static int
mac_put_params(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)
        gx_device_macos		*mdev	= (gx_device_macos *)dev;

        int						isOpen = mdev->is_open;
        int						code;
        int						depth;
    gs_param_string			outputFile;

        // Get the BitsPerPixel Parameter
        code = param_read_int(plist, "BitsPerPixel", &depth);
        if (!code) {
                code = mac_set_colordepth(dev, depth);
                if (code)
                        param_return_error(plist, "BitsPerPixel", gs_error_rangecheck);

        // Get OutputFile
        code = param_read_string(plist, "OutputFile", &outputFile);
        if (code < 0) {
                param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", code);
                return code;
        } else if (code == 0) {

                if (dev->LockSafetyParams &&
                        bytes_compare(outputFile.data, outputFile.size,
                            (const byte *)mdev->outputFileName, strlen(mdev->outputFileName))) {
                        param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", gs_error_invalidaccess);
                        return gs_error_invalidaccess;
                if (outputFile.size > (gp_file_name_sizeof - 1)) {
                        param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", gs_error_limitcheck);
                        return gs_error_limitcheck;

                /* If filename changed, close file. */
                if (outputFile.data != 0 &&
                                bytes_compare(outputFile.data, outputFile.size,
                                        (const byte *)mdev->outputFileName, strlen(mdev->outputFileName))) {
                        /* Close the file if it's open. */
                        if (mdev->outputFile != NULL) {
                        gx_device_close_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, mdev->outputFile);
                                memcpy(mdev->outputFileName, outputFile.data, outputFile.size);
                                mdev->outputFileName[outputFile.size] = 0;
                                gx_device_open_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, true, true, &(mdev->outputFile));
                    } else {
                                memcpy(mdev->outputFileName, outputFile.data, outputFile.size);
                                mdev->outputFileName[outputFile.size] = 0;

        // Get the Default Parameters
        mdev->is_open = 0;
        code = gx_default_put_params( dev, plist );
        mdev->is_open = isOpen;

        return code;
static int
mac_open(register gx_device *dev)
	gx_device_macos				* mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
	static short picHeader[42] = {	0x0000,									// picture size
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// bounding rect at 72dpi
									0x0011, 0x02ff, 0x0c00, 0xfffe, 0x0000,	// version/header opcodes
									0x0048, 0x0000,							// best x resolution
									0x0048, 0x0000,							// best y resolution
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// optimal src rect at 72dpi
									0x0000,									// reserved
									0x0000, 0x001e,							// DefHilite
									0x0008, 0x0048,							// PenMode
									0x001a, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,			// RGBFgCol = Black
									0x001b, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF,			// RGBBkCol = White
									0x0001, 0x000A,							// set clipping
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// clipping rect
									0x0032, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264	// erase rect

	mac_set_colordepth(dev, mdev->color_info.depth);
	mdev->numUsedFonts = 0;
	mdev->lastFontFace = -1;
	mdev->lastFontSize = -1;
	mdev->lastFontID = -1;
	mdev->pic		= (PicHandle) NewHandle(500000);
	if (mdev->pic == 0)	// error, not enough memory
		return gs_error_VMerror;
	HLockHi((Handle) mdev->pic);	// move handle high and lock it
	mdev->currPicPos	= (short*) *mdev->pic;
	memcpy(mdev->currPicPos, picHeader, 42*2);
	mdev->currPicPos += 42;
	// enter correct dimensions and resolutions
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 3]	= mdev->MediaSize[1];
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 4]	= mdev->MediaSize[0];
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[16] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[35]	= ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[40] = mdev->height;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[17] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[36] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[41] = mdev->width;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[10]	= (((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[11]	=  ((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[12]	= (((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[13]	=  ((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
	// finish picture, but dont increment pointer, we want to go on drawing
	*mdev->currPicPos = 0x00ff;
	// notify the caller that a new device was opened
	if (pgsdll_callback)
		(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (char *)mdev, 1);
	return 0;