// matrix transform from destination to source
matInverseTransformCanonical(double translateX,
                             double translateY,
                             double scaleX,
                             double scaleY,
                             double skewX,
                             double skewY,
                             bool skewOrderYX,
                             double rads,
                             double centerX,
                             double centerY)
    ///1) We translate to the center of the transform.
    ///2) We scale
    ///3) We apply skewX and skewY in the right order
    ///4) We rotate
    ///5) We apply the global translation
    ///5) We translate back to the origin

    // since this is the inverse, oerations are in reverse order
    return matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matTranslation(centerX, centerY),
                                                   matScale(1. / scaleX, 1. / scaleY) ),
                                           matSkewXY(-skewX, -skewY, !skewOrderYX) ),
                                   matRotation(rads) ),
                           matTranslation(-translateX, -translateY) ),
                   matTranslation(-centerX, -centerY) );
// matrix transform from source to destination
matTransformCanonical(double translateX,
                      double translateY,
                      double scaleX,
                      double scaleY,
                      double skewX,
                      double skewY,
                      bool skewOrderYX,
                      double rads,
                      double centerX,
                      double centerY)
    ///1) We translate to the center of the transform.
    ///2) We scale
    ///3) We apply skewX and skewY in the right order
    ///4) We rotate
    ///5) We apply the global translation
    ///5) We translate back to the origin

    return matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matMul( matTranslation(centerX, centerY),
                                                   matTranslation(translateX, translateY) ),
                                           matRotation(-rads) ),
                                   matSkewXY(skewX, skewY, skewOrderYX) ),
                           matScale(scaleX, scaleY) ),
                   matTranslation(-centerX, -centerY) );
matRotationAroundPoint(double rads,
                       double px,
                       double py)
    return matMul( matTranslation(px, py), matMul( matRotation(rads), matTranslation(-px, -py) ) );
文件: Camera.cpp 项目: DeFuex/Tire-D-
void Camera::rotateY(float angle)
    if (angle == 0.0f) return;

    mat4 matRotation(1.0f);

    matRotation = glm::rotate(matRotation, angle, up);

    vec4 dir = matRotation * vec4(lookAt-eye,1);

    lookAt = eye + vec3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z);

//ds source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_formalisms_in_three_dimensions
const Eigen::Matrix3d CMiniVisionToolbox::fromRotationAngles( const Eigen::Vector3d& p_vecRotationAnglesRadians )
    //ds rotation matrices
    /*Eigen::Matrix3d matRotationX( Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity( ) );
    Eigen::Matrix3d matRotationY( Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity( ) );
    Eigen::Matrix3d matRotationZ( Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity( ) );*/

    //ds set X matrix
    const double dCosPhi = std::cos( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.x( ) );
    const double dSinPhi = std::sin( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.x( ) );
    /*matRotationX(1,1) = dCosineX;
    matRotationX(1,2) = -dSineX;
    matRotationX(2,1) = dSineX;
    matRotationX(2,2) = dCosineX;*/

    //ds set Y matrix
    const double dCosThe = std::cos( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.y( ) );
    const double dSinThe = std::sin( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.y( ) );
    /*matRotationY(0,0) = dCosineY;
    matRotationY(0,2) = dSineY;
    matRotationY(2,0) = -dSineY;
    matRotationY(2,2) = dCosineY;*/

    //ds set Z matrix
    const double dCosPsi = std::cos( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.z( ) );
    const double dSinPsi = std::sin( p_vecRotationAnglesRadians.z( ) );
    /*matRotationZ(0,0) = dCosineZ;
    matRotationZ(0,1) = -dSineZ;
    matRotationZ(1,0) = dSineZ;
    matRotationZ(1,1) = dCosineZ;*/

    //ds one-step computation
    Eigen::Matrix3d matRotation( Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity( ) );
    matRotation << dCosThe*dCosPsi, dCosPhi*dSinPsi+dSinPhi*dSinThe*dCosPsi, dSinPhi*dSinPsi-dCosPhi*dSinThe*dCosPsi,
                  -dCosThe*dSinPsi, dCosPhi*dCosPsi-dSinPhi*dSinThe*dSinPsi, dSinPhi*dCosPsi+dCosPhi*dSinThe*dSinPsi,
                           dSinThe,                        -dSinPhi*dCosThe,                         dCosPhi*dCosThe;

    //return matRotationZ*matRotationY*matRotationX;
    return matRotation;