void MarketLady::_centerTile()

    if( market().isValid()
            && market()->goodStore().empty()
            && !pathway().isReverse() )
void MarketLady::_updateThoughts()
    if( pathway().isReverse() )
        if( market().isValid() && market()->goodStore().empty() )
            setThinks( "##marketLady_no_food_on_market##" );

文件: main.cpp 项目: CCJY/coliru
int main () {
  int j = 10;
  MultiMarket market(1);
  market.MarketCreateOrder(1, j);
  std::cout << j << std::endl;
文件: MUPD.cpp 项目: erisproject/eris
double MUPD::calc_mu_per_d(
        const SharedMember<Consumer::Differentiable> &con,
        Member::Lock &lock,
        id_t mkt_id,
        const allocation &alloc,
        const Bundle &b) const {

    if (mkt_id == 0)
        return con->d(b, money);

    auto sim = simulation();
    auto mkt = sim->market(mkt_id);

    double mu = 0.0;
    // Add together all of the marginal utilities weighted by the output level, since the market may
    // produce more than one good, and quantities may not equal 1.
    for (auto g : mkt->output_unit)
        mu += g.second * con->d(b, g.first);

    double q = alloc.quantity.count(mkt_id) ? alloc.quantity.at(mkt_id) : 0;
    auto pricing = mkt->price(q);


    if (!pricing.feasible) {
        throw market_exhausted_error(mkt_id);

    return mu / pricing.marginal * price_ratio(mkt);
文件: MUPD.cpp 项目: erisproject/eris
MUPD::allocation MUPD::spending_allocation(const unordered_map<id_t, double> &spending) const {
    allocation a = {};

    auto sim = simulation();

    for (auto &m : spending) {
        if (m.second > 0) {
            if (m.first == 0) {
                // Holding cash
                a.bundle += money_unit * m.second;
                a.quantity[m.first] += m.second;
            else {
                // Otherwise query the market for the resulting quantity
                auto mkt = sim->market(m.first);

                auto q = mkt->quantity(m.second * price_ratio(mkt));

                a.quantity[m.first] = q.quantity;
                a.bundle += mkt->output_unit * q.quantity;

                if (q.constrained) {
                    // The market is constrained, so add any leftover (unspent) money back into the
                    // bundle
                    a.bundle += mkt->price_unit * q.unspent;
                    a.quantity[0] += q.unspent / price_ratio(mkt);

    return a;
文件: Stock.cpp 项目: zklvyy/hikyuu
KRecord Stock
::getKRecord(size_t pos, KQuery::KType kType) const {
    //if (!m_data)
    //    return KRecord();

    if (m_data->pKData[kType])
        return m_data->pKData[kType]->at(pos);
    return m_kdataDriver->getKRecord(market(), code(), pos, kType);
文件: Stock.cpp 项目: zklvyy/hikyuu
size_t Stock::getCount(KQuery::KType kType) const {
    if (!m_data || kType >= KQuery::INVALID_KTYPE)
        return 0;

    if (m_data->pKData[kType])
        return m_data->pKData[kType]->size();

    return m_kdataDriver->getCount(market(), code(), kType);
文件: Stock.cpp 项目: zklvyy/hikyuu
string Stock::toString() const {
    std::stringstream os;
    string strip(", ");
    StockManager& sm = StockManager::instance();
    StockTypeInfo typeInfo(sm.getStockTypeInfo(type()));
    os << "Stock(" << market() << strip << code() << strip
       << name() << strip
       << typeInfo.description() << strip
       << valid() << strip << startDatetime() << strip
       << lastDatetime() << ")";
    return os.str();
void Game:: turn ()
	char str [10] = "turn";

	q.sendstr (str);

	waitendturn ();

	// new month
	readqueue ();
	getinfo ();
	if ( active_players () >= 2 ) {
		market ();
HKU_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PositionRecord& record) {
    Stock stock = record.stock;
    int precision = 2;
    std::string market(""), code(""), name("");
        market = stock.market();
        code = stock.code();
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS) && (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000)
        name = utf8_to_gb(stock.name());
        name = stock.name();
    } else {
        precision = stock.precision();

    price_t costPrice = 0.0;
    if (record.number != 0.0) {
        costPrice = roundEx((record.buyMoney - record.sellMoney)
                / record.number, precision);

    string strip(", ");
    os << std::fixed;
    os << "Position(" << market
            << strip << code
            << strip << name
            << strip << record.takeDatetime
            << strip << record.cleanDatetime
            << strip << record.number
            << strip << costPrice
            << strip << record.stoploss
            << strip << record.goalPrice
            << strip << record.totalNumber
            << strip << record.buyMoney
            << strip << record.totalCost
            << strip << record.totalRisk
            << strip << record.sellMoney << ")";
    return os;
void Game:: login (char * nick, char * mode, int num)
	setnick (nick);

	if ( strcmp (mode, "create") == 0) {
		create ();
		waitplayers (num);
	else if ( strcmp (mode, "join") == 0) {
		joinroom (num);
		waitstart ();
	else {
		printf ("Error in check mode. [ %s ].\n",
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	startinfo ();
	market ();
string PositionRecord::toString() const {
    int precision = 2;
    std::string market(""), code(""), name("");
        market = stock.market();
        code = stock.code();
        name = stock.name();
    } else {
        precision = stock.precision();

    price_t costPrice = 0.0;
    if (number != 0.0) {
        costPrice = roundEx((buyMoney - sellMoney)
                / number, precision);

    string strip(", ");
    std::stringstream os;
    os << std::fixed;
    os << "Position(" << market
            << strip << code
            << strip << name
            << strip << takeDatetime
            << strip << cleanDatetime
            << strip << number
            << strip << costPrice
            << strip << stoploss
            << strip << goalPrice
            << strip << totalNumber
            << strip << buyMoney
            << strip << totalCost
            << strip << totalRisk
            << strip << sellMoney << ")";
    return os.str();
文件: main.cpp 项目: pnecchi/Thesis
int main()
    std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-        Algorithmic Asset Allocation        -" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "----------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Get algorithm
	std::string algorithm = "PGPE";

	// Get file with parameter values
	std::string parametersFilepath = "/home/pierpaolo/Documents/University/6_Anno_Poli/7_Thesis/Data/Parameters/Single_Synth_RN_P0_F0_S0_N5.pot";

    // Read input file path
    const std::string inputFile = "/home/pierpaolo/Documents/University/6_Anno_Poli/7_Thesis/Data/Input/synthetic.csv";

    // Read output directory path
    const std::string outputDir = "/home/pierpaolo/Documents/University/6_Anno_Poli/7_Thesis/Data/Output/Default/";

    // Read debug directory path
    const std::string debugDir = "/home/pierpaolo/Documents/University/6_Anno_Poli/7_Thesis/Data/Debug/Default/";

    // 1) Parameters |

    // 1) Read parameters
    std::cout << "1) Read parameters" << std::endl;
    const ExperimentParameters params(parametersFilepath, true);

    // Copy parameters
    double riskFreeRate = params.riskFreeRate;
    double deltaP = params.deltaP;
    double deltaF = params.deltaF;
    double deltaS = params.deltaS;
    size_t numDaysObserved = params.numDaysObserved;
    double lambda = params.lambda;
    double alphaConstActor = params.alphaConstActor;
    double alphaExpActor = params.alphaExpActor;
    double alphaConstCritic = params.alphaConstCritic;
    double alphaExpCritic = params.alphaExpCritic;
    double alphaConstBaseline = params.alphaConstBaseline;
    double alphaExpBaseline = params.alphaExpBaseline;
    size_t numExperiments = params.numExperiments;
    size_t numEpochs = params.numEpochs;
    size_t numTrainingSteps = params.numTrainingSteps;
    size_t numTestSteps = params.numTestSteps;

    // 2) Initialization |
    std::cout << std::endl << "2) Initialization" << std::endl;

    // 2.1) Market and Task |

	// Market
	std::cout << ".. Market environment - ";
	MarketEnvironment market(inputFile);
    size_t startDate = 0;
	size_t endDate = numDaysObserved + numTrainingSteps + numTestSteps - 1;
    market.setEvaluationInterval(startDate, endDate);
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;

    // Asset allocation task
    std::cout << ".. Asset allocation task - ";
	AssetAllocationTask task(market,
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;

    // 2.2) Agent |

    // Learning Rates
    std::cout << ".. Learning Rates - ";
    DecayingLearningRate baselineLearningRate(alphaConstBaseline, alphaExpBaseline);
    DecayingLearningRate criticLearningRate(alphaConstCritic, alphaExpCritic);
    DecayingLearningRate actorLearningRate(alphaConstActor, alphaExpActor);
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;

    // Initialize Agent factory
    auto & factory(FactoryOfAgents::instance(task.getDimObservation(),

    // Pointer to Agent for poymorphic object handling
    std::unique_ptr<Agent> agentPtr = factory.make(algorithm);

    // 2.3) Asset Allocation Experiment |

    std::cout << ".. Asset allocation experiment - ";
    AssetAllocationExperiment experiment(task,
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;

    // 3) Run experiment |

    std::cout << std::endl << "2) Experiment" << std::endl;

	return 0;
文件: MUPD.cpp 项目: erisproject/eris
void MUPD::intraOptimize() {

    auto sim = simulation();

    // Before bothering with anything else, make sure the consumer actually has some money to spend
        auto lock = con->readLock();
        if (con->assets[money] <= 0)

    unordered_map<id_t, double> spending;

    spending[0] = 0.0; // 0 is the "don't spend"/"hold cash" option

    for (auto &market : sim->markets()) {
        auto mlock = market->readLock();

        if (not(market->price_unit.covers(money_unit) and money_unit.covers(market->price_unit))) {
            // price_unit is not (or not just) money; we can't handle that, so ignore this market

        if (market->output_unit[money] > 0) {
            // Something screwy about this market: it costs money, but also produces money.  Ignore.

        if (not market->price(0).feasible) {
            // The market cannot produce any output (i.e. it is exhausted/constrained), so don't
            // consider it.

        // We assign an exact value later, once we know how many eligible markets there are.
        spending[market->id()] = 0.0;

    unsigned int markets = spending.size()-1; // -1 to account for the cash non-market (id=0)

    // If there are no viable markets, there's nothing to do.
    if (markets == 0) return;

    // Now hold a write lock on this optimizer and the consumer.  We'll add and remove market locks to this as needed.
    auto big_lock = writeLock(con);

    markets = spending.size()-1; // -1 for the id=0 cash pseudo-market
    if (markets == 0) return;

    Bundle &a = con->assets;
    Bundle a_no_money = a;
    double cash = a_no_money.remove(money);
    if (cash <= 0) {
        // No money (there was before, so something external changed), nothing to do.

    // Start out with equal spending in every market, no spending in the 0 (don't spend)
    // pseudo-market
    for (auto &m : spending) {
        if (m.first != 0)
            m.second = cash / markets;

    unordered_map <id_t, double> mu_per_d;

    allocation final_alloc = {};

    while (true) {
        while (true) {
            try {
                allocation alloc = spending_allocation(spending);
                Bundle tryout = a_no_money + alloc.bundle;

                for (auto m : spending) {
                    mu_per_d[m.first] = calc_mu_per_d(con, big_lock, m.first, alloc, tryout);

                id_t highest = 0, lowest = 0;
                double highest_u = mu_per_d[0], lowest_u = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
                for (auto m : mu_per_d) {
                    // Consider all markets (even eligible ones that we aren't currently spending in) for
                    // best return, but exclude markets that are constrained (since we can't spend any more
                    // in them).
                    // FIXME: do this last bit?
                    if (m.second > highest_u) {
                        highest = m.first;
                        highest_u = m.second;
                    // Only count markets where we are actually spending positive amounts as "lowest", since
                    // we can't transfer away from a market without any expenditure.
                    if (spending[m.first] > 0 and m.second < lowest_u) {
                        lowest = m.first;
                        lowest_u = m.second;

                if (highest_u <= lowest_u or (highest_u - lowest_u) / highest_u < tolerance) {
                    final_alloc = alloc;
                    break; // Nothing more to optimize

                double baseU = con->utility(tryout);
                // Attempt to transfer all of the low utility spending to the high-utility market.  If MU/$
                // are equal, we're done; if the lower utility is still lower, transfer 3/4, otherwise
                // transfer 1/4.  Repeat.
                // We do have to be careful, however: transferring everything might screw things up (e.g.
                // consider u = xyz^2: setting z=0 will result in MU=0 for all three goods.  So we need to
                // check not just the marginal utilities, but that this reallocation actually increases
                // overall utility.
                unordered_map<id_t, double> try_spending = spending;

                try_spending[highest] = spending[highest] + spending[lowest];
                try_spending[lowest] = 0;

                alloc = spending_allocation(try_spending);
                tryout = a_no_money + alloc.bundle;
                if (con->utility(tryout) < baseU or
                        calc_mu_per_d(con, big_lock, highest, alloc, tryout) < calc_mu_per_d(con, big_lock, lowest, alloc, tryout)) {
                    // Transferring *everything* from lowest to highest is too much (MU/$ for the highest
                    // good would end up lower than the lowest good, post-transfer, or else overall utility
                    // goes down entirely).
                    // We need to transfer less than everything, so use a binary search to figure out the
                    // optimum transfer.
                    // Take 10 binary steps (which means we get granularity of 1/1024).  However, since
                    // we'll probably come in here again (comparing this good to other goods) before
                    // optimize() finishes, this gets amplified.
                    // FIXME: this is a very good target for optimization; typically this loop will run
                    // around 53 times (which makes perfect sense, as that's about where step_size runs off
                    // the end of the least precise double bit--sometimes a bit more, if the transfer ratio
                    // is a very small number).
                    double step_size = 0.25;
                    double last_transfer = 1.0;
                    double transfer = 0.5;

                    for (int i = 0; transfer != last_transfer and i < 100; ++i) {
                        last_transfer = transfer;

                        double pre_try_h = try_spending[highest], pre_try_l = try_spending[lowest];

                        try_spending[highest] = spending[highest] + transfer * spending[lowest];
                        try_spending[lowest] = (1-transfer) * spending[lowest];

                        if (try_spending[highest] == pre_try_h and try_spending[lowest] == pre_try_l) {
                            // The transfer is too small to numerically affect things, so we're done.

                        alloc = spending_allocation(try_spending);
                        tryout = a_no_money + alloc.bundle;
                        double delta = calc_mu_per_d(con, big_lock, highest, alloc, tryout) - calc_mu_per_d(con, big_lock, lowest, alloc, tryout);
                        if (delta == 0)
                            // We equalized MU/$.  Done.
                        else if (delta > 0)
                            // MU/$ is still higher for `highest', so transfer more
                            transfer += step_size;
                            // Otherwise transfer less
                            transfer -= step_size;
                        // Eventually this step_size will become too small to change transfer
                        step_size /= 2;

                final_alloc = alloc;

                if (spending[highest] == try_spending[highest] or spending[lowest] == try_spending[lowest]) {
                    // What we just identified isn't actually a change, probably because we're hitting the
                    // boundaries of storable double values, so end.

                spending[highest] = try_spending[highest];
                spending[lowest] = try_spending[lowest];
            catch (market_exhausted_error &e) {
                // One of the markets has become exhausted.  If it's completely exhausted, take it out
                // of the spending set; otherwise just restart the whole thing (the new limit will be
                // taken care of in the initial spending_allocation() call).

                if (not sim->market(e.market)->price(0).feasible) {
                    // Completely exhausted market: transfer its spending to cash
                    spending[0] += spending[e.market];
                    markets = spending.size() - 1;
                    if (markets == 0) return;

        // Safety check: make sure we're actually increasing utility; if not, don't do anything.
        if (con->utility(a_no_money + final_alloc.bundle) <= con->currUtility()) {

        // If we haven't held back on any spending, add a tiny fraction of the amount of cash we are
        // spending to assets (to prevent numerical errors causing insufficient assets exceptions), then
        // subtract it off (if possible) after reserving.
        double extra = 0;
        if (spending[0] == 0.0) {
            extra = cash * 1e-13;
            a += extra * money_unit;

        bool restart = false; // Will become true if a reservation fails

        for (auto &m : final_alloc.quantity) {
            if (m.first != 0 and m.second > 0) {
                auto market = sim->market(m.first);
                try {
                    reservations.push_front(market->reserve(con, m.second));
                catch (Market::output_infeasible &e) {
                    restart = true;
                catch (Market::insufficient_assets &e) {
                    restart = true;
                if (restart) break;

        if (extra > 0) {
            // Subtract up to 2 times the tiny extra amount.  Thus for [0,extra) we're handling
            // numerical imprecision that resulted in the reservations taking slightly more than was
            // available; for (extra,2*extra] we're correcting for reservations taking not quite
            // enough.  In either case, extra is a very small number (1e-13 times the money we
            // started with--i.e. 10 cents for a trillionaire); this is mainly just cleaning up to
            // have nice 0 values in assets instead of stupidly small values.
            if (2*extra >= a[money]) a.set(money, 0);
            else a -= extra * money_unit;

        if (not restart) break;
        // Else abort any established reservations and repeat the entire loop
double Book::price() const {
    return hasAnyMarket()
        ? market()->price()
        : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();