 0, 0, 0, 0);

  // Create the main timers
  printf_debug("Starting transmitting and sampling timeouts (transmitting frequency: %dHz, minimum velocity samples: %d)\n",
               freq_transmit, min_velocity_samples);
  g_timeout_add(1000 / freq_transmit, timeout_transmit_callback, NULL);

  GIOChannel *sk = g_io_channel_unix_new(natnet_data.sockfd);
  g_io_add_watch(sk, G_IO_IN | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_HUP,
                 sample_data, NULL);

  // Run the main loop

  return 0;
/** Parse the options from the commandline */
static void parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
  int i, count_ac = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {

    // Print help
    if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
    // Set the verbosity level
    if (strcmp(argv[i], "--verbosity") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      verbose = atoi(argv[++i]);

    // Set an rigid body to ivy ac_id
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ac") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 2);

      int rigid_id = atoi(argv[++i]);
      uint8_t ac_id = atoi(argv[++i]);

      if (rigid_id >= MAX_RIGIDBODIES) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Rigid body ID must be less then %d (MAX_RIGIDBODIES)\n\n", MAX_RIGIDBODIES);
      aircrafts[rigid_id].ac_id = ac_id;
    // See if we want to log to a file
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-log") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      nameOfLogfile = argv[++i];
      must_log = 1;

    // Set the NatNet multicast address
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-multicast_addr") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      natnet_multicast_addr = argv[++i];
    // Set the NatNet server ip address
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-server") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      natnet_addr = argv[++i];
    // Set the NatNet server version
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      float version = atof(argv[++i]);
      natnet_major = (uint8_t)version;
      natnet_minor = (uint8_t)(version * 10.0) % 10;
    // Set the NatNet server data port
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-data_port") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      natnet_data_port = atoi(argv[++i]);
    // Set the NatNet server command port
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cmd_port") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      natnet_cmd_port = atoi(argv[++i]);

    // Set the Tracking system position in ECEF
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ecef") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 3);

      struct EcefCoor_d tracking_ecef;
      tracking_ecef.x  = atof(argv[++i]);
      tracking_ecef.y  = atof(argv[++i]);
      tracking_ecef.z  = atof(argv[++i]);
      ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&tracking_ltp, &tracking_ecef);
    // Set the tracking system position in LLA
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-lla") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 3);

      struct LlaCoor_d tracking_lla;
      tracking_lla.lat  = atof(argv[++i]);
      tracking_lla.lon  = atof(argv[++i]);
      tracking_lla.alt  = atof(argv[++i]);
      ltp_def_from_lla_d(&tracking_ltp, &tracking_lla);
    // Set the tracking system offset angle in degrees
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-offset_angle") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      tracking_offset_angle = atof(argv[++i]);

    // Set the transmit frequency
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tf") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      freq_transmit = atoi(argv[++i]);
    // Set the minimum amount of velocity samples for the differentiator
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-vel_samples") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      min_velocity_samples = atoi(argv[++i]);
    // Set to use small packets
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-small") == 0) {
      small_packets = TRUE;

    // Set the ivy bus
    else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ivy_bus") == 0) {
      check_argcount(argc, argv, i, 1);

      ivy_bus = argv[++i];

    // Unknown option
    else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s\r\n\r\n", argv[i]);

  // Check if at least one aircraft is set
  if (count_ac < 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "You must specify at least one aircraft (-ac <rigid_id> <ac_id>)\n\n");
static void print_estimator_state(double time) {

	struct LtpDef_d		current_ltp;
	struct EcefCoor_d pos_ecef,
	struct NedCoor_d	pos_ned,
	struct DoubleQuat q_ecef2body,
	ltp_def_from_ecef_d(&current_ltp, &pos_ecef);
	ned_of_ecef_point_d(&pos_ned, &current_ltp, &cur_pos_ecef);
	ned_of_ecef_vect_d(&vel_ned, &current_ltp, &cur_vel_ecef);
  int32_t xdd = 0;
  int32_t ydd = 0;
  int32_t zdd = 0;
  int32_t xd = vel_ned.x/0.0000019073;
  int32_t yd = vel_ned.y/0.0000019073;
  int32_t zd = vel_ned.z/0.0000019073;
  int32_t x = pos_ned.x/0.0039;
  int32_t y = pos_ned.y/0.0039;
  int32_t z = pos_ned.z/0.0039;

  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d BOOZ2_INS2 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", time, AC_ID, xdd, ydd, zdd, xd, yd, zd, x, y, z);
  QUAT_ASSIGN(q_ecef2body, ins.avg_state.orientation.w(), -ins.avg_state.orientation.x(),
	         -ins.avg_state.orientation.y(), -ins.avg_state.orientation.z());
  QUAT_ASSIGN(q_ned2enu, 0, M_SQRT1_2, M_SQRT1_2, 0);
  FLOAT_QUAT_OF_RMAT(q_ecef2enu, current_ltp.ltp_of_ecef);
	FLOAT_QUAT_INV_COMP(q_enu2body, q_ecef2enu, q_ecef2body);		// q_enu2body = q_ecef2body * (q_ecef2enu)^*
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(q_ned2body, q_ned2enu, q_enu2body)					// q_ned2body = q_enu2body * q_ned2enu

  struct FloatEulers e;
  FLOAT_EULERS_OF_QUAT(e, q_ned2body);
		printf("EULER % 6.1f % 6.1f % 6.1f\n", e.phi*180*M_1_PI, e.theta*180*M_1_PI, e.psi*180*M_1_PI);
  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d AHRS_EULER %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID, e.phi, e.theta, e.psi);
  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d DEBUG_COVARIANCE %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID,
				sqrt(ins.cov( 0, 0)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 1, 1)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 2, 2)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 3, 3)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 4, 4)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 5, 5)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 6, 6)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 7, 7)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 8, 8)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 9, 9)),  sqrt(ins.cov(10,10)),  sqrt(ins.cov(11,11)));
  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d BOOZ_SIM_GYRO_BIAS %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID, ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(0), ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(1), ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(2));
  int32_t xdd = 0;
  int32_t ydd = 0;
  int32_t zdd = 0;

  int32_t xd = ins.avg_state.velocity(0)/0.0000019073;
  int32_t yd = ins.avg_state.velocity(1)/0.0000019073;
  int32_t zd = ins.avg_state.velocity(2)/0.0000019073;
  int32_t x = ins.avg_state.position(0)/0.0039;
  int32_t y = ins.avg_state.position(1)/0.0039;
  int32_t z = ins.avg_state.position(2)/0.0039;

  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d BOOZ2_INS2 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", time, AC_ID, xdd, ydd, zdd, xd, yd, zd, x, y, z);
  struct FloatQuat q_ecef2body;
  QUAT_ASSIGN(q_ecef2body, ins.avg_state.orientation.w(), ins.avg_state.orientation.x(),
	         ins.avg_state.orientation.y(), ins.avg_state.orientation.z());
  struct FloatEulers e_ecef2body;
  FLOAT_EULERS_OF_QUAT(e_ecef2body, q_ecef2body);

  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d AHRS_EULER %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID, e_ecef2body.phi, e_ecef2body.theta, e_ecef2body.psi);
  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d DEBUG_COVARIANCE %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID,
				sqrt(ins.cov( 0, 0)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 1, 1)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 2, 2)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 3, 3)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 4, 4)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 5, 5)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 6, 6)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 7, 7)),  sqrt(ins.cov( 8, 8)), 
				sqrt(ins.cov( 9, 9)),  sqrt(ins.cov(10,10)),  sqrt(ins.cov(11,11)));
  fprintf(ins_logfile, "%f %d BOOZ_SIM_GYRO_BIAS %f %f %f\n", time, AC_ID, ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(0), ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(1), ins.avg_state.gyro_bias(2));