void Phase			(const char *phase_name)
	while (!(hwPhaseTime && hwStage)) Sleep(1);

	csLog.Enter			();
	// Replace phase name with TIME:Name 
	char	tbuf		[512];
	bPhaseChange		= TRUE;
	phase_total_time	= timeGetTime()-phase_start_time;
	sprintf				( tbuf,"%s : %s",make_time(phase_total_time/1000).c_str(),	phase);
	SendMessage			( hwPhaseTime, LB_DELETESTRING, SendMessage(hwPhaseTime,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0)-1,0);
	SendMessage			( hwPhaseTime, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) tbuf);

	// Start _new phase
	phase_start_time	= timeGetTime();
	strcpy				(phase,  phase_name);
	SetWindowText		( hwStage,		phase_name );
	sprintf				( tbuf,"--:--:-- * %s",phase);
	SendMessage			( hwPhaseTime,  LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) tbuf);
	SendMessage			( hwPhaseTime,	LB_SETTOPINDEX, SendMessage(hwPhaseTime,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0)-1,0);
	Progress			(0);

	// Release focus
	Msg("\n* New phase started: %s",phase_name);
	csLog.Leave			();
void Startup(LPSTR     lpCmdLine)
	char cmd[512],name[256];
	BOOL bModifyOptions		= FALSE;

	if (strstr(cmd,"-?") || strstr(cmd,"-h"))			{ Help(); return; }
	if (strstr(cmd,"-f")==0)							{ Help(); return; }
	if (strstr(cmd,"-o"))								bModifyOptions = TRUE;

	// Give a LOG-thread a chance to startup
	InitCommonControls	();
	thread_spawn		(logThread,	"log-update", 1024*1024,0);
	Sleep				(150);
	// Load project
	name[0]=0; sscanf	(strstr(cmd,"-f")+2,"%s",name);
	//FS.update_path	(name,"$game_levels$",name);
	FS.get_path			("$level$")->_set	(name);

	CTimer				dwStartupTime; dwStartupTime.Start();
	xrCompiler			(0);

	// Show statistic
	char	stats[256];
	extern	std::string make_time(u32 sec);
	extern  HWND logWindow;
	sprintf				(stats,"Time elapsed: %s",make_time((dwStartupTime.GetElapsed_ms())/1000).c_str());
	MessageBox			(logWindow,stats,"Congratulation!",MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	bClose				= TRUE;
	Sleep				(500);
static void
metar_tok_time (gchar *tokp, WeatherInfo *info)
    gint day, hr, min;

    sscanf (tokp, "%2u%2u%2u", &day, &hr, &min);
    info->update = make_time (day, hr, min);
void string_format_time(char *ptr, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const PblTm *timeptr) {
  struct tm tm_time;
  make_time(timeptr, &tm_time);

  size_t actual = strftime(ptr, maxsize, format, &tm_time);
  if(actual == 0)
    printf("[WARN] strftime failed - %d:%s\n", maxsize, format);

  std::shared_ptr<ErrorContext> PlacementContentHandler::start_message(
      uint16_t version,
      uint16_t length,
      uint32_t export_time,
      uint32_t sequence_number,
      uint32_t observation_domain,
      uint64_t base_time) {
                    "ENTER start_message"
                    << ", version=" << version
                    << ", length=" << length
                    << ", export_time=" << make_time(export_time)
                    << ", sequence_number=" << sequence_number
                    << ", observation_domain=" << observation_domain
                    << ", base_time=" << base_time);
    assert(current_wire_template == 0);

    /* At this point, we can be sure that the version is correct for
     * the underlying MessageStreamParser class.  In other words, if
     * the MessageStreamParser that calls this method is an
     * IPFIXMessageStreamParser, then version will be equal to 10, and
     * so on.  But still, some things don't make sense for IPFIX, for
     * example a nonzero base time. */
    if (version == kIpfixVersion && base_time != 0)
                      "Expected base_time 0 for IPFIX, got 0x"
                      << std::hex << std::setw(4) << base_time);

    /* TODO: Figure out (and check for) minimal message lengths for v9
     * and v5. */
    if (version == kIpfixVersion && length < kIpfixMinMessageLen)
                      "must be at least " << kIpfixMinMessageLen
                      << " bytes long, got only " << length);

    this->observation_domain = observation_domain;

    LOG4CPLUS_TRACE(logger, "LEAVE start_message");
    return std::shared_ptr<ErrorContext>(0);
* * Dump a delimited record for each item in the
* * cache to stdout.
void dump_cache_users(void) {

	unsigned int		x;
	struct bucket		*ref_bucket;
        time_t			epoch_to;

	epoch_to = time(NULL) - table_stats->timeout;

	fprintf(stdout, "\"user\",\"realm\",\"service\",\"created\",\"created_localtime\"\n");

	for (x = 0; x < (table_stats->table_size * table_stats->max_buckets_per); x++) {

		ref_bucket = table + x;

		if (ref_bucket->created > epoch_to && *(ref_bucket->creds) != '\0') {
			fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\",", ref_bucket->creds + ref_bucket->user_offt);
			fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\",", ref_bucket->creds + ref_bucket->realm_offt);
			fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\",", ref_bucket->creds + ref_bucket->service_offt);
			fprintf(stderr, "\"%lu\",", ref_bucket->created);
			fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\"\n", make_time(ref_bucket->created));
void logThread(void *dummy)
	SetProcessPriorityBoost	(GetCurrentProcess(),TRUE);

	logWindow = CreateDialog(
		0, logDlgProc );
	if (!logWindow) {
		R_CHK			(GetLastError());
	hwLog		= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_LOG);
	hwProgress	= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_PROGRESS);
	hwInfo		= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_INFO);
	hwStage		= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_STAGE);
	hwTime		= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_TIMING);
	hwPText		= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_P_TEXT);
	hwPhaseTime	= GetDlgItem(logWindow, IDC_PHASE_TIME);

	SendMessage(hwProgress, PBM_SETRANGE,	0, MAKELPARAM(0, 1000)); 
	SendMessage(hwProgress, PBM_SETPOS,		0, 0); 

	Msg("\"LevelBuilder v4.1\" beta build\nCompilation date: %s\n",__DATE__);
		char tmpbuf[128];
		Msg("Startup time: %s",_strtime(tmpbuf));

	BOOL		bHighPriority	= FALSE;
	string256	u_name;
	unsigned long		u_size	= sizeof(u_name)-1;
	GetUserName	(u_name,&u_size);
	_strlwr		(u_name);
	if ((0==xr_strcmp(u_name,"oles"))||(0==xr_strcmp(u_name,"alexmx")))	bHighPriority	= TRUE;

	// Main cycle
	u32		LogSize = 0;
	float	PrSave	= 0;
	while (TRUE)

		// transfer data
		while (!csLog.TryEnter())	{
			_process_messages	( );
			Sleep				(1);
		if (progress>1.f)		progress = 1.f;
		else if (progress<0)	progress = 0;

		BOOL bWasChanges = FALSE;
		char tbuf		[256];
		csLog.Enter		();
		if (LogSize!=LogFile->size())
			bWasChanges		= TRUE;
			for (; LogSize<LogFile->size(); LogSize++)
				const char *S = *(*LogFile)[LogSize];
				if (0==S)	S = "";
				SendMessage	( hwLog, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) S);
			SendMessage		( hwLog, LB_SETTOPINDEX, LogSize-1, 0);
			//FlushLog		( );
		csLog.Leave		();
		if (_abs(PrSave-progress)>EPS_L) {
			bWasChanges = TRUE;
			PrSave = progress;
			SendMessage		( hwProgress, PBM_SETPOS, u32(progress*1000.f), 0);

			// timing
			if (progress>0.005f) {
				u32 dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime();
				u32 dwTimeDiff	= dwCurrentTime-phase_start_time;
				u32 secElapsed	= dwTimeDiff/1000;
				u32 secRemain		= u32(float(secElapsed)/progress)-secElapsed;
					"Elapsed: %s\n"
					"Remain:  %s",
				SetWindowText	( hwTime, tbuf );
			} else {
				SetWindowText	( hwTime, "" );

			// percentage text
			SetWindowText	( hwPText, tbuf );

		if (bStatusChange) {
			bWasChanges		= TRUE;
			bStatusChange	= FALSE;
			SetWindowText	( hwInfo,	status);
		if (bWasChanges) {
			UpdateWindow	( logWindow);
			bWasChanges		= FALSE;
		csLog.Leave			();

		_process_messages	();
		if (bClose)			break;
		Sleep				(200);

	// Cleanup
void Startup(LPSTR     lpCmdLine)
	char cmd[512],name[256];
	BOOL bModifyOptions		= FALSE;

	if (strstr(cmd,"-?") || strstr(cmd,"-h"))			{ Help(); return; }
	if (strstr(cmd,"-f")==0)							{ Help(); return; }
	if (strstr(cmd,"-o"))								bModifyOptions	= TRUE;
	if (strstr(cmd,"-gi"))								b_radiosity		= TRUE;
	if (strstr(cmd,"-noise"))							b_noise			= TRUE;
	if (strstr(cmd,"-nosun"))							b_nosun			= TRUE;
	// Give a LOG-thread a chance to startup
	InitCommonControls		();
	thread_spawn			(logThread, "log-update",	1024*1024,0);
	Sleep					(150);
	// Faster FPU 
	SetPriorityClass		(GetCurrentProcess(),NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);

	u32	dwMin			= 1800*(1024*1024);
	u32	dwMax			= 1900*(1024*1024);
	if (0==SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(),dwMin,dwMax))
		clMsg("*** Failed to expand working set");
	// Load project
	name[0]=0;				sscanf(strstr(cmd,"-f")+2,"%s",name);
	string256				prjName;
	FS.update_path			(prjName,"$game_levels$",strconcat(prjName,name,"\\build.prj"));
	string256				phaseName;
	Phase					(strconcat(phaseName,"Reading project [",name,"]..."));

	string256 inf;
	extern  HWND logWindow;
	IReader*	F			= FS.r_open(prjName);
	if (NULL==F){
		sprintf				(inf,"Build failed!\nCan't find level: '%s'",name);
		clMsg				(inf);
		MessageBox			(logWindow,inf,"Error!",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);

	// Version
	u32 version;
	F->r_chunk			(EB_Version,&version);
	clMsg				("version: %d",version);

	// Header
	b_params				Params;
	F->r_chunk			(EB_Parameters,&Params);

	// Show options if needed
	if (bModifyOptions)		
		Phase		("Project options...");
		HMODULE		L = LoadLibrary		("xrLC_Options.dll");
		void*		P = GetProcAddress	(L,"_frmScenePropertiesRun");
		xrOptions*	O = (xrOptions*)P;
		int			R = O(&Params,version,false);
		FreeLibrary	(L);
		if (R==2)	{
	// Conversion
	Phase					("Converting data structures...");
	pBuild					= xr_new<CBuild>();
	pBuild->Load			(Params,*F);
	xr_delete				(F);
	// Call for builder
	string256				lfn;
	CTimer	dwStartupTime;	dwStartupTime.Start();
	FS.update_path			(lfn,_game_levels_,name);
	pBuild->Run				(lfn);
	xr_delete				(pBuild);

	// Show statistic
	extern	std::string make_time(u32 sec);
	u32	dwEndTime			= dwStartupTime.GetElapsed_ms();
	sprintf					(inf,"Time elapsed: %s",make_time(dwEndTime/1000).c_str());
	clMsg					("Build succesful!\n%s",inf);
	MessageBox				(logWindow,inf,"Congratulation!",MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	// Close log
	bClose					= TRUE;
	Sleep					(500);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
 * MAIN:
 * Check all parameters passed on the command line, calculate
 * the date to be displayed, and display it.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main( int argc, char **argv, char **envp ) {
   struct tm *time_var;
   time_t time_number;
   signed long time_offset;
   char *ptr;
   int i, date_override;
   char saved_command[MAX_PARM_LEN+1];
   char saved_format[MAX_MASK_LEN+1];
   char saved_startdate_override[13]; /* YYYYMMDDHHMM_ */

    * Check to see what command line parameters we have
   if (argc < 2) {
      printf( "%s: (c)Mark Dickinson, 2001\n", argv[0] );
      exit( 1 );

   time_offset = 0;     /* default, and start point for adjustments */
   date_override = 0;   /* use current system date and time */
   strcpy(saved_format,"YYYYMMDD"); /* default */
   i = 1;
   /* use a while loop instead of a for loop as we may
    * increment the counter ourselves */
   while ( i < argc ) {
      ptr = argv[i];
	  if (i >= argc) {
		 printf( "Missing value for %s\n", ptr );
		 exit( 1 );
      strncpy( saved_command, ptr, MAX_PARM_LEN ); 
      ptr = argv[i];
      if (strncmp("-format",saved_command,7) == 0) {
         validate_format( ptr, saved_format );
	  else if (strncmp("-workingdate",saved_command,12) == 0) {
         date_override = 1;
		 strncpy( saved_startdate_override, ptr, 12 ); /* YYYYMMDDHHMM */
      else {
         time_offset = time_offset + check_parameter( saved_command, ptr );
    * Work out the new time and print the result.
   if (date_override == 1) {
      /* have to get the dst flag setting for this */
      time_number = time(0);
      time_var = localtime( &time_number );
	  /* then workout the callers passed time */
      time_number = make_time( (char *)&saved_startdate_override, time_var->tm_isdst );
   else {
      time_number = time(0);     /* time now in seconds from 00:00, Jan 1 1970 */
   time_number = time_number + time_offset;
   if (strcmp("CTIME",saved_format) == 0) {
      printf( "%s", ctime( &time_number ) );
   else {
     time_var = localtime( &time_number );   
     print_time( time_var, saved_format ); 
   exit( 0 );
} /* end main */
void	execute_time_statistics::log					()const
	string64 buf;
	Msg( "calc time: %s ", make_time( buf, m_time ) );