	virtual int2 split_kernel_global_size(device_memory& kg, device_memory& data, DeviceTask * /*task*/)
		cl_device_type type = OpenCLInfo::get_device_type(device->cdDevice);
		/* Use small global size on CPU devices as it seems to be much faster. */
		if(type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) {
			VLOG(1) << "Global size: (64, 64).";
			return make_int2(64, 64);

		cl_ulong max_buffer_size;
		clGetDeviceInfo(device->cdDevice, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof(cl_ulong), &max_buffer_size, NULL);

		if(DebugFlags().opencl.mem_limit) {
			max_buffer_size = min(max_buffer_size,
			                      cl_ulong(DebugFlags().opencl.mem_limit - device->stats.mem_used));

		VLOG(1) << "Maximum device allocation size: "
		        << string_human_readable_number(max_buffer_size) << " bytes. ("
		        << string_human_readable_size(max_buffer_size) << ").";

		/* Limit to 2gb, as we shouldn't need more than that and some devices may support much more. */
		max_buffer_size = min(max_buffer_size / 2, (cl_ulong)2l*1024*1024*1024);

		size_t num_elements = max_elements_for_max_buffer_size(kg, data, max_buffer_size);
		int2 global_size = make_int2(max(round_down((int)sqrt(num_elements), 64), 64), (int)sqrt(num_elements));
		VLOG(1) << "Global size: " << global_size << ".";
		return global_size;
void AdlPrimitivesDemo::render()
	int size = 1024*256;
//	int size = 1024*64;
	size = NEXTMULTIPLEOF( size, 512 );

	int* host1 = new int[size];
	int2* host2 = new int2[size];
	int4* host4 = new int4[size];
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { host1[i] = getRandom(0,0xffff); host2[i] = make_int2( host1[i], i ); host4[i] = make_int4( host2[i].x, host2[i].y, host2[i].x, host2[i].y ); }
	Buffer<int> buf1( m_deviceData, size );
	Buffer<int2> buf2( m_deviceData, size );
	Buffer<int4> buf4( m_deviceData, size );
	buf1.write( host1, size );
	buf2.write( host2, size );
	buf4.write( host4, size );

	Stopwatch sw( m_deviceData );

	m_nTxtLines = 0;
	sprintf_s(m_txtBuffer[m_nTxtLines++], LINE_CAPACITY, "%d elems", size);
//	testSort( (Buffer<SortData>&)buf2, size, sw );
	testFill1( buf1, size, sw );
	testFill2( buf2, size, sw );
	testFill4( buf4, size, sw );

	test( buf2, size, sw );

	delete [] host1;
	delete [] host2;
	delete [] host4;
 * @brief This performs the exchanging of all necessary halos between 2 neighboring MPI processes
 * @param[in]		cartComm	The carthesian MPI communicator
 * @param[in]		domSize		The 2D size of the local domain
 * @param[in]		topIndex	The 2D index of the calling MPI process in the topology
 * @param[in]		neighbors	The list of ranks which are direct neighbors to the caller
 * @param[in]		copyStream	The stream used to overlap top & bottom halo exchange with side halo copy to host memory
 * @param[in, out]	devBlocks	The 2 device blocks that are updated during the Jacobi run
 * @param[in, out]	devSideEdges	The 2 side edges (parallel to the Y direction) that hold the packed halo values before sending them
 * @param[in, out]	devHaloLines	The 2 halo lines (parallel to the Y direction) that hold the packed halo values after receiving them
 * @param[in, out] 	hostSendLines	The 2 host send buffers that are used during the halo exchange by the normal CUDA & MPI version
 * @param[in, out]	hostRecvLines	The 2 host receive buffers that are used during the halo exchange by the normal CUDA & MPI version
 * @return				The time spent during the MPI transfers
double TransferAllHalos(MPI_Comm cartComm, const int2 * domSize, const int2 * topIndex, const int * neighbors, cudaStream_t copyStream,
	real * devBlocks[2], real * devSideEdges[2], real * devHaloLines[2], real * hostSendLines[2], real * hostRecvLines[2])
	real * devSendLines[2] = {devBlocks[0] + domSize->x + 3, devBlocks[0] + domSize->y * (domSize->x + 2) + 1};
	real * devRecvLines[2] = {devBlocks[0] + 1, devBlocks[0] + (domSize->y + 1) * (domSize->x + 2) + 1};
	int yNeighbors[2] = {neighbors[DIR_TOP], neighbors[DIR_BOTTOM]};
	int xNeighbors[2] = {neighbors[DIR_LEFT], neighbors[DIR_RIGHT]};
	int2 order = make_int2(topIndex->x % 2, topIndex->y % 2);
	double transferTime;

	// Populate the block's side edges
	CopyDevSideEdgesFromBlock(devBlocks[0], devSideEdges, domSize, neighbors, copyStream);

	// Exchange data with the top and bottom neighbors
	transferTime = MPI_Wtime();
	ExchangeHalos(cartComm, devSendLines[  order.y  ], hostSendLines[0], hostRecvLines[0], devRecvLines[  order.y  ], yNeighbors[  order.y  ], domSize->x);
	ExchangeHalos(cartComm, devSendLines[1 - order.y], hostSendLines[0], hostRecvLines[0], devRecvLines[1 - order.y], yNeighbors[1 - order.y], domSize->x);
	// Exchange data with the left and right neighbors
	ExchangeHalos(cartComm, devSideEdges[  order.x  ], hostSendLines[1], hostRecvLines[1], devHaloLines[  order.x  ], xNeighbors[  order.x  ], domSize->y);
	ExchangeHalos(cartComm, devSideEdges[1 - order.x], hostSendLines[1], hostRecvLines[1], devHaloLines[1 - order.x], xNeighbors[1 - order.x], domSize->y); 
	transferTime = MPI_Wtime() - transferTime;

	// Copy the received halos to the device block
	CopyDevHalosToBlock(devBlocks[0], devHaloLines[0], devHaloLines[1], domSize, neighbors);

	return transferTime;
bool CPUSplitKernel::enqueue_split_kernel_data_init(const KernelDimensions &dim,
                                                    RenderTile &rtile,
                                                    int num_global_elements,
                                                    device_memory &kernel_globals,
                                                    device_memory &data,
                                                    device_memory &split_data,
                                                    device_memory &ray_state,
                                                    device_memory &queue_index,
                                                    device_memory &use_queues_flags,
                                                    device_memory &work_pool_wgs)
  KernelGlobals *kg = (KernelGlobals *)kernel_globals.device_pointer;
  kg->global_size = make_int2(dim.global_size[0], dim.global_size[1]);

  for (int y = 0; y < dim.global_size[1]; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < dim.global_size[0]; x++) {
      kg->global_id = make_int2(x, y);

      device->data_init_kernel()((KernelGlobals *)kernel_globals.device_pointer,
                                 (KernelData *)data.device_pointer,
                                 (void *)split_data.device_pointer,
                                 (char *)ray_state.device_pointer,
                                 rtile.start_sample + rtile.num_samples,
                                 (int *)queue_index.device_pointer,
                                 dim.global_size[0] * dim.global_size[1],
                                 (char *)use_queues_flags.device_pointer,
                                 (uint *)work_pool_wgs.device_pointer,
                                 (float *)rtile.buffer);

  return true;
	virtual int2 split_kernel_global_size(device_memory& kg, device_memory& data, DeviceTask * /*task*/)
		cl_device_type type = OpenCLInfo::get_device_type(device->cdDevice);
		/* Use small global size on CPU devices as it seems to be much faster. */
		if(type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) {
			VLOG(1) << "Global size: (64, 64).";
			return make_int2(64, 64);

		cl_ulong max_buffer_size;
		clGetDeviceInfo(device->cdDevice, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof(cl_ulong), &max_buffer_size, NULL);
		VLOG(1) << "Maximum device allocation size: "
		        << string_human_readable_number(max_buffer_size) << " bytes. ("
		        << string_human_readable_size(max_buffer_size) << ").";

		size_t num_elements = max_elements_for_max_buffer_size(kg, data, max_buffer_size / 2);
		int2 global_size = make_int2(round_down((int)sqrt(num_elements), 64), (int)sqrt(num_elements));
		VLOG(1) << "Global size: " << global_size << ".";
		return global_size;
  virtual bool enqueue(const KernelDimensions &dim,
                       device_memory &kernel_globals,
                       device_memory &data)
    if (!func) {
      return false;

    KernelGlobals *kg = (KernelGlobals *)kernel_globals.device_pointer;
    kg->global_size = make_int2(dim.global_size[0], dim.global_size[1]);

    for (int y = 0; y < dim.global_size[1]; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < dim.global_size[0]; x++) {
        kg->global_id = make_int2(x, y);

        func(kg, (KernelData *)data.device_pointer);

    return true;
 * @brief This allocates and initializes all the relevant data buffers before the Jacobi run
 * @param[in]	topSizeY		The size of the topology in the Y direction
 * @param[in]	topIdxY			The Y index of the calling MPI process in the topology
 * @param[in]	domSize			The size of the local domain (for which only the current MPI process is responsible)
 * @param[in]	neighbors		The neighbor ranks, according to the topology
 * @param[in]	copyStream		The stream used to overlap top & bottom halo exchange with side halo copy to host memory
 * @param[out]	devBlocks		The 2 device blocks that will be updated during the Jacobi run
 * @param[out]	devSideEdges	The 2 side edges (parallel to the Y direction) that will hold the packed halo values before sending them
 * @param[out]	devHaloLines	The 2 halo lines (parallel to the Y direction) that will hold the packed halo values after receiving them
 * @param[out] 	hostSendLines	The 2 host send buffers that will be used during the halo exchange by the normal CUDA & MPI version
 * @param[out]	hostRecvLines	The 2 host receive buffers that will be used during the halo exchange by the normal CUDA & MPI version
 * @param[out]	devResidue		The global device residue, which will be updated after every Jacobi iteration
void InitializeDataChunk(int topSizeY, int topIdxY, const int2 * domSize, const int * neighbors, cudaStream_t * copyStream, 
		real * devBlocks[2], real * devSideEdges[2], real * devHaloLines[2], real * hostSendLines[2], real * hostRecvLines[2], real ** devResidue)
	const real PI = (real)3.1415926535897932384626;
	const real E_M_PI = (real)exp(-PI);
	size_t blockBytes = (domSize->x + 2) * (domSize->y + 2) * sizeof(real);
	size_t sideLineBytes = domSize->y * sizeof(real);
	int2 borderBounds = make_int2(topIdxY * domSize->y, (topIdxY + 1) * domSize->y);
	int borderSpan = domSize->y * topSizeY - 1;
	real * hostBlock = SafeHostAlloc(blockBytes);

	// Clearing the block also sets the boundary conditions for top and bottom edges to 0
	memset(hostBlock, 0, blockBytes);

	InitExchangeBuffers(hostSendLines, hostRecvLines, 0, domSize->x * sizeof(real));
	InitExchangeBuffers(hostSendLines, hostRecvLines, 1, sideLineBytes);

	// Set the boundary conditions for the left edge
	if (!HasNeighbor(neighbors, DIR_LEFT))
		for (int j = borderBounds.x, idx = domSize->x + 3; j < borderBounds.y; ++j, idx += domSize->x + 2)
			hostBlock[idx] = (real)sin(PI * j / borderSpan);

	// Set the boundary conditions for the right edge
	if (!HasNeighbor(neighbors, DIR_RIGHT))
		for (int j = borderBounds.x, idx = ((domSize->x + 2) << 1) - 2; j < borderBounds.y; ++j, idx += domSize->x + 2)
			hostBlock[idx] = (real)sin(PI * j / borderSpan) * E_M_PI;

	// Perform device memory allocation and initialization
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		SafeCudaCall(cudaMalloc((void **)&devBlocks[i], blockBytes));
		SafeCudaCall(cudaMalloc((void **)&devSideEdges[i], sideLineBytes));	
		SafeCudaCall(cudaMalloc((void **)&devHaloLines[i], sideLineBytes));

		SafeCudaCall(cudaMemset(devSideEdges[i], 0, sideLineBytes));

	SafeCudaCall(cudaMalloc((void **)devResidue, sizeof(real)));
	SafeCudaCall(cudaMemcpy(devBlocks[0], hostBlock, blockBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
	SafeCudaCall(cudaMemcpy(devBlocks[1], devBlocks[0], blockBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));

void AdlPrimitivesDemo::testFill2( Buffer<int2>& buf, int size, Stopwatch& sw )
	MyFill::Data* sortData = MyFill::allocate( m_deviceData );

	MyFill::execute( sortData, buf, make_int2(12, 13), size );


	MyFill::deallocate( sortData );

		float t = sw.getMs();
		sprintf_s(m_txtBuffer[m_nTxtLines++], LINE_CAPACITY, "Fill int2: %3.2fGB/s (%3.2fms)", size/t/1000/1000*8, t);		
 * @brief Generates the 2D topology and establishes the neighbor relationships between MPI processes
 * @param[in, out]      rank		The rank of the calling MPI process
 * @param[in]  		size		The total number of MPI processes available
 * @param[in]  		topSize		The desired topology size (this must match the number of available MPI processes)
 * @param[out] 		neighbors	The list that will be populated with the direct neighbors of the calling MPI process
 * @param[out] 		topIndex	The 2D index that the calling MPI process will have in the topology
 * @param[out]		cartComm	The carthesian MPI communicator
int ApplyTopology(int * rank, int size, const int2 * topSize, int * neighbors, int2 * topIndex, MPI_Comm * cartComm)
	int topologySize = topSize->x * topSize->y;
	int dimSize[2] = {topSize->x, topSize->y};
	int usePeriods[2] = {0, 0}, newCoords[2];
	int oldRank = * rank;
	// The number of MPI processes must fill the topology
	if (size != topologySize)
		OneErrPrintf(* rank == MPI_MASTER_RANK, "Error: The number of MPI processes (%d) doesn't match "
				"the topology size (%d).\n", size, topologySize);
		return STATUS_ERR;

	// Create a carthesian communicator
	MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimSize, usePeriods, 1, cartComm);

	// Update the rank to be relevant to the new communicator
	MPI_Comm_rank(* cartComm, rank);

	if ((* rank) != oldRank)
		printf("Rank change: from %d to %d\n", oldRank, * rank);

	// Obtain the 2D coordinates in the new communicator
	MPI_Cart_coords(* cartComm, * rank, 2, newCoords);
	* topIndex = make_int2(newCoords[0], newCoords[1]);

	// Obtain the direct neighbor ranks
	MPI_Cart_shift(* cartComm, 0, 1, neighbors + DIR_LEFT, neighbors + DIR_RIGHT);
	MPI_Cart_shift(* cartComm, 1, 1, neighbors + DIR_TOP, neighbors + DIR_BOTTOM);

	// Setting the device here will have effect only for the normal CUDA & MPI version
	SetDeviceAfterInit(* rank);

	return STATUS_OK;
int2 KITTIReader::List2Int2(const QStringList & n)
    return make_int2((int)n.at(0).trimmed().toFloat(),
int2 make_int2( const Vector2i& v )
    return make_int2( v.x, v.y );
文件: operator.hpp 项目: emfomy/nbfmm
__host__ __device__  inline int2 operator/( const int a, const int2 b ) {
  return make_int2( a / b.x, a / b.y );
文件: operator.hpp 项目: emfomy/nbfmm
__host__ __device__  inline int2 operator/( const int2 a, const int b ) {
  return make_int2( a.x / b, a.y / b );
文件: operator.hpp 项目: emfomy/nbfmm
__host__ __device__  inline int2 operator*( const int2 a, const int b ) {
  return make_int2( a.x * b, a.y * b );
文件: operator.hpp 项目: emfomy/nbfmm
/// Subtract operator
__host__ __device__  inline int2 operator-( const int2 a, const int2 b ) {
  return make_int2( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y );
/* If sliced is false, splits image into tiles and assigns equal amount of tiles to every render device.
 * If sliced is true, slice image into as much pieces as how many devices are rendering this image. */
int TileManager::gen_tiles(bool sliced)
	int resolution = state.resolution_divider;
	int image_w = max(1, params.width/resolution);
	int image_h = max(1, params.height/resolution);
	int2 center = make_int2(image_w/2, image_h/2);


	int num_logical_devices = preserve_tile_device? num_devices: 1;
	int num = min(image_h, num_logical_devices);
	int slice_num = sliced? num: 1;
	int tile_index = 0;

	vector<list<Tile> >::iterator tile_list = state.tiles.begin();

	if(tile_order == TILE_HILBERT_SPIRAL) {

		/* Size of blocks in tiles, must be a power of 2 */
		const int hilbert_size = (max(tile_size.x, tile_size.y) <= 12)? 8: 4;

		int tile_w = (tile_size.x >= image_w)? 1: (image_w + tile_size.x - 1)/tile_size.x;
		int tile_h = (tile_size.y >= image_h)? 1: (image_h + tile_size.y - 1)/tile_size.y;
		int tiles_per_device = (tile_w * tile_h + num - 1) / num;
		int cur_device = 0, cur_tiles = 0;

		int2 block_size = tile_size * make_int2(hilbert_size, hilbert_size);
		/* Number of blocks to fill the image */
		int blocks_x = (block_size.x >= image_w)? 1: (image_w + block_size.x - 1)/block_size.x;
		int blocks_y = (block_size.y >= image_h)? 1: (image_h + block_size.y - 1)/block_size.y;
		int n = max(blocks_x, blocks_y) | 0x1; /* Side length of the spiral (must be odd) */
		/* Offset of spiral (to keep it centered) */
		int2 offset = make_int2((image_w - n*block_size.x)/2, (image_h - n*block_size.y)/2);
		offset = (offset / tile_size) * tile_size; /* Round to tile border. */

		int2 block = make_int2(0, 0); /* Current block */
		SpiralDirection prev_dir = DIRECTION_UP, dir = DIRECTION_UP;
		for(int i = 0;;) {
			/* Generate the tiles in the current block. */
			for(int hilbert_index = 0; hilbert_index < hilbert_size*hilbert_size; hilbert_index++) {
				int2 tile, hilbert_pos = hilbert_index_to_pos(hilbert_size, hilbert_index);
				/* Rotate block according to spiral direction. */
				if(prev_dir == DIRECTION_UP && dir == DIRECTION_UP) {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_pos.y, hilbert_pos.x);
				else if(dir == DIRECTION_LEFT || prev_dir == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
					tile = hilbert_pos;
				else if(dir == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.y, hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.x);
				else {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.x, hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.y);

				int2 pos = block*block_size + tile*tile_size + offset;
				/* Only add tiles which are in the image (tiles outside of the image can be generated since the spiral is always square). */
				if(pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.x < image_w && pos.y < image_h) {
					int w = min(tile_size.x, image_w - pos.x);
					int h = min(tile_size.y, image_h - pos.y);
					tile_list->push_front(Tile(tile_index, pos.x, pos.y, w, h, cur_device));

					if(cur_tiles == tiles_per_device) {
						cur_tiles = 0;

			/* Stop as soon as the spiral has reached the center block. */
			if(block.x == (n-1)/2 && block.y == (n-1)/2)

			/* Advance to next block. */
			prev_dir = dir;
			switch(dir) {
				case DIRECTION_UP:
					if(block.y == (n-i-1)) {
						dir = DIRECTION_LEFT;
					if(block.x == (n-i-1)) {
						dir = DIRECTION_DOWN;
					if(block.y == i) {
						dir = DIRECTION_RIGHT;
					if(block.x == i+1) {
						dir = DIRECTION_UP;
		return tile_index;

	for(int slice = 0; slice < slice_num; slice++) {
		int slice_y = (image_h/slice_num)*slice;
		int slice_h = (slice == slice_num-1)? image_h - slice*(image_h/slice_num): image_h/slice_num;

		int tile_w = (tile_size.x >= image_w)? 1: (image_w + tile_size.x - 1)/tile_size.x;
		int tile_h = (tile_size.y >= slice_h)? 1: (slice_h + tile_size.y - 1)/tile_size.y;

		int tiles_per_device = (tile_w * tile_h + num - 1) / num;
		int cur_device = 0, cur_tiles = 0;

		for(int tile_y = 0; tile_y < tile_h; tile_y++) {
			for(int tile_x = 0; tile_x < tile_w; tile_x++, tile_index++) {
				int x = tile_x * tile_size.x;
				int y = tile_y * tile_size.y;
				int w = (tile_x == tile_w-1)? image_w - x: tile_size.x;
				int h = (tile_y == tile_h-1)? slice_h - y: tile_size.y;

				tile_list->push_back(Tile(tile_index, x, y + slice_y, w, h, sliced? slice: cur_device));

				if(!sliced) {

					if(cur_tiles == tiles_per_device) {
						/* Tiles are already generated in Bottom-to-Top order, so no sort is necessary in that case. */
						if(tile_order != TILE_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) {
							tile_list->sort(TileComparator(tile_order, center));
						cur_tiles = 0;
		if(sliced) {

	return tile_index;
int2 CPUSplitKernel::split_kernel_local_size()
  return make_int2(1, 1);
int2 CPUSplitKernel::split_kernel_global_size(device_memory & /*kg*/,
                                              device_memory & /*data*/,
                                              DeviceTask * /*task*/)
  return make_int2(1, 1);
void getBlobStridesAndReceptiveFields(caffe::Net<float> & net, const std::vector<std::string> & blobsToVisualize,
                                      std::map<std::string,int> & strides, std::map<std::string,int2> & receptiveFields) {

    const int nInputBlobs = net.input_blob_indices().size();
    if (nInputBlobs == 0) { std::cerr << "there are no input blobs - where to start?" << std::endl; return; }
    std::string inputBlobName(net.blob_names()[net.input_blob_indices()[0]]);

    strides[inputBlobName] = 1;
    receptiveFields[inputBlobName] = make_int2(1,1);

    boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Blob<float> > inputBlob = net.blob_by_name(inputBlobName);
    int2 inputSize = make_int2(inputBlob->width(),inputBlob->height());

    const int nLayers = net.layers().size();
    for (int i=0; i<nLayers; ++i) {
        boost::shared_ptr<caffe::Layer<float> > layer = net.layers()[i];
        std::string layerType(layer->type());
        bool isConv = layerType == std::string("Convolution");
        bool isPool = layerType == std::string("Pooling");
        if (isConv || isPool) {
            caffe::Blob<float> * inputBlob = net.bottom_vecs()[i][0];
            int inputBlobNum = getBlobNumber(net,inputBlob);
            assert(inputBlobNum >= 0);
            std::string inputBlobName = net.blob_names()[inputBlobNum];

            caffe::Blob<float> * outputBlob = net.top_vecs()[i][0];
            int outputBlobNum = getBlobNumber(net,outputBlob);
            assert(outputBlobNum >= 0);
            std::string outputBlobName = net.blob_names()[outputBlobNum];

            int2 kernelSize, stride;
            if (isConv) {
                caffe::ConvolutionParameter convParam = layer->layer_param().convolution_param();
                kernelSize = convParam.has_kernel_size() ? make_int2(convParam.kernel_size()) : make_int2(convParam.kernel_w(),convParam.kernel_h());
                stride     = convParam.has_stride() ? make_int2(convParam.stride()) : make_int2(convParam.stride_w(),convParam.stride_h());
            } else if (isPool) {
                caffe::PoolingParameter poolParam = layer->layer_param().pooling_param();
                kernelSize = poolParam.has_kernel_size() ? make_int2(poolParam.kernel_size()) : make_int2(poolParam.kernel_w(),poolParam.kernel_h());
                stride = poolParam.has_stride() ? make_int2(poolParam.stride()) : make_int2(poolParam.stride_w(),poolParam.stride_h());
            if (strides.find(inputBlobName) != strides.end()) {
                const int strideIn = strides[inputBlobName];
                const int2 fieldIn = receptiveFields[inputBlobName];
                strides[outputBlobName] = strideIn*stride.x;
                receptiveFields[outputBlobName] = strideIn*(kernelSize - make_int2(1)) + fieldIn;
        } else if (layerType == std::string("InnerProduct")) {
            caffe::Blob<float> * inputBlob = net.bottom_vecs()[i][0];
            int inputBlobNum = getBlobNumber(net,inputBlob);
            assert(inputBlobNum >= 0);
            std::string inputBlobName = net.blob_names()[inputBlobNum];

            caffe::Blob<float> * outputBlob = net.top_vecs()[i][0];
            int outputBlobNum = getBlobNumber(net,outputBlob);
            assert(outputBlobNum >= 0);
            std::string outputBlobName = net.blob_names()[outputBlobNum];

            if (strides.find(inputBlobName) != strides.end()) {
                strides[outputBlobName] = strides[inputBlobName];
                receptiveFields[outputBlobName] = inputSize;

	virtual int2 split_kernel_local_size()
		return make_int2(64, 1);
文件: main.cpp 项目: JAGJ10/Hikari
int main() {
	//Checks for memory leaks in debug mode


	GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Hikari", nullptr, nullptr);

	//Set callbacks for keyboard and mouse

	glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;

	//Define the viewport dimensions
	glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

	//Initialize cuda->opengl context
	cudaGraphicsResource *resource;

	//Create a texture to store ray tracing result
	GLuint tex;
	glGenTextures(1, &tex);
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);

	glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA32F, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL);

	cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage(&resource, tex, GL_TEXTURE_2D, cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard));
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

	Shader final = Shader("fsQuad.vert", "fsQuad.frag");
	FullscreenQuad fsQuad = FullscreenQuad();

	float4* buffer;
	cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&buffer, width * height * sizeof(float4)));
	cudaCheck(cudaMemset(buffer, 0, width * height * sizeof(float4)));

	float3 offset = make_float3(0);
	float3 scale = make_float3(15);
	Mesh cBox("objs/Avent", 0, scale, offset);
	offset = make_float3(0, 55, 0);
	scale = make_float3(100);
	Mesh light("objs/plane", (int)cBox.triangles.size(), scale, offset);
	cBox.triangles.insert(cBox.triangles.end(), light.triangles.begin(), light.triangles.end());
	cBox.aabbs.insert(cBox.aabbs.end(), light.aabbs.begin(), light.aabbs.end());
	std::cout << "Num triangles: " << cBox.triangles.size() << std::endl;
	cBox.root = AABB(fminf(cBox.root.minBounds, light.root.minBounds), fmaxf(cBox.root.maxBounds, light.root.maxBounds));
	BVH bvh(cBox.aabbs, cBox.triangles, cBox.root);

	Camera cam(make_float3(14, 15, 80), make_int2(width, height), 45.0f, 0.04f, 80.0f);
	Camera* dCam;

	cudaCheck(cudaMalloc((void**)&dCam, sizeof(Camera)));
	cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dCam, &cam, sizeof(Camera), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

	cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &resource, 0));
	cudaArray* pixels;
	cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&pixels, resource, 0, 0));
	cudaResourceDesc viewCudaArrayResourceDesc;
	viewCudaArrayResourceDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypeArray;
	viewCudaArrayResourceDesc.res.array.array = pixels;
	cudaSurfaceObject_t viewCudaSurfaceObject;
	cudaCheck(cudaCreateSurfaceObject(&viewCudaSurfaceObject, &viewCudaArrayResourceDesc));
	cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &resource, 0));

	while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
		float currentFrame = float(glfwGetTime());
		deltaTime = currentFrame - lastFrame;
		lastFrame = currentFrame;

		//Check and call events
		handleInput(window, cam);

		if (cam.moved) {
			frameNumber = 0;
			cudaCheck(cudaMemset(buffer, 0, width * height * sizeof(float4)));

		cudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(dCam, &cam, sizeof(Camera), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

		if (frameNumber < 20000) {
			cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &resource, 0));
			std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;
			start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
			render(cam, dCam, viewCudaSurfaceObject, buffer, bvh.dTriangles, bvh.dNodes, frameNumber, cam.moved);
			end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
			std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = end - start;
			std::cout << "Frame: " << frameNumber << " --- Elapsed time: " << elapsed.count() << "s\n";
			cudaCheck(cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &resource, 0));

		cam.moved = false;

		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);

		final.setUniformi("tRender", 0);

		//std::cout << glGetError() << std::endl;

		//Swap the buffers
		glfwSetCursorPos(window, lastX, lastY);
void RGBDCamera::update(const RawFrame* this_frame) {
  //Check the timestamp, and skip if we have already seen this frame
  if (this_frame->timestamp <= latest_stamp_) {
  } else {
    latest_stamp_ = this_frame->timestamp;

  //Apply bilateral filter to incoming depth
  uint16_t* filtered_depth;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&filtered_depth, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(uint16_t));
  bilateralFilter(this_frame->depth, filtered_depth, this_frame->width, this_frame->height);

  //Convert the input color data to intensity
  float* temp_intensity;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(float));
  colorToIntensity(this_frame->color, temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height);

  //Create pyramids
  for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) {
    //Fill in sizes the first two times through
    if (pass_ < 2) {
      current_icp_frame_[i] = new ICPFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i));
      current_rgbd_frame_[i] = new RGBDFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i));

    //Add ICP data
    generateVertexMap(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height, focal_length_, make_int2(this_frame->width, this_frame->height));
    generateNormalMap(current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);

    //Add RGBD data
    cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

    //Downsample depth and color if not the last iteration
    if (i != (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) {
      subsampleDepth(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);
      subsample(temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height);

  //Clear the filtered depth and temporary color since they are no longer needed

  if (pass_ >= 1) {
    glm::mat4 update_trans(1.0f);

    //Loop through pyramids backwards (coarse first)
    for (int i = PYRAMID_DEPTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

      //Get a copy of the ICP frame for this pyramid level
      ICPFrame icp_f(current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);
      cudaMemcpy(icp_f.vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
      cudaMemcpy(icp_f.normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

      //Get a copy of the RGBD frame for this pyramid level
      //RGBDFrame rgbd_f(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height);
      //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
      //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

      //Apply the most recent update to the points/normals
      if (i < (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) {
        transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);
        transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);

      //Loop through iterations
      for (int j = 0; j < PYRAMID_ITERS[i]; j++) {

        //Get the Geometric ICP cost values
        float A1[6 * 6];
        float b1[6];
        computeICPCost2(last_icp_frame_[i], icp_f, A1, b1);

        //Get the Photometric RGB-D cost values
        //float A2[6*6];
        //float b2[6];
        //compueRGBDCost(last_rgbd_frame_, rgbd_f, A2, b2);

        //Combine the two
        //for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
          //for (size_t l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
            //A1[6 * k + l] += A2[6 * k + l];
          //b1[k] += b2[k];

        //Solve for the optimized camera transformation
        float x[6];
        solveCholesky(6, A1, b1, x);

        //Check for NaN/divergence
        if (isnan(x[0]) || isnan(x[1]) || isnan(x[2]) || isnan(x[3]) || isnan(x[4]) || isnan(x[5])) {
          printf("Camera tracking is lost.\n");

        //Update position/orientation of the camera
        glm::mat4 this_trans = 
            glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[2] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) 
          * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[1] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))
          * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[0] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) 
          * glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(x[3], x[4], x[5]));

        update_trans = this_trans * update_trans;
        //Apply the update to the points/normals
        if (j < (PYRAMID_ITERS[i] - 1)) {
          transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);
          transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);

    //Update the global transform with the result
    position_ = glm::vec3(glm::vec4(position_, 1.0f) * update_trans);
    orientation_ = glm::mat3(glm::mat4(orientation_) * update_trans);

  if (pass_ < 2) {

  //Swap current and last frames
  for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) {
    ICPFrame* temp = current_icp_frame_[i];
    current_icp_frame_[i] = last_icp_frame_[i];
    last_icp_frame_[i] = temp;
    //TODO: Longterm, only RGBD should do this. ICP should not swap, as last_frame should be updated by a different function
    RGBDFrame* temp2 = current_rgbd_frame_[i];
    current_rgbd_frame_[i] = last_rgbd_frame_[i];
    last_rgbd_frame_[i] = temp2;

int2 operator+ (const int2& a, const int2& b)
    int2 sum = make_int2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
    return sum;
 * @brief Computes inverse wavelet transform 53.
 * @param idata Input data.
 * @param odata Output data
 * @param img_size Struct with input image width and height.
 * @param step Struct with output image width and height.
void iwt53_new(const float *idata, float *odata, const int2 img_size, const int2 step)
	// shared memory for part of the signal
	__shared__ int shared[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE + 1];

	// LL subband dimensions - ceil of input image dimensions
//	const int2 ll_sub = make_int2((int) ceilf(img_size.x / 2.0), (int) ceilf(img_size.y / 2.0));
	const int2 ll_sub = make_int2((img_size.x + 1) >> 1, (img_size.y + 1) >> 1);

	// Input x, y block dimension
	// Width
	// bidx.x - left block
	// bidx.y - right block
	const int2 bidx = make_int2(blockIdx.x * BLOCKSIZEX, ll_sub.x + blockIdx.x * BLOCKSIZEX);
	// Height
	// bidy.x - top block
	// bidy.y - bottom block
	const int2 bidy = make_int2(blockIdx.y * BLOCKSIZEY, ll_sub.y + blockIdx.y * BLOCKSIZEY);

	// Even thread id
	const short tidx2 = threadIdx.x * 2;

	// thread id
	short2 tid = make_short2(threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y);

	// Patch size
	/* Compute patch offset and size */
	// p_size_x.x - left part block x size
	// p_size_x.y - right part block x size
	const short2 p_size_x = make_short2(ll_sub.x - bidx.x < BLOCKSIZEX ? ll_sub.x - bidx.x : BLOCKSIZEX,
			img_size.x - bidx.y < BLOCKSIZEX ? img_size.x - bidx.y : BLOCKSIZEX);

	// p_size_y.x - top part block x size
	// p_size_y.y - bottom part block x size
	const short2 p_size_y = make_short2(ll_sub.y - bidy.x < BLOCKSIZEY ? ll_sub.y - bidy.x : BLOCKSIZEY,
			img_size.y - bidy.y < BLOCKSIZEY ? img_size.y - bidy.y : BLOCKSIZEY);

	// summary size
	const short2 p_size_sum = make_short2(p_size_x.x + p_size_x.y, p_size_y.x + p_size_y.y); /* block x size */

	// Threads offset to read margins
	short p_offset_y_t;
	// Allocate registers in order to compute even and odd pixels.
	int pix_neighborhood[6];
	// Minimize registers usage. Right | bottom offset. Odd | even result pixels.
	int results[6];

	read_data_new<int, MEMSIZE + 1>(1, tid, bidx, bidy, p_size_x, p_size_y, ll_sub, img_size, step.x, idata, shared, OFFSET_53/2);


	// thread x id
	tid.x = threadIdx.x;
	// thread y id
	tid.y = threadIdx.y;

	// Row number
	p_offset_y_t = 0;

	// Process columns
	iprocess_53_new<MEMSIZE + 1>(tidx2, tid.y, p_offset_y_t, p_size_sum.y, p_size_sum.x + 2 * OFFSET_53, pix_neighborhood, shared, results);


	tid.x = threadIdx.x;
	tid.y = threadIdx.y;
	p_offset_y_t = 0;

	// safe results and rotate
	while (tid.y < p_size_sum.x + 2 * OFFSET_53 && 2 * tid.x < p_size_sum.y)
		// Can not dynamically index registers, avoid local memory usage.
		//		shared[tid.x][tid.y] = k2 * results[0 + p_offset_y * 2];
		//		if(tid.x + BLOCKSIZEX < p_size_sum.y)
		//			shared[tid.x + BLOCKSIZEX][tid.y] = k1 * results[1 + p_offset_y * 2];
		save_to_shared_new<int, MEMSIZE + 1, (MEMSIZE + (BLOCKSIZEY - 1)) / BLOCKSIZEY> (1, make_short2(2 * tid.x, tid.y), make_short2(2 * tid.x + 1, tid.y), 2
				* tid.x + 1, p_offset_y_t, p_size_sum.y, results, shared);

		tid.y += BLOCKSIZEY;

	tid.x = threadIdx.x;
	tid.y = threadIdx.y;

	// Row number
	p_offset_y_t = 0;

	// Process rows
	iprocess_53_new<MEMSIZE + 1>(tidx2, tid.y, p_offset_y_t, p_size_sum.x, p_size_sum.y, pix_neighborhood, shared, results);


	tid.x = threadIdx.x;
	tid.y = threadIdx.y;

	// Row number
	p_offset_y_t = 0;

	// Safe results
	while (2 * tid.x < p_size_sum.x && tid.y < p_size_sum.y)
		// Can not dynamically index registers, avoid local memory usage.
		//		shared[tid.x][tid.y] = k2 * results[0 + p_offset_y * 2];
		//		if(tid.x + BLOCKSIZEX < p_size_sum.y)
		//			shared[tid.x + BLOCKSIZEX][tid.y] = k1 * results[1 + p_offset_y * 2];
		save_to_shared_new<int, MEMSIZE + 1, (MEMSIZE + (BLOCKSIZEY - 1)) / BLOCKSIZEY> (1, make_short2(tid.y, 2 * tid.x), make_short2(tid.y, 2 * tid.x + 1), 2
				* tid.x + 1, p_offset_y_t, p_size_sum.x, results, shared);

		tid.y += BLOCKSIZEY;

	tid.x = threadIdx.x;
	tid.y = threadIdx.y;

	// Save to GM
	save_data_new<int, MEMSIZE + 1>(tid, p_size_sum, bidx.x, bidy.x, img_size, step.x, odata, shared);
void AdlPrimitivesDemo::test( Buffer<int2>& buf, int size, Stopwatch& sw )
	Kernel* kernel = KernelManager::query( m_deviceData, "..\\..\\AdlDemos\\TestBed\\Demos\\AdlPrimitivesDemoKernel", "FillInt4Kernel" );
	Buffer<int4> constBuffer( m_deviceData, 1, BufferBase::BUFFER_CONST );

	int numGroups = (size+128*4-1)/(128*4);
	Buffer<u32> workBuffer0( m_deviceData, numGroups*(16) );
	Buffer<u32> workBuffer1( m_deviceData, numGroups*(16) );

	Buffer<int2> sortBuffer( m_deviceData, size );
		int2* host = new int2[size];
		for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
			host[i] = make_int2( getRandom(0, 0xf), i );
		sortBuffer.write( host, size );
		DeviceUtils::waitForCompletion( m_deviceData );
		delete [] host;

	int4 constData;
		constData.x = size;
		constData.y = 0;
		constData.z = numGroups;
		constData.w = 0;


	int nThreads = size/4;
		BufferInfo bInfo[] = { BufferInfo( &buf ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer0 ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer1 ) };
		Launcher launcher( m_deviceData, kernel );
		launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(Launcher::BufferInfo) );
		launcher.setConst( constBuffer, constData );
		launcher.launch1D( nThreads, 128 );


		constData.w = 1;
		int nThreads = size/4;
		BufferInfo bInfo[] = { BufferInfo( &buf ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer0 ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer1 ) };
		Launcher launcher( m_deviceData, kernel );
		launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(Launcher::BufferInfo) );
		launcher.setConst( constBuffer, constData );
		launcher.launch1D( nThreads, 128 );


		constData.w = 2;
		int nThreads = size/4;
		BufferInfo bInfo[] = { BufferInfo( &sortBuffer ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer0 ), BufferInfo( &workBuffer1 ) };
		Launcher launcher( m_deviceData, kernel );
		launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(Launcher::BufferInfo) );
		launcher.setConst( constBuffer, constData );
		launcher.launch1D( nThreads, 128 );


		int2* host = new int2[size];
		buf.read( host, size );
		DeviceUtils::waitForCompletion( m_deviceData );

		for(int i=0; i<128*4-1; i++)
			ADLASSERT( host[i].x <= host[i+1].x );

		delete [] host;

		float t[3];
		sw.getMs(t, 3);
		//	(byte * nElems)
		sprintf_s(m_txtBuffer[m_nTxtLines++], LINE_CAPACITY, "LoadStore: %3.2fGB/s (%3.2fns)", (4*8*2)*nThreads/t[0]/1000/1000, t[0]*1000.f);		
		sprintf_s(m_txtBuffer[m_nTxtLines++], LINE_CAPACITY, "GenHistog: %3.2fGB/s (%3.2fns)", (4*(8*2+2))*nThreads/t[1]/1000/1000, t[1]*1000.f);		
		sprintf_s(m_txtBuffer[m_nTxtLines++], LINE_CAPACITY, "FullSort: %3.2fGB/s (%3.2fns)", (4*(8*2+2))*nThreads/t[2]/1000/1000, t[2]*1000.f);		