  Interpolates between camera orientations
  \pre     p_up2, p_dir2 != NULL; *p_up2 is the target up vector; 
	   *p_dir2 is the target view direction
  \arg \c  up1 original up vector
  \arg \c  dir1 original view direction
  \arg \c  p_up2 pointer to target up vector; is overwritten with 
           interpolated up vector
  \arg \c  p_dir2 pointer to target view direction; is overwritten with 
           interpolated view direction
  \arg \c  dt time step
  \arg \c  time_constant interpolation time constant

  \return  none
  \author  jfpatry
  \date    Created:  2000-08-26
  \date    Modified: 2000-08-26
void interpolate_view_frame( vector_t up1, vector_t dir1,
			     vector_t *p_up2, vector_t *p_dir2,
			     scalar_t dt, scalar_t time_constant )
    quaternion_t q1, q2;
    scalar_t alpha;
    vector_t x1, y1, z1;
    vector_t x2, y2, z2;
    matrixgl_t cob_mat1, inv_cob_mat1;
    matrixgl_t cob_mat2, inv_cob_mat2;

    /* Now interpolate between camera orientations */
    z1 = scale_vector( -1.0, dir1 );
    normalize_vector( &z1 );

    y1 = project_into_plane( z1, up1 );
    normalize_vector( &y1 );

    x1 = cross_product( y1, z1 );

    make_change_of_basis_matrix( cob_mat1, inv_cob_mat1,
				 x1, y1, z1 );

    q1 = make_quaternion_from_matrix( cob_mat1 );

    z2 = scale_vector( -1.0, *p_dir2 );
    normalize_vector( &z2 );

    y2 = project_into_plane( z2, *p_up2 );
    normalize_vector( &y2 );

    x2 = cross_product( y2, z2 );

    make_change_of_basis_matrix( cob_mat2, inv_cob_mat2,
				 x2, y2, z2 );

    q2 = make_quaternion_from_matrix( cob_mat2 );

    alpha = min( MAX_INTERPOLATION_VALUE, 
		 1.0 - exp( -dt / time_constant ) );

    q2 = interpolate_quaternions( q1, q2, alpha );

    make_matrix_from_quaternion( cob_mat2, q2 );

    p_up2->x = cob_mat2[1][0];
    p_up2->y = cob_mat2[1][1];
    p_up2->z = cob_mat2[1][2];

    p_dir2->x = -cob_mat2[2][0];
    p_dir2->y = -cob_mat2[2][1];
    p_dir2->z = -cob_mat2[2][2];
void update_key_frame( player_data_t *plyr, scalar_t dt )
    int idx;
    scalar_t frac;
    point_t pos;
    scalar_t v;
    matrixgl_t cob_mat, rot_mat;

    char *root;
    char *lsh;
    char *rsh;
    char *lhp;
    char *rhp;
    char *lkn;
    char *rkn;
    char *lank;
    char *rank;
    char *head;
    char *neck;
    char *tail;

    root = get_tux_root_node();
    lsh  = get_tux_left_shoulder_joint();
    rsh  = get_tux_right_shoulder_joint();
    lhp  = get_tux_left_hip_joint();
    rhp  = get_tux_right_hip_joint();
    lkn  = get_tux_left_knee_joint();
    rkn  = get_tux_right_knee_joint();
    lank = get_tux_left_ankle_joint();
    rank = get_tux_right_ankle_joint();
    head = get_tux_head();
    neck = get_tux_neck();
    tail = get_tux_tail_joint();

    keyTime += dt;

    for (idx = 1; idx < numFrames; idx ++) {
        if ( keyTime < frames[idx].time )

    if ( idx == numFrames || numFrames == 0 ) {
        set_game_mode( RACING );

    reset_scene_node( root );
    reset_scene_node( lsh );
    reset_scene_node( rsh );
    reset_scene_node( lhp );
    reset_scene_node( rhp );
    reset_scene_node( lkn );
    reset_scene_node( rkn );
    reset_scene_node( lank );
    reset_scene_node( rank );
    reset_scene_node( head );
    reset_scene_node( neck );
    reset_scene_node( tail );

    check_assertion( idx > 0, "invalid keyframe index" );

    if ( fabs( frames[idx-1].time - frames[idx].time ) < EPS ) {
	frac = 1.;
    } else {
	frac = (keyTime - frames[idx].time) 
	    / ( frames[idx-1].time - frames[idx].time );

    pos.x = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].pos.x, frames[idx].pos.x );
    pos.z = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].pos.z, frames[idx].pos.z );
    pos.y = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].pos.y, frames[idx].pos.y );
    pos.y += find_y_coord( pos.x, pos.z );

    set_tux_pos( plyr, pos );

    make_identity_matrix( cob_mat );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].yaw, frames[idx].yaw );
    rotate_scene_node( root, 'y', v );
    make_rotation_matrix( rot_mat, v, 'y' );
    multiply_matrices( cob_mat, cob_mat, rot_mat );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].pitch, frames[idx].pitch );
    rotate_scene_node( root, 'x', v );
    make_rotation_matrix( rot_mat, v, 'x' );
    multiply_matrices( cob_mat, cob_mat, rot_mat );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].l_shldr, frames[idx].l_shldr );
    rotate_scene_node( lsh, 'z', v );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].r_shldr, frames[idx].r_shldr );
    rotate_scene_node( rsh, 'z', v );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].l_hip, frames[idx].l_hip );
    rotate_scene_node( lhp, 'z', v );

    v = interp( frac, frames[idx-1].r_hip, frames[idx].r_hip );
    rotate_scene_node( rhp, 'z', v );

    /* Set orientation */
    plyr->orientation = make_quaternion_from_matrix( cob_mat );
    plyr->orientation_initialized = True;