//! Implement the backing store for a given instance
//! @param[in] instance pointer to the instance
//! @param[in] is_migration_dest
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_ERROR on failure
//! @pre The instance parameter must not be NULL.
//! @post
int create_instance_backing(ncInstance * instance, boolean is_migration_dest)
    int rc = 0;
    int ret = EUCA_ERROR;
    virtualMachine *vm = &(instance->params);
    artifact *sentinel = NULL;
    char work_prefix[1024] = { 0 };    // {userId}/{instanceId}
    char base_path[EUCA_MAX_PATH];
    char user_dir_path[EUCA_MAX_PATH];

    // set various instance-directory-relative paths in the instance struct

    set_path(base_path, sizeof(base_path), NULL, NULL);
    snprintf(user_dir_path, sizeof(user_dir_path), "%s/%s", base_path, instance->userId);
    // create backing directory
    if ((check_path(user_dir_path) == 1) && (mkdir(user_dir_path, INSTANCE_DIRECTORY_PERM) == -1)) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] could not create backing directory %s\n", instance->instanceId, user_dir_path);
        goto out;
    if (mkdir(instance->instancePath, INSTANCE_DIRECTORY_PERM) == -1) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] could not create backing directory %s\n", instance->instanceId, instance->instancePath);
        goto out;

    if (strstr(instance->platform, "windows")) {
        // generate the floppy file for windows instances
        if (makeWindowsFloppy(nc_state.home, instance->instancePath, instance->keyName, instance->instanceId)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create windows bootup script floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");
            instance->hasFloppy = TRUE;
    } else if (instance->credential && strlen(instance->credential)) {
        LOGDEBUG("[%s] creating floppy for instance credential\n", instance->instanceId);
        if (make_credential_floppy(nc_state.home, instance->instancePath, instance->credential)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create credential floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");
            instance->hasFloppy = TRUE;
    } else if(instance->hasFloppy && is_migration_dest) {
        LOGDEBUG("[%s] creating blank instance credential floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
        char dest_path[1024] = "";
        int fd = 0;
        snprintf(dest_path, 1024, "%s/floppy", instance->instancePath);
        if ((fd = open(dest_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0700)) < 0) {
           LOGERROR("[%s] failed to create fake floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
           goto out;
        } else {
           lseek(fd, 1024*2048-1, SEEK_SET);
           write(fd, "\n", 1);
    } else {
        instance->hasFloppy = FALSE;

    set_id(instance, NULL, work_prefix, sizeof(work_prefix));

    // compute tree of dependencies
    sentinel = vbr_alloc_tree(vm,      // the struct containing the VBR
                              TRUE,    // make working copy of runtime-modifiable files
                              is_migration_dest,    // tree of an instance on the migration destination
                              (instance->do_inject_key) ? (instance->keyName) : (NULL), // the SSH key
                              &(instance->bail_flag),   // flag indicating that provisioning should bail
                              instance->instanceId);    // ID is for logging
    if (sentinel == NULL) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to prepare extended backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

        // download/create/combine the dependencies
        rc = art_implement_tree(sentinel, work_bs, cache_bs, work_prefix, INSTANCE_PREP_TIMEOUT_USEC);

    if (rc != EUCA_OK) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to implement backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;
    // copy EBS entries from VBR[] to volumes[]
    for (int i = 0; ((i < EUCA_MAX_VBRS) && (i < instance->params.virtualBootRecordLen)); i++) {
        virtualBootRecord *vbr = &(instance->params.virtualBootRecord[i]);
        if (vbr->locationType == NC_LOCATION_SC) {
            char *volumeId = vbr->id;  // id is 'emi-XXXX', replace it with 'vol-XXXX'
            ebs_volume_data *vol_data = NULL;
            if (deserialize_volume(vbr->resourceLocation, &vol_data) == 0) {
                volumeId = vol_data->volumeId;
            if (save_volume(instance, volumeId, vbr->resourceLocation,  // attachmentToken
                            vbr->preparedResourceLocation,  // connect_string
                            vbr->guestDeviceName, VOL_STATE_ATTACHED, vbr->backingPath) == NULL) {  // the XML
                LOGERROR("[%s] failed to add record for volume %s\n", instance->instanceId, volumeId);

    if (save_instance_struct(instance)) // update instance checkpoint now that the struct got updated
        goto out;

    ret = EUCA_OK;

    if (sentinel)
    return (ret);
//! Implement the backing store for a given instance
//! @param[in] instance pointer to the instance
//! @param[in] is_migration_dest
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_ERROR on failure
//! @pre The instance parameter must not be NULL.
//! @post
int create_instance_backing(ncInstance * instance, boolean is_migration_dest)
    int rc = 0;
    int ret = EUCA_ERROR;
    virtualMachine *vm = &(instance->params);
    artifact *sentinel = NULL;
    char work_prefix[1024] = { 0 };    // {userId}/{instanceId}

    // set various instance-directory-relative paths in the instance struct

    // ensure instance directory exists
    if (ensure_directories_exist(instance->instancePath, 0, NULL, "root", BACKING_DIRECTORY_PERM) == -1)
        goto out;

    if (strstr(instance->platform, "windows")) {
        // generate the floppy file for windows instances
        if (makeWindowsFloppy(nc_state.home, instance->instancePath, instance->keyName, instance->instanceId)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create windows bootup script floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");
    } else if (strlen(instance->instancePk) > 0) {  // TODO: credential floppy is limited to Linux instances ATM
        LOGDEBUG("[%s] creating floppy for instance credential\n", instance->instanceId);
        if (make_credential_floppy(nc_state.home, instance)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create credential floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");

    set_id(instance, NULL, work_prefix, sizeof(work_prefix));

    // if this looks like a partition m1.small image, make it a bootable disk
    virtualMachine *vm2 = NULL;
    LOGDEBUG("vm->virtualBootRecordLen=%d\n", vm->virtualBootRecordLen);
    if (vm->virtualBootRecordLen == 5) {    // TODO: make this check more robust

        // as an experiment, construct a new VBR, without swap and ephemeral
        virtualMachine vm_copy;
        vm2 = &vm_copy;
        memcpy(vm2, vm, sizeof(virtualMachine));
        bzero(vm2->virtualBootRecord, EUCA_MAX_VBRS * sizeof(virtualBootRecord));
        vm2->virtualBootRecordLen = 0;

        virtualBootRecord *emi_vbr = NULL;
        for (int i = 0; i < EUCA_MAX_VBRS && i < vm->virtualBootRecordLen; i++) {
            virtualBootRecord *vbr = &(vm->virtualBootRecord[i]);
            if (vbr->type != NC_RESOURCE_KERNEL && vbr->type != NC_RESOURCE_RAMDISK && vbr->type != NC_RESOURCE_IMAGE)
            if (vbr->type == NC_RESOURCE_IMAGE)
                emi_vbr = vbr;
            memcpy(vm2->virtualBootRecord + (vm2->virtualBootRecordLen++), vbr, sizeof(virtualBootRecord));

        if (emi_vbr == NULL) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to find EMI among VBR entries\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;

        if (vbr_add_ascii("boot:none:104857600:ext3:sda2:none", vm2) != EUCA_OK) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not add a boot partition VBR entry\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        if (vbr_parse(vm2, NULL) != EUCA_OK) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not parse the boot partition VBR entry\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        // compute tree of dependencies
        sentinel = vbr_alloc_tree(vm2, // the struct containing the VBR
                                  TRUE, // we always make the disk bootable, for consistency
                                  TRUE, // make working copy of runtime-modifiable files
                                  is_migration_dest,    // tree of an instance on the migration destination
                                  (instance->do_inject_key) ? (instance->keyName) : (NULL), // the SSH key
                                  instance->instanceId);    // ID is for logging
        if (sentinel == NULL) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to prepare backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;

        LOGDEBUG("disk size prior to tree implementation is = %lld\n", sentinel->deps[0]->size_bytes);
        long long right_disk_size = sentinel->deps[0]->size_bytes;

            // download/create/combine the dependencies
            rc = art_implement_tree(sentinel, work_bs, cache_bs, work_prefix, INSTANCE_PREP_TIMEOUT_USEC);

        if (rc != EUCA_OK) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] failed to implement backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;

        LOGDEBUG("[%s] created the initial bootable disk\n", instance->instanceId);

        /* option A starts */
        strcpy(emi_vbr->guestDeviceName, "sda");    // switch 'sda1' to 'sda' now that we've built the disk
        //emi_vbr->sizeBytes = sentinel->deps[0]->size_bytes; // update the size to match the disk
        emi_vbr->sizeBytes = right_disk_size;   // this is bad...
        LOGDEBUG("at boot disk creation time emi_vbr->sizeBytes = %lld\n", emi_vbr->sizeBytes);
        euca_strncpy(emi_vbr->id, sentinel->deps[0]->id, SMALL_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE);   // change to the ID of the disk
        if (vbr_parse(vm, NULL) != EUCA_OK) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not parse the boot partition VBR entry\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        emi_vbr->locationType = NC_LOCATION_NONE;   // i.e., it should already exist

        /* option A end */

        /* option B starts *
           memcpy(vm, vm2, sizeof(virtualMachine));
           if (save_instance_struct(instance)) // update instance checkpoint now that the struct got updated
           goto out;
           ret = EUCA_OK;
           goto out;
           * option B ends */
    // compute tree of dependencies
    sentinel = vbr_alloc_tree(vm,      // the struct containing the VBR
                              FALSE,   // if image had to be made bootable, that was done above
                              TRUE,    // make working copy of runtime-modifiable files
                              is_migration_dest,    // tree of an instance on the migration destination
                              (instance->do_inject_key) ? (instance->keyName) : (NULL), // the SSH key
                              instance->instanceId);    // ID is for logging
    if (sentinel == NULL) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to prepare extended backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

        // download/create/combine the dependencies
        rc = art_implement_tree(sentinel, work_bs, cache_bs, work_prefix, INSTANCE_PREP_TIMEOUT_USEC);

    if (rc != EUCA_OK) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to implement backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

    if (save_instance_struct(instance)) // update instance checkpoint now that the struct got updated
        goto out;

    ret = EUCA_OK;

    if (sentinel)
    return (ret);
//! Implement the backing store for a given instance
//! @param[in] instance pointer to the instance
//! @param[in] is_migration_dest
//! @return EUCA_OK on success or EUCA_ERROR on failure
//! @pre The instance parameter must not be NULL.
//! @post
int create_instance_backing(ncInstance * instance, boolean is_migration_dest)
    int rc = 0;
    int ret = EUCA_ERROR;
    virtualMachine *vm = &(instance->params);
    artifact *sentinel = NULL;
    char work_prefix[1024] = { 0 };    // {userId}/{instanceId}

    // set various instance-directory-relative paths in the instance struct

    // ensure instance directory exists
    if (ensure_directories_exist(instance->instancePath, 0, NULL, "root", BACKING_DIRECTORY_PERM) == -1)
        goto out;

    if (strstr(instance->platform, "windows")) {
        // generate the floppy file for windows instances
        if (makeWindowsFloppy(nc_state.home, instance->instancePath, instance->keyName, instance->instanceId)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create windows bootup script floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");
    }else if (instance->instancePk != NULL && strlen(instance->instancePk) > 0) {  // TODO: credential floppy is limited to Linux instances ATM
        LOGDEBUG("[%s] creating floppy for instance credential\n", instance->instanceId);
        if (make_credential_floppy(nc_state.home, instance)) {
            LOGERROR("[%s] could not create credential floppy\n", instance->instanceId);
            goto out;
        } else {
            set_path(instance->floppyFilePath, sizeof(instance->floppyFilePath), instance, "floppy");

    set_id(instance, NULL, work_prefix, sizeof(work_prefix));

    // compute tree of dependencies
    sentinel = vbr_alloc_tree(vm,      // the struct containing the VBR
                              FALSE,   // for Xen and KVM we do not need to make disk bootable
                              TRUE,    // make working copy of runtime-modifiable files
                              is_migration_dest,    // tree of an instance on the migration destination
                              (instance->do_inject_key) ? (instance->keyName) : (NULL), // the SSH key
                              instance->instanceId);    // ID is for logging
    if (sentinel == NULL) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to prepare backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

        // download/create/combine the dependencies
        rc = art_implement_tree(sentinel, work_bs, cache_bs, work_prefix, INSTANCE_PREP_TIMEOUT_USEC);

    if (rc != EUCA_OK) {
        LOGERROR("[%s] failed to implement backing for instance\n", instance->instanceId);
        goto out;

    if (save_instance_struct(instance)) // update instance checkpoint now that the struct got updated
        goto out;

    ret = EUCA_OK;

    if (sentinel)
    return (ret);