// Creates a new heap
void heap_create(heap* h, int initial_size, int (*comp_func)(void*,void*)) {
    // Check if we need to setup our globals
    if (PAGE_SIZE == 0) {
        // Get the page size
        PAGE_SIZE = getpagesize();

        // Calculate the max entries
        ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(heap_entry);
    // Check that initial size is greater than 0, else set it to ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
    if (initial_size <= 0)
        initial_size = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;

    // If the comp_func is null, treat the keys as signed ints
    if (comp_func == NULL)
        comp_func = compare_int_keys;

    // Store the compare function
    h->compare_func = comp_func;

    // Set active entries to 0
    h->active_entries = 0;

    // Determine how many pages of entries we need
    h->minimum_pages = initial_size / ENTRIES_PER_PAGE + ((initial_size % ENTRIES_PER_PAGE > 0) ? 1 : 0);

    // Determine how big the map table should be
    h->map_pages = sizeof(void*) * h->minimum_pages / PAGE_SIZE + 1;

    // Allocate the map table
    h->mapping_table = (void**)map_in_pages(h->map_pages);
    assert(h->mapping_table != NULL);

    // Allocate the entry pages
    void* addr = map_in_pages(h->minimum_pages);
    assert(addr != NULL);

    // Add these to the map table
    for (int i=0;i<h->minimum_pages;i++) {
        *(h->mapping_table+i) = addr+(i*PAGE_SIZE);

    // Set the allocated pages
    h->allocated_pages = h->minimum_pages;
// Creates a new heap
void heap_create(heap* h, int initial_size, int (*comp_func)(void*,void*)) {
    // Check if we need to setup our globals
    if (PAGE_SIZE == 0) {
        // Get the page size
        PAGE_SIZE = getpagesize();

        // Calculate the max entries
        ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(heap_entry);

    // Check that initial size is greater than 0, else set it to ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
    if (initial_size <= 0)
        initial_size = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;

    // If the comp_func is null, treat the keys as signed ints
    if (comp_func == NULL)
        comp_func = compare_int_keys;

    // Store the compare function
    h->compare_func = comp_func;

    // Set active entries to 0
    h->active_entries = 0;

    // Determine how many pages of entries we need
    h->allocated_pages = initial_size / ENTRIES_PER_PAGE + ((initial_size % ENTRIES_PER_PAGE > 0) ? 1 : 0);
    h->minimum_pages = h->allocated_pages;

    // Allocate the table
    h->table = (void*)map_in_pages(h->allocated_pages);
// Deletes the minimum entry in the heap
int heap_delmin(heap* h, void** key, void** value) {
    // Check there is a minimum
    if (h->active_entries == 0)
        return 0;

    // Load in the map table
    heap_entry* table = h->table;

    // Get the root element
    int current_index = 0;
    heap_entry* current = GET_ENTRY(current_index, table);

    // Store the outputs
    if (key) *key = current->key;
    if (value) *value = current->value;

    // Reduce the number of active entries

    // Get the active entries
    int entries = h->active_entries;

    // If there are any other nodes, we may need to move them up
    if (h->active_entries > 0) {
        // Move the last element to the root
        heap_entry* last = GET_ENTRY(entries,table);
        current->key = last->key;
        current->value = last->value;

        // Loop variables
        heap_entry* left_child;
        heap_entry* right_child;

        // Load the comparison function
        int (*cmp_func)(void*,void*) = h->compare_func;

        // Store the left index
        int left_child_index;

        while (left_child_index = LEFT_CHILD(current_index), left_child_index < entries) {
            // Load the left child
            left_child = GET_ENTRY(left_child_index, table);

            // We have a left + right child
            if (left_child_index+1 < entries) {
                // Load the right child
                right_child = GET_ENTRY((left_child_index+1), table);

                // Find the smaller child
                if (cmp_func(left_child->key, right_child->key) <= 0) {

                    // Swap with the left if it is smaller
                    if (cmp_func(current->key, left_child->key) == 1) {
                        current_index = left_child_index;
                        current = left_child;

                    // Otherwise, the current is smaller
                    } else

                // Right child is smaller
                } else {

                    // Swap with the right if it is smaller
                    if (cmp_func(current->key, right_child->key) == 1) {
                        current_index = left_child_index+1;
                        current = right_child;

                    // Current is smaller
                    } else


            // We only have a left child, only do something if the left is smaller
            } else if (cmp_func(current->key, left_child->key) == 1) {
                current_index = left_child_index;
                current = left_child;

            // Done otherwise
            }  else


    // Check if we should release a page of memory
    int used_pages = entries / ENTRIES_PER_PAGE + ((entries % ENTRIES_PER_PAGE > 0) ? 1 : 0);

    // Allow one empty page, but not two
    if (h->allocated_pages / 2 > used_pages + 1 && h->allocated_pages / 2 >= h->minimum_pages) {
        // Get the new number of entries we need
        int new_size = h->allocated_pages / 2;

        // Map in a new table
        heap_entry* new_table = map_in_pages(new_size);

        // Copy the old entries, copy the entire pages
        memcpy(new_table, h->table, used_pages*PAGE_SIZE);

        // Cleanup the old table
        map_out_pages(h->table, h->allocated_pages);

        // Switch to the new table
        h->table = new_table;
        h->allocated_pages = new_size;

    // Success
    return 1;
// Insert a new element
void heap_insert(heap *h, void* key, void* value) {
    // Check if this heap is not destoyed
    assert(h->table != NULL);

    // Check if we have room
    int max_entries = h->allocated_pages * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
    if (h->active_entries + 1 > max_entries) {
        // Get the new number of entries we need
        int new_size = h->allocated_pages * 2;

        // Map in a new table
        heap_entry* new_table = map_in_pages(new_size);

        // Copy the old entries, copy the entire pages
        memcpy(new_table, h->table, h->allocated_pages*PAGE_SIZE);

        // Cleanup the old table
        map_out_pages(h->table, h->allocated_pages);

        // Switch to the new table
        h->table = new_table;
        h->allocated_pages = new_size;

    // Store the comparison function
    int (*cmp_func)(void*,void*) = h->compare_func;

    // Store the table address
    heap_entry* table = h->table;

    // Get the current index
    int current_index = h->active_entries;
    heap_entry* current = GET_ENTRY(current_index, table);

    // Loop variables
    int parent_index;
    heap_entry *parent;

    // While we can, keep swapping with our parent
    while (current_index > 0) {
        // Get the parent index
        parent_index = PARENT_ENTRY(current_index);

        // Get the parent entry
        parent = GET_ENTRY(parent_index, table);

        // Compare the keys, and swap if we need to
        if (cmp_func(key, parent->key) < 0) {
            // Move the parent down
            current->key = parent->key;
            current->value = parent->value;

            // Move our reference
            current_index = parent_index;
            current = parent;

        // We are done swapping
        }   else

    // Insert at the current index
    current->key = key;
    current->value = value;

    // Increase the number of active entries
// Insert a new element
void heap_insert(heap *h, void* key, void* value) {
    // Check if this heap is not destoyed
    assert(h->mapping_table != NULL);

    // Check if we have room
    int max_entries = h->allocated_pages * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
    if (h->active_entries + 1 > max_entries) {
        // Get the number of map pages
        int map_pages = h->map_pages;

        // We need a new page, do we have room?
        int mapable_pages = map_pages * PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(void*);
        // Check if we need to grow the map table
        if (h->allocated_pages + 1 > mapable_pages) {
            // Allocate a new table, slightly bigger
            void *new_table = map_in_pages(map_pages + 1);

            // Get the old table
            void *old_table = (void*)h->mapping_table;

            // Copy the old entries to the new table
            memcpy(new_table, old_table, map_pages * PAGE_SIZE);

            // Delete the old table
            map_out_pages(old_table, map_pages);

            // Swap to the new table
            h->mapping_table = (void**)new_table;

            // Update the number of map pages
            h->map_pages = map_pages + 1;

        // Allocate a new page
        void* addr = map_in_pages(1);

        // Add this to the map
        *(h->mapping_table+h->allocated_pages) = addr;

        // Update the number of allocated pages

    // Store the comparison function
    int (*cmp_func)(void*,void*) = h->compare_func;

    // Store the map table address
    void** map_table = h->mapping_table;

    // Get the current index
    int current_index = h->active_entries;
    heap_entry* current = GET_ENTRY(current_index, map_table);

    // Loop variables
    int parent_index;
    heap_entry *parent;

    // While we can, keep swapping with our parent
    while (current_index > 0) {
        // Get the parent index
        parent_index = PARENT_ENTRY(current_index);

        // Get the parent entry
        parent = GET_ENTRY(parent_index, map_table);
        // Compare the keys, and swap if we need to 
        if (cmp_func(key, parent->key) < 0) {
            // Move the parent down
            current->key = parent->key;
            current->value = parent->value;

            // Move our reference
            current_index = parent_index;
            current = parent;

        // We are done swapping
        }   else

    // Insert at the current index
    current->key = key;
    current->value = value; 

    // Increase the number of active entries