double CFormulaParser::calcFormula(std::string formula, std::map<char, double> params) { std::stack<double> stack; plus<double> pl; minus<double> min; multiplies<double> mult; divides<double> div; power<double> pw; for (std::string::iterator it = formula.begin(); it != formula.end(); it++) { switch (*it) { case '+': stack.push(makeAction(&stack, &pl)); break; case '-': stack.push(makeAction(&stack, &min)); break; case '*': stack.push(makeAction(&stack, &mult)); break; case '/': stack.push(makeAction(&stack, &div)); break; case '^': stack.push(makeAction(&stack, &pw)); break; default: stack.push(params[*it]); } } double result =; return result; }
void kmagnetGenerator::makeMorePaths() { int i=0; makingmorepaths=true; while ( i < movements.size()) { int; if (m_scene->getCell(move)->getIsFree() && !m_scene->getCell(move)->getIsFinal()) { m_scene->setCurrentPosition(move); } else { i++; continue; } int moveDirection=qrand() % 4; Moves::Move m = (Moves::Move)moveDirection; makeAction(move,m); m=(Moves::Move)((int)(moveDirection+1) %4); makeAction(move,m); m=(Moves::Move)((int)(moveDirection+2) %4); makeAction(move,m); m=(Moves::Move)((int)(moveDirection+3) %4); makeAction(move,m); i++; } }
// some more isLegalAction testing void test10 (void) { action a; int disciplines[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int dice[] = {6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 6); throwDice(g, 6); throwDice(g, 6); throwDice(g, 6); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "R", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 4, a.disciplineTo = 3; makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "RR", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 4, a.disciplineTo = 3; makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS; strncpy(a.destination, "RR", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 4, a.disciplineTo = 3; assert(isLegalAction(g, a) == 1); }
QAction *ModelMenu::makeAction(const QModelIndex &index) { QIcon icon = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(; QAction *action = makeAction(icon,, this); QVariant v; v.setValue(index); action->setData(v); return action; }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { m_stringManager = new StringManager(); m_mindmapView = new MindMapView(this);// new GraphWidget(m_stringManager,this); m_mindtoolbar = new MindToolBar(m_stringManager,this); //m_detailpanel = new DetailPanel(this); m_browser = new ItemBrowser; m_scene = new MindMap(this); m_scene->setStringManager(m_stringManager); m_mindmapView->setScene(m_scene); m_scene->setSceneRect(0,0,1024,768); m_mindmapView->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate); m_mindmapView->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing |QPainter::TextAntialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform ); /* m_timeLine = new TimeLineWidget(); QDockWidget* bottom = new QDockWidget(tr("TimeLine"),this); bottom->setWidget(m_timeLine); addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea,bottom);*/ m_title = tr("%1[*] - MindMap Rolisteam - v0.0.1"); setObjectName("MainWindow"); setWindowTitle(m_title.arg(tr("untitled"))); /*connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentEdge(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(setCurrentGenericItem(GenericMindMapItem*))); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentNode(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(setCurrentGenericItem(GenericMindMapItem*))); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentPackage(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(setCurrentGenericItem(GenericMindMapItem*))); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentPackage(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(show())); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentEdge(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(show())); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(currentNode(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_detailpanel,SLOT(show())); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(selectionIsEmpty()),m_detailpanel,SLOT(hide())); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(nodeAsBrush(Node*)),m_mindtoolbar,SLOT(addNodeBrush(Node*))); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(itemHasBeenAdded(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_browser,SLOT(addItem(GenericMindMapItem*))); connect(m_mindmapView,SIGNAL(itemHasBeenDeleted(GenericMindMapItem*)),m_browser,SLOT(removeItem(GenericMindMapItem*)));*/ m_preferences = PreferencesManager::getInstance(); m_recentFileActions = new QList<QAction*>(); setupUi(); readSettings(); makeAction(); makeMenu(); }
// test getMostArcs void test5(void) { printf("\n\n\n\n"); action a; int disciplines[] = {4,2,5,4,2,2,3,5,1,3,5,4,4,4,3,5,4,0,5}; int dice[] = {8,10,8,9,6,4,4,5,12,3,11,6,3,11,2,7,5,6,5}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 7); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "L", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 0, a.disciplineTo = 0; makeAction(g, a); assert(getMostARCs(g) == 1); }
// test getExchangeRate void test6(void) { printf("\n\n\n\n"); action a; int disciplines[] = {2,5,3,5,3,1,4,4,1,4,2,3,2,0,3,5,4,2,1}; int dice[] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,11,3,11,4,6,4,7,9,2,8,10,5}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 5); a.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS; strncpy(a.destination, "R", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 1, a.disciplineTo = -1217678112; makeAction(g, a); assert(getExchangeRate (g, 1, 4, 1) == 2); }
void CallStackView::setupContextMenu() { mMenuBuilder = new MenuBuilder(this, [](QMenu*) { return DbgIsDebugging(); }); QIcon icon = DIcon(ArchValue("processor32.png", "processor64.png")); mMenuBuilder->addAction(makeAction(icon, tr("Follow &Address"), SLOT(followAddress()))); QAction* mFollowTo = mMenuBuilder->addAction(makeAction(icon, tr("Follow &To"), SLOT(followTo()))); mFollowTo->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); mFollowTo->setShortcut(QKeySequence("enter")); connect(this, SIGNAL(enterPressedSignal()), this, SLOT(followTo())); mMenuBuilder->addAction(makeAction(icon, tr("Follow &From"), SLOT(followFrom())), [this](QMenu*) { return !getCellContent(getInitialSelection(), 2).isEmpty(); }); MenuBuilder* mCopyMenu = new MenuBuilder(this); setupCopyMenu(mCopyMenu); // Column count cannot be zero mMenuBuilder->addSeparator(); mMenuBuilder->addMenu(makeMenu(DIcon("copy.png"), tr("&Copy")), mCopyMenu); mMenuBuilder->loadFromConfig(); }
void convertStudents(Game g, int studentFrom, int studentTo, int numToCreate){ action a; a.actionCode = RETRAIN_STUDENTS; a.disciplineFrom = studentFrom; a.disciplineTo = studentTo; int i = 0; while (i < numToCreate) { if (isLegalAction(g, a)){ makeAction(g, a); } i++; } }
void test3(void) { printf("\n\n\n\n"); action a; int disciplines[] = {2,5,3,5,3,1,4,4,1,4,2,3,2,0,3,5,4,2,1}; int dice[] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,11,3,11,4,6,4,7,9,2,8,10,5}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 5); a.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS; strncpy(a.destination, "RL", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1077724424, a.disciplineTo = 134527641; makeAction(g, a); assert(getCampus(g, "RL") == 1); }
void WBModelMenu::createMenu(const QModelIndex &parent, int max, QMenu *parentMenu, QMenu *menu) { if (!menu) { QString title =; menu = new QMenu(title, this); QIcon icon = qvariant_cast<QIcon>(; menu->setIcon(icon); parentMenu->addMenu(menu); QVariant v; v.setValue(parent); menu->menuAction()->setData(v); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShow())); return; } int end = m_model->rowCount(parent); if (max != -1) end = qMin(max, end); connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(triggered(QAction*))); connect(menu, SIGNAL(hovered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(hovered(QAction*))); for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { QModelIndex idx = m_model->index(i, 0, parent); if (m_model->hasChildren(idx)) { createMenu(idx, -1, menu); } else { if (m_separatorRole != 0 && addSeparator(); else menu->addAction(makeAction(idx)); } if (menu == this && i == m_firstSeparator - 1) addSeparator(); } }
// test building ARC void test4(void) { printf("\n\n\n\n"); action a; int disciplines[] = {2,5,3,5,3,1,4,4,1,4,2,3,2,0,3,5,4,2,1}; int dice[] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,11,3,11,4,6,4,7,9,2,8,10,5}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 5); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "L", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 134528624, a.disciplineTo = -1081831912; assert(isLegalAction(g, a) == 1); makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "LR", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 134528624, a.disciplineTo = -1081831912; assert(isLegalAction(g, a) == 1); }
void runGame (void) { // create a dummy game int disciplines[] = DEFAULT_DISCIPLINES; int dice[] = DEFAULT_DICE; Game g = newGame (disciplines, dice); printf ("Running a test game...\n"); // roll the dice int diceScore; diceScore = rollDice (); // progress the game throwDice (g, diceScore); printf ("Deciding on the action...\n"); action newAction; newAction = decideAction (g); while (!getWinner (g)) { // if the player PASSES if (newAction.actionCode == PASS) { diceScore = rollDice (); // progress the game throwDice (g, diceScore); } else { if (isLegalAction (g, newAction)) { makeAction (g, newAction); } else { printf (">>> I'm sorry but you can't do that!\n"); } } // get the next turn newAction = decideAction (g); } // the game is over printf ("\nGame over. Player %d wins\n", getWinner (g)); disposeGame (g); }
// test starting spinoffs void test9 (void) { action a; int disciplines[] = {2,5,3,5,3,1,4,4,1,4,2,3,2,0,3,5,4,2,1}; int dice[] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,11,3,11,4,6,4,7,9,2,8,10,5}; Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); throwDice(g, 8); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "R", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1217350860, a.disciplineTo = 7; makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "RR", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1217350860, a.disciplineTo = 7; makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = PASS; strncpy(a.destination, "", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1078711464, a.disciplineTo = 134586891; makeAction(g, a); throwDice(g, 5); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC; strncpy(a.destination, "RRLRLL", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1217350860, a.disciplineTo = 7; makeAction(g, a); a.actionCode = PASS; strncpy(a.destination, "", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = -1078711464, a.disciplineTo = 134586891; makeAction(g, a); throwDice(g, 6); a.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION; strncpy(a.destination, "", PATH_LIMIT - 1); a.destination[PATH_LIMIT - 1] = 0; a.disciplineFrom = 1, a.disciplineTo = 2329; printf("%d\n", getStudents(g, 3, 3)); makeAction(g, a); assert(getStudents(g, 3, 3) == 1); }
// NOTE: IS MAKEACTION(g, PASS_ACTION) required to end turn? or just THROWDICE? // Unsure on this, might ahve to ask a tutor. void testStudentAllocationAndMakeAction (void) { printf ("Now testing updating of students after dice throws and actions.\n"); // Create game: int disciplines[] = DEFAULT_DISCIPLINES; int dice[] = DEFAULT_DICE; Game g = newGame (disciplines, dice); // Throw the dice once, not giving any players students, to move the // current turn to '0' rather than '-1': throwDice(g, 3); // Allocate 300 students to each player through numerous dice throws! int throws = 0; while (throws < 150) { // Trigger each hexagon with an adjoined campus: throwDice(g, 11); // 1 MTV to player 1 throwDice(g, 6); // 1 MJ to player 1 throwDice(g, 9); // 1 BQN to player 2 throwDice(g, 9); // 1 BQN to player 2 throwDice(g, 9); // 1 BQN to player 2 throwDice(g, 5); // 1 BPS to player 2 throwDice(g, 5); // 1 BPS to player 2 throwDice(g, 5); // 1 BPS to player 2 throwDice(g, 8); // 1 MJ and 1 MTV to player 3 } /* At this point: * - Turn number is [150 * 9 = ] 1350 * - Number of turns mod 3 is 0, therefore player 1's (UNI_A) turn to roll. * - Player 1 has 150 MJs and 150 MTVs * - Player 2 has 450 BQNs and 450 BPSs * - Player 3 has 150 MJs and 150 MTVs */ // Ensure game state has been updated correctly: printf ("Ensuring 'getTurnNumber' and 'getWhoseTurn' return correct values.\n"); assert (getTurnNumber(g) == 750); assert (getWhoseTurn(g) == UNI_A); printf ("Ensuring UNI_A has been allocated the correct number of players.\n"); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ) == 150); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV) == 150); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_A, STUDENT_THD) == 0); printf ("Ensuring UNI_B has been allocated the correct number of players.\n"); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_BPS) == 450); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_BQN) == 450); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_MJ) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_MTV) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_THD) == 0); printf ("Ensuring UNI_C has been allocated the correct number of players.\n"); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_BPS) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_BQN) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_MJ) == 150); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_MTV) == 150); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_C, STUDENT_THD) == 0); // Convert UNI_B's BQNs and BPSs into MJs and MTVs, so that each // UNI has the same numbers of students: printf ("Testing basic student conversion.\n"); // Move turn to UNI_B from UNI_A (without giving the UNIs students): throwDice(g, 3); action convertStudents; convertStudents.actionCode = RETRAIN_STUDENTS; // Convert BPSs into MJs: convertStudents.disciplineFrom = STUDENT_BPS; convertStudents.disciplineTo = STUDENT_MJ; int numConversions = 0; while (numConversions < 150) { makeAction(g, convertStudents); } // Ensure the counts have been updated correctly: assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_BPS) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_MJ) == 150); // Convert BQNs into MTVs: convertStudents.disciplineFrom = STUDENT_BQN; convertStudents.disciplineTo = STUDENT_MTV; int numConversions = 0; while (numConversions < 150) { makeAction(g, convertStudents); } // Ensure the counts have been updated correctly: assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_BQN) == 0); assert (getStudents(g, UNI_B, STUDENT_MTV) == 150); // Now each UNI has 150 MTVs and 150 MJs. // Set turn to UNI_A: throwDice(g, 3); // Now UNI_C's turn throwDice(g, 3); // Now UNI_A's turn // Get each UNI to perform path-based and path-less actions: int activeUNI = UNI_A; while (activeUNI != NO_ONE) { action testAction; testAction.actionCode = PASS // Set activeUNI to the next UNI // Note: incrementing not used because the values of the // constants are not guaranteed. throwDice(g, 3); if (activeUNI == UNI_A) { activeUNI = UNI_B; } else if (activeUNI == UNI_B) { activeUNI = UNI_C; } else { activeUNI = NO_ONE; } } disposeGame (g); printf ("Passed\n"); }
MacMenu::MacMenu() : QMenuBar(nullptr) { // // File menu // QMenu *filemenu = addMenu(MainWindow::tr("&File")); QAction *newdocument = makeAction(filemenu, "newdocument", MainWindow::tr("&New"), QKeySequence::New); QAction *open = makeAction(filemenu, "opendocument", MainWindow::tr("&Open..."), QKeySequence::Open); connect(newdocument, &QAction::triggered, this, &MacMenu::newDocument); connect(open, &QAction::triggered, this, &MacMenu::openDocument); _recent = filemenu->addMenu(MainWindow::tr("Open &Recent")); connect(_recent, &QMenu::triggered, this, &MacMenu::openRecent); // Relocated menu items QAction *quit = makeAction(filemenu, "exitprogram", MainWindow::tr("&Quit"), QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q")); quit->setMenuRole(QAction::QuitRole); connect(quit, &QAction::triggered, this, &MacMenu::quitAll); QAction *preferences = makeAction(filemenu, 0, MainWindow::tr("Prefere&nces"), QKeySequence()); preferences->setMenuRole(QAction::PreferencesRole); connect(preferences, &QAction::triggered, &MainWindow::showSettings); // // Session menu // QMenu *sessionmenu = addMenu(MainWindow::tr("&Session")); QAction *host = makeAction(sessionmenu, "hostsession", MainWindow::tr("&Host..."), QKeySequence()); QAction *join = makeAction(sessionmenu, "joinsession", MainWindow::tr("&Join..."), QKeySequence()); host->setEnabled(false); connect(join, &QAction::triggered, this, &MacMenu::joinSession); // // Window menu (Mac specific) // _windows = addMenu(MainWindow::tr("Window")); connect(_windows, &QMenu::triggered, this, &MacMenu::winSelect); connect(_windows, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &MacMenu::updateWinMenu); QAction *minimize = makeAction(_windows, 0, tr("Minimize"), QKeySequence("ctrl+m")); _windows->addSeparator(); connect(minimize, &QAction::triggered, this, &MacMenu::winMinimize); // // Help menu // QMenu *helpmenu = addMenu(MainWindow::tr("&Help")); QAction *homepage = makeAction(helpmenu, "dphomepage", MainWindow::tr("&Homepage"), QKeySequence()); QAction *about = makeAction(helpmenu, "dpabout", MainWindow::tr("&About Drawpile"), QKeySequence()); about->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutRole); QAction *aboutqt = makeAction(helpmenu, "aboutqt", MainWindow::tr("About &Qt"), QKeySequence()); aboutqt->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutQtRole); connect(homepage, &QAction::triggered, &MainWindow::homepage); connect(about, &QAction::triggered, &MainWindow::about); connect(aboutqt, &QAction::triggered, &QApplication::aboutQt); // // Initialize // updateRecentMenu(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ int disciplines[] = DEFAULT_DISCIPLINES; int dice[] = DEFAULT_DICE; int turnOver = FALSE; int winner = NO_ONE; int diceValue; action move; int whoseTurn = NO_ONE; srand(time(NULL)); //initialises a seed Game g = newGame(disciplines,dice); while (winner == NO_ONE) { diceValue = rollDice(2,6); throwDice(g,diceValue); printf("[Turn %d] The turn now belongs to University %d!\n", getTurnNumber(g), getWhoseTurn(g)); printf("The dice casted a %d!\n", diceValue); whoseTurn = getWhoseTurn(g); //loop until player action is PASS turnOver = FALSE; while (!turnOver) { move = getMove(g); //print info about move printf("Move %d \n",move.actionCode); assert(isLegalAction(g, move)); if (move.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) { //decide if outcome is patent or publication if (rand() % 3 <= 1) { move.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION; } else { move.actionCode = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT; } } if(move.actionCode == PASS){ turnOver = TRUE; printf("Pass\n"); } makeAction(g, move); if(getKPIpoints(g, whoseTurn) >= WINNING_KPI){ winner = whoseTurn; turnOver = TRUE; printf("Winner %d\n",whoseTurn); } } } // TODO print statistics // TODO free memory return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
YY_ACTION(void) yy_7_primary(GREG *G, char *yytext, int yyleng, yythunk *thunk, YY_XTYPE YY_XVAR) { yyprintf((stderr, "do yy_7_primary\n")); push(makeAction(yytext)); ; }
void LiquidityProvider::makeAction(int a_OrderBookId, double a_currentTime){ makeAction(a_OrderBookId, a_currentTime,true); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // miscellaneous /*int disciplines[NUM_REGIONS]; int dice[NUM_REGIONS];*/ Game g; // store the winner of each game int winner; // store game states within the game int keepPlaying; int turnFinished; int diceRollAmount; // random char *actions[] = ACTION_NAMES; int diceRoll; int passedTurns = 0; // seed rand! srand(time(NULL)); // while the game is wanting to be played, create new game, etc. keepPlaying = TRUE; while (keepPlaying == TRUE) { // create the game //randomDisciplines(disciplines); //randomDice(dice); // you can change this to randomiseDisciplines() and randomiseDice() later int disciplines[NUM_REGIONS] = {CYAN,PURP,YELL,PURP,YELL,RED ,GREE,GREE, RED ,GREE,CYAN,YELL,CYAN,BLUE,YELL,PURP,GREE,CYAN,RED }; int dice[NUM_REGIONS] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,7,3,11,4,6,4,9,9,2,8,10,5}; // rig board like the real game rigBoard(disciplines, dice); g = newGame(disciplines, dice); printf("Game created! Now playing...\n"); // start the game with noone as the winner winner = NO_ONE; while (winner == NO_ONE) { printLineBreak(); // start new turn by setting turnFinished to false then // rolling the dice diceRollAmount = 0; diceRoll = 0; while (diceRollAmount < DICE_AMOUNT) { diceRoll += rollDice(); diceRollAmount++; } throwDice(g, diceRoll); // new turn means new line break! printf("[Turn %d] The turn now belongs to University %c!\n", getTurnNumber(g), getWhoseTurn(g) + UNI_CHAR_NAME); // printf("The dice has casted a %d!\n", diceRoll); printf("\n"); // keep going through the player's turn until // he/she decided to pass and finish the turn turnFinished = FALSE; while (turnFinished == FALSE && passedTurns < MAX_PASS) { // processes requests and all subrequests for a move and // checks if they are legal. only gives a move within the // scope of the defined actionCodes that is legal int turnPerson = getWhoseTurn(g); /* printf("Stats for %c:\n", turnPerson + UNI_CHAR_NAME); printf("KPIs: %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, turnPerson)); printf("ARCs: %d\n", getARCs(g, turnPerson)); printf("Campuses: %d\n", getCampuses(g, turnPerson)); printf("GO8s: %d\n", getGO8s(g, turnPerson)); printf("Publications: %d\n", getPublications(g, turnPerson)); printf("Patents: %d\n", getIPs(g, turnPerson)); int discipleIndex = 0; char *discipleNames[] = DISCIPLE_NAMES; while (discipleIndex < NUM_DISCIPLINES) { printf("Type %s: %d\n", discipleNames[discipleIndex], getStudents(g, turnPerson, discipleIndex)); discipleIndex++; } */ printf("\n"); action a = decideAction(g); // if not passing, make the move; otherwise end the turn if (a.actionCode == PASS) { turnFinished = TRUE; printf("You have passed onto the next person.\n"); } else { // write what the player did, for a logs sake. /* printf("The action '%s' has being completed.\n", actions[a.actionCode]); if (a.actionCode == BUILD_CAMPUS || a.actionCode == OBTAIN_ARC || a.actionCode == BUILD_GO8) { printf(" -> Destination: %s\n", a.destination); } else if (a.actionCode == RETRAIN_STUDENTS) { printf(" -> DisciplineTo: %d\n", a.disciplineTo); printf(" -> DisciplineFrom: %d\n", a.disciplineFrom); } */ assert(isLegalAction(g, a)); // break this and the code dies. trololol! if (a.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) { if (rand() % 3 <= 1) { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION; } else { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT; } } makeAction(g, a); if (a.actionCode == PASS) { passedTurns++; } else { passedTurns = 0; } if (passedTurns >= MAX_PASS || getKPIpoints(g, turnPerson) >= WINNING_KPI) { turnFinished = TRUE; } } // if there is not a winner or pass, add a seperating line // to seperate actions being clumped together if (turnFinished == FALSE) { printf("\n"); } } // check if there is a winner winner = checkForWinner(g); } if (passedTurns >= MAX_PASS) { printf("AI passes too much.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printLineBreak(); printf("GAME OVER!\n"); printf("Vice Chanceller %c Won in %d Turns!!\n", winner + UNI_CHAR_NAME, getTurnNumber(g)); printf("\n"); int counter = UNI_A; while (counter < NUM_UNIS + UNI_A) { printf("Uni %c scored %d KPIs\n", counter + UNI_CHAR_NAME, getKPIpoints(g, counter)); counter++; } printLineBreak(); disposeGame(g); // ask to play again printf("Ctrl+C will exit the game.\nOtherwise, the game will " "recommence by hitting enter."); int a = scanf("%*c"); a++; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { int disciplines[19] = {STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MJ, \ STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_MTV, \ STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_BPS,STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_BQN, \ STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_THD, STUDENT_MJ, \ STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_BPS}; int dice[19] = {9,10,8,12,6,5,3,11,3,11,4,6,4,7,9,2,8,10,5}; Game g = newGame (disciplines, dice); action a; // int score = 0; //This stores the KPI points of current player int curPlayer = NO_ONE; int curTurn = 0; int playerKPI = 0; int numStudents[MAX_STU_TYPES]; int legal = 0; int diceScore = 0; int spinoffDice = 0; //int discipline = 0; int counter = 0; char *degrees[] = \ {"THDs", "BPSs", "BQNs", "MJs", "MTVs", "MMONEYs"}; printf ("New game created, variables are initialized.\n"); printf ("Let the game begin!\n\n"); while (playerKPI < MAX_KPIPTS) { //To simulate an actual real life dice, we throw two dice diceScore = rollDice(); throwDice (g, diceScore); curTurn = getTurnNumber (g); curPlayer = getWhoseTurn (g); printf ("Turn number: %d\n", curTurn); printf ("Player %d's turn. Rolling dice.\n", curPlayer); printf ("The two dice rolled a %d! \n", diceScore); printf ("You currently have: \n"); counter = 0; while (counter < MAX_STU_TYPES) { numStudents[counter] = getStudents (g, curPlayer, counter); printf (" %d: %s\n", numStudents[counter],\ degrees[counter]); counter ++; } actionOptions (); a = actionPrompt (g); legal = isLegalAction (g, a); while (a.actionCode != PASS) { while (legal == FALSE) { printf ("The chosen action is illegal, try again.\n"); actionPrompt (g); legal = isLegalAction (g, a); } if (a.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) { //Ensures dice returns 1, 2 or 3. spinoffDice = (rand()%3 + 1); if (spinoffDice == 1) { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT; } else { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION; } } makeAction (g, a); printf("Action made!"); printf ("Your current stats:\n"); printf (" ARC Grants: %d\n", getARCs (g, curPlayer)); printf (" No of Campuses: %d\n", getCampuses (g, curPlayer)); printf (" No of G08s: %d\n", getGO8s (g, curPlayer)); printf (" No of Pubs: %d\n", getPublications (g, curPlayer)); printf (" No of IP Patents: %d\n", getIPs (g, curPlayer)); playerKPI = getKPIpoints (g, curPlayer); printf ("Player %d KPI Score: %d\n\n", curPlayer, playerKPI); } printf ("Next player's turn.\n\n"); } printf ("Congratulations, player %d won.\n", curPlayer); printf ("Game completed. Disposing game.\n"); disposeGame (g); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
YY_ACTION(void) yy_7_primary(char *yytext, int yyleng) { yyprintf((stderr, "do yy_7_primary\n")); push(makeAction(yytext)); ; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int disciplines[] = DEFAULT_DISCIPLINES; disciplines[2] = STUDENT_BPS; disciplines[7] = STUDENT_BPS; disciplines[11] = STUDENT_BQN; disciplines[16] = STUDENT_BQN; int dice[] = DEFAULT_DICE; int i = 0; int automation = TRUE; int diceRoll = 1; char *vertices[54]; char *sides[72]; //nanosecond seeding struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); populatePaths(vertices); populateSides(sides); printf("Automatic(1) or Human(0): "); scanf("%d", &automation); //seeding starts now srand((time_t)ts.tv_nsec); Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice); action a; while(getKPILeader(g) < 150 && getTurnNumber(g) < 9003) { if(automation == FALSE) { printf("Enter dice roll: "); scanf("%d", &diceRoll); } else { diceRoll = rand() % 10 + 2; } throwDice(g, diceRoll); printf("diceRoll = %d\n", diceRoll); printf("\n"); printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); printf("Turn: %d\n", getTurnNumber(g)); printf("Player %d's turn\n", getWhoseTurn(g)); printf("\n"); printf("You have %d ARCs\n", getARCs(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); i = 0; while(i < 72) { if(getARC(g, sides[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g)) { printf("You have an ARC on %s\\0\n", sides[i]); } i++; } printf("You have %d Campuses\n", getCampuses(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d GO8s\n", getGO8s(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); i = 0; while(i < 54) { if(getCampus(g, vertices[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g)) { printf("You have a campus on %s\\0\n", vertices[i]); } if(getCampus(g, vertices[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g) + 3) { printf("You have a GO8 on %s\\0\n", vertices[i]); } i++; } printf("You have %d Publications\n", getPublications(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d IP Patents\n", getIPs(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("\n"); printf("Students:\n"); printf("You have %d THD Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_THD)); printf("You have %d BPS Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BPS)); printf("You have %d BQN Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BQN)); printf("You have %d MJ Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MJ)); printf("You have %d MTV Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MTV)); printf("You have %d MMONEY Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MMONEY)); printf("\n"); if(automation == FALSE) { a = getHumanAction(); } else { a = getAIAction(g); } while(a.actionCode != PASS) { if(isLegalAction(g, a)) { if(a.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) { if(rand() % 3 > 1) { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT; } else { a.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION; } } makeAction(g, a); } else { printf("Illegal Action"); } printf("\n"); printf("Player %d's turn\n", getWhoseTurn(g)); printf("You have %d ARCs\n", getARCs(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d Campuses\n", getCampuses(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d GO8s\n", getGO8s(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d Publications\n", getPublications(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("You have %d IP Patents\n", getIPs(g, getWhoseTurn(g))); printf("\n"); printf("Students:\n"); printf("You have %d THD Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_THD)); printf("You have %d BPS Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BPS)); printf("You have %d BQN Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BQN)); printf("You have %d MJ Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MJ)); printf("You have %d MTV Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MTV)); printf("You have %d MMONEY Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MMONEY)); printf("\n"); if(automation == FALSE) { a = getHumanAction(); } else { a = getAIAction(g); } } printf("Player 1 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_A)); printf("Player 2 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_B)); printf("Player 3 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_C)); } printf("Winner: Player %d\n", getWinner(g)); disposeGame(g); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }