WERD *make_ed_word(                  //construct word
                   TWERD *tessword,  //word to convert
                   WERD *clone       //clone this one
                  ) {
  WERD *word;                    //converted word
  TBLOB *tblob;                  //current blob
  PBLOB *blob;                   //new blob
  PBLOB_LIST blobs;              //list of blobs
  PBLOB_IT blob_it = &blobs;     //iterator

  for (tblob = tessword->blobs; tblob != NULL; tblob = tblob->next) {
    blob = make_ed_blob (tblob);
    if (blob == NULL && tblob->outlines != NULL) {
      // Make a fake blob using the bounding box rectangle of the 1st outline.
      blob = MakeRectBlob(tblob->outlines);
    if (blob != NULL) {
      blob_it.add_after_then_move (blob);
  if (!blobs.empty ())
    word = new WERD (&blobs, clone);
    word = NULL;
  return word;
LIST call_matcher(                  //call a matcher
                  TBLOB *ptblob,    //previous
                  TBLOB *tessblob,  //blob to match
                  TBLOB *ntblob,    //next
                  void *,           //unused parameter
                  TEXTROW *         //always null anyway
                 ) {
  PBLOB *pblob;                  //converted blob
  PBLOB *blob;                   //converted blob
  PBLOB *nblob;                  //converted blob
  LIST result;                   //tess output
  BLOB_CHOICE *choice;           //current choice
  BLOB_CHOICE_LIST ratings;      //matcher result
  BLOB_CHOICE_IT it;             //iterator
  char choice_lengths[2] = {0, 0};

  blob = make_ed_blob (tessblob);//convert blob
  if (blob == NULL) {
    // Since it is actually possible to get a NULL blob here, due to invalid
    // segmentations, fake a really bad classification.
    choice_lengths[0] = strlen(unicharset.id_to_unichar(1));
    return append_choice(NULL, unicharset.id_to_unichar(1), choice_lengths,
                         static_cast<float>(kReallyBadCertainty), 0);
  pblob = ptblob != NULL ? make_ed_blob (ptblob) : NULL;
  nblob = ntblob != NULL ? make_ed_blob (ntblob) : NULL;
  (*tess_matcher) (pblob, blob, nblob, tess_word, tess_denorm, ratings);
  //match it
  delete blob;                   //don't need that now
  if (pblob != NULL)
    delete pblob;
  if (nblob != NULL)
    delete nblob;
  it.set_to_list (&ratings);     //get list
  result = NULL;
  for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ()) {
    choice = it.data ();
    choice_lengths[0] = strlen(choice->unichar ());
    result = append_choice (result, choice->unichar (),
                            choice_lengths, choice->rating (),
                            choice->certainty (), choice->config ());
  return result;                 //converted list
 * @name call_matcher
 * Called from Tess with a blob in tess form.
 * Convert the blob to editor form.
 * Call the matcher setup by the segmenter in tess_matcher.
 * Convert the output choices back to tess form.
BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Wordrec::call_matcher(TBLOB *ptblob,    //< previous blob
                                        TBLOB *tessblob,  //< blob to match
                                        TBLOB *ntblob,    //< next blob
                                        void *,           //< unused parameter
                                        TEXTROW *         //< always null anyway
                                        ) {
  PBLOB *pblob;                  //converted blob
  PBLOB *blob;                   //converted blob
  PBLOB *nblob;                  //converted blob
  BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *ratings = new BLOB_CHOICE_LIST();  // matcher result

  blob = make_ed_blob (tessblob);//convert blob
  if (blob == NULL) {
    // Since it is actually possible to get a NULL blob here, due to invalid
    // segmentations, fake a really bad classification.
    BLOB_CHOICE *choice =
      new BLOB_CHOICE(0, static_cast<float>(MAX_NUM_INT_FEATURES),
                      static_cast<float>(-MAX_FLOAT32), 0, NULL);
    BLOB_CHOICE_IT temp_it;
    return ratings;
  pblob = ptblob != NULL ? make_ed_blob (ptblob) : NULL;
  nblob = ntblob != NULL ? make_ed_blob (ntblob) : NULL;
  // Because of the typedef for tess_matcher, the object on which it is called
  // must be of type Tesseract*. With a Wordrec type it seems it doesn't work.
  (reinterpret_cast<Tesseract* const>(this)->*tess_matcher)
      (pblob, blob, nblob, tess_word, tess_denorm, ratings, NULL);

  //match it
  delete blob;                   //don't need that now
  if (pblob != NULL)
    delete pblob;
  if (nblob != NULL)
    delete nblob;
  return ratings;
void call_train_tester(                     //call a tester
                       TBLOB *tessblob,     //blob to test
                       BOOL8 correct_blob,  //true if good
                       char *text,          //source text
                       inT32 count,         //chars in text
                       LIST result          //output of matcher
                      ) {
  PBLOB *blob;                   //converted blob
  BLOB_CHOICE_LIST ratings;      //matcher result

  blob = make_ed_blob (tessblob);//convert blob
  if (blob == NULL)
                                 //make it right type
  convert_choice_list(result, ratings);
  if (tess_trainer != NULL)
    (*tess_trainer) (blob, tess_denorm, correct_blob, text, count, &ratings);
  delete blob;                   //don't need that now