文件: AAKR.cpp 项目: posilva/dune
AAKR::normalize(Math::Matrix& mean, Math::Matrix& std)
    // Resize mean and standard deviation variables.
    mean.resizeAndFill(1, sampleSize(), 0);
    std.resizeAndFill(1, sampleSize(), 0);

    // Compute mean.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sampleSize(); i++)
        mean(i) = sum(m_data.get(0, m_num_values - 1, i, i)) / m_num_values;

    // Compute standard deviation.
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < sampleSize(); j++)
        double sum = 0;

        // Sum of the power of two difference
        // between the value and the mean.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_num_values; i++)
            sum += std::pow(m_data(i, j) - mean(j), 2);

        // Standard deviation.
        std(j) = std::sqrt(sum / m_num_values);

        // Normalize each member of the data set.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_num_values; i++)
            if (std(j))
                m_norm(i, j) = (m_data(i, j) - mean(j)) / std(j);
                m_norm(i, j) = 0;
 * Compute the "angle" between two matrices.
 * A and B are treated as column vectors, so that
 * the angle between them is:
 * acos(-A * B / (||A|| * ||B||))
 * @param A  pointer to matrix
 * @param B  pointer to matrix
 * @return angle between A and B
precision_t m_angle(matrix_t *A, matrix_t *B)
    assert(A->rows == B->rows && A->cols == B->cols);

    // compute A * B
    precision_t a_dot_b = 0;

    int i, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < A->rows; i++ ) {
        for ( j = 0; j < A->cols; j++ ) {
            a_dot_b += elem(A, i, j) * elem(B, i, j);

    return acos(-a_dot_b / (m_norm(A) * m_norm(B)));
 * Implementation of the learning rule described in Bell & Sejnowski,
 * Vision Research, in press for 1997, that contained the natural
 * gradient (W' * W).
 * Bell & Sejnowski hold the patent for this learning rule.
 * SEP goes once through the mixed signals X in batch blocks of size B,
 * adjusting weights W at the end of each block.
 * sepout is called every F counts.
 * I suggest a learning rate (L) of 0.006, and a block size (B) of
 * 300, at least for 2->2 separation.  When annealing to the right
 * solution for 10->10, however, L < 0.0001 and B = 10 were most successful.
 * @param X  "sphered" input matrix
 * @param W  weight matrix
 * @param B  block size
 * @param L  learning rate
 * @param F  interval to print training stats
void sep96(matrix_t *X, matrix_t *W, int B, double L, int F)
    matrix_t *BI = m_identity(X->rows);
    m_elem_mult(BI, B);

    int t;
    for ( t = 0; t < X->cols; t += B ) {
        int end = (t + B < X->cols)
            ? t + B
            : X->cols;

        matrix_t *W0 = m_copy(W);
        matrix_t *X_batch = m_copy_columns(X, t, end);
        matrix_t *U = m_product(W0, X_batch);

        // compute Y' = 1 - 2 * f(U), f(u) = 1 / (1 + e^(-u))
        matrix_t *Y_p = m_initialize(U->rows, U->cols);

        int i, j;
        for ( i = 0; i < Y_p->rows; i++ ) {
            for ( j = 0; j < Y_p->cols; j++ ) {
                elem(Y_p, i, j) = 1 - 2 * (1 / (1 + exp(-elem(U, i, j))));

        // compute dW = L * (BI + Y'U') * W0
        matrix_t *U_tr = m_transpose(U);
        matrix_t *dW_temp1 = m_product(Y_p, U_tr);
        m_add(dW_temp1, BI);

        matrix_t *dW = m_product(dW_temp1, W0);
        m_elem_mult(dW, L);

        // compute W = W0 + dW
        m_add(W, dW);

        // print training stats
        if ( t % F == 0 ) {
            precision_t norm = m_norm(dW);
            precision_t angle = m_angle(W0, W);

            printf("*** norm(dW) = %.4lf, angle(W0, W) = %.1lf deg\n", norm, 180 * angle / M_PI);

        // cleanup