文件: mono-error.c 项目: mono/mono
static const char*
get_assembly_name (MonoErrorInternal *error)
	if (error->assembly_name)
		return error->assembly_name;
	MonoClass *klass = get_class (error);
	if (klass && m_class_get_image (klass))
		return m_class_get_image (klass)->name;
	return "<unknown assembly>";
 * set_type_load_exception_type
 *	Set MONO_EXCEPTION_TYPE_LOAD on the specified 'class' and provide
 *	a descriptive message for the exception. This message is also, 
 *	optionally, being logged (export MONO_LOG_MASK="security") for
 *	debugging purposes.
static void
set_type_load_exception_type (const char *format, MonoClass *klass)
	char *type_name = mono_type_get_full_name (klass);
	char *parent_name = mono_type_get_full_name (m_class_get_parent (klass));
	char *message = mono_image_strdup_printf (m_class_get_image (klass), format, type_name, parent_name);

	g_free (parent_name);
	g_free (type_name);
	mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, MONO_TRACE_SECURITY, "%s", message);
	mono_class_set_type_load_failure (klass, "%s", message);
	// note: do not free string given to mono_class_set_failure
 * mono_debug_print_stack_frame:
 * \param native_offset Native offset within the \p method's machine code.
 * Conventient wrapper around \c mono_debug_lookup_source_location which can be
 * used if you only want to use the location to print a stack frame.
gchar *
mono_debug_print_stack_frame (MonoMethod *method, guint32 native_offset, MonoDomain *domain)
	MonoDebugSourceLocation *location;
	gchar *fname, *ptr, *res;
	int offset;

	fname = mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE);
	for (ptr = fname; *ptr; ptr++) {
		if (*ptr == ':') *ptr = '.';

	location = mono_debug_lookup_source_location (method, native_offset, domain);

	if (!location) {
		if (mono_debug_initialized) {
			mono_debugger_lock ();
			offset = il_offset_from_address (method, domain, native_offset);
			mono_debugger_unlock ();
		} else {
			offset = -1;

		if (offset < 0 && get_seq_point)
			offset = get_seq_point (domain, method, native_offset);

		if (offset < 0)
			res = g_strdup_printf ("at %s <0x%05x>", fname, native_offset);
		else {
			char *mvid = mono_guid_to_string_minimal ((uint8_t*)m_class_get_image (method->klass)->heap_guid.data);
			char *aotid = mono_runtime_get_aotid ();
			if (aotid)
				res = g_strdup_printf ("at %s [0x%05x] in <%s#%s>:0" , fname, offset, mvid, aotid);
				res = g_strdup_printf ("at %s [0x%05x] in <%s>:0" , fname, offset, mvid);

			g_free (aotid);
			g_free (mvid);
		g_free (fname);
		return res;

	res = g_strdup_printf ("at %s [0x%05x] in %s:%d", fname, location->il_offset,
			       location->source_file, location->row);

	g_free (fname);
	mono_debug_free_source_location (location);
	return res;
mono_x86_throw_corlib_exception (mgreg_t *regs, guint32 ex_token_index, 
								 mgreg_t eip, gint32 pc_offset)
	guint32 ex_token = MONO_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF | ex_token_index;
	MonoException *ex;

	ex = mono_exception_from_token (m_class_get_image (mono_defaults.exception_class), ex_token);

	eip -= pc_offset;

	/* Negate the ip adjustment done in mono_x86_throw_exception () */
	eip += 1;

	mono_x86_throw_exception (regs, (MonoObject*)ex, eip, FALSE);
static inline gboolean
mono_class_is_magic_assembly (MonoClass *klass)
	const char *aname = m_class_get_image (klass)->assembly_name;
	if (!aname)
		return FALSE;
	if (!strcmp ("Xamarin.iOS", aname))
		return TRUE;
	if (!strcmp ("Xamarin.Mac", aname))
		return TRUE;
	if (!strcmp ("Xamarin.WatchOS", aname))
		return TRUE;
	/* regression test suite */
	if (!strcmp ("builtin-types", aname))
		return TRUE;
	if (!strcmp ("mini_tests", aname))
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
mono_class_is_magic_float (MonoClass *klass)
	static MonoClass *magic_nfloat_class;

	if (klass == magic_nfloat_class)
		return TRUE;

	if (magic_nfloat_class)
		return FALSE;

	if (!mono_class_is_magic_assembly (klass))
		return FALSE;

	if (strcmp ("System", m_class_get_name_space (klass)) != 0)
		return FALSE;

	if (strcmp ("nfloat", m_class_get_name (klass)) == 0) {
		magic_nfloat_class = klass;

		/* Assert that we are using the matching assembly */
		MonoClassField *value_field = mono_class_get_field_from_name_full (klass, "v", NULL);
		g_assert (value_field);
		MonoType *t = mono_field_get_type (value_field);
		MonoType *native = mini_native_type_replace_type (m_class_get_byval_arg (klass));
		if (t->type != native->type)
			g_error ("Assembly used for native types '%s' doesn't match this runtime, %s is mapped to %s, expecting %s.\n", m_class_get_image (klass)->name, m_class_get_name (klass), mono_type_full_name (t), mono_type_full_name (native));
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
static MonoMethod *
create_method_ilgen (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoMethodSignature *signature, int max_stack)
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoMethodWrapper *mw;
	MonoImage *image;
	MonoMethod *method;
	GList *l;
	int i;

	g_assert (mb != NULL);

	image = m_class_get_image (mb->method->klass);

	if (mb->dynamic) {
		method = mb->method;
		mw = (MonoMethodWrapper*)method;

		method->name = mb->name;
		method->dynamic = TRUE;

		mw->header = header = (MonoMethodHeader *) 
			g_malloc0 (MONO_SIZEOF_METHOD_HEADER + mb->locals * sizeof (MonoType *));

		header->code = mb->code;

		for (i = 0, l = mb->locals_list; l; l = l->next, i++) {
			header->locals [i] = (MonoType*)l->data;
	} else
		/* Realloc the method info into a mempool */

		method = (MonoMethod *)mono_image_alloc0 (image, sizeof (MonoMethodWrapper));
		memcpy (method, mb->method, sizeof (MonoMethodWrapper));
		mw = (MonoMethodWrapper*) method;

		if (mb->no_dup_name)
			method->name = mb->name;
			method->name = mono_image_strdup (image, mb->name);

		mw->header = header = (MonoMethodHeader *) 
			mono_image_alloc0 (image, MONO_SIZEOF_METHOD_HEADER + mb->locals * sizeof (MonoType *));

		header->code = (const unsigned char *)mono_image_alloc (image, mb->pos);
		memcpy ((char*)header->code, mb->code, mb->pos);

		for (i = 0, l = mb->locals_list; l; l = l->next, i++) {
			header->locals [i] = (MonoType*)l->data;

	/* Free the locals list so mono_mb_free () doesn't free the types twice */
	g_list_free (mb->locals_list);
	mb->locals_list = NULL;

	method->signature = signature;
	if (!signature->hasthis)
		method->flags |= METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_STATIC;

	if (max_stack < 8)
		max_stack = 8;

	header->max_stack = max_stack;

	header->code_size = mb->pos;
	header->num_locals = mb->locals;
	header->init_locals = mb->init_locals;
	header->volatile_args = mb->volatile_args;
	header->volatile_locals = mb->volatile_locals;
	mb->volatile_args = NULL;
	mb->volatile_locals = NULL;

	header->num_clauses = mb->num_clauses;
	header->clauses = mb->clauses;

	method->skip_visibility = mb->skip_visibility;

	i = g_list_length ((GList *)mw->method_data);
	if (i) {
		GList *tmp;
		void **data;
		l = g_list_reverse ((GList *)mw->method_data);
		if (method_is_dynamic (method))
			data = (void **)g_malloc (sizeof (gpointer) * (i + 1));
			data = (void **)mono_image_alloc (image, sizeof (gpointer) * (i + 1));
		/* store the size in the first element */
		data [0] = GUINT_TO_POINTER (i);
		i = 1;
		for (tmp = l; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
			data [i++] = tmp->data;
		g_list_free (l);

		mw->method_data = data;

		static int total_code = 0;
		static int total_alloc = 0;
		total_code += mb->pos;
		total_alloc += mb->code_size;
		g_print ("code size: %d of %d (allocated: %d)\n", mb->pos, total_code, total_alloc);

	printf ("RUNTIME CODE FOR %s\n", mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE));
	printf ("%s\n", mono_disasm_code (&marshal_dh, method, mb->code, mb->code + mb->pos));

	if (mb->param_names) {
		char **param_names = (char **)mono_image_alloc0 (image, signature->param_count * sizeof (gpointer));
		for (i = 0; i < signature->param_count; ++i)
			param_names [i] = mono_image_strdup (image, mb->param_names [i]);

		mono_image_lock (image);
		if (!image->wrapper_param_names)
			image->wrapper_param_names = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
		g_hash_table_insert (image->wrapper_param_names, method, param_names);
		mono_image_unlock (image);

	return method;
文件: gc.c 项目: LogosBible/mono
 * actually, we might want to queue the finalize requests in a separate thread,
 * but we need to be careful about the execution domain of the thread...
mono_gc_run_finalize (void *obj, void *data)
	ERROR_DECL (error);
	MonoObject *exc = NULL;
	MonoObject *o;
#ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC
	MonoObject *o2;
	MonoMethod* finalizer = NULL;
	MonoDomain *caller_domain = mono_domain_get ();
	MonoDomain *domain;

	// This function is called from the innards of the GC, so our best alternative for now is to do polling here
	mono_threads_safepoint ();

	o = (MonoObject*)((char*)obj + GPOINTER_TO_UINT (data));

	const char *o_ns = m_class_get_name_space (mono_object_class (o));
	const char *o_name = m_class_get_name (mono_object_class (o));

	if (mono_do_not_finalize) {
		if (!mono_do_not_finalize_class_names)

		size_t namespace_len = strlen (o_ns);
		for (int i = 0; mono_do_not_finalize_class_names [i]; ++i) {
			const char *name = mono_do_not_finalize_class_names [i];
			if (strncmp (name, o_ns, namespace_len))
			if (name [namespace_len] != '.')
			if (strcmp (name + namespace_len + 1, o_name))

	if (mono_log_finalizers)
		g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "<%s at %p> Starting finalizer checks.", o_name, o);

	if (suspend_finalizers)

	domain = o->vtable->domain;

#ifndef HAVE_SGEN_GC
	mono_domain_finalizers_lock (domain);

	o2 = (MonoObject *)g_hash_table_lookup (domain->finalizable_objects_hash, o);

	mono_domain_finalizers_unlock (domain);

	if (!o2)
		/* Already finalized somehow */

	/* make sure the finalizer is not called again if the object is resurrected */
	object_register_finalizer ((MonoObject *)obj, NULL);

	if (mono_log_finalizers)
		g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Registered finalizer as processed.", o_name, o);

	if (o->vtable->klass == mono_defaults.internal_thread_class) {
		MonoInternalThread *t = (MonoInternalThread*)o;

		if (mono_gc_is_finalizer_internal_thread (t))
			/* Avoid finalizing ourselves */

	if (m_class_get_image (mono_object_class (o)) == mono_defaults.corlib && !strcmp (o_name, "DynamicMethod") && finalizing_root_domain) {
		 * These can't be finalized during unloading/shutdown, since that would
		 * free the native code which can still be referenced by other
		 * finalizers.
		 * FIXME: This is not perfect, objects dying at the same time as 
		 * dynamic methods can still reference them even when !shutdown.

	if (mono_runtime_get_no_exec ())

	/* speedup later... and use a timeout */
	/* g_print ("Finalize run on %p %s.%s\n", o, mono_object_class (o)->name_space, mono_object_class (o)->name); */

	/* Use _internal here, since this thread can enter a doomed appdomain */
	mono_domain_set_internal (mono_object_domain (o));

	/* delegates that have a native function pointer allocated are
	 * registered for finalization, but they don't have a Finalize
	 * method, because in most cases it's not needed and it's just a waste.
	if (m_class_is_delegate (mono_object_class (o))) {
		MonoDelegate* del = (MonoDelegate*)o;
		if (del->delegate_trampoline)
			mono_delegate_free_ftnptr ((MonoDelegate*)o);
		mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain);

	finalizer = mono_class_get_finalizer (o->vtable->klass);

	/* If object has a CCW but has no finalizer, it was only
	 * registered for finalization in order to free the CCW.
	 * Else it needs the regular finalizer run.
	 * FIXME: what to do about ressurection and suppression
	 * of finalizer on object with CCW.
	if (mono_marshal_free_ccw (o) && !finalizer) {
		mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain);

	 * To avoid the locking plus the other overhead of mono_runtime_invoke_checked (),
	 * create and precompile a wrapper which calls the finalize method using
	if (mono_log_finalizers)
		g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Compiling finalizer.", o_name, o);

#ifndef HOST_WASM
	if (!domain->finalize_runtime_invoke) {
		MonoMethod *finalize_method = mono_class_get_method_from_name_checked (mono_defaults.object_class, "Finalize", 0, 0, error);
		mono_error_assert_ok (error);
		MonoMethod *invoke = mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke (finalize_method, TRUE);

		domain->finalize_runtime_invoke = mono_compile_method_checked (invoke, error);
		mono_error_assert_ok (error); /* expect this not to fail */

	RuntimeInvokeFunction runtime_invoke = (RuntimeInvokeFunction)domain->finalize_runtime_invoke;

	mono_runtime_class_init_full (o->vtable, error);
	goto_if_nok (error, unhandled_error);

		MONO_GC_FINALIZE_INVOKE ((unsigned long)o, mono_object_get_size_internal (o),
				o_ns, o_name);

	if (mono_log_finalizers)
		g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Calling finalizer.", o_name, o);

	MONO_PROFILER_RAISE (gc_finalizing_object, (o));

#ifdef HOST_WASM
	if (finalizer) { // null finalizers work fine when using the vcall invoke as Object has an empty one
		gpointer params [1];
		params [0] = NULL;
		mono_runtime_try_invoke (finalizer, o, params, &exc, error);
	runtime_invoke (o, NULL, &exc, NULL);

	MONO_PROFILER_RAISE (gc_finalized_object, (o));

	if (mono_log_finalizers)
		g_log ("mono-gc-finalizers", G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "<%s at %p> Returned from finalizer.", o_name, o);

	if (!is_ok (error))
		exc = (MonoObject*)mono_error_convert_to_exception (error);
	if (exc)
		mono_thread_internal_unhandled_exception (exc);

	mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain);