static int index_mailbox_precache(struct master_connection *conn, struct mailbox *box) { struct mail_storage *storage = mailbox_get_storage(box); const char *username = mail_storage_get_user(storage)->username; const char *box_vname = mailbox_get_vname(box); struct mailbox_status status; struct mailbox_transaction_context *trans; struct mail_search_args *search_args; struct mail_search_context *ctx; struct mail *mail; struct mailbox_metadata metadata; uint32_t seq; char percentage_str[2+1+1]; unsigned int counter = 0, max, percentage, percentage_sent = 0; int ret = 0; if (mailbox_get_metadata(box, MAILBOX_METADATA_PRECACHE_FIELDS, &metadata) < 0 || mailbox_get_status(box, STATUS_MESSAGES | STATUS_LAST_CACHED_SEQ, &status) < 0) return -1; seq = status.last_cached_seq + 1; trans = mailbox_transaction_begin(box, MAILBOX_TRANSACTION_FLAG_NO_CACHE_DEC); search_args = mail_search_build_init(); mail_search_build_add_seqset(search_args, seq, status.messages); ctx = mailbox_search_init(trans, search_args, NULL, metadata.precache_fields, NULL); mail_search_args_unref(&search_args); max = status.messages - seq + 1; while (mailbox_search_next(ctx, &mail)) { mail_precache(mail); if (++counter % 100 == 0) { percentage = counter*100 / max; if (percentage != percentage_sent && percentage < 100) { percentage_sent = percentage; if (i_snprintf(percentage_str, sizeof(percentage_str), "%u\n", percentage) < 0) i_unreached(); (void)write_full(conn->fd, percentage_str, strlen(percentage_str)); } indexer_worker_refresh_proctitle(username, box_vname, counter, max); } } if (mailbox_search_deinit(&ctx) < 0) ret = -1; if (mailbox_transaction_commit(&trans) < 0) ret = -1; if (ret == 0) { i_info("Indexed %u messages in %s", counter, mailbox_get_vname(box)); } return ret; }
bool imap_client_hibernate(struct client **_client) { struct client *client = *_client; buffer_t *state; const char *error; int ret, fd_notify = -1; if (client->fd_in != client->fd_out) { /* we won't try to hibernate stdio clients */ return FALSE; } if (o_stream_get_buffer_used_size(client->output) > 0) { /* wait until we've sent the pending output to client */ return FALSE; } state = buffer_create_dynamic(default_pool, 1024); ret = imap_state_export_internal(client, state, &error); if (ret < 0) { i_error("Couldn't hibernate imap client: " "Couldn't export state: %s (mailbox=%s)", error, client->mailbox == NULL ? "" : mailbox_get_vname(client->mailbox)); } else if (ret == 0 && client->user->mail_debug) { i_debug("Couldn't hibernate imap client: " "Couldn't export state: %s (mailbox=%s)", error, client->mailbox == NULL ? "" : mailbox_get_vname(client->mailbox)); } if (ret > 0 && client->mailbox != NULL) { fd_notify = mailbox_watch_extract_notify_fd(client->mailbox, &error); if (fd_notify == -1) { if (client->user->mail_debug) { i_debug("Couldn't hibernate imap client: " "Couldn't extract notifications fd: %s", error); } ret = -1; } } if (ret > 0) { if (imap_hibernate_process_send(client, state, fd_notify) < 0) ret = -1; } if (fd_notify != -1) i_close_fd(&fd_notify); if (ret > 0) { /* hide the disconnect log message, because the client didn't actually log out */ client->disconnected = TRUE; client_destroy(client, NULL); *_client = NULL; } buffer_free(&state); return ret > 0; }
static int cmd_expunge_box(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx, const struct mailbox_info *info, struct mail_search_args *search_args) { struct expunge_cmd_context *ctx = (struct expunge_cmd_context *)_ctx; struct doveadm_mail_iter *iter; struct mailbox *box; struct mail *mail; enum mail_error error; int ret = 0; if (doveadm_mail_iter_init(_ctx, info, search_args, 0, NULL, FALSE, &iter) < 0) return -1; while (doveadm_mail_iter_next(iter, &mail)) { if (doveadm_debug) { i_debug("expunge: box=%s uid=%u", info->vname, mail->uid); } mail_expunge(mail); } if (doveadm_mail_iter_deinit_keep_box(&iter, &box) < 0) ret = -1; else if (mailbox_sync(box, 0) < 0) { i_error("Syncing mailbox '%s' failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(_ctx, box); ret = -1; } if (ctx->delete_empty_mailbox && ret == 0) { if (mailbox_delete_empty(box) < 0) { error = mailbox_get_last_mail_error(box); if (error != MAIL_ERROR_EXISTS) { i_error("Deleting mailbox '%s' failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(_ctx, box); ret = -1; } } else { if (mailbox_set_subscribed(box, FALSE) < 0) { i_error("Unsubscribing mailbox '%s' failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(_ctx, box); ret = -1; } } } mailbox_free(&box); return ret; }
static bool fts_autoindex_exclude_match(struct mailbox *box) { const char *const *exclude_list; unsigned int i; const struct mailbox_settings *set; const char *const *special_use; struct mail_user *user = box->storage->user; exclude_list = fts_exclude_get_patterns(user); if (exclude_list == NULL) return FALSE; set = mailbox_settings_find(mailbox_get_namespace(box), mailbox_get_vname(box)); special_use = set == NULL ? NULL : t_strsplit_spaces(set->special_use, " "); for (i = 0; exclude_list[i] != NULL; i++) { if (exclude_list[i][0] == '\\') { /* \Special-use flag */ if (str_array_icase_find(special_use, exclude_list[i])) return TRUE; } else { /* mailbox name with wildcards */ if (wildcard_match(box->name, exclude_list[i])) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
static int cmd_import_box_contents(struct doveadm_mail_iter *iter, struct mail *src_mail, struct mailbox *dest_box) { struct mail_save_context *save_ctx; struct mailbox_transaction_context *dest_trans; const char *mailbox = mailbox_get_vname(dest_box); int ret = 0; dest_trans = mailbox_transaction_begin(dest_box, MAILBOX_TRANSACTION_FLAG_EXTERNAL); do { if (doveadm_debug) { i_debug("import: box=%s uid=%u", mailbox, src_mail->uid); } save_ctx = mailbox_save_alloc(dest_trans); mailbox_save_copy_flags(save_ctx, src_mail); if (mailbox_copy(&save_ctx, src_mail) < 0) { i_error("Copying box=%s uid=%u failed: %s", mailbox, src_mail->uid, mailbox_get_last_error(dest_box, NULL)); ret = -1; } } while (doveadm_mail_iter_next(iter, &src_mail)); if (mailbox_transaction_commit(&dest_trans) < 0) { i_error("Committing copied mails to %s failed: %s", mailbox, mailbox_get_last_error(dest_box, NULL)); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static void i_stream_mail_set_size_corrupted(struct mail_istream *mstream, size_t size) { uoff_t cur_size = mstream->istream.istream.v_offset + size; const char *str, *mail_id; char chr; if (mstream->expected_size < cur_size) { str = "smaller"; chr = '<'; } else { str = "larger"; chr = '>'; } mail_id = i_stream_mail_get_cached_mail_id(mstream); if (mail_id[0] != '\0') mail_id = t_strconcat(", cached ", mail_id, NULL); io_stream_set_error(&mstream->istream.iostream, "Cached message size %s than expected " "(%"PRIuUOFF_T" %c %"PRIuUOFF_T", box=%s, UID=%u%s)", str, mstream->expected_size, chr, cur_size, mailbox_get_vname(mstream->mail->box), mstream->mail->uid, mail_id); mail_set_cache_corrupted_reason(mstream->mail, MAIL_FETCH_PHYSICAL_SIZE, t_strdup_printf("read(%s) failed: %s", i_stream_get_name(&mstream->istream.istream), mstream->istream.iostream.error)); mstream->istream.istream.stream_errno = EINVAL; }
static void mail_log_append_mailbox_name(string_t *str, struct mail *mail) { const char *mailbox_str; mailbox_str = mailbox_get_vname(mail->box); str_printfa(str, "box=%s", str_sanitize(mailbox_str, MAILBOX_NAME_LOG_LEN)); }
static void fetch_read_error(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx) { errno = ctx->cur_input->stream_errno; mail_storage_set_critical(ctx->box->storage, "read(%s) failed: %m (FETCH for mailbox %s UID %u)", i_stream_get_name(ctx->cur_input), mailbox_get_vname(ctx->mail->box), ctx->mail->uid); }
static int cmd_deduplicate_uidlist(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx, struct mailbox *box, struct uidlist *uidlist) { struct mailbox_transaction_context *trans; struct mail_search_context *search_ctx; struct mail_search_args *search_args; struct mail_search_arg *arg; struct mail *mail; ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) uids; int ret = 0; /* the uidlist is reversed with oldest mails at the end. we'll delete everything but the oldest mail. */ if (uidlist->next == NULL) return 0; t_array_init(&uids, 8); for (; uidlist->next != NULL; uidlist = uidlist->next) seq_range_array_add(&uids, uidlist->uid); search_args = mail_search_build_init(); arg = mail_search_build_add(search_args, SEARCH_UIDSET); arg->value.seqset = uids; trans = mailbox_transaction_begin(box, 0); search_ctx = mailbox_search_init(trans, search_args, NULL, 0, NULL); mail_search_args_unref(&search_args); while (mailbox_search_next(search_ctx, &mail)) mail_expunge(mail); if (mailbox_search_deinit(&search_ctx) < 0) { i_error("Searching mailbox '%s' failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(_ctx, box); ret = -1; } if (mailbox_transaction_commit(&trans) < 0) { i_error("Committing mailbox '%s' transaction failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(_ctx, box); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static int cmd_save_to_mailbox(struct save_cmd_context *ctx, struct mailbox *box, struct istream *input) { struct mail_storage *storage = mailbox_get_storage(box); struct mailbox_transaction_context *trans; struct mail_save_context *save_ctx; ssize_t ret; bool save_failed = FALSE; if (mailbox_open(box) < 0) { i_error("Failed to open mailbox %s: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_storage(&ctx->ctx, storage); return -1; } trans = mailbox_transaction_begin(box, MAILBOX_TRANSACTION_FLAG_EXTERNAL); save_ctx = mailbox_save_alloc(trans); if (mailbox_save_begin(&save_ctx, input) < 0) { i_error("Saving failed: %s", mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_storage(&ctx->ctx, storage); mailbox_transaction_rollback(&trans); return -1; } while ((ret = i_stream_read(input)) > 0 || ret == -2) { if (mailbox_save_continue(save_ctx) < 0) { save_failed = TRUE; ret = -1; break; } } i_assert(ret == -1); if (input->stream_errno != 0) { i_error("read(msg input) failed: %s", i_stream_get_error(input)); doveadm_mail_failed_error(&ctx->ctx, MAIL_ERROR_TEMP); } else if (save_failed) { i_error("Saving failed: %s", mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_storage(&ctx->ctx, storage); } else if (mailbox_save_finish(&save_ctx) < 0) { i_error("Saving failed: %s", mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_storage(&ctx->ctx, storage); } else if (mailbox_transaction_commit(&trans) < 0) { i_error("Save transaction commit failed: %s", mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_storage(&ctx->ctx, storage); } else { ret = 0; } if (save_ctx != NULL) mailbox_save_cancel(&save_ctx); if (trans != NULL) mailbox_transaction_rollback(&trans); i_assert(input->eof); return ret < 0 ? -1 : 0; }
int mail_set_attachment_keywords(struct mail *mail) { int ret; const struct mail_storage_settings *mail_set = mail_storage_get_settings(mailbox_get_storage(mail->box)); const char *const keyword_has_attachment[] = { MAIL_KEYWORD_HAS_ATTACHMENT, NULL, }; const char *const keyword_has_no_attachment[] = { MAIL_KEYWORD_HAS_NO_ATTACHMENT, NULL }; struct message_part_attachment_settings set = { .content_type_filter = mail_set->parsed_mail_attachment_content_type_filter, .exclude_inlined = mail_set->parsed_mail_attachment_exclude_inlined, }; struct mail_keywords *kw_has = NULL, *kw_has_not = NULL; /* walk all parts and see if there is an attachment */ struct message_part *parts; if (mail_get_parts(mail, &parts) < 0) { mail_set_critical(mail, "Failed to add attachment keywords: " "mail_get_parts() failed: %s", mail_storage_get_last_internal_error(mail->box->storage, NULL)); ret = -1; } else if (parts->data == NULL && mail_parse_parts(mail, &parts) < 0) { ret = -1; } else if (mailbox_keywords_create(mail->box, keyword_has_attachment, &kw_has) < 0 || mailbox_keywords_create(mail->box, keyword_has_no_attachment, &kw_has_not) < 0) { mail_set_critical(mail, "Failed to add attachment keywords: " "mailbox_keywords_create(%s) failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(mail->box), mail_storage_get_last_internal_error(mail->box->storage, NULL)); ret = -1; } else { bool has_attachment = mail_message_has_attachment(parts, &set); /* make sure only one of the keywords gets set */ mail_update_keywords(mail, MODIFY_REMOVE, has_attachment ? kw_has_not : kw_has); mail_update_keywords(mail, MODIFY_ADD, has_attachment ? kw_has : kw_has_not); ret = has_attachment ? 1 : 0; } if (kw_has != NULL) mailbox_keywords_unref(&kw_has); if (kw_has_not != NULL) mailbox_keywords_unref(&kw_has_not); return ret; }
static void copy_update_trashed(struct client *client, struct mailbox *box, unsigned int count) { const struct mailbox_settings *set; set = mailbox_settings_find(mailbox_get_namespace(box), mailbox_get_vname(box)); if (set != NULL && set->special_use[0] != '\0' && str_array_icase_find(t_strsplit_spaces(set->special_use, " "), "\\Trash")) client->trashed_count += count; }
static void fetch_read_error(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx) { struct imap_fetch_state *state = &ctx->state; errno = state->cur_input->stream_errno; mail_storage_set_critical(state->cur_mail->box->storage, "read(%s) failed: %s (FETCH %s for mailbox %s UID %u)", i_stream_get_name(state->cur_input), i_stream_get_error(state->cur_input), state->cur_human_name, mailbox_get_vname(state->cur_mail->box), state->cur_mail->uid); }
static void dsync_brain_sync_half_finished(struct dsync_brain *brain) { struct dsync_mailbox_state state; const char *errstr; enum mail_error error; if (brain->box_recv_state < DSYNC_BOX_STATE_RECV_LAST_COMMON || brain->box_send_state < DSYNC_BOX_STATE_RECV_LAST_COMMON) return; /* finished with this mailbox */ if (brain->box_exporter != NULL) { if (dsync_mailbox_export_deinit(&brain->box_exporter, &errstr, &error) < 0) { i_error("Exporting mailbox %s failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(brain->box), errstr); brain->mail_error = error; brain->failed = TRUE; return; } } memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); memcpy(state.mailbox_guid, brain->local_dsync_box.mailbox_guid, sizeof(state.mailbox_guid)); state.last_uidvalidity = brain->local_dsync_box.uid_validity; if (brain->box_importer == NULL) { /* this mailbox didn't exist on remote */ state.last_common_uid = brain->local_dsync_box.uid_next-1; state.last_common_modseq = brain->local_dsync_box.highest_modseq; state.last_common_pvt_modseq = brain->local_dsync_box.highest_pvt_modseq; state.last_messages_count = brain->local_dsync_box.messages_count; } else { if (dsync_mailbox_import_deinit(&brain->box_importer, TRUE, &state.last_common_uid, &state.last_common_modseq, &state.last_common_pvt_modseq, &state.last_messages_count, &state.changes_during_sync, &brain->mail_error) < 0) { brain->failed = TRUE; return; } if (state.changes_during_sync) brain->changes_during_sync = TRUE; } brain->mailbox_state = state; dsync_ibc_send_mailbox_state(brain->ibc, &state); }
static void push_notification_event_mailboxrename_event( struct push_notification_txn *ptxn, struct push_notification_event_config *ec, struct push_notification_txn_mbox *mbox, struct mailbox *old) { struct push_notification_event_mailboxrename_data *data; data = p_new(ptxn->pool, struct push_notification_event_mailboxrename_data, 1); data->old_mbox = mailbox_get_vname(old); push_notification_txn_mbox_set_eventdata(ptxn, mbox, ec, data); }
static int dsync_brain_export_deinit(struct dsync_brain *brain) { const char *errstr; enum mail_error error; if (dsync_mailbox_export_deinit(&brain->box_exporter, &errstr, &error) < 0) { i_error("Exporting mailbox %s failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(brain->box), errstr); brain->mail_error = error; brain->failed = TRUE; return -1; } return 0; }
static int fetch_stream_continue(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx) { struct imap_fetch_state *state = &ctx->state; const char *disconnect_reason; off_t ret; o_stream_set_max_buffer_size(ctx->client->output, 0); ret = o_stream_send_istream(ctx->client->output, state->cur_input); o_stream_set_max_buffer_size(ctx->client->output, (size_t)-1); if (ret > 0) { state->cur_offset += ret; if (ctx->state.cur_stats_sizep != NULL) *ctx->state.cur_stats_sizep += ret; } if (state->cur_offset != state->cur_size) { /* unfinished */ if (state->cur_input->stream_errno != 0) { fetch_read_error(ctx, &disconnect_reason); client_disconnect(ctx->client, disconnect_reason); return -1; } if (!i_stream_have_bytes_left(state->cur_input)) { /* Input stream gave less data than expected */ i_error("read(%s): FETCH %s for mailbox %s UID %u " "got too little data: " "%"PRIuUOFF_T" vs %"PRIuUOFF_T, i_stream_get_name(state->cur_input), state->cur_human_name, mailbox_get_vname(state->cur_mail->box), state->cur_mail->uid, state->cur_offset, state->cur_size); mail_set_cache_corrupted(state->cur_mail, state->cur_size_field); client_disconnect(ctx->client, "FETCH failed"); return -1; } if (ret < 0) { /* client probably disconnected */ return -1; } o_stream_set_flush_pending(ctx->client->output, TRUE); return 0; } return 1; }
static void dbox_mail_set_expunged(struct dbox_mail *mail, uint32_t map_uid) { struct mail *_mail = &mail->imail.mail.mail; struct mdbox_mailbox *mbox = (struct mdbox_mailbox *)_mail->box; (void)mail_index_refresh(_mail->box->index); if (mail_index_is_expunged(_mail->transaction->view, _mail->seq)) { mail_set_expunged(_mail); return; } mdbox_map_set_corrupted(mbox->storage->map, "Unexpectedly lost %s uid=%u map_uid=%u", mailbox_get_vname(_mail->box), _mail->uid, map_uid); }
static int dsync_box_get(struct mailbox *box, struct dsync_mailbox *dsync_box_r) { const enum mailbox_status_items status_items = STATUS_UIDVALIDITY | STATUS_UIDNEXT | STATUS_MESSAGES | STATUS_FIRST_RECENT_UID | STATUS_HIGHESTMODSEQ | STATUS_HIGHESTPVTMODSEQ; const enum mailbox_metadata_items metadata_items = MAILBOX_METADATA_CACHE_FIELDS | MAILBOX_METADATA_GUID; struct mailbox_status status; struct mailbox_metadata metadata; const char *errstr; enum mail_error error; /* get metadata first, since it may autocreate the mailbox */ if (mailbox_get_metadata(box, metadata_items, &metadata) < 0 || mailbox_get_status(box, status_items, &status) < 0) { errstr = mailbox_get_last_error(box, &error); if (error == MAIL_ERROR_NOTFOUND || error == MAIL_ERROR_NOTPOSSIBLE) { /* Mailbox isn't selectable, try the next one. We should have already caught \Noselect mailboxes, but check them anyway here. The NOTPOSSIBLE check is mainly for invalid mbox files. */ return 0; } i_error("Failed to access mailbox %s: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), errstr); return -1; } i_assert(status.uidvalidity != 0 || status.messages == 0); memset(dsync_box_r, 0, sizeof(*dsync_box_r)); memcpy(dsync_box_r->mailbox_guid, metadata.guid, sizeof(dsync_box_r->mailbox_guid)); dsync_box_r->uid_validity = status.uidvalidity; dsync_box_r->uid_next = status.uidnext; dsync_box_r->messages_count = status.messages; dsync_box_r->first_recent_uid = status.first_recent_uid; dsync_box_r->highest_modseq = status.highest_modseq; dsync_box_r->highest_pvt_modseq = status.highest_pvt_modseq; dsync_box_r->cache_fields = *metadata.cache_fields; dsync_box_r->have_guids = status.have_guids; dsync_box_r->have_save_guids = status.have_save_guids; dsync_box_r->have_only_guid128 = status.have_only_guid128; return 1; }
static void fetch_read_error(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx, const char **disconnect_reason_r) { struct imap_fetch_state *state = &ctx->state; if (state->cur_input->stream_errno == ENOENT) { if (state->cur_mail->expunged) { *disconnect_reason_r = "Mail expunged while it was being FETCHed"; return; } } mail_storage_set_critical(state->cur_mail->box->storage, "read(%s) failed: %s (FETCH %s for mailbox %s UID %u)", i_stream_get_name(state->cur_input), i_stream_get_error(state->cur_input), state->cur_human_name, mailbox_get_vname(state->cur_mail->box), state->cur_mail->uid); *disconnect_reason_r = "FETCH read() failed"; }
static int cmd_mailbox_metadata_list_run_iter(struct metadata_cmd_context *ctx, struct mailbox *box, enum mail_attribute_type type) { struct mailbox_attribute_iter *iter; const char *key; iter = mailbox_attribute_iter_init(box, type, ctx->key); while ((key = mailbox_attribute_iter_next(iter)) != NULL) doveadm_print(key); if (mailbox_attribute_iter_deinit(&iter) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Failed to iterate mailbox attributes: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); return -1; } return 0; }
void dsync_brain_mailbox_update_pre(struct dsync_brain *brain, struct mailbox *box, const struct dsync_mailbox *local_box, const struct dsync_mailbox *remote_box) { struct mailbox_update update; const struct dsync_mailbox_state *state; memset(&update, 0, sizeof(update)); if (local_box->uid_validity != remote_box->uid_validity) { /* Keep the UIDVALIDITY for the mailbox that has more messages. If they equal, use the higher UIDVALIDITY. */ if (remote_box->messages_count > local_box->messages_count || (remote_box->messages_count == local_box->messages_count && remote_box->uid_validity > local_box->uid_validity)) update.uid_validity = remote_box->uid_validity; state = dsync_mailbox_state_find(brain, local_box->mailbox_guid); if (state != NULL && state->last_common_uid > 0) { /* we can't continue syncing this mailbox in this session, because the other side already started sending mailbox changes, but not for all mails. */ dsync_mailbox_state_remove(brain, local_box->mailbox_guid); // FIXME: handle this properly } } dsync_cache_fields_update(local_box, remote_box, &update); if (update.uid_validity == 0 && update.cache_updates == NULL) { /* no changes */ return; } if (mailbox_update(box, &update) < 0) { i_error("Couldn't update mailbox %s metadata: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); brain->failed = TRUE; } }
int dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_open(struct dsync_brain *brain, const struct dsync_mailbox *remote_dsync_box) { enum dsync_mailbox_exporter_flags exporter_flags = 0; uint32_t last_common_uid, highest_wanted_uid; uint64_t last_common_modseq, last_common_pvt_modseq; i_assert(brain->log_scan == NULL); i_assert(brain->box_exporter == NULL); last_common_uid = brain->mailbox_state.last_common_uid; last_common_modseq = brain->mailbox_state.last_common_modseq; last_common_pvt_modseq = brain->mailbox_state.last_common_pvt_modseq; highest_wanted_uid = last_common_uid == 0 ? (uint32_t)-1 : last_common_uid; if (dsync_transaction_log_scan_init(brain->box->view, brain->box->view_pvt, highest_wanted_uid, last_common_modseq, last_common_pvt_modseq, &brain->log_scan) < 0) { i_error("Failed to read transaction log for mailbox %s", mailbox_get_vname(brain->box)); brain->failed = TRUE; return -1; } if (!brain->mail_requests) exporter_flags |= DSYNC_MAILBOX_EXPORTER_FLAG_AUTO_EXPORT_MAILS; if (remote_dsync_box->have_save_guids && (brain->local_dsync_box.have_save_guids || (brain->backup_send && brain->local_dsync_box.have_guids))) exporter_flags |= DSYNC_MAILBOX_EXPORTER_FLAG_MAILS_HAVE_GUIDS; brain->box_exporter = brain->backup_recv ? NULL : dsync_mailbox_export_init(brain->box, brain->log_scan, last_common_uid, exporter_flags); dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_init_remote(brain, remote_dsync_box); return 0; }
static int fetch_stream_send_direct(struct imap_fetch_context *ctx) { off_t ret; o_stream_set_max_buffer_size(ctx->client->output, 0); ret = o_stream_send_istream(ctx->client->output, ctx->cur_input); o_stream_set_max_buffer_size(ctx->client->output, (size_t)-1); if (ret < 0) return -1; ctx->cur_offset += ret; if (ctx->cur_append_eoh && ctx->cur_offset + 2 == ctx->cur_size) { /* Netscape missing EOH workaround. */ if (o_stream_send(ctx->client->output, "\r\n", 2) < 0) return -1; ctx->cur_offset += 2; ctx->cur_append_eoh = FALSE; } if (ctx->cur_offset != ctx->cur_size) { /* unfinished */ if (!i_stream_have_bytes_left(ctx->cur_input)) { /* Input stream gave less data than expected */ i_error("FETCH %s for mailbox %s UID %u " "got too little data (copying): " "%"PRIuUOFF_T" vs %"PRIuUOFF_T, ctx->cur_name, mailbox_get_vname(ctx->mail->box), ctx->mail->uid, ctx->cur_offset, ctx->cur_size); mail_set_cache_corrupted(ctx->mail, ctx->cur_size_field); client_disconnect(ctx->client, "FETCH failed"); return -1; } o_stream_set_flush_pending(ctx->client->output, TRUE); return 0; } return 1; }
int imap_msgpart_url_parse(struct mail_user *user, struct mailbox *selected_box, const char *urlstr, struct imap_msgpart_url **mpurl_r, const char **error_r) { struct mailbox_status box_status; struct imap_url base_url, *url; const char *error; /* build base url */ memset(&base_url, 0, sizeof(base_url)); if (selected_box != NULL) { mailbox_get_open_status(selected_box, STATUS_UIDVALIDITY, &box_status); base_url.mailbox = mailbox_get_vname(selected_box); base_url.uidvalidity = box_status.uidvalidity; } /* parse url */ if (imap_url_parse(urlstr, &base_url, IMAP_URL_PARSE_REQUIRE_RELATIVE, &url, &error) < 0) { *error_r = t_strconcat("Invalid IMAP URL: ", error, NULL); return 0; } if (url->mailbox == NULL) { *error_r = "Mailbox-relative IMAP URL, but no mailbox selected"; return 0; } if (url->uid == 0 || url->search_program != NULL) { *error_r = "Invalid messagepart IMAP URL"; return 0; } if (imap_msgpart_url_create(user, url, mpurl_r, error_r) < 0) return -1; (*mpurl_r)->selected_box = selected_box; return 1; }
status_output(struct status_cmd_context *ctx, struct mailbox *box, const struct mailbox_status *status, const struct mailbox_metadata *metadata) { if (box != NULL) doveadm_print(mailbox_get_vname(box)); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_MESSAGES) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->messages); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_RECENT) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->recent); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_UIDNEXT) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->uidnext); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_UIDVALIDITY) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->uidvalidity); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_UNSEEN) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->unseen); if ((ctx->status_items & STATUS_HIGHESTMODSEQ) != 0) doveadm_print_num(status->highest_modseq); if ((ctx->metadata_items & MAILBOX_METADATA_VIRTUAL_SIZE) != 0) doveadm_print_num(metadata->virtual_size); if ((ctx->metadata_items & MAILBOX_METADATA_GUID) != 0) doveadm_print(guid_128_to_string(metadata->guid)); }
bool dsync_brain_slave_recv_mailbox(struct dsync_brain *brain) { const struct dsync_mailbox *dsync_box; struct dsync_mailbox local_dsync_box; struct mailbox *box; int ret; i_assert(!brain->master_brain); i_assert(brain->box == NULL); if ((ret = dsync_ibc_recv_mailbox(brain->ibc, &dsync_box)) == 0) return FALSE; if (ret < 0) { brain->state = DSYNC_STATE_DONE; return TRUE; } if (dsync_brain_mailbox_alloc(brain, dsync_box->mailbox_guid, &box) < 0) { i_assert(brain->failed); return TRUE; } if (box == NULL) { /* mailbox was probably deleted/renamed during sync */ //FIXME: verify this from log, and if not log an error. brain->changes_during_sync = TRUE; dsync_brain_slave_send_mailbox_lost(brain, dsync_box); return TRUE; } if (mailbox_sync(box, MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ) < 0) { i_error("Can't sync mailbox %s: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); mailbox_free(&box); brain->failed = TRUE; return TRUE; } if ((ret = dsync_box_get(box, &local_dsync_box)) <= 0) { mailbox_free(&box); if (ret < 0) { brain->failed = TRUE; return TRUE; } /* another process just deleted this mailbox? */ dsync_brain_slave_send_mailbox_lost(brain, dsync_box); return TRUE; } i_assert(local_dsync_box.uid_validity != 0); i_assert(memcmp(dsync_box->mailbox_guid, local_dsync_box.mailbox_guid, sizeof(dsync_box->mailbox_guid)) == 0); dsync_ibc_send_mailbox(brain->ibc, &local_dsync_box); dsync_brain_mailbox_update_pre(brain, box, &local_dsync_box, dsync_box); if (brain->sync_type == DSYNC_BRAIN_SYNC_TYPE_CHANGED && !dsync_boxes_need_sync(&local_dsync_box, dsync_box)) { /* no fields appear to have changed, skip this mailbox */ mailbox_free(&box); return TRUE; } /* start export/import */ dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_init(brain, box, &local_dsync_box, FALSE); if (dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_open(brain, dsync_box) < 0) return TRUE; brain->state = DSYNC_STATE_SYNC_MAILS; return TRUE; }
static int dsync_brain_try_next_mailbox(struct dsync_brain *brain, struct mailbox **box_r, struct dsync_mailbox *dsync_box_r) { enum mailbox_flags flags = 0; struct dsync_mailbox dsync_box; struct mailbox *box; struct dsync_mailbox_node *node; const char *vname = NULL; bool synced = FALSE; int ret; *box_r = NULL; while (dsync_mailbox_tree_iter_next(brain->local_tree_iter, &vname, &node)) { if (node->existence == DSYNC_MAILBOX_NODE_EXISTS && !guid_128_is_empty(node->mailbox_guid)) break; vname = NULL; } if (vname == NULL) { /* no more mailboxes */ dsync_mailbox_tree_iter_deinit(&brain->local_tree_iter); return -1; } if (brain->backup_send) { /* make sure mailbox isn't modified */ flags |= MAILBOX_FLAG_READONLY; } box = mailbox_alloc(node->ns->list, vname, flags); for (;;) { if ((ret = dsync_box_get(box, &dsync_box)) <= 0) { if (ret < 0) brain->failed = TRUE; mailbox_free(&box); return ret; } /* if mailbox's last_common_* state equals the current state, we can skip the mailbox */ if (!dsync_brain_has_mailbox_state_changed(brain, &dsync_box)) { mailbox_free(&box); return 0; } if (synced) { /* ok, the mailbox really changed */ break; } /* mailbox appears to have changed. do a full sync here and get the state again */ if (mailbox_sync(box, MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ) < 0) { i_error("Can't sync mailbox %s: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); brain->failed = TRUE; mailbox_free(&box); return -1; } synced = TRUE; } *box_r = box; *dsync_box_r = dsync_box; return 1; }
bool dsync_brain_slave_recv_mailbox(struct dsync_brain *brain) { const struct dsync_mailbox *dsync_box; struct dsync_mailbox local_dsync_box; struct mailbox *box; const char *error; int ret; i_assert(!brain->master_brain); i_assert(brain->box == NULL); if ((ret = dsync_ibc_recv_mailbox(brain->ibc, &dsync_box)) == 0) return FALSE; if (ret < 0) { brain->state = DSYNC_STATE_DONE; return TRUE; } if (dsync_brain_mailbox_alloc(brain, dsync_box->mailbox_guid, &box, &error) < 0) { i_error("Couldn't allocate mailbox GUID %s: %s", guid_128_to_string(dsync_box->mailbox_guid), error); i_assert(brain->failed); return TRUE; } if (box == NULL) { /* mailbox was probably deleted/renamed during sync */ if (brain->backup_send && brain->no_backup_overwrite) { if (brain->debug) { i_debug("brain %c: Ignore nonexistent " "mailbox GUID %s with -1 sync", brain->master_brain ? 'M' : 'S', guid_128_to_string(dsync_box->mailbox_guid)); } dsync_brain_slave_send_mailbox_lost(brain, dsync_box); return TRUE; } //FIXME: verify this from log, and if not log an error. if (brain->debug) { i_debug("brain %c: Change during sync: " "Mailbox GUID %s was lost", brain->master_brain ? 'M' : 'S', guid_128_to_string(dsync_box->mailbox_guid)); } brain->changes_during_sync = TRUE; dsync_brain_slave_send_mailbox_lost(brain, dsync_box); return TRUE; } if (mailbox_sync(box, MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ) < 0) { i_error("Can't sync mailbox %s: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_error(box, NULL)); mailbox_free(&box); brain->failed = TRUE; return TRUE; } if ((ret = dsync_box_get(box, &local_dsync_box)) <= 0) { mailbox_free(&box); if (ret < 0) { brain->failed = TRUE; return TRUE; } /* another process just deleted this mailbox? */ dsync_brain_slave_send_mailbox_lost(brain, dsync_box); return TRUE; } i_assert(local_dsync_box.uid_validity != 0); i_assert(memcmp(dsync_box->mailbox_guid, local_dsync_box.mailbox_guid, sizeof(dsync_box->mailbox_guid)) == 0); dsync_ibc_send_mailbox(brain->ibc, &local_dsync_box); dsync_brain_mailbox_update_pre(brain, box, &local_dsync_box, dsync_box); if (!dsync_boxes_need_sync(brain, &local_dsync_box, dsync_box)) { /* no fields appear to have changed, skip this mailbox */ mailbox_free(&box); return TRUE; } /* start export/import */ dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_init(brain, box, &local_dsync_box, FALSE); if (dsync_brain_sync_mailbox_open(brain, dsync_box) < 0) return TRUE; brain->state = DSYNC_STATE_SYNC_MAILS; return TRUE; }
static int mail_crypt_mail_save_begin(struct mail_save_context *ctx, struct istream *input) { const char *pubid; struct mailbox *box = ctx->transaction->box; struct mail_crypt_mailbox *mbox = MAIL_CRYPT_CONTEXT(box); struct mail_crypt_user *muser = MAIL_CRYPT_USER_CONTEXT(box->storage->user); i_assert(muser != NULL); enum io_stream_encrypt_flags enc_flags; if (muser->save_version == 1) { enc_flags = IO_STREAM_ENC_VERSION_1; } else if (muser->save_version == 2) { enc_flags = IO_STREAM_ENC_INTEGRITY_AEAD; } else { i_assert(muser->save_version == 0); i_panic("mail_crypt_mail_save_begin not supposed to be called" "when mail_crypt_save_version is 0"); } if (mbox->module_ctx.super.save_begin(ctx, input) < 0) return -1; struct dcrypt_public_key *pub_key; if (muser->global_keys.public_key != NULL) pub_key = muser->global_keys.public_key; else if (mbox->pub_key != NULL) pub_key = mbox->pub_key; else { const char *error; int ret; if ((ret = mail_crypt_box_get_public_key(box, &pub_key, &error)) <= 0) { struct dcrypt_keypair pair; if (ret < 0) { mail_storage_set_error(box->storage, MAIL_ERROR_PARAMS, t_strdup_printf("get_public_key(%s) failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), error)); return ret; } if (muser->save_version < 2) { mail_storage_set_error(box->storage, MAIL_ERROR_PARAMS, t_strdup_printf("generate_keypair(%s) failed: " "unsupported save_version=%d", mailbox_get_vname(box), muser->save_version)); return -1; } if (mail_crypt_box_generate_keypair(box, &pair, NULL, &pubid, &error) < 0) { mail_storage_set_error(box->storage, MAIL_ERROR_PARAMS, t_strdup_printf("generate_keypair(%s) failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), error)); return -1; } pub_key =; dcrypt_key_unref_private(&pair.priv); } mbox->pub_key = pub_key; } /* encryption is the outermost layer (zlib etc. are inside) */ struct ostream *output = o_stream_create_encrypt(ctx->data.output, MAIL_CRYPT_ENC_ALGORITHM, pub_key, enc_flags); o_stream_unref(&ctx->data.output); ctx->data.output = output; o_stream_cork(ctx->data.output); return 0; }