extern "C" void * haloThread(void * id){
	char * HaloID = (char *)id;
	cout << "Analyzing halo with ID " << HaloID << endl;
	int numberOfParticles, nCols;
	double ** positionsArray;
	Particle ** particlesArray;
	FILE * output;
	double radius = 0;
	double u;

	FILE * positionFile = getPositionFile(HaloID);		//make the file path
	if (positionFile == NULL)
		printf("POSITION FILE NULL\n");
	numberOfParticles = getNumberOfRows(positionFile);	//count number of particles in file
	nCols = getNumberOfColumns(positionFile);			//get number of columns in file (3)
	particlesArray = new ParticleArray[numberOfParticles];	//make an array of particles
	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++){
		particlesArray[i] = new Particle();					//each location in the array is a particle (with positions)
	positionsArray = assembleArray(positionFile,numberOfParticles,nCols);
	for (int i = 0; i<numberOfParticles;i++){
		particlesArray[i]->position.x = positionsArray[i][0];
		particlesArray[i]->position.y = positionsArray[i][1];
		particlesArray[i]->position.z = positionsArray[i][2];
	delete positionsArray;
	for(int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++){

		for(int j = 0; j < numberOfParticles; j++){
				radius = sqrt(sq((particlesArray[i]->position.x)-(particlesArray[j]->position.x))+sq((particlesArray[i]->position.y)-(particlesArray[j]->position.y))+sq((particlesArray[i]->position.z)-(particlesArray[j]->position.z)));
				u = radius/EPSILON;
					particlesArray[i]->directPotential += GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT*PARTICLE_MASS*MASS_MULTIPLIER/EPSILON*(16.0/3.0*sq(u)-48.0/5.0*fourth(u)+32.0/5.0*fifth(u)-14.0/5.0);
				else if(u<1){
					particlesArray[i]->directPotential += GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT*PARTICLE_MASS*MASS_MULTIPLIER/EPSILON*(1.0/(15.0*u)+32.0/3.0*sq(u)-16.0*third(u)+48.0/5.0*fourth(u)-32.0/15.0*fifth(u)-16.0/5.0);
					particlesArray[i]->directPotential += GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT*PARTICLE_MASS*MASS_MULTIPLIER/EPSILON*(-1.0/u);

		if(i%100000==0){cout <<HaloID <<" - " <<i <<"th particle's potential calculated" <<endl;}

	output = makeOutputFileName(HaloID);		//make output file

	//print output
	for(int i = 0; i<numberOfParticles; i++){

	//free memory
	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++){
		delete particlesArray[i]; 
	delete particlesArray;

	//close files

		// Reduce our active threads count.
	pthread_cond_signal(threadAvailable);			// Signal to wake up main.

	cout <<"Halo " << HaloID <<" done." <<endl;

main(int argc, const char ** argv) {

    FILE * ifP;
    FILE *vf, *uf, *yf;
    pixel *pixelrow1, *pixelrow2;
    int rows, cols;
    int format;
    unsigned int row;
    pixval maxval;
    unsigned char *y1buf, *y2buf, *ubuf, *vbuf;
    struct FileNameSet fname;
        /* Output file names - .U, .V, .Y */

    pm_proginit(&argc, argv);

    if ((argc-1 > 2) || (argc-1 < 1))
        pm_error("Wrong number of arguments: %u.  "
                 "Arguments are basename for output files "
                 "and optional input file name", argc-1);

    if (argc-1 == 2)
        ifP = pm_openr(argv[2]);
        ifP = stdin;

    makeOutputFileName(argv[1], &fname);

    uf = pm_openw(fname.u);
    vf = pm_openw(fname.v);
    yf = pm_openw(fname.y);


    ppm_readppminit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format);

    if (cols % 2 == 1)
        pm_message("Warning: odd columns count %u, excess ignored", cols);

    if (rows % 2 == 1)
        pm_message("Warning: odd rows count %u, excess ignored", rows);

    pixelrow1 = ((pixel*) pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(pixel)));
    pixelrow2 = ((pixel*) pm_allocrow(cols, sizeof(pixel)));

    y1buf = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(cols, 1);
    y2buf = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(cols, 1);
    ubuf = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(cols, 1);
    vbuf = (unsigned char *) pm_allocrow(cols, 1);

    for (row = 0; row < (rows & ~1); row += 2) {
        unsigned char *y1ptr, *y2ptr, *uptr, *vptr;
        pixel *pP1, *pP2;
        unsigned int col;

        ppm_readppmrow(ifP, pixelrow1, cols, maxval, format);
        ppm_readppmrow(ifP, pixelrow2, cols, maxval, format);

        pP1 = &pixelrow1[0]; pP2 = &pixelrow2[0];
        y1ptr = y1buf; y2ptr = y2buf; vptr = vbuf; uptr = ubuf;

        for (col = 0 ; col < (cols & ~1); col += 2) {
            pixval r0,g0,b0,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3,g3,b3;
            myLONG u, v, y0, y1, y2, y3, u0, u1, u2, u3, v0, v1, v2, v3;

            /* first pixel */
            r0 = PPM_GETR(*pP1);
            g0 = PPM_GETG(*pP1);
            b0 = PPM_GETB(*pP1);
            /* 2nd pixel */
            r1 = PPM_GETR(*pP1);
            g1 = PPM_GETG(*pP1);
            b1 = PPM_GETB(*pP1);
            /* 3rd pixel */
            r2 = PPM_GETR(*pP2);
            g2 = PPM_GETG(*pP2);
            b2 = PPM_GETB(*pP2);
            /* 4th pixel */
            r3 = PPM_GETR(*pP2);
            g3 = PPM_GETG(*pP2);
            b3 = PPM_GETB(*pP2);

            /* The JFIF RGB to YUV Matrix for $00010000 = 1.0

               [Y]   [19595   38469    7471][R]
               [U] = [-11056  -21712  32768][G]
               [V]   [32768   -27440  -5328][B]


            y0 =  19595 * r0 + 38469 * g0 +  7471 * b0;
            u0 = -11056 * r0 - 21712 * g0 + 32768 * b0;
            v0 =  32768 * r0 - 27440 * g0 -  5328 * b0;

            y1 =  19595 * r1 + 38469 * g1 +  7471 * b1;
            u1 = -11056 * r1 - 21712 * g1 + 32768 * b1;
            v1 =  32768 * r1 - 27440 * g1 -  5328 * b1;

            y2 =  19595 * r2 + 38469 * g2 +  7471 * b2;
            u2 = -11056 * r2 - 21712 * g2 + 32768 * b2;
            v2 =  32768 * r2 - 27440 * g2 -  5328 * b2;

            y3 =  19595 * r3 + 38469 * g3 +  7471 * b3;
            u3 = -11056 * r3 - 21712 * g3 + 32768 * b3;
            v3 =  32768 * r3 - 27440 * g3 -  5328 * b3;

            /* mean the chroma for subsampling */

            u  = (u0+u1+u2+u3)>>2;
            v  = (v0+v1+v2+v3)>>2;

            y0 = (y0 * 219)/255 + 1048576;
            y1 = (y1 * 219)/255 + 1048576;
            y2 = (y2 * 219)/255 + 1048576;
            y3 = (y3 * 219)/255 + 1048576;

            u  = (u * 224)/255 ;
            v  = (v * 224)/255 ;

            *y1ptr++  = (y0 >> 16) ;
            *y1ptr++  = (y1 >> 16) ;
            *y2ptr++  = (y2 >> 16) ;
            *y2ptr++  = (y3 >> 16) ;

            *uptr++   = (u >> 16)+128 ;
            *vptr++   = (v >> 16)+128 ;

        fwrite(y1buf, (cols & ~1), 1, yf);
        fwrite(y2buf, (cols & ~1), 1, yf);
        fwrite(ubuf, cols/2, 1, uf);
        fwrite(vbuf, cols/2, 1, vf);

    return 0;