void xml_file_write(xml_data_node *node, mame_file *file)
	/* ensure this is a root node */
	assert_always(node->name == NULL, "xml_file_write called with a non-root node");

	/* output a simple header */
	mame_fprintf(file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
	mame_fprintf(file, "<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->\n");

	/* loop over children of the root and output */
	for (node = node->child; node; node = node->next)
		xml_write_node_recursive(node, 0, file);
void options_output_ini_mame_file(mame_file *inifile)
	options_data *data;

	/* loop over all items */
	for (data = datalist; data != NULL; data = data->next)
		/* header: just print */
		if ((data->flags & OPTION_HEADER) != 0)
			mame_fprintf(inifile, "\n#\n# %s\n#\n", data->description);

		/* otherwise, output entries for all non-deprecated and non-command items */
		else if ((data->flags & (OPTION_DEPRECATED | OPTION_INTERNAL | OPTION_COMMAND)) == 0 && data->names[0][0] != 0)
			if (data->data == NULL)
				mame_fprintf(inifile, "# %-23s <NULL> (not set)\n", data->names[0]);
			else if (strchr(data->data, ' ') != NULL)
				mame_fprintf(inifile, "%-25s \"%s\"\n", data->names[0], data->data);
				mame_fprintf(inifile, "%-25s %s\n", data->names[0], data->data);
static void xml_write_node_recursive(xml_data_node *node, int indent, mame_file *file)
	xml_attribute_node *anode;
	xml_data_node *child;

	/* output this tag */
	mame_fprintf(file, "%*s<%s", indent, "", node->name);

	/* output any attributes */
	for (anode = node->attribute; anode; anode = anode->next)
		mame_fprintf(file, " %s=\"%s\"", anode->name, anode->value);

	/* if there are no children and no value, end the tag here */
	if (!node->child && !node->value)
		mame_fprintf(file, " />\n");

	/* otherwise, close this tag and output more stuff */
		mame_fprintf(file, ">\n");

		/* if there is a value, output that here */
		if (node->value)
			mame_fprintf(file, "%*s%s\n", indent + 4, "", node->value);

		/* loop over children and output them as well */
		if (node->child)
			for (child = node->child; child; child = child->next)
				xml_write_node_recursive(child, indent + 4, file);

		/* write a closing tag */
		mame_fprintf(file, "%*s</%s>\n", indent, "", node->name);