Mat matrixAllocInv(Mat source) {
	Mat dest;

	dest = matrixAlloc(source.row, source.row);
	if(matrixInv(dest, source)) {
		dest.row = dest.clm = 0;
	return dest;
  LIBRARY_API bool matrixPseudoInv (matrix &in, matrix &out)
    matrix in_T, inTin, inTinInv;
    bool state;

    state = matrixTrans (in, in_T);

    state = state ? matrixMult (in_T, in, inTin) : state;
    state = state ? matrixInv (inTin, inTinInv) : state;
    state = state ? matrixMult (inTinInv, in_T, out) : state;
    return state;
 Matrix Block::inverse(cflag tp)const{
     if(!(Rnum == Cnum)){
       std::ostringstream err;
       err<<"Cannot perform inversion on a non-square matrix.";
       throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str()));
     Matrix invM(*this);
     assert(ongpu == invM.isOngpu());
     matrixInv(invM.cm_elem, Rnum, invM.diag, invM.ongpu);
     return invM;
   catch(const std::exception& e){
     propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::inverse(uni10::cflag ):");
     return Matrix();
// ######################################################################
Image<float> TaskRelevanceMapGistClassify::
computeGistDist(Image<float> currGist)
   FILE* itsFile = fopen(itsClusterCenterFileName.getVal().c_str(), "rb");
   ASSERT(itsFile != 0);

  if(fread(&itsNumOfCategory, sizeof(int), 1, itsFile) != 1) LFATAL("fread failed");
  if(fread(&itsUsedDims, sizeof(int),1,itsFile) != 1) LFATAL("fread failed");
  ASSERT(itsNumOfCategory > 0 && itsUsedDims == itsPCADims.getVal());

  LDEBUG("there are %4d categories, pca_dims: %4d",itsNumOfCategory, itsUsedDims);

  Image<float> currGistCut(currGist.getDims().sz()/NUM_GIST_FEAT, 1, NO_INIT);
  Image<float> currGistPCA(itsPCADims.getVal(), 1, NO_INIT);

  //! only use the whole image's gist feature to do the classification
  for(int i=0; i<currGistCut.getDims().sz(); i++)
    currGistCut.setVal(i,0, currGist.getVal(i*NUM_GIST_FEAT, 0));

  LDEBUG("currGistCut dim: %d, PCA matrix height: %4d",
        currGistCut.getWidth(), itsPCAMatrix.getHeight());

  ASSERT(currGistCut.getWidth() == itsPCAMatrix.getHeight());

  currGistPCA = matrixMult(currGistCut, itsPCAMatrix);

  LDEBUG("currGistPCA : %f, %f, %f", currGistPCA.getVal(0,0),
         currGistPCA.getVal(1,0), currGistPCA.getVal(2,0));

  Image<float> gistDist(itsNumOfCategory, 1,NO_INIT );
  Image<float> gistCenter(itsUsedDims, 1, NO_INIT);
  Image<float> gistCenterCovarMatrix(itsUsedDims,itsUsedDims, NO_INIT);
  Image<float> gistCenterCovarMatrixInv(itsUsedDims, itsUsedDims, NO_INIT);
  Image<float> gistDiff(itsUsedDims,1,NO_INIT);

  float meanClusterGistDist=0.0F;
  float det = 0.0F;
  float coef1 = pow(2*PI, itsUsedDims/2.0F);
  float coef2 = 0.0F, coef3=0.0F, coef4=0.0F;

  for(int i=0; i<itsNumOfCategory; i++)
      if(fread(gistCenter.beginw(), sizeof(float), itsUsedDims, itsFile) != (size_t)itsUsedDims) LFATAL("fread failed");
      if(fread(&meanClusterGistDist, sizeof(float), 1, itsFile) != 1) LFATAL("fread failed");
      if(fread(&det, sizeof(float), 1, itsFile) != 1) LFATAL("fread failed");
      size_t sz = itsUsedDims*itsUsedDims;
      if(fread(gistCenterCovarMatrix.beginw(), sizeof(float), sz, itsFile) != sz) LFATAL("fread failed");

      gistCenterCovarMatrixInv = matrixInv(gistCenterCovarMatrix);

      gistDiff = gistCenter - currGistPCA;

      coef2 =1.0F /( coef1 * pow(det, 0.5)+0.0000001F );

      Image<float> tmp = matrixMult(matrixMult(gistDiff,  gistCenterCovarMatrixInv),

      coef3 = exp(-0.5F * tmp.getVal(0,0));
      coef4 = coef2 * coef3 / (meanClusterGistDist+0.5F);

      LDEBUG("%d's is %f,  %f, %f , mean is %f,sumDiff is%f\n", i+1, tmp.getVal(0,0),
            coef3, coef4, meanClusterGistDist, sum(gistDiff*gistDiff));
      gistDist.setVal(i, 0, coef4);


  return gistDist;
void Weights::calculateWeights()
    mCoefficientNumber = (mTwoDim ? ((size_t)mPolynomeOrder + 1) * ((size_t)mPolynomeOrder + 1)
                                  :  (size_t)mPolynomeOrder + 1);
    size_t  ix, iy, i, j;
    int     x, y;

    // Determine coordinates of pixels to be sampled

    if (mTwoDim)

        int iPolynomeOrder = (int) mPolynomeOrder; //lets avoid signed/unsigned comparison warnings
        int iHeight        = (int) height();
        int iWidth         = (int) width();

        for (y = -iPolynomeOrder; y < iHeight + iPolynomeOrder; ++y)
            for (x = -iPolynomeOrder; x < iWidth + iPolynomeOrder; ++x)
                if ((x < 0 && y < 0 && -x - y < iPolynomeOrder + 2)                             ||
                    (x < 0 && y >= iHeight && -x + y - iHeight < iPolynomeOrder + 1)            ||
                    (x >= iWidth && y < 0 && x - y - iWidth < iPolynomeOrder + 1)               ||
                    (x >= iWidth && y >= iHeight && x + y - iWidth - iHeight < iPolynomeOrder)  ||
                    (x < 0 && y >= 0 && y < iHeight) || (x >= iWidth  && y >= 0 && y < iHeight) ||
                    (y < 0 && x >= 0 && x < iWidth ) || (y >= iHeight && x >= 0 && x < iWidth))
                    QPoint position(x,y);
        // In the one-dimensional case, only the y coordinate and y size is used.  */

        for (y = (-1)*mPolynomeOrder; y < 0; ++y)
            QPoint position(0,y);

        for (y = (int) height(); y < (int) height() + (int) mPolynomeOrder; ++y)
            QPoint position(0,y);

    // Allocate memory.

    QScopedArrayPointer<double> matrix (new double[mCoefficientNumber * mCoefficientNumber]);
    QScopedArrayPointer<double> vector0(new double[mPositions.count() * mCoefficientNumber]);
    QScopedArrayPointer<double> vector1(new double[mPositions.count() * mCoefficientNumber]);

    // Calculate coefficient matrix and vectors

    for (iy = 0; iy < mCoefficientNumber; ++iy)
        for (ix = 0; ix < mCoefficientNumber; ++ix)
            matrix [iy* mCoefficientNumber+ix] = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < (size_t)mPositions.count(); ++j)
            vector0 [iy * mPositions.count() + j] = polyTerm (iy, mPositions.at(j).x(),
                                                    mPositions.at(j).y(), mPolynomeOrder);

            for (ix = 0; ix < mCoefficientNumber; ++ix)
                matrix [iy* mCoefficientNumber + ix] += (vector0 [iy * mPositions.count() + j]
                                                        * polyTerm (ix, mPositions.at(j).x(), mPositions.at(j).y(), mPolynomeOrder));

    // Invert matrix.

    matrixInv (matrix.data(), mCoefficientNumber);

    // Multiply inverse matrix with vector.

    for (iy = 0; iy < mCoefficientNumber; ++iy)
        for (j = 0; j < (size_t)mPositions.count(); ++j)
            vector1 [iy * mPositions.count() + j] = 0.0;

            for (ix = 0; ix < mCoefficientNumber; ++ix)
                vector1 [iy * mPositions.count() + j] += matrix [iy * mCoefficientNumber + ix]
                        * vector0 [ix * mPositions.count() + j];

    // Store weights

    // Allocate mPositions.count() matrices.
    mWeightMatrices = new double** [mPositions.count()];

    for (i=0 ; i < (size_t)mPositions.count() ; ++i)
        // Allocate mHeight rows on each position
        mWeightMatrices[i] = new double*[mHeight];

        for (j=0 ; j < mHeight ; ++j)
            // Allocate mWidth columns on each row
            mWeightMatrices[i][j] = new double[mWidth];

    for (y = 0; y < (int) mHeight; ++y)
        for (x = 0; x < (int) mWidth; ++x)
            for (j = 0; j < (size_t)mPositions.count(); ++j)
                mWeightMatrices [j][y][x] = 0.0;

                for (iy = 0; iy < mCoefficientNumber; ++iy)
                    mWeightMatrices [j][y][x] += vector1 [iy * mPositions.count() + j]
                                                 * polyTerm (iy, x, y, mPolynomeOrder);

                mWeightMatrices [j][y][x] *= (double) mPositions.count();