usbd_m_copy_in(struct usb_page_cache *cache, usb_frlength_t dst_offset,
    struct mbuf *m, usb_size_t src_offset, usb_frlength_t src_len)
	struct usb_m_copy_in_arg arg = {cache, dst_offset};
	(void) m_apply(m, src_offset, src_len, &usbd_m_copy_in_cb, &arg);
static uint32_t
cdce_m_crc32(struct mbuf *m, uint32_t src_offset, uint32_t src_len)
	uint32_t crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	int error;

	error = m_apply(m, src_offset, src_len, cdce_m_crc32_cb, &crc);
	return (crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF);
文件: criov.c 项目: coyizumi/cs111
crypto_apply(int flags, caddr_t buf, int off, int len,
    int (*f)(void *, void *, u_int), void *arg)
	int error;

	if ((flags & CRYPTO_F_IMBUF) != 0)
		error = m_apply((struct mbuf *)buf, off, len, f, arg);
	else if ((flags & CRYPTO_F_IOV) != 0)
		error = cuio_apply((struct uio *)buf, off, len, f, arg);
		error = (*f)(arg, buf + off, len);
	return (error);
static void
des1_checksum(const struct krb5_key_state *ks, int usage,
    struct mbuf *inout, size_t skip, size_t inlen, size_t outlen)
	char hash[16];
	MD5_CTX md5;

	 * This checksum is specifically for GSS-API. First take the
	 * MD5 checksum of the message, then calculate the CBC mode
	 * checksum of that MD5 checksum using a zero IV.
	m_apply(inout, skip, inlen, MD5Update_int, &md5);
	MD5Final(hash, &md5);

	des1_encrypt_1(ks, 0, hash, 0, 16, NULL, CRD_F_ENCRYPT);
	m_copyback(inout, skip + inlen, outlen, hash + 8);
ushort find_thresh(num* vhist, num lbound, num ubound, num no_iters) {
	ar("ohist", vhist, 256);
	num mu1_o = lbound, mu2_o = ubound;
	num prb1_o = 1.0/2.0, prb2_o = 1.0/2.0;
	num seg1_o = 10.0, seg2_o = 10.0;
	num dclass1[255];
	num dclass2[255];
	num x_image[255];
	num result[255];
	for (ushort it=0; it < 255; ++it) {
		x_image[it] = it;

	for (ushort it=0; it < 100; ++it) {
		for (ushort i=0; i < 255; ++i) {
			num pclass1, pclass2, psum, pc1s, pc2s;
			pclass1 = gauss(i, mu1_o, seg1_o);
			pclass2 = gauss(i, mu2_o, seg2_o);

			pc1s = prb1_o * pclass1;
			pc2s = prb2_o * pclass2;
			psum = pc1s + pc2s;

			if (psum == 0) {
				dclass1[i] = NUM_EPSILON;
				dclass2[i] = NUM_EPSILON;
			} else {
				dclass1[i] = vhist[i] * (pc1s / psum);
				dclass2[i] = vhist[i] * (pc2s / psum);

		num sum_dc1, sum_dc2;
		sum_dc1 = sum_of(dclass1, 255); 
		sum_dc2 = sum_of(dclass2, 255);

		prb1_o = sum_dc1 / 255;
		prb2_o = sum_dc2 / 255;
		mat_op(dclass1, x_image, 255, mul, result);
		mu1_o = sum_of(result, 255) / sum_dc1;
		mat_op(dclass2, x_image, 255, mul, result);
		mu2_o = sum_of(result, 255) / sum_dc2;
		mat_op(x_image, mu1_o, 255, sub, result);
		mat_op(result, 2, 255, pown, result);
		mat_op(result, dclass1, 255, mul, result);
		seg1_o = sum_of(result, 255) / sum_dc1;
		mat_op(x_image, mu2_o, 255, sub, result);
		mat_op(result, 2, 255, pown, result);
		mat_op(result, dclass1, 255, mul, result);
		seg2_o = sum_of(result, 255) / sum_dc2;
		prb1_o /= (prb1_o + prb2_o);
		prb2_o /= (prb1_o + prb2_o);

	prb1_o /= (prb1_o + prb2_o);
	prb2_o /= (prb1_o + prb2_o);
	num dgauss1[255];
	num dgauss2[255];
	num aconst, bconst;
	for (ushort k=0; k < 255; ++k) {
		aconst = 1 / sqrt(2 * PI * seg1_o);
		bconst = square(k - 1 - mu1_o) / (2 * seg1_o);
		dgauss1[k] = prb1_o * aconst * exp(-bconst);
		aconst = 1 / sqrt(2 * PI * seg2_o);
		bconst = square(k - 1 - mu2_o) / (2 * seg2_o);
		dgauss2[k] = prb2_o * aconst * exp(-bconst);
	num destimate[255];
	mat_op(dgauss1, dgauss2, 255, add, destimate);
	mat_op(destimate, sum_of(destimate, 255), 255, divn, destimate);
	num error[255];
	mat_op(vhist, destimate, 255, sub, error);

	ar("destimate", destimate, 255);
	ar("derror", error, 255);

	num sign_error[255];
	m_apply(error, sign, 255, sign_error);
	vector<num> positions(1, 0);
	for (short k=0; k < 254; ++k) {
		if (sign_error[k] != sign_error[k+1]) {
	vector<num> init_mu;	
	for (ushort k=0; k < positions.size() - 1; ++k) {
		if (positions[k + 1] - positions[k] > 1) {
			init_mu.push_back((positions[k + 1] + positions[k]) / 2.0);

	m_apply(error, abs, 255, result);
	num constant = sum_of(result, 255);
	num model[255];
	mat_op(result, constant, 255, divn, model);

	ar("absolute error model", model, 255);

	num num_gauss = init_mu.size();
	num** pdf = new num*[(ushort) num_gauss];
	for (ushort k=0; k < num_gauss; ++k) {
		pdf[k] = new num[255];
	ar("posn vec: ", positions, positions.size());
	ar("init_mu: pre gen_em", init_mu, (uint) num_gauss);
	general_em(model, init_mu, x_image, no_iters, num_gauss, pdf);
	ar("init_mu: post gen_em", init_mu, (uint) num_gauss);
	ushort t1 = lbound;
	while (dgauss1[t1] > dgauss2[t1]) {
	// result = const .* sign(error)
	mat_op(sign_error, constant, 255, mul, result);
	for (ushort k=0; k < 2 /* num_gauss */; ++k) {
		mat_op(result, pdf[k], 255, mul, error);
		if (init_mu[k] < (t1 + 10)) {	
			mat_op(dgauss1, error, 255, add, dgauss1);
		} else {
			mat_op(dgauss2, error, 255, add, dgauss2);
	m_apply(dgauss1, abs, 255, dgauss1);
	m_apply(dgauss2, abs, 255, dgauss2);
	t1 = lbound;
	while (dgauss1[t1] > dgauss2[t1]) {

	del_num_table(pdf, (uint) num_gauss);
	return t1;
int main ()
  ways = _tmp[0];
  nways = _tmp[1];

  freopen ("restore.in", "rt", stdin);
  freopen ("restore.out", "wt", stdout);

  scanf ("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &p);
  memset (ve, 0, sizeof ve);
  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    int a, b;
    scanf ("%d %d", &a, &b);
    add_edge (a - 1, b - 1);
  scanf ("%d %d", &S, &t);
  for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
    scanf ("%d %d", &A[i], &B[i]);

  _bfs::bfs (S);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if (bi[i] == A[0])
      nways[i] = 1;
      nways[i] = 0;
  _swap ();
  int cur = (B[0] ? 0 : 1);
  matrix m;
  while (cur < t)
    m_build (m, A[cur]);
    m_pow (m, B[cur]);
    m_apply (m);
/*    if (B[cur] <= 32)
      for (int i = 0; i < B[cur]; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
          if (ways[j])
            for (edge* e = ve[j]; e; e = e->next)
              if (bi[e->b] == A[cur])
                nways[e->b] = (nways [e->b] + ways[j]) % p;
        _swap ();
      for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
          if (ways[j])
            for (edge* e = ve[j]; e; e = e->next)
              if (bi[e->b] == A[cur])
                nways[e->b] = (nways [e->b] + ways[j]) % p;
        _swap ();
      B[cur] -= 32;
      _cmp::compute (B[cur]);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        nways[i] = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
          nways[j] = (nways[j] + ways[i] * xways[i][j]) % p;

  __int64 sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sum = (sum + ways[i]) % p;
  printf ("%I64d", sum);

  return 0;
static void process_region(img** volume, img** orig, ushort thresh,
	vector<ushort>& rar, vector<ushort>& car, vector<ushort>& zar)
	static num dmap[6][512][512];	
	// if the region is too small...
	if (rar.size() < 600) {
		cout << "--> deleted an unlikely region (size: " << rar.size() << ")\n";
	// if the region spans too many slices vertically...
	int region_zmin = *min_element(zar.begin(), zar.end());
	if (*max_element(zar.begin(), zar.end()) - region_zmin > 5) {
		dp("--> deleted an unlikely region (z-interval > 5)");
	// find the boundary of the region
	vector<ushort> edge_rar, edge_car, edge_zar;
	for (ushort i=0; i < zar.size(); ++i) {
		for (ushort q=zar[i]-1; q < zar[i]+2; ++q) {
			for (ushort k=rar[i]-1; k < rar[i]+2; ++k) {
				for (ushort j=car[i]-1; j < car[i]+2; ++j) {
					if (volume[q]->pix[k][j] == white) {
						volume[zar[i]]->pix[rar[i]][car[i]] = 0;
				if (volume[zar[i]]->pix[rar[i]][car[i]] == 0) {
			if (volume[zar[i]]->pix[rar[i]][car[i]] == 0) {
	ar("--> region-boundary z-vec", edge_zar, edge_zar.size()); 
	// create a distance map
	uint blen = edge_rar.size();
	num *erar, *ecar, *ezar, *dvec, *tmp;
	try {
		erar = new num[blen];
		ecar = new num[blen];
		ezar = new num[blen];
		dvec = new num[blen];
		tmp = new num[blen];
	} catch (bad_alloc& err) {
		dp("Fatal memory allocation error; results may be unreliable!");
	for (uint i=0; i < blen; ++i) {
		// copy the boundary voxels into num-arrays to make things simple
		erar[i] = (num) edge_rar[i];
		ecar[i] = (num) edge_car[i];
		ezar[i] = (num) edge_zar[i];
	// find the minimum distance from the boundary for each point
	for (uint i=0; i < zar.size(); ++i) {
		mat_op(erar, (num) rar[i], blen, sub, tmp);
		mat_op(tmp, dx, blen, mul, tmp);
		m_apply(tmp, square, blen, dvec);

		mat_op(ecar, (num) car[i], blen, sub, tmp);
		mat_op(tmp, dy, blen, mul, tmp);
		m_apply(tmp, square, blen, tmp);
		mat_op(tmp, dvec, blen, add, dvec);
		mat_op(ezar, (num) zar[i], blen, sub, tmp);
		mat_op(tmp, dz, blen, mul, tmp);
		m_apply(tmp, square, blen, tmp);
		mat_op(tmp, dvec, blen, add, dvec);
		m_apply(dvec, sqrt, blen, dvec);
		// store the distance into the distance map
		dmap[zar[i] - region_zmin][rar[i]][car[i]] = *min_element(dvec, dvec+blen);
	// find the 'centroid' of the region
	num cen_max = 0;
	ushort cenz=0, cenx=0, ceny=0;
	for (ushort i=0; i < zar.size(); ++i) {
		num cur_val = dmap[zar[i] - region_zmin][rar[i]][car[i]];
		if (cur_val > cen_max) {
			cen_max = cur_val;
			cenz = zar[i] - region_zmin;
			cenx = rar[i];
			ceny = car[i];
	cout << "--> region centroid: [" << cenx << ", " << ceny << ", " << region_zmin + cenz << "]\n"; 
	// find the variance of the distance from the boundary to the centroid
	for (ushort i=0; i < blen; ++i) {
		tmp[i] = sqrt(square((erar[i] - cenx) * dx)
					+ square((ecar[i] - ceny) * dy)
					+ square((ezar[i] - cenz) * dz));
	num edge_u = sum_of(tmp, blen) / blen;
	mat_op(tmp, edge_u, blen, sub, tmp);
	m_apply(tmp, square, blen, tmp);
	num stddev = sqrt(sum_of(tmp, blen) / blen);
	cout << "--> (stddev, mean) distance from centroid: (" << stddev << ", " << edge_u << ")\n";
	/* My thinking is that 85% or more of the distances should lie within 3 to
	 * 7 units of the mean distance to have a sphere (roughly). According to
	 * Chebyshev's rule [p = 1 - k^-2 => k = sqrt(1 / (1 - p))], 85% of the
	 * distances should lie within 2.582 standard deviations of the mean
	 * distance. So to be spherical, 3 < u - [u - (2.582 * stddev)] < 7.

	num dist_delta =  edge_u - (edge_u - (CHEBY_DELTA * stddev));
	bool tumor = (dist_delta > 3) && (dist_delta < 7);
	cout << "--> dist_delta: " << dist_delta << endl;
	cout << "--> size: " << rar.size() << endl;
	if (tumor) {
		uint64_t sum_shade = 0;
		for (uint i=0; i < zar.size(); ++i) {
			sum_shade += orig[zar[i]]->pix[rar[i]][car[i]];
		tumor = (sum_shade / zar.size()) > thresh; // 67% empirically
	for (uint i=0; i < zar.size(); ++i) {
		volume[zar[i]]->pix[rar[i]][car[i]] = tumor ? 1 : BENIGN;
	cout << "--> " << tumor  << " tumor.\n";
	delete[] dvec;
	delete[] tmp;
	delete[] erar;
	delete[] ecar;
	delete[] ezar;