int16_t main(void) { initRobotBase(); powerON(); setLEDs(0b111111); mSleep(1000); setLEDs(0b000000); mSleep(500); uint8_t runningLight = 1; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++){ for (uint8_t j = 0; j< 3;j++) destination[j] = destinationarray[i][j]; //mainloopOpen(); mainloopClosed(); fancyled(&runningLight); /*for (uint8_t j = 0; j< 3;j++) source[j] = destination[j];*/ mSleep(2000); } task_RP6System(); while(true) { fancyled(&runningLight); if (motioncomplete == 0) moveAtSpeed(0,0); mSleep(200); task_RP6System(); } return 0; }
int main(void) { initRobotBase(); setLEDs(0b111111); mSleep(1500); setLEDs(0b000000); // Set Bumpers state changed event handler: BUMPERS_setStateChangedHandler(bumpersStateChanged); powerON(); // Turn Encoders, Motor Current Sensors // ATTENTION: Automatic Motor control will not work without this! /* RP6 SAGAN GENERATED COMMANDS START */ /*{SAGAN1_COMMANDS_HERE}*/ /* RP6 SAGAN GENERATED COMMANDS STOP */ stop(); moveAtSpeed(0, 0); BUMPERS_setStateChangedHandler(BUMPERS_stateChanged_empty); setLEDs(0b000000); while (true) { statusLEDs.LED2 = !statusLEDs.LED2; // Toggle LED bit in LED shadow register... statusLEDs.LED5 = !statusLEDs.LED5; updateStatusLEDs(); mSleep(500); task_RP6System(); } return 0; }
int main(void) { initRP6M256(); initLCD(); writeString_P_WIFI("\n\nRP6 CONTROL M256 I2C Master Example Program!\n"); // IMPORTANT: I2CTWI_initMaster(100); // Initialize the TWI Module for Master operation // with 100kHz SCL Frequency // Register the event handlers: I2CTWI_setTransmissionErrorHandler(I2C_transmissionError); setLEDs(0b1111); // Turn all LEDs on! showScreenLCD("################", "################"); mSleep(500); showScreenLCD("I2C-Master", "Example Program 1"); mSleep(1000); // --------------------------------------- setLEDs(0b0000); // All LEDs off! uint8_t counter = 1; // The command and register used here - in the next example we define them all. #define CMD_SET_ACS_POWER 9 #define ACS_PWR_MED 2 // Set ACS to medium power (you can see the ACS value changes in the raw registers): I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_ACS_POWER, ACS_PWR_MED); while(true) { // Increment a counter and send value to LEDs of the // Slave Controller: setLEDs(0b0001); showScreenLCD("INCREMENT", "COUNTER"); setCursorPosLCD(1, 11); writeIntegerLengthLCD(counter, DEC, 3); I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 3, counter); counter++; // Read and display ALL registers of the slave controller: setLEDs(0b0010); readAllRegisters(); // Read the light sensors: setLEDs(0b0100); readLightSensors(); mSleep(250); } return 0; }
// functions void ir_sendBaseStation(void) { if(lees<schrijf){ I2CTWI_transmitByte(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 27); transmit_buffer[0]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees); transmit_buffer[1]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+1); transmit_buffer[2]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+2); transmit_buffer[3]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+3); mSleep(10); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 1, 9); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[0]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[1]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[2]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[3]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); lees = (lees + 8); }else if(lees == schrijf){ I2CTWI_transmitByte(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 27); transmit_buffer[0]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees); transmit_buffer[1]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+1); transmit_buffer[2]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+2); transmit_buffer[3]= SPI_EEPROM_readByte(lees+3); mSleep(10); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 1, 9); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[0]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[1]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[2]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, transmit_buffer[3]); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); mSleep(2000); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 2, 50); I2CTWI_transmit2Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, 10); lees = (lees + 8); } }
int main(void) { initRP6M256(); initLCD(); writeString_P_WIFI("\n\nRP6 CONTROL M32 I2C Master Example Program!\n"); writeString_P_WIFI("\nMoving...\n"); // --------------------------------------- WDT_setRequestHandler(watchDogRequest); // --------------------------------------- // Init TWI Interface: I2CTWI_initMaster(100); I2CTWI_setRequestedDataReadyHandler(I2C_requestedDataReady); I2CTWI_setTransmissionErrorHandler(I2C_transmissionError); setLEDs(0b1111); showScreenLCD("################", "################"); mSleep(1000); showScreenLCD("I2C-Master", "Movement..."); mSleep(1000); setLEDs(0b0000); // --------------------------------------- I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_ACS_POWER, ACS_PWR_MED); I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_WDT, true); I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_WDT_RQ, true); while(true) { setLEDs(0b1001); showScreenLCD("MOVE", "FWD"); writeString_P_WIFI("\nMoving Forwards...\n"); move(70, FWD, DIST_MM(300), BLOCKING); setLEDs(0b1000); showScreenLCD("ROTATE", "LEFT"); writeString_P_WIFI("\nRotating Left...\n"); rotate(60, LEFT, 180, BLOCKING); setLEDs(0b1001); showScreenLCD("MOVE", "FWD"); writeString_P_WIFI("\nMoving Forwards...\n"); move(70, FWD, DIST_MM(300), BLOCKING); setLEDs(0b0001); showScreenLCD("ROTATE", "RIGHT"); writeString_P_WIFI("\nRotating Right...\n"); rotate(60, RIGHT, 180, BLOCKING); } return 0; }
int main(void) { initRobotBase(); setLEDs(0b111111); mSleep(500); setLEDs(0b000000); writeString_P("\nJust a simple counter program\n\n"); uint16_t counter = 0; while(true) { timer = 0; if(counter < 100) { writeString_P("Counter: "); writeInteger(counter, BIN); writeString_P("(BIN) | "); writeInteger(counter, OCT); writeString_P("(OCT) | "); writeInteger(counter, DEC); writeString_P("(DEC) | "); writeInteger(counter, HEX); writeString_P("(HEX) "); } else { writeString_P("Counter L: "); writeIntegerLength(counter, BIN, 16); writeString_P("(BIN) | "); writeIntegerLength(counter, OCT, 6); writeString_P("(OCT) | "); writeIntegerLength(counter, DEC, 6); writeString_P("(DEC) | "); writeIntegerLength(counter, HEX, 4); writeString_P("(HEX) "); } writeChar(' '); writeInteger(timer,DEC); writeString(" *100us"); writeChar('\n'); counter++; mSleep(100); } return 0; }
void testLPABallon( void ) { initLCD(); // Initialize the LC-Display (LCD) showScreenLCD("################", "################"); mSleep(500); showScreenLCD("Tst LPA BallonLIB", "versie 29jun15"); mSleep(500); // --------------------------------------- setLEDs(0b0000); // All LEDs off! // This text is fixed on the LCD. Only the // key and ADC values are changed later on! showScreenLCD("hoogte: ", "VS: BS:"); while(true) { // read some simulations parameter values and display them on teh LCD showSimParams(); // Check if a key is pressed: uint8_t key = getPressedKeyNumber(); // This function returns a 0 if no key is pressed and the key number from 1 to 5 otherwise. if(key) // If a key is pressed... (key != 0) { // ... and depending on which key was pressed, we // call some library functions related to the burner and the valve. switch(key) { case 1: Balloon_set_burner(ON); break; case 2: Balloon_set_burner(OFF); break; case 3: Balloon_set_valve(OPEN); break; case 4: Balloon_set_valve(CLOSED); break; case 5: break; } // ... wait until the key is released again... while(getPressedKeyNumber()) { showSimParams(); // use busy waiting for polling keys } } } }
void mainloopOpen() { motioncomplete=1; while(motioncomplete == 1) { double delta_x=0.0, delta_y=0.0,pho=0.0; //Odometry(); //should comment for open loop controller delta_x = destination[0] - source[0]; delta_y = destination[1] - source[1]; pho = sqrt(pow(delta_x,2)+pow(delta_y,2)); double alpha = atan2(delta_y,delta_x); if (abs(alpha*100) > 0){ alpha = (alpha*180)/M_PI; //alpha = (alpha < 0 ? -(alpha +180):alpha); } /*writeIntegerLength((int16_t)delta_y, DEC,16); writeString("\n"); writeIntegerLength((int16_t)delta_x, DEC,16); writeString("\n"); writeIntegerLength((int16_t)alpha, DEC,16); writeString("\n");*/ task_RP6System(); /*REPLACE THIS CONTROLLER*/ OpenLoopController((int16_t)alpha,pho,0); //SiegwartController(alpha,pho,0); task_RP6System(); //motioncomplete=0; //debug ... do not forget to remove :-) mSleep(200); } }
void mainloopClosed() { motioncomplete = 1; while(motioncomplete == 1){ double delta_x=0.0, delta_y=0.0,pho=0.0; Odometry(); delta_x = destination[0] - source[0]; delta_y = destination[1] - source[1]; pho = sqrt(pow(delta_x,2)+pow(delta_y,2)); double alpha = atan2(delta_y,delta_x); /*if (abs(alpha*100) > 0){ alpha = (alpha*180)/M_PI; }*/ task_RP6System(); SiegwartController(alpha,pho,0); task_RP6System(); task_motionControl(); mSleep(200); } }
int main() { HGPSOEMGR hGPSoEMgr = INVALID_HGPSOEMGR_VALUE; double utc = 0; double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; int i = 0; INIT_DEBUG; InitGPSoEMgr(&hGPSoEMgr, (char*)SZDEV, 100, DATA_POLLING_MODE_GPSOE, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (GetDataGPSoEMgr(hGPSoEMgr, &utc, &latitude, &longitude) == EXIT_SUCCESS) { printf("UTC : %f, Latitude : %f, Longitude : %f\n", utc, latitude, longitude); } mSleep(200); } ReleaseGPSoEMgr(&hGPSoEMgr); printf("Press ENTER to continue . . .");(void)getchar(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { initRobotBase(); // Always call this first! // The Processor will not work correctly otherwise. // Write a text message to the UART: writeString_P("\nCounting and Receiving\n"); // Define a counting variable: uint16_t counter = 0; // clear the UART buffer once at the start of the program clearReceptionBuffer(); while(true) { // example of sending some data over UART counter++; SendDataOverUART(counter); //example of receiving some data over UART ShowDataReceivedOverUART(); mSleep(100); // delay 100ms = 0.1s } return 0; }
int main(void) { int i = 0; int timer; //Init Robotarm initRobotBase(); //Init Display vInitDisplay(); //Set Robotarm powerLED on green PowerLEDorange(); while(1){ //Write value 'i' to display ucShowPositiveDecimalValueInDisplay(i); //Wait 10 times 10 ms = 1 sec for(timer=0; timer<10; timer++){ mSleep(100); } //increment value 'i' with 1 i++; } }
int main(void) { initRobotBase(); // Always call this first! The Processor will not work // correctly otherwise. mSleep(1000); // delay 1s speed = 0; //Speed for servo from '0'(fast) - '10'(slow) writeString_P("\n Key Board Control \n\n"); Start_position(); //Use this function to set the servomotor in the centre. //This function must be called before using Power_Servos(); Power_Servos(); //Use this function to power the servo motors on //When you want to power off the servos, you need to call function Power_Off_Servos(); // --------------------------------------- // Main loop: while(true) { Event(scan_keyboard()); // End of main loop! // --------------------------------------- } return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI ConnectThrProc(LPVOID lpParam) { #else void* ConnectThrProc(void* lpParam) { #endif int EndThread = 0; CLITCP* pCLITCP = (CLITCP*)lpParam; int connected = 0; do { memcpy_ts(&connected, &pCLITCP->connected, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSconnected); // Thread-safe copy if (connected != 1) { // The client is not connected to the server, trying to connect or reconnect StopTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, &pCLITCP->addrinf); if ( (InitTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, pCLITCP->address, pCLITCP->port, &pCLITCP->addrinf) == EXIT_SUCCESS)&& // (SetSockOptTCP(pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, 1, 10000) == EXIT_SUCCESS)&& // Setting timeouts on the client socket (ConnectTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, &pCLITCP->addrinf) == EXIT_SUCCESS)//&& // (SetSockOptTCP(pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, 1, 10000) == EXIT_SUCCESS) // Setting timeouts on the client socket ) { fprintf(stdout, "Connection successful\n"); connected = 1; memcpy_ts(&pCLITCP->connected, &connected, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSconnected); // Thread-safe copy } else fprintf(stdout, "Unable to connect\n"); } mSleep(1000); memcpy_ts(&EndThread, &pCLITCP->EndThread, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSEndThread); // Thread-safe copy } while(!EndThread); return 0; }
void ir_sendSituation(direction dir, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { // hal_hasWallLeft() hal_hasWallRight() hal_hasWallFront() receive_buffer[0] = x; receive_buffer[1] = y+16; // direction if (dir == NORTH){ receive_buffer[2] = 32; } else if (dir == EAST) { receive_buffer[2] = 33; } else if (dir == SOUTH) { receive_buffer[2] = 34; } else if (dir == WEST) { receive_buffer[2] = 35; } // pro-tip: het maakt geen zak uit hoe veel lijnen een programma is // wall receive_buffer[3] = 40 + (hal_hasWallLeft() << 2) + (hal_hasWallFront() << 1) + hal_hasWallRight(); #if 0 L F R 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 5 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 7 #endif SPI_EEPROM_writeByte(schrijf,receive_buffer[0]); mSleep(10); SPI_EEPROM_writeByte(schrijf+1,receive_buffer[1]); mSleep(10); SPI_EEPROM_writeByte(schrijf+2,receive_buffer[2]); mSleep(10); SPI_EEPROM_writeByte(schrijf+3,receive_buffer[3]); mSleep(10); schrijf = (schrijf + 8); }
void Leds_Beeper (void) { changeBeepsound(150); setBeepsound(); PowerLEDred(); mSleep(500); changeBeepsound(200); PowerLEDgreen(); mSleep(500); changeBeepsound(255); PowerLEDorange(); mSleep(500); PowerLEDoff(); clearBeepsound(); }
/** * Here we react on any obstacle that we may hit. * If any of the bumpers detects an obstacle, we stop the motors and start * LED blink. */ void bumpersStateChanged(void) { if (bumper_left || bumper_right) { stop(); moveAtSpeed(0, 0); // stop moving! setLEDs(0b111111); updateStatusLEDs(); mSleep(500); while (true) { statusLEDs.LED2 = !statusLEDs.LED2; // Toggle LED bit in LED shadow register... statusLEDs.LED5 = !statusLEDs.LED5; updateStatusLEDs(); mSleep(500); task_RP6System(); } } }
void outputTextStuff(void) { uint8_t x,y; for(x = 0; x < 53; x++) { writeStringLength("1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",10,x); writeChar(' '); for(y = 0; y < x; y++) writeChar('#'); mSleep(200); writeChar('\n'); } }
/* * Initialize the pathfinder */ void pathfinder_init(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, direction currentDirection) { lastDirection = currentDirection; clearLCD(); setCursorPosLCD(0, 2); writeIntegerLCD(x, DEC); setCursorPosLCD(0, 5); writeIntegerLCD(y, DEC); mSleep(5000); // initialize root node root = malloc(sizeof(root)); root->count = nodeCount; root->x = x; root->y = y; root->north = NULL; root->west = NULL; root->south = NULL; root->east = NULL; // make the current node the root node current = root; // also, initialize the empty node empty = malloc(sizeof(empty)); empty->count = 255; empty->x = 255; empty->y = 255; empty->north = NULL; empty->west = NULL; empty->south = NULL; empty->east = NULL; // initialize the current node if (!hal_hasWallLeft()) { current->west = empty; } if (!hal_hasWallFront()) { current->north = empty; } if (!hal_hasWallRight()) { current->east = empty; } }
byte Message_Receive(void) { if (getBufferLength() < MS_DataBegin) { return 0; } if (readChar() != MS_CharA) { return 0; } if (readChar() != MS_CharB) { return 0; } Message_BeginWrite(); VarAction = readChar(); VarDataLength = readChar(); if (VarDataLength > MS_MaxDataLen) { VarDataLength = MS_MaxDataLen; } VarCorrChk = readChar(); if (getBufferLength() < VarDataLength) { //sleep 25 ms (well or less..) //delay(25); mSleep(25); if (getBufferLength() < VarDataLength) { VarIsCorrupt = true; return MS_DataBegin;//discart message because we are not receiving anything further } } for (int i = 0; i < VarDataLength; ++i) { VarBuffer[MS_DataBegin + i] = readChar(); } CurrCorrChk = CalculateCorruptionCheck(); VarIsCorrupt = VarCorrChk != CurrCorrChk; return MS_DataBegin + VarDataLength; }
int main(void) { initRP6M256(); initLCD(); // --------------------------------------- WDT_setRequestHandler(watchDogRequest); // --------------------------------------- I2CTWI_initMaster(100); I2CTWI_setRequestedDataReadyHandler(I2C_requestedDataReady); I2CTWI_setTransmissionErrorHandler(I2C_transmissionError); setLEDs(0b1111); mSleep(1000); setLEDs(0b0000); // --------------------------------------- // Setup ACS power: I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_ACS_POWER, ACS_PWR_OFF); // Enable Watchdog for Interrupt requests: I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_WDT, true); // Enable timed watchdog requests: I2CTWI_transmit3Bytes(I2C_RP6_BASE_ADR, 0, CMD_SET_WDT_RQ, true); startStopwatch1(); startStopwatch2(); startStopwatch3(); while(true) { /* mSleep(600); warnForObs(); mSleep(600); task_checkINT(); mSleep(600); light_detection(); mSleep(600); task_I2CTWI(); mSleep(600);*/ writeIntegerLength_WIFI(adcBat,DEC,4); behaviourController(); } return 0; }
int main(void) { initRobotBase(); setLEDs(0b111111); mSleep(2500); setLEDs(0b100100); BUMPERS_setStateChangedHandler(bumpersStateChanged); powerON(); while(true) { behaviourController(); task_RP6System(); } return 0; }
bool DkUtils::exists(const QFileInfo& file, int waitMs) { QFuture<bool> future = QtConcurrent::run(&DkUtils::checkFile, file); for (int idx = 0; idx < waitMs; idx++) { if (future.isFinished()) break; //qDebug() << "you are trying the new exists method... - you are modern!"; mSleep(1); } //future.cancel(); // assume file is not existing if it took longer than waitMs return (future.isFinished()) ? future : false; }
int BlsChildChannel::init() { // wait for master process running. mSleep(3); int ret = E_SUCCESS; m_socket = new MTcpSocket(this); if ((ret = m_socket->initSocket()) != E_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if ((ret = m_socket->connectToHost("", 1940)) != E_SUCCESS) { return ret; } log_trace("connected to master success."); return MThread::start(); }
/*********************************************************************************************************************** Function: TrashProc Description: Called By: Input: Output: Return: Others: ************************************************************************************************************************/ tProcType_t CTrash::TrashProc(tProcPara_t Param) { while (m_bInit) { while(m_ObjQ.empty()) { mSleep(3*1000); } for (list<CTrash*>::iterator it = m_ObjQ.begin(); it != m_ObjQ.end(); ) { if ((*it)->m_aLive == false && (*it)->m_NotALiveCnt++ > 10 ) { if((*it)->m_bDeletEd == true) { delete (*it); (*it) = NULL; } it = m_ObjQ.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } sleep(3); } return MW_SUCC; }
bool CRTSPStream::SendH264File(const char *pFileName) { if(pFileName == NULL) { return false; } FILE *fp = fopen(pFileName, "rb"); if(!fp) { printf("[RTSPStream] error:open file %s failed!",pFileName); } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[FILEBUFSIZE]; int pos = 0; while(1) { int readlen = fread(buffer+pos, FILEBUFSIZE-pos,1, fp); printf("readlen = %d\n", readlen); if(readlen<=0) { break; } readlen+=pos; int writelen = SendH264Data(buffer,readlen); if(writelen<=0) { break; } memcpy(buffer,buffer+writelen,readlen-writelen); pos = readlen-writelen; sleep(1); mSleep(25); } fclose(fp); delete[] buffer; return true; }
void loop(void) { static uint8_t ledstate = 1; uint16_t tmp = getMicrophonePeak(); clearLCD(); writeIntegerLengthLCD(tmp, DEC, 4); writeCharLCD(':'); writeIntegerLengthLCD((uint16_t)ledstate, DEC, 4); if (tmp > 512) { ledstate <<= 1; if (ledstate == 16) { ledstate = 1; } } setLEDs(ledstate); mSleep(100); }
DWORD WINAPI ConnectThrProc(LPVOID lpParam) { #else void* ConnectThrProc(void* lpParam) { #endif int EndThread = 0; CLITCP* pCLITCP = (CLITCP*)lpParam; int connected = 0; do { // Checks whether the client is currently connected or not memcpy_ts(&connected, &pCLITCP->connected, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSconnected); // Thread-safe copy if (connected != 1) { // The client is not connected to the server, trying to connect or reconnect ShutdownTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, SD_BOTH); DestroySocketTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, &pCLITCP->addrinf); if ( (CreateSocketTCP(&pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, pCLITCP->address, pCLITCP->port, &pCLITCP->addrinf) == EXIT_SUCCESS)&& (SetSockOptTCP(pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, 1, 10000) == EXIT_SUCCESS)&& // Setting timeouts on the client socket (ConnectTCP(pCLITCP->ConnectSocket, &pCLITCP->addrinf) == EXIT_SUCCESS) ) { connected = 1; memcpy_ts(&pCLITCP->connected, &connected, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSconnected); // Thread-safe copy fprintf(stdout, "Connection successful\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Unable to connect\n"); } } mSleep(1000); memcpy_ts(&EndThread, &pCLITCP->EndThread, sizeof(int), &pCLITCP->CSEndThread); // Thread-safe copy } while(!EndThread); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { init_genrand(getMS()); COUTHANDLE hOUT = ConsoleInit(); g.pTaskMan = new TaskMan(); g.keys = 0; g.pTaskMan->AddTask( new taskStage() ); ConsoleClear(hOUT); unsigned int dwNextTime = 0; while( (g.keys & KEY_ESCAPE) == false ) { g.onUpdate(); unsigned int dwTime; while( (dwTime=getMS()) < dwNextTime ) mSleep(1); dwNextTime = dwTime + 16; g.pTaskMan->onUpdate(hOUT); } delete g.pTaskMan; return 0; }
void signal(void) { int c; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { setLEDs(0b100000); mSleep(200); setLEDs(0b010000); mSleep(200); setLEDs(0b001000); mSleep(200); setLEDs(0b000100); mSleep(200); setLEDs(0b000010); mSleep(200); setLEDs(0b000001); mSleep(200); } setLEDs(0b000000); }