void solve(matrix_double A, double *B)
  int d, changes[A.nrows];
  printf("before ludcmp:\n");
  print_array_double(A.nrows, B);
  if (! ludcmp(A,changes, &d)) {
    lusolve(A, B, changes);
    printf("after ludcmp:\n");
    print_array_double(A.nrows, B);
/* power and temp should both be alloced using hotspot_vector.
 * 'b' is the 'thermal conductance' matrix. i.e, b * temp = power
 *  => temp = invb * power. instead of computing invb, we have
 * stored the LUP decomposition of B in 'lu' and 'p'. Using
 * forward and backward substitution, we can then solve the
 * equation b * temp = power.
void steady_state_temp_block(block_model_t *model, double *power, double *temp)
    int i;
    //printf("I am right!");
	if (!model->r_ready)
		fatal("R model not ready\n");

	/* set power numbers for the virtual nodes */
	set_internal_power_block(model, power);

	 * find temperatures (spd flag is set to 1 by the same argument
	 * as mentioned in the populate_R_model_block function)
       // printf("%.4f ",power[i]);
	lusolve(model->lu, model->n_nodes, model->p, power, temp, 1);
      //  printf("%.4f ",temp[i]);
/* INV = M^-1, INV, M are n by n matrices */
void matinv(double **INV, double **M, int n)
	int *p, i, j;
	double *col, *x;

	p = ivector(n);
	col = vector(n);
	x = vector(n);
	lupdcmp(M, n, p);

	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) col[i]=0.0;
		col[j] = 1.0;
		lusolve(M, n, p, col, x);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) INV[i][j]=x[i];

* determine inverse of a *
* binary matrix          *
void inversematrix(int *matrix, int *inversematrix, int dimension)
   int row, col, k;

   int *rhs, *roworder;

   /* allocate memory */
   rhs = (int *)allocate(dimension * sizeof(int));
   roworder = (int *)allocate(dimension * sizeof(int));

   /* determine lu decomposition of matrix */
   for (row = 0; row < dimension; row++)
      roworder[row] = row;
   ludecomposition(matrix, roworder, dimension);

   for (col = 0; col < dimension; col++)
      /* clear field */
      for (k = 0; k < dimension; k++)
         rhs[k] = 0;
      rhs[col] = 1;

      lusolve(matrix, rhs, roworder, dimension);

      for (k = 0; k < dimension; k++)
         *(inversematrix + k * dimension + col) = rhs[k];


   /* free space */
文件: poisson1D.c 项目: akva2/tma4280
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int i, j, N, flag;
  Matrix A=NULL, Q=NULL;
  Vector b, grid, e, lambda=NULL;
  double time, sum, h, tol=1e-4;

  if (argc < 3) {
    printf("need two parameters, N and flag [and tolerance]\n");
    printf(" - N is the problem size (in each direction\n");
    printf(" - flag = 1  -> Dense LU\n");
    printf(" - flag = 2  -> Dense Cholesky\n");
    printf(" - flag = 3  -> Full Gauss-Jacobi iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 4  -> Full Gauss-Jacobi iterations using BLAS\n");
    printf(" - flag = 5  -> Full Gauss-Seidel iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 6  -> Full Gauss-Seidel iterations using BLAS\n");
    printf(" - flag = 7  -> Full CG iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 8  -> Matrix-less Gauss-Jacobi iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 9  -> Matrix-less Gauss-Seidel iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 10 -> Matrix-less Red-Black Gauss-Seidel iterations\n");
    printf(" - flag = 11 -> Diagonalization\n");
    printf(" - flag = 12 -> Diagonalization - FST\n");
    printf(" - flag = 13 -> Matrix-less CG iterations\n");
    return 1;
  if (argc > 3)
    tol = atof(argv[3]);
  if (N < 0) {
    printf("invalid problem size given\n");
    return 2;

  if (flag < 0 || flag > 13) {
    printf("invalid flag given\n");
    return 3;

  if (flag == 10 && (N-1)%2 != 0) {
    printf("need an even size for red-black iterations\n");
    return 4;
  if (flag == 12 && (N & (N-1)) != 0) {
    printf("need a power-of-two for fst-based diagonalization\n");
    return 5;

  h = 1.0/N;

  grid = equidistantMesh(0.0, 1.0, N);
  b = createVector(N-1);
  e = createVector(N-1);
  evalMeshInternal(b, grid, source);
  evalMeshInternal(e, grid, exact);
  scaleVector(b, pow(h, 2));
  axpy(b, e, alpha);

  if (flag < 8) {
    A = createMatrix(N-1,N-1);
    diag(A, -1, -1.0);
    diag(A, 0, 2.0+alpha);
    diag(A, 1, -1.0);

  if (flag >= 11 && flag < 13)
    lambda = generateEigenValuesP1D(N-1);
  if (flag == 11)
    Q = generateEigenMatrixP1D(N-1);

  time = WallTime();

  if (flag == 1) {
    int* ipiv=NULL;
    lusolve(A, b, &ipiv);
  } else if (flag == 2)
  else if (flag == 3)
    printf("Gauss-Jacobi used %i iterations\n",
           GaussJacobi(A, b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 4)
    printf("Gauss-Jacobi used %i iterations\n",
           GaussJacobiBlas(A, b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 5)
    printf("Gauss-Seidel used %i iterations\n",
           GaussSeidel(A, b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 6)
    printf("Gauss-Seidel used %i iterations\n",
           GaussSeidelBlas(A, b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 7)
    printf("CG used %i iterations\n", cg(A, b, 1e-8));
  else if (flag == 8)
    printf("Gauss-Jacobi used %i iterations\n",
           GaussJacobiPoisson1D(b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 9)
    printf("Gauss-Jacobi used %i iterations\n",
           GaussSeidelPoisson1D(b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 10)
    printf("Gauss-Jacobi used %i iterations\n",
           GaussSeidelPoisson1Drb(b, tol, 10000000));
  else if (flag == 11)
  else if (flag == 12)
  else if (flag == 13)
    printf("CG used %i iterations\n", cgMatrixFree(Poisson1D, b, tol));

  printf("elapsed: %f\n", WallTime()-time);

  evalMeshInternal(e, grid, exact);

  printf("max error: %e\n", maxNorm(b));
  if (A)
  if (Q)
  if (lambda)
  return 0;
/* Apply the method developed by Matthew Brown (see BMVC 02 paper) to
   fit a 3D quadratic function through the DOG function values around
   the location (s,r,c), i.e., (scale,row,col), at which a peak has
   been detected.  Return the interpolated peak position as a vector
   in "offset", which gives offset from position (s,r,c).  The
   returned value is the interpolated DOG magnitude at this peak.
float FitQuadratic(float offset[3], flimage* dogs, int s, int r, int c)
	float g[3];
	flimage *dog0, *dog1, *dog2;
	int i;

	//s = 1; r = 128; c = 128;

	float ** H =  allocate_float_matrix(3, 3);

	/* Select the dog images at peak scale, dog1, as well as the scale
	   below, dog0, and scale above, dog2. */
	dog0 = &dogs[s-1];
	dog1 = &dogs[s];
	dog2 = &dogs[s+1];

	/* Fill in the values of the gradient from pixel differences. */
	g[0] = ((*dog2)(c,r) - (*dog0)(c,r)) / 2.0;
	g[1] = ((*dog1)(c,r+1) - (*dog1)(c,r-1)) / 2.0;
	g[2] = ((*dog1)(c+1,r) - (*dog1)(c-1,r)) / 2.0;

	/* Fill in the values of the Hessian from pixel differences. */
	H[0][0] = (*dog0)(c,r)   - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog2)(c,r);
	H[1][1] = (*dog1)(c,r-1) - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog1)(c,r+1);
	H[2][2] = (*dog1)(c-1,r) - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog1)(c+1,r);
	H[0][1] = H[1][0] = ( ((*dog2)(c,r+1) - (*dog2)(c,r-1)) -
					((*dog0)(c,r+1) - (*dog0)(c,r-1)) ) / 4.0;
	H[0][2] = H[2][0] = ( ((*dog2)(c+1,r) - (*dog2)(c-1,r)) -
					((*dog0)(c+1,r) - (*dog0)(c-1,r)) ) / 4.0;
	H[1][2] = H[2][1] = ( ((*dog1)(c+1,r+1) - (*dog1)(c-1,r+1)) -
					((*dog1)(c+1,r-1) - (*dog1)(c-1,r-1)) ) / 4.0;

	/* Solve the 3x3 linear sytem, Hx = -g. Result, x, gives peak offset.
	   Note that SolveLinearSystem destroys contents of H. */
	offset[0] = - g[0];
	offset[1] = - g[1];
	offset[2] = - g[2];

// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
// 		for(j=0; j < 3; j++) printf("%f  ", H[i][j]);
// 		printf("\n");
// 	}

// 	printf("\n");
// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("%f  ", offset[i]);
// 	printf("\n");

	float solution[3];
	lusolve(H, solution, offset,3);

// 	printf("\n");
// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("%f  ", solution[i]);
// 	printf("\n");

	delete[] H; /*memcheck*/

	/* Also return value of DOG at peak location using initial value plus
	   0.5 times linear interpolation with gradient to peak position
	   (this is correct for a quadratic approximation).
	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) offset[i] = solution[i];

	return ((*dog1)(c,r) + 0.5 * (solution[0]*g[0]+solution[1]*g[1]+solution[2]*g[2]));
double regression(int Nind, int Nmark, cvector cofactor, MQMMarkerMatrix marker, vector y,
                  vector *weight, ivector ind, int Naug, double *variance,
                  vector Fy, bool biasadj, bool fitQTL, bool dominance, bool verbose) {
  debug_trace("regression IN\n");
  cofactor[j] at locus j:
  MNOCOF: no cofactor at locus j
  MCOF: cofactor at locus j
  MSEX: QTL at locus j, but QTL effect is not included in the model
  MQTL: QTL at locu j and QTL effect is included in the model

  //Calculate the dimensions of the designMatrix
  int dimx=designmatrixdimensions(cofactor,Nmark,dominance);
  int j, jj;
  const int dimx_alloc = dimx+2;
  //Allocate structures
  matrix  XtWX = newmatrix(dimx_alloc, dimx_alloc);
  cmatrix Xt   = newcmatrix(dimx_alloc, Naug);
  vector  XtWY = newvector(dimx_alloc);
  //Reset dimension designmatrix
  dimx = 1;
  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++){
    if ((cofactor[j]==MCOF)||(cofactor[j]==MQTL)) dimx+= (dominance ? 2 : 1);
  cvector xtQTL = newcvector(dimx);
  int jx=0;
  for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) Xt[jx][i]= MH;
  xtQTL[jx]= MNOCOF;

  for (j=0; j<Nmark; j++)
    if (cofactor[j]==MCOF) { // cofactor (not a QTL moving along the chromosome)
      xtQTL[jx]= MCOF;
      if (dominance) {
        for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++)
          if (marker[j][i]==MH) {
            Xt[jx][i]=48;  //ASCII code 47, 48 en 49 voor -1, 0, 1;
          } else if (marker[j][i]==MAA) {
            Xt[jx][i]=47;  // '/' stands for -1
          } else {
        xtQTL[jx]= MCOF;
      } else {
        for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
          if (marker[j][i]==MH) {
            Xt[jx][i]=48;  //ASCII code 47, 48 en 49 voor -1, 0, 1;
          } else if (marker[j][i]==MAA) {
            Xt[jx][i]=47;  // '/' stands for -1
          } else                        {
    } else if (cofactor[j]==MQTL) { // QTL
      xtQTL[jx]= MSEX;
      if (dominance) {
        xtQTL[jx]= MQTL;

  //Rprintf("calculate xtwx and xtwy\n");
  /* calculate xtwx and xtwy */
  double xtwj, yi, wi, calc_i;
  for (j=0; j<dimx; j++) {
    XtWY[j]= 0.0;
    for (jj=0; jj<dimx; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]= 0.0;
  if (!fitQTL){
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      yi= y[i];
      wi= (*weight)[i];
      //in the original version when we enable Dominance , we crash around here
      for (j=0; j<dimx; j++) {
        xtwj= ((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*wi;
        XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
        for (jj=0; jj<=j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
  }else{ // QTL is moving along the chromosomes
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      wi= (*weight)[i]+ (*weight)[i+Naug]+ (*weight)[i+2*Naug];
      yi= y[i];
      //Changed <= to < to prevent chrashes, this could make calculations a tad different then before
      for (j=0; j<dimx; j++){
        if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
          xtwj= ((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*wi;
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<=j; jj++)
            if (xtQTL[jj]<=MCOF) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
            else if (xtQTL[jj]==MSEX) // QTL: additive effect if QTL=MCOF or MSEX
            {  // QTL==MAA
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i]*(47.0-48.0);
              // QTL==MBB
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i+2*Naug]*(49.0-48.0);
            } else // (xtQTL[jj]==MNOTAA)  QTL: dominance effect only if QTL=MCOF
            {  // QTL==MH
              XtWX[j][jj]+= ((double)(Xt[j][i]-48.0))*(*weight)[i+Naug]*(49.0-48.0);
        } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) { // QTL: additive effect if QTL=MCOF or MSEX
          xtwj= -1.0*(*weight)[i]; // QTL==MAA
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*-1.0;
          xtwj= 1.0*(*weight)[i+2*Naug]; // QTL==MBB
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          for (jj=0; jj<j; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*1.0;
        } else { // (xtQTL[j]==MQTL) QTL: dominance effect only if QTL=MCOF
          xtwj= 1.0*(*weight)[i+Naug]; // QTL==MCOF
          XtWY[j]+= xtwj*yi;
          // j-1 is for additive effect, which is orthogonal to dominance effect
          for (jj=0; jj<j-1; jj++) XtWX[j][jj]+= xtwj*((double)Xt[jj][i]-48.0);
          XtWX[j][j]+= xtwj*1.0;
  for (j=0; j<dimx; j++){
    for (jj=j+1; jj<dimx; jj++){
      XtWX[j][jj]= XtWX[jj][j];

  int d;
  ivector indx= newivector(dimx);
  /* solve equations */
  ludcmp(XtWX, dimx, indx, &d);
  lusolve(XtWX, dimx, indx, XtWY);

  double* indL = (double *)R_alloc(Nind, sizeof(double));
  int newNaug       = ((!fitQTL) ? Naug : 3*Naug);
  vector fit        = newvector(newNaug);
  vector resi       = newvector(newNaug);
  debug_trace("Calculate residuals\n");
  if (*variance<0) {
    *variance= 0.0;
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        *variance += (*weight)[i]*pow(resi[i], 2.0);
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        fit[i+Naug]= 0.0;
        fit[i+2*Naug]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
          if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
            calc_i =((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*XtWY[j];
            fit[i]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+Naug]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+2*Naug]+= calc_i;
          } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) {
          } else
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        resi[i+Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+Naug];
        resi[i+2*Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+2*Naug];
        *variance +=(*weight)[i]*pow(resi[i], 2.0);
        *variance +=(*weight)[i+Naug]*pow(resi[i+Naug], 2.0);
        *variance +=(*weight)[i+2*Naug]*pow(resi[i+2*Naug], 2.0);
    *variance/= (!biasadj ? Nind : Nind-dimx); // to compare results with Johan; variance/=Nind;
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) Fy[i]= Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        Fy[i]       = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
        Fy[i+Naug]  = Lnormal(resi[i+Naug], *variance);
        Fy[i+2*Naug]= Lnormal(resi[i+2*Naug], *variance);
  } else {
    if (!fitQTL)
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        Fy[i]  = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance); // ????
      for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
        fit[i]= 0.0;
        fit[i+Naug]= 0.0;
        fit[i+2*Naug]= 0.0;
        for (j=0; j<dimx; j++)
          if (xtQTL[j]<=MCOF) {
            calc_i =((double)Xt[j][i]-48.0)*XtWY[j];
            fit[i]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+Naug]+= calc_i;
            fit[i+2*Naug]+= calc_i;
          } else if (xtQTL[j]==MSEX) {
          } else
        resi[i]= y[i]-fit[i];
        resi[i+Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+Naug];
        resi[i+2*Naug]= y[i]-fit[i+2*Naug];
        Fy[i]       = Lnormal(resi[i], *variance);
        Fy[i+Naug]  = Lnormal(resi[i+Naug], *variance);
        Fy[i+2*Naug]= Lnormal(resi[i+2*Naug], *variance);
  /* calculation of logL */
  debug_trace("calculate logL\n");
  double logL=0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++) {
    indL[i]= 0.0;
  if (!fitQTL) {
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i]*Fy[i];
  } else {
    for (int i=0; i<Naug; i++) {
      indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i]*       Fy[i];
      indL[ind[i]]+=(*weight)[i+Naug]*  Fy[i+Naug];
  for (int i=0; i<Nind; i++) { //Sum up log likelihoods for each individual
    logL+= log(indL[i]);
  return (double)logL;