void eapToHub(char *outDir)
/* eapToHub - Convert some analysis results to a hub for easy viz.. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = eapConnect();
struct eapGraph *eg = eapGraphNew(conn);
char path[PATH_LEN];
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", outDir, "hub.txt");
writeHubTxt(conn, path);
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", outDir, "genomes.txt");
writeGenomesTxt(conn, path);
int i;
struct edwExperiment *eeList = getUwDnaseExps(conn);
for (i=0; i<ArraySize(assemblyArray); ++i)
    char *a = assemblyArray[i];
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", outDir, a);
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", outDir, a, "trackDb.txt");
    struct fullExperiment *expList = getGoodExperiments(conn, eeList, a);
    slSort(&expList, fullExperimentCmp);
    writeTrackDbTxt(conn, eg, expList, a, path);
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", outDir, a, "table.html");
    writeTableHtml(conn, eg, expList, a, path);
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", outDir, a, "fastq.tab");
    writeFastqTab(conn, eg, expList, a, path);
void edwMakePlateFileNameAndPath(int edwFileId, char *submitFileName,
    char licensePlate[edwMaxPlateSize], char edwFile[PATH_LEN], char serverPath[PATH_LEN])
/* Convert file id to local file name, and full file path. Make any directories needed
 * along serverPath. */
/* Preserve suffix.  Give ourselves up to two suffixes. */
int nameSize = strlen(submitFileName);
char *suffix = lastMatchCharExcept(submitFileName, submitFileName + nameSize, '.', '/');
if (suffix != NULL)
    char *secondSuffix = lastMatchCharExcept(submitFileName, suffix, '.', '/');
    if (secondSuffix != NULL)
        suffix = secondSuffix;
suffix = emptyForNull(suffix);

/* Figure out edw file name, starting with license plate. */
edwMakeLicensePlate(edwLicensePlatePrefix, edwFileId, licensePlate, edwMaxPlateSize);

/* Figure out directory and make any components not already there. */
char edwDir[PATH_LEN];
edwDirForTime(edwNow(), edwDir);
char uploadDir[PATH_LEN];
safef(uploadDir, sizeof(uploadDir), "%s%s", edwRootDir, edwDir);

/* Figure out full file names */
safef(edwFile, PATH_LEN, "%s%s%s", edwDir, licensePlate, suffix);
safef(serverPath, PATH_LEN, "%s%s", edwRootDir, edwFile);
文件: docIdSub.c 项目: bowhan/kent
char *docIdSubmit(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *docIdTable, struct docIdSub *docIdSub, 
    char *docIdDir, char *type)

verbose(2, "Submitting------\n");
verbose(2, "status %d\n", docIdSub->status);
verbose(2, "assembly %s\n", docIdSub->assembly);
verbose(2, "submitDate %s\n", docIdSub->submitDate);
verbose(2, "md5sum %s\n", docIdSub->md5sum);
verbose(2, "valReport %s\n", docIdSub->valReport);
verbose(2, "valVersion %s\n", docIdSub->valVersion);
verbose(2, "metaData %s\n", docIdSub->metaData);
verbose(2, "submitPath %s\n", docIdSub->submitPath);
verbose(2, "submitter %s\n", docIdSub->submitter);
verbose(2, "type %s\n", type);

char query[1024 * 1024];


sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "insert into %s (status, assembly, submitDate, md5sum, valReport, valVersion, metaData, submitPath, submitter) values (\"%d\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")\n", docIdTable,
    docIdSub->status, docIdSub->assembly, docIdSub->submitDate, docIdSub->md5sum, docIdSub->valReport, docIdSub->valVersion, docIdSub->metaData, docIdSub->submitPath, docIdSub->submitter);
    //docIdSub->submitDate, docIdSub->md5sum, docIdSub->valReport, "null", docIdSub->submitPath, docIdSub->submitter);
//printf("query is %s\n", query);
char *response = sqlQuickString(conn, query);

printf("submitted got response %s\n", response);

sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select last_insert_id()");
char *docId = cloneString(sqlQuickString(conn, query));

printf("submitted got docId %s\n", docId);

if (!fileExists(docIdSub->submitPath))
    errAbort("cannot open %s\n", docIdSub->submitPath);
char *linkToFile = docIdGetPath(docId, docIdDir, type, docIdSub->submitPath);

printf("linking %s to file %s\n", docIdSub->submitPath, linkToFile);
char *slash = strrchr(linkToFile, '/');
if (slash == NULL)
    errAbort("can't find slash in path %s\n", linkToFile);

*slash = 0;
*slash = '/';
if (link(docIdSub->submitPath, linkToFile) < 0)
    errnoAbort("can't link %s to file %s\n", docIdSub->submitPath, linkToFile);

return docId;
char *edwTempDir()
/* Returns pointer to edwTempDir.  This is shared, so please don't modify. */
static char path[PATH_LEN];
if (path[0] == 0)
    /* Note code elsewhere depends on tmp dir being inside of edwRootDir - also good
     * to have it there so move to a permanent file is quick and unlikely to fail. */
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", edwRootDir, "tmp");
    strcat(path, "/");
return path;
void rewriteLevel(struct raLevel *level, char *outDir, struct lm *lm)
/* Rewrite files in level. */
struct raFile *file;
if (level->fileList != NULL)
for (file = level->fileList; file != NULL; file = file->next)
    char outName[FILENAME_LEN], outExtension[FILEEXT_LEN];
    splitPath(file->name, NULL, outName, outExtension);
    char outPath[PATH_LEN];
    safef(outPath, sizeof(outPath), "%s/%s%s", outDir, outName, outExtension);
    rewriteFile(level, file, outPath, lm);
文件: edwToEap1.c 项目: bowhan/kent
void edwToEap1(char *dir)
/* edwToEap1 - Help transforme edw format analysis tables to eap formatted ones.. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = edwConnect();

struct edwAnalysisJob *jobList = edwAnalysisJobLoadByQuery(conn, "select * from edwAnalysisJob order by id");
char jobFile[PATH_LEN];
safef(jobFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapJob.tab");
transformJobTable(conn, jobList, jobFile);

struct edwAnalysisSoftware *swList = edwAnalysisSoftwareLoadByQuery(conn, "select * from edwAnalysisSoftware order by id");
struct hash *swHash = hashSwList(swList);
char softwareFile[PATH_LEN], swVersionFile[PATH_LEN];
safef(softwareFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapSoftware.tab");
safef(swVersionFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapSwVersion.tab");
transformSoftwareTable(conn, swList, softwareFile, swVersionFile);

struct edwAnalysisStep *stepList = edwAnalysisStepLoadByQuery(conn, "select * from edwAnalysisStep order by id");
struct hash *stepHash = hashStepList(stepList);
verbose(1, "stepHash has %d els\n", stepHash->elCount);
char stepFile[PATH_LEN], stepVersionFile[PATH_LEN], stepSoftwareFile[PATH_LEN];
safef(stepFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapStep.tab");
safef(stepVersionFile,  PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapStepVersion.tab");
safef(stepSoftwareFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapStepSoftware.tab");
transformStepTable(conn, stepList, swHash, stepFile, stepVersionFile, stepSoftwareFile);

char stepVersionSwVersionFile[PATH_LEN];
safef(stepVersionSwVersionFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapStepSwVersion.tab");
versionVsVersion(conn, stepList, stepHash, swList, swHash, stepVersionSwVersionFile);

struct edwAnalysisRun *runList = edwAnalysisRunLoadByQuery(conn, "select * from edwAnalysisRun order by id");
char analysisFile[PATH_LEN], inputFile[PATH_LEN], outputFile[PATH_LEN];
safef(analysisFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapAnalysis.tab");
safef(inputFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapInput.tab");
safef(outputFile, PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", dir, "eapOutput.tab");
transformRun(conn, runList, stepHash, analysisFile, inputFile, outputFile);

if (optionExists("load"))
char *edwTempDirForToday(char dir[PATH_LEN])
/* Fills in dir with temp dir of the day, and returns a pointer to it. */
char dayDir[PATH_LEN];
edwDirForTime(edwNow(), dayDir);
safef(dir, PATH_LEN, "%s%stmp/", edwRootDir, dayDir);

/* Bracket time consuming call to makeDirsOnPath with check that we didn't just do same
 * thing. */
static char lastDayDir[PATH_LEN] = "";
if (!sameString(dayDir, lastDayDir))
    strcpy(lastDayDir, dayDir);
    int len = strlen(dir);
    dir[len-1] = 0;
    dir[len-1] = '/';
return dir;
void edwMakeFileNameAndPath(int edwFileId, char *submitFileName, char edwFile[PATH_LEN], char serverPath[PATH_LEN])
/* Convert file id to local file name, and full file path. Make any directories needed
 * along serverPath. */
/* Preserve suffix.  Give ourselves up to two suffixes. */
char *suffix = edwFindDoubleFileSuffix(submitFileName);

/* Figure out edw file name, starting with baseName. */
char baseName[32];
edwMakeBabyName(edwFileId, baseName, sizeof(baseName));

/* Figure out directory and make any components not already there. */
char edwDir[PATH_LEN];
edwDirForTime(edwNow(), edwDir);
char uploadDir[PATH_LEN];
safef(uploadDir, sizeof(uploadDir), "%s%s", edwRootDir, edwDir);

/* Figure out full file names */
safef(edwFile, PATH_LEN, "%s%s%s", edwDir, baseName, suffix);
safef(serverPath, PATH_LEN, "%s%s", edwRootDir, edwFile);
void verticalSplitSqlTable(char *oldTab, char *oldAs, char *splitSpec, char *outDir)
/* verticalSplitSqlTable - Split a database table into two new related tables that share a field. */
struct asObject *as = asParseFile(oldAs);
if (as->next != NULL)
    errAbort("%d records in %s, only 1 allowed\n", slCount(as), oldAs);
uglyf("Read %s from %s\n", as->name, oldAs);

/* Read fields from splitSpec, and make sure there are no extra. */
struct hash *ra = raReadSingle(splitSpec);
char *table1 = mustFindInSplitSpec("table1", ra, splitSpec);
char *fields1 = mustFindInSplitSpec("fields1", ra, splitSpec);
char *description1 = mustFindInSplitSpec("description1", ra, splitSpec);
char *table2 = mustFindInSplitSpec("table2", ra, splitSpec);
char *fields2 = mustFindInSplitSpec("fields2", ra, splitSpec);
char *description2 = mustFindInSplitSpec("description2", ra, splitSpec);
char *sharedKey = mustFindInSplitSpec("sharedKey", ra, splitSpec);
if (ra->elCount > 7)
    errAbort("Extra fields in %s", splitSpec);

/* Convert this=that strings to lists of pairs. */
struct slPair *fieldList1 = slPairFromString(fields1);
struct slPair *fieldList2 = slPairFromString(fields2);

/* Do some more checks */
if (sameString(table1, table2))
    errAbort("Error: table1 and table2 are the same (%s) in %s", table1, splitSpec);
checkSharedKeyInList(sharedKey, splitSpec, fields1, fieldList1);
checkSharedKeyInList(sharedKey, splitSpec, fields2, fieldList2);
struct asColumn *keyCol = asColumnFind(as, sharedKey);
if (keyCol == NULL)
    errAbort("The sharedKey '%s' is not in %s", sharedKey, oldAs);

/* Make sure that all fields in splitSpec are actually in the oldAs file. */
checkFieldsInAs(fieldList1, splitSpec, as, oldAs);
checkFieldsInAs(fieldList2, splitSpec, as, oldAs);

/* Make sure that all old table fields are covered */
if (!partialOk)
    struct hash *covered = hashNew(0);
    struct slPair *field;
    for (field = fieldList1; field != NULL; field = field->next)
        hashAdd(covered, field->val, NULL);
    for (field = fieldList2; field != NULL; field = field->next)
        hashAdd(covered, field->val, NULL);
    struct asColumn *col;
    for (col = as->columnList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
	if (!hashLookup(covered, col->name))
	    errAbort("Field %s in %s not output, use -partialOk flag if this is intentional",
		col->name, oldAs);

/* Ok, input is checked, start on output.. */
if (lastChar(outDir) == '/')

/* Output .as files. */
outputPartialAs(as, table1, fieldList1, description1, outDir);
outputPartialAs(as, table2, fieldList2, description2, outDir);

/* Output first split file - a straight up subset of columns. */
char path[PATH_LEN];
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.tab", outDir, table1);
outputPartialTab(oldTab, as, fieldList1, path);

/* Output second split file */
char errPath[PATH_LEN];
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.tab", outDir, table2);
safef(errPath, sizeof(path), "%s/mergeErrs.txt", outDir);
outputUniqueOnSharedKey(oldTab, as, keyCol, fieldList2, path, errPath);
void regCompanionEnhProCellSpecificPairs(char *enhBed, char *cellDescriptions, 
	char *geneLevels, char *pairsIn, char *outDir)
/* regCompanionEnhProCellSpecificPairs - Select enh/pro pairs that are seen in a given cell 
 * lines. */
/* Load up cell descriptions into cell array */
struct expRecord *cell, *cellList = expRecordLoadAll(cellDescriptions);
int cellCount = slCount(cellList);
struct expRecord **cellArray;
AllocArray(cellArray, cellCount);
int i;
for (i=0, cell = cellList; i < cellCount; ++i, cell = cell->next)
    cellArray[i] = cell;
verbose(2, "Got %d cells in %s\n", cellCount, cellDescriptions);

/* Load up enhBed into a hash keyed by name */
struct bed *enh, *enhList;
int fieldCount;
bedLoadAllReturnFieldCount(enhBed, &enhList, &fieldCount);
if (fieldCount != 15)
   errAbort("Expecting bed 15 format in %s", enhBed);
struct hash *enhHash = hashNew(16);
for (enh = enhList; enh != NULL; enh = enh->next)
    if (enh->expCount != cellCount)
        errAbort("Inconsistent input: %d cells in %s, but %d in %s\n", 
		cellCount, cellDescriptions, enh->expCount, enhBed);
    hashAddUnique(enhHash, enh->name, enh);
verbose(2, "Got %d enhancers in %s\n", enhHash->elCount, enhBed);

/* Get a hash with key of gene name and value an array of expression values. */
struct hash *geneHash = hashGeneLevels(geneLevels, cellCount);
verbose(2, "Got %d genes in %s\n", geneHash->elCount, geneLevels);

/* Open inPairs.bed, just to make sure it's there before we do any output. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(pairsIn, TRUE);

/* Remove trailing slash from output dir if any */
if (lastChar(outDir) == '/')
    int len = strlen(outDir);
    outDir[len-1] = 0;

/* Make output directory and open all output files. */
FILE *outFiles[cellCount];
for (i=0, cell = cellList; i < cellCount; ++i, cell = cell->next)
    char path[PATH_LEN];
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.bed", outDir, cell->description);
    outFiles[i] = mustOpen(path, "w");

/* Stream through input file and copy to appropriate outputs. */
char *words[bedKnownFields*2];	// Make a little bigger than any known bed
int wordCount, wordsRequired = 0;
char *separator = "->";
int separatorSize = strlen(separator);
int pairCount = 0;
while ((wordCount = lineFileChop(lf, words)) != 0)
    /* Make sure all lines have same # of fields, and at least 4. */
    if (wordsRequired == 0)
        wordsRequired = wordCount;
	lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 4, wordCount);
	lineFileExpectWords(lf, wordsRequired, wordCount);

    /* Parse out name field. */
    char *name = words[3];
    char *sepPos = stringIn(separator, name);
    if (sepPos == NULL)
        errAbort("Expecting %s in %s line %d of %s", separator, name, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    char *enhName = cloneStringZ(name, sepPos-name);
    char *geneName = sepPos + separatorSize;

    /* Look up enhancer and gene. */
    enh = hashMustFindVal(enhHash, enhName);
    double *geneLevels = hashMustFindVal(geneHash, geneName);

    /* Output ones over minimum levels. */
    for (i=0; i < cellCount; ++i)
	double enhLevel = enh->expScores[i];
	double geneLevel = geneLevels[i];
	if (enhLevel >= minAct && geneLevel >= minExp)
	    int j;
	    FILE *f = outFiles[i];
	    fprintf(f, "%s", words[0]);
	    for (j=1; j<wordCount; ++j)
		fprintf(f, "\t%s", words[j]);
	    fprintf(f, "\n");
verbose(2, "Got %d pairs in %s\n", pairCount, pairsIn);

/* Clean up. */
for (i=0; i<cellCount; ++i)
void cdwFakeManifestFromSubmit(char *submitIdString, char *outDir)
/* cdwFakeManifestFromSubmit - Create a fake submission based on a real one that is in the warehouse. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = cdwConnect();
char query[512];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwSubmit where id=%s", submitIdString);
struct cdwSubmit *submit = cdwSubmitLoadByQuery(conn, query);
if (submit == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find submission %s", submitIdString);

uglyf("%d files in query\n", submit->newFiles);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cdwFile where submitId=%s", submitIdString);
struct cdwFile *ef, *efList = cdwFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);

FILE *maniF = NULL, *valiF = NULL;
for (ef = efList; ef != NULL; ef = ef->next)
    struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromFileId(conn, ef->id);
    if (vf != NULL)
	/* First time through create out directory and open output files. */
	if (maniF == NULL)
	    char *fakeVersion = "##validateManifest version 1.7";
	    maniF = mustOpen("manifest.txt", "w");
	    fprintf(maniF, "\n");
	    fprintf(maniF, "%s\n", fakeVersion);
	    valiF = mustOpen("validated.txt", "w");
	    fprintf(valiF, "\tmd5_sum\tsize\tmodified\tvalid_key\n");
	    fprintf(valiF, "%s\n", fakeVersion);

	/* Figure out file names */
	char cdwPath[PATH_LEN], rootName[FILENAME_LEN], ext[FILEEXT_LEN];
	safef(cdwPath, sizeof(cdwPath), "%s%s", cdwRootDir, ef->cdwFileName);
	splitPath(ef->cdwFileName, NULL, rootName, ext);
	char localPath[PATH_LEN];
	safef(localPath, sizeof(localPath), "%s%s", rootName, ext);

	/* Create sym-linked file and write to manifest */
	symlink(cdwPath, localPath);
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "%s", localPath);

	/* Write other columns shared between manifest and validated */
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", vf->format);
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->outputType));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->experiment));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->enrichedIn));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->ucscDb));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->replicate));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->part));
	fprint2(maniF, valiF, "\t%s", naForEmpty(vf->pairedEnd));
	fprintf(maniF, "\n");

	/* Print out remaining fields in validated.txt */
	fprintf(valiF, "\t%s\t%lld\t%lld\n", ef->md5, ef->size, ef->updateTime);
void hcaStormToBundles(char *inTags, char *dataUrl, char *schemaFile, char *outDir)
/* hcaStormToBundles - Convert a HCA formatted tagStorm to a directory full of bundles.. */
/* Check that have full path name for dataFileDir */
if (sameString("urls", dataUrl))
   gUrls = TRUE;
else if (!stringIn("://", dataUrl))
    errAbort("data file directory must be a url.");

/* Load up schema and put it in hash */
struct tagSchema *schemaList = tagSchemaFromFile(schemaFile);
struct hash *schemaHash = tagSchemaHash(schemaList);

/* Load up tagStorm get leaf list */
struct tagStorm *storm = tagStormFromFile(inTags);
struct tagStanzaRef *refList = tagStormListLeaves(storm);
verbose(1, "Got %d leaf nodes in %s\n", slCount(refList), inTags);

/* Add in assay.sample_id as just a dupe of sample.id */
dupeValToNewTag(storm, storm->forest, "sample.id", "assay.sample_id");
dupeValToNewTag(storm, storm->forest, "project.id", "sample.project_id");
addMissingUuids(storm, "assay.seq.ena_experiment", "assay.id", FALSE);
addMissingUuids(storm, "assay.seq.sra_experiment", "assay.id", FALSE);

/* Do some figuring based on all fields available of what objects to make */
struct slName *allFields = tagStormFieldList(storm);
verbose(1, "Got %d fields in %s\n", slCount(allFields), inTags);
struct slName *topLevelList = ttjUniqToDotList(allFields, NULL, 0);
verbose(1, "Got %d top level objects\n", slCount(topLevelList));

/* Make list of objects */
struct slName *topEl;
struct ttjSubObj *objList = NULL;
for (topEl = topLevelList; topEl != NULL; topEl = topEl->next)
    verbose(1, "  %s\n", topEl->name);
    struct ttjSubObj *obj = ttjMakeSubObj(allFields, topEl->name, topEl->name);
    slAddHead(&objList, obj);

/* Loop through stanzas making bundles */
struct tagStanzaRef *ref;
int bundleIx = 0;
for (ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    /* Fetch stanza and comma-separated list of files. */
    struct tagStanza *stanza = ref->stanza;
    char *fileCsv = tagFindVal(stanza, "assay.seq.files");
    if (fileCsv == NULL)
        errAbort("Stanza without a files tag. Stanza starts line %d of %s",  
		stanza->startLineIx, inTags); 

    /* Make subdirectory for bundle */
    char bundleDir[PATH_LEN];
    safef(bundleDir, sizeof(bundleDir), "%s/bundle%d", outDir, bundleIx);

    /* Make symbolic link of all files */
    char localUrl[PATH_LEN*2];
    if (gUrls)
	struct slName *fileList = tagMustFindValList(stanza, "assay.seq.files");
	splitPath(fileList->name, localUrl, NULL, NULL);
	dataUrl = localUrl;

    makeBundleJson(storm, bundleDir, stanza, objList, dataUrl, schemaHash);
verbose(1, "wrote json files into %s/bundle* dirs\n", outDir);