extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_sparse_matrix A, magma_d_sparse_matrix *B,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_d_cucsrtranspose( A, B, queue );
    return MAGMA_SUCCESS;

    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_order_t MajorType,
    const char *filename,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    FILE *fp;
    magma_d_matrix B = {Magma_CSR};
    if ( MajorType == MagmaColMajor ) {
        // to obtain ColMajor output we transpose the matrix
        // and flip the row and col pointer in the output
        CHECK( magma_d_cucsrtranspose( A, &B, queue ));
        // TODO avoid duplicating this code below.
        printf("%% Writing sparse matrix to file (%s):", filename);
        fp = fopen(filename, "w");
        if ( fp == NULL ){
            printf("\n%% error writing matrix: file exists or missing write permission\n");
            info = -1;
            goto cleanup;
        #define REAL

        #ifdef COMPLEX
        // real case
        fprintf( fp, "%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" );
        fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d\n", int(B.num_cols), int(B.num_rows), int(B.nnz));
        // TODO what's the difference between i (or i+1) and rowindex?
        magma_index_t i=0, j=0, rowindex=1;
        for(i=0; i < B.num_cols; i++) {
            magma_index_t rowtemp1 = B.row[i];
            magma_index_t rowtemp2 = B.row[i+1];
            for(j=0; j < rowtemp2 - rowtemp1; j++) {
                fprintf( fp, "%d %d %.16g %.16g\n",
                    ((B.col)[rowtemp1+j]+1), rowindex,
                    MAGMA_D_IMAG((B.val)[rowtemp1+j]) );
        // real case
        fprintf( fp, "%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" );
        fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d\n", int(B.num_cols), int(B.num_rows), int(B.nnz));
        // TODO what's the difference between i (or i+1) and rowindex?
        magma_index_t i=0, j=0, rowindex=1;
        for(i=0; i < B.num_cols; i++) {
            magma_index_t rowtemp1 = B.row[i];
            magma_index_t rowtemp2 = B.row[i+1];
            for(j=0; j < rowtemp2 - rowtemp1; j++) {
                fprintf( fp, "%d %d %.16g\n",
                    ((B.col)[rowtemp1+j]+1), rowindex,
                    MAGMA_D_REAL((B.val)[rowtemp1+j]) );
        if (fclose(fp) != 0)
            printf("\n%% error: writing matrix failed\n");
            printf(" done\n");
    else {
        printf("%% Writing sparse matrix to file (%s):", filename);
        fp = fopen (filename, "w");
        if (  fp == NULL ){
            printf("\n%% error writing matrix: file exists or missing write permission\n");
            info = -1;
            goto cleanup;
        #define REAL

        #ifdef COMPLEX
        // real case
        fprintf( fp, "%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" );
        fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d\n", int(A.num_cols), int(A.num_rows), int(A.nnz));
        // TODO what's the difference between i (or i+1) and rowindex?
        magma_index_t i=0, j=0, rowindex=1;
        for(i=0; i < A.num_cols; i++) {
            magma_index_t rowtemp1 = A.row[i];
            magma_index_t rowtemp2 = A.row[i+1];
            for(j=0; j < rowtemp2 - rowtemp1; j++) {
                fprintf( fp, "%d %d %.16g %.16g\n",
                    ((A.col)[rowtemp1+j]+1), rowindex,
                    MAGMA_D_IMAG((A.val)[rowtemp1+j]) );
        // real case
        fprintf( fp, "%%%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" );
        fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d\n", int(A.num_cols), int(A.num_rows), int(A.nnz));
        // TODO what's the difference between i (or i+1) and rowindex?
        magma_index_t i=0, j=0, rowindex=1;
        for(i=0; i < B.num_cols; i++) {
            magma_index_t rowtemp1 = A.row[i];
            magma_index_t rowtemp2 = A.row[i+1];
            for(j=0; j < rowtemp2 - rowtemp1; j++) {
                fprintf( fp, "%d %d %.16g\n",
                    ((A.col)[rowtemp1+j]+1), rowindex,

        if (fclose(fp) != 0)
            printf("\n%% error: writing matrix failed\n");
            printf(" done\n");
    return info;
    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_d_matrix *L,
    magma_d_matrix *U,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;

    double one = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 1.0, 0.0 );
    magma_d_matrix hAL={Magma_CSR}, hAU={Magma_CSR}, dAL={Magma_CSR}, 
    dAU={Magma_CSR}, dALU={Magma_CSR}, hALU={Magma_CSR}, hD={Magma_CSR}, 
    dD={Magma_CSR}, dL={Magma_CSR}, hL={Magma_CSR};
    magma_int_t i,j;
    magma_int_t offdiags = 0;
    magma_index_t *diag_offset;
    double *diag_vals=NULL;

    // need only lower triangular
    hAL.diagorder_type = Magma_VALUE;
    CHECK( magma_dmconvert( A, &hAL, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRL, queue ));
    //magma_dmconvert( hAL, &hALCOO, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRCOO );

    // need only upper triangular
    //magma_dmconvert( A, &hAU, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRU );
    CHECK( magma_d_cucsrtranspose(  hAL, &hAU, queue ));
    //magma_dmconvert( hAU, &hAUCOO, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRCOO );
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hAL, &dAL, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_d_spmm( one, dAL, dAU, &dALU, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( dALU, &hALU, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue ));

    magma_dmfree( &dAU, queue);
    magma_dmfree( &dALU, queue);

    CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &diag_vals, offdiags+1 ));
    CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &diag_offset, offdiags+1 ));
    diag_offset[0] = 0;
    diag_vals[0] = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 1.0, 0.0 );
    CHECK( magma_dmgenerator( hALU.num_rows, offdiags, diag_offset, diag_vals, &hD, queue ));
    magma_dmfree( &hALU, queue );

    for(i=0; i<hALU.num_rows; i++){
        for(j=hALU.row[i]; j<hALU.row[i+1]; j++){
            if( hALU.col[j] == i ){
                //printf("%d %d  %d == %d -> %f   -->", i, j, hALU.col[j], i, hALU.val[j]);
                hD.val[i] = MAGMA_D_MAKE(
                        1.0 / sqrt(fabs(MAGMA_D_REAL(hALU.val[j])))  , 0.0 );
                //printf("insert %f at %d\n", hD.val[i], i);

    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hD, &dD, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    magma_dmfree( &hD, queue);

    CHECK( magma_d_spmm( one, dD, dAL, &dL, queue ));
    magma_dmfree( &dAL, queue );
    magma_dmfree( &dD, queue );

    // check for diagonal = 1
    magma_d_matrix dLt={Magma_CSR}, dLL={Magma_CSR}, LL={Magma_CSR};
    CHECK( magma_d_cucsrtranspose(  dL, &dLt ));
    CHECK( magma_dcuspmm( dL, dLt, &dLL ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( dLL, &LL, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU ));
    //for(i=0; i < hALU.num_rows; i++) {
    for(i=0; i < 100; i++) {
        for(j=hALU.row[i]; j < hALU.row[i+1]; j++) {
            if( hALU.col[j] == i ){
                printf("%d %d -> %f   -->", i, i, LL.val[j]);
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( dL, &hL, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmconvert( hL, L, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRCOO, queue ));

    if( info !=0 ){
        magma_dmfree( L, queue  );
        magma_dmfree( U, queue  );
    magma_dmfree( &dAU, queue);
    magma_dmfree( &dALU, queue);
    magma_dmfree( &dL, queue );
    magma_dmfree( &hL, queue );
    magma_dmfree( &dAL, queue );
    magma_dmfree( &dD, queue );
    magma_dmfree( &hD, queue);
    magma_dmfree( &hALU, queue );
    return info;
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_sparse_matrix A, 
    magma_d_sparse_matrix *B,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    // for symmetric matrices: convert to csc using cusparse

    if( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR && A.memory_location == Magma_DEV ) {
         magma_d_sparse_matrix C;
         magma_d_mtransfer( A, &C, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue );
        // CUSPARSE context //
        cusparseHandle_t handle;
        cusparseStatus_t cusparseStatus;
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreate(&handle);
        cusparseSetStream( handle, queue );
         if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in Handle.\n");

        cusparseMatDescr_t descrA;
        cusparseMatDescr_t descrB;
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrB);
         if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrDescr.\n");

        cusparseStatus =
         if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrType.\n");

        cusparseStatus =
         if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in IndexBase.\n");

        cusparseStatus = 
        cusparseDcsr2csc( handle, A.num_rows, A.num_rows, A.nnz,
                         A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol, C.dval, C.dcol, C.drow,
         if (cusparseStatus != 0)    
                printf("error in transpose: %d.\n", cusparseStatus);

        cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
        cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
        cusparseDestroy( handle );
        magma_d_mtransfer( C, B, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue );   
        if( A.fill_mode == Magma_FULL ){
             B->fill_mode = Magma_FULL;
        else if( A.fill_mode == Magma_LOWER ){
             B->fill_mode = Magma_UPPER;
        else if ( A.fill_mode == Magma_UPPER ){
             B->fill_mode = Magma_LOWER;

        // end CUSPARSE context //

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
    }else if( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR && A.memory_location == Magma_CPU ){
        magma_d_sparse_matrix A_d, B_d;

        magma_d_mtransfer( A, &A_d, A.memory_location, Magma_DEV, queue );
        magma_d_cucsrtranspose( A_d, &B_d, queue );
        magma_d_mtransfer( B_d, B, Magma_DEV, A.memory_location, queue );
        magma_d_mfree( &A_d, queue );
        magma_d_mfree( &B_d, queue );
        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
    }else {

        magma_d_sparse_matrix ACSR, BCSR;
        magma_d_mconvert( A, &ACSR, A.storage_type, Magma_CSR, queue );
        magma_d_cucsrtranspose( ACSR, &BCSR, queue );
        magma_d_mconvert( BCSR, B, Magma_CSR, A.storage_type, queue );
        magma_d_mfree( &ACSR, queue );
        magma_d_mfree( &BCSR, queue );

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;