CvPoint2D32f getPupilCenter(Mat &eye_box){
	//find x and y gradients
	Mat gradientX = computeGradient(eye_box);
	Mat gradientY = computeGradient(eye_box.t()).t();

	//normalize and threshold the gradient
	Mat mags = matrixMagnitude(gradientX, gradientY);

	//create a blurred and inverted image for weighting
	Mat weight;
	bitwise_not(eye_box, weight);
	blur(weight, weight, Size(2,2));

	//weight the magnitudes, convert to 8-bit for thresholding
	weight.convertTo(weight, CV_32F);
	mags = mags.mul(weight);
	normalize(mags, mags, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	mags.convertTo(mags, CV_8UC1, 255);

	//threshold using Otsu's method
	threshold(mags, mags, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY | THRESH_OTSU);

	//convert to CV_32S and filter gradients
	mags.convertTo(mags, CV_32S);
	gradientY = gradientY.mul(mags);
	gradientX = gradientX.mul(mags);

	//resize arrays to same size
	resize(gradientX, gradientX, Size(EYE_FRAME_SIZE, EYE_FRAME_SIZE), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
	resize(gradientY, gradientY, Size(EYE_FRAME_SIZE, EYE_FRAME_SIZE), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
	resize(weight, weight, Size(EYE_FRAME_SIZE, EYE_FRAME_SIZE), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);

	//imshow("gradY", gradientY * 255);
	//imshow("weight", weight / 255);

	//run the algorithm:
	//	for each possible gradient location
	//	Note: these loops are reversed from the way the paper does them
	//	it evaluates every possible center for each gradient location instead of
	//	every possible gradient location for every center.
	Mat out = Mat::zeros(weight.rows,weight.cols, CV_32F);
	float max_val = 0;
	//for all pixels in the image
	for (int y = 0; y < EYE_FRAME_SIZE; ++y) {
		const int *grad_x = gradientX.ptr<int>(y), *grad_y = gradientY.ptr<int>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < EYE_FRAME_SIZE; ++x) {
			int gX = grad_x[x], gY = grad_y[x];
			if (gX == 0 && gY == 0) {
			//for all possible centers
			for (int cy = 0; cy < EYE_FRAME_SIZE; ++cy) {
				float *Or = out.ptr<float>(cy);
				const float *Wr = weight.ptr<float>(cy);
				for (int cx = 0; cx < EYE_FRAME_SIZE; ++cx) {
					//ignore center of box
					if (x == cx && y == cy) {
					//create a vector from the possible center to the gradient origin
					int dx = x - cx;
					int dy = y - cy;

					//compute dot product using lookup table
					float dotProduct;
					if(dx > 0 && dy > 0){
						dotProduct = dpX[dx+EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gX + dpY[dx+EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gY;
					}else if(dx > 0){
						dotProduct = dpX[dx-EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gX - dpY[dx-EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gY;
					}else if(dy > 0){
						dotProduct = -dpX[-dx+EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gX - dpY[-dx+EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gY;
						dotProduct = -dpX[-dx-EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gX - dpY[-dx-EYE_FRAME_SIZE*dy]*gY;

					//ignore negative dot products as they point away from eye
					if(dotProduct <= 0.0){

					//square and multiply by the weight
					Or[cx] += dotProduct * dotProduct * Wr[cx];

					//compare with max
					if(Or[cx] > max_val){
						max_val = Or[cx];

	//resize for debugging
	resize(out, out, Size(500,500), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);

	out = 255 * out / max_val;
	//imshow("calc", out / 255);

	//histogram setup
	Mat hist;
	int histSize = 256;
	float range[] = { 0, 256 } ;
	const float* histRange = { range };
	//calculate the histogram
	calcHist(&out,1, 0, Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange,
		true,	//uniform
		true	//accumulate

	//get cutoff for top 10 pixels
	float top_end_sum = 0;
	int top_end = 0.92 * 255;
	for (int i = 255; i > 0; i--) {
		top_end_sum += hist.at<float>(i);
		if(top_end_sum > 3000){
			top_end = i;

	//draw image for debugging
	Mat histImage(400, 512, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,0,0));
	int bin_w = cvRound( (double) 512/histSize );
	normalize(hist, hist, 0, histImage.rows, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
	/// Draw for each channel
	for( int i = 1; i < histSize; i++)
		line(histImage, Point(bin_w*(i), 400 - cvRound(hist.at<float>(i))),
						Point(bin_w*(i), 400),
						Scalar(i, i, i), 2, 8, 0);
	//imshow("hist", histImage);

	//threshold to get just the pupil
	//printf("top_end: %d\n", top_end);
	threshold(out, out, top_end, 255, THRESH_TOZERO);

	//calc center of mass
	float sum = 0;
	float sum_x = 0;
	float sum_y = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < out.rows; ++y)
		float* row = out.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < out.cols; ++x)
			float val = row[x]*row[x];
			if(val > 0){
				sum += val;
				sum_x += val*x;
				sum_y += val*y;
	Size eye_box_size = eye_box.size();
	Size out_size = out.size();
	//cout << "Size1: "+to_string(eye_box_size.width)+","+to_string(eye_box_size.height)+"\n";
	//cout << "Size2: "+to_string(out_size.width)+","+to_string(out_size.height)+"\n";
	float x_scale = (float) eye_box_size.width / out_size.width;
	float y_scale = (float) eye_box_size.height / out_size.height;
	CvPoint2D32f max = cvPoint2D32f(x_scale*sum_x/sum, y_scale*sum_y/sum);
	//circle(out, max, 3, 0);
	//imshow("thresh", out / 255);
	return max;
cv::Point findEyeCenter(cv::Mat face, cv::Rect eye, std::string debugWindow) {
  cv::Mat eyeROIUnscaled = face(eye);
  cv::Mat eyeROI;
  scaleToFastSize(eyeROIUnscaled, eyeROI);
  // draw eye region
  //-- Find the gradient
  cv::Mat gradientX = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI);
  cv::Mat gradientY = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI.t()).t();
  //-- Normalize and threshold the gradient
  // compute all the magnitudes
  cv::Mat mags = matrixMagnitude(gradientX, gradientY);
  //compute the threshold
  double gradientThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(mags, kGradientThreshold);
  //double gradientThresh = kGradientThreshold;
  //double gradientThresh = 0;
  for (int y = 0; y < eyeROI.rows; ++y) {
    double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
    const double *Mr = mags.ptr<double>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < eyeROI.cols; ++x) {
      double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
      double magnitude = Mr[x];
      if (magnitude > gradientThresh) {
        Xr[x] = gX/magnitude;
        Yr[x] = gY/magnitude;
      } else {
        Xr[x] = 0.0;
        Yr[x] = 0.0;
  // imshow(debugWindow,gradientX);
  //-- Create a blurred and inverted image for weighting
  cv::Mat weight;
  GaussianBlur( eyeROI, weight, cv::Size( kWeightBlurSize, kWeightBlurSize ), 0, 0 );
  for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y) {
    unsigned char *row = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x) {
      row[x] = (255 - row[x]);
  //-- Run the algorithm!
  cv::Mat outSum = cv::Mat::zeros(eyeROI.rows,eyeROI.cols,CV_64F);
  // for each possible center
  // printf("Eye Size: %ix%i\n",outSum.cols,outSum.rows);
  for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y) {
    const unsigned char *Wr = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
    const double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x) {
      double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
      if (gX == 0.0 && gY == 0.0) {
      testPossibleCentersFormula(x, y, Wr[x], gX, gY, outSum);
  // scale all the values down, basically averaging them
  double numGradients = (weight.rows*weight.cols);
  cv::Mat out;
  outSum.convertTo(out, CV_32F,1.0/numGradients);
  //-- Find the maximum point
  cv::Point maxP;
  double maxVal;
  cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP);
  //-- Flood fill the edges
  if(kEnablePostProcess) {
    cv::Mat floodClone;
    //double floodThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(out, 1.5);
    double floodThresh = maxVal * kPostProcessThreshold;
    cv::threshold(out, floodClone, floodThresh, 0.0f, cv::THRESH_TOZERO);
    if(kPlotVectorField) {
      //plotVecField(gradientX, gradientY, floodClone);
    cv::Mat mask = floodKillEdges(floodClone);
    //imshow(debugWindow + " Mask",mask);
    // redo max
    cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP,mask);
  return unscalePoint(maxP,eye);
cv::Point findEyeCenter(cv::Mat face, cv::Rect eye, std::string debugWindow)
	cv::Mat eyeROIUnscaled = face(eye);
	cv::Mat eyeROI;
		cv::GaussianBlur( face, face, cv::Size(3,3), 0, 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT );
	if(debugL1 && GBStatus && (debugWindow == costado))
		std::string gaussianBlur_window = "GaussianBlur";
		cv::moveWindow(gaussianBlur_window, gaussBlurx, gaussBlury);
	scaleToFastSize(eyeROIUnscaled, eyeROI);
	// draw eye region
	//-- Find the gradient
	cv::Mat gradientX;
	cv::Mat gradientY;
		cv::Sobel( eyeROIUnscaled, gradientX, ddepth, 1, 0, 3, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT );
//		cv::Sobel( (eyeROI.t()).t(), gradientY, ddepth, 0, 1, 3, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT );
		cv::Sobel (eyeROIUnscaled, gradientY, ddepth, 0, 1, 3, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT );
		gradientX = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI);
		gradientY = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI.t()).t();
	calculos("Gradient Y",gradientY);
	cv::Mat abs_grad_x, abs_grad_y;

	cv::convertScaleAbs( gradientX, abs_grad_x );
	cv::convertScaleAbs( gradientY, abs_grad_y );
	calculos("Valor absoluto Gradient Y",abs_grad_y);
	//	cv::Mat gradientY = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI);
	//-- Normalize and threshold the gradient
	// compute all the magnitudes
	cv::Mat mags;
		mags = matrixMagnitude(gradientX, gradientY);
		addWeighted( abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0, mags );
	//compute the threshold
	double gradientThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(mags, kGradientThreshold);
	//double gradientThresh = kGradientThreshold;
	//double gradientThresh = 0;
	if(debugL1 && (debugWindow == costado))
///////////			std::string eyeROI_window = debugWindow;
///////////			cv::namedWindow(eyeROI_window,CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
///////////			cv::moveWindow(eyeROI_window, 640, 350);
///////////			imshow(eyeROI_window,eyeROI);
			std::string Sobel_window = "Salida del Filtro";
			cv::moveWindow(Sobel_window, sobelx, sobely);

	for (int y = 0; y < eyeROI.rows; ++y)
		double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
		const double *Mr = mags.ptr<double>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < eyeROI.cols; ++x)
			double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
			double magnitude = Mr[x];
			if (magnitude > gradientThresh)
				Xr[x] = gX/magnitude;
				Yr[x] = gY/magnitude;
				Xr[x] = 0.0;
				Yr[x] = 0.0;
//		imshow(debugWindow,gradientX);
	//-- Create a blurred and inverted image for weighting
	cv::Mat weight;
	GaussianBlur( eyeROI, weight, cv::Size( kWeightBlurSize, kWeightBlurSize ), 0, 0 );
	for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y)
		unsigned char *row = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x)
			row[x] = (255 - row[x]);
	//-- Run the algorithm!
	cv::Mat outSum = cv::Mat::zeros(eyeROI.rows,eyeROI.cols,CV_64F);
	// for each possible center
//	printf("Eye Size: %ix%i\n",outSum.cols,outSum.rows);

	for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y)
		const unsigned char *Wr = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
		const double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x)
			double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
			if (gX == 0.0 && gY == 0.0)
			testPossibleCentersFormula(x, y, Wr[x], gX, gY, outSum);

	// scale all the values down, basically averaging them
	double numGradients = (weight.rows*weight.cols);

	cv::Mat out;

	outSum.convertTo(out, CV_32F,1.0/numGradients);
	//-- Find the maximum point
	cv::Point maxP;
	double maxVal;
	cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP);
	//-- Flood fill the edges

		cv::Mat floodClone;
		//double floodThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(out, 1.5);
		double floodThresh = maxVal * kPostProcessThreshold;
		cv::threshold(out, floodClone, floodThresh, 0.0f, cv::THRESH_TOZERO);
			//plotVecField(gradientX, gradientY, floodClone);
		cv::Mat mask = floodKillEdges(floodClone);
			imshow(debugWindow + " Mask",mask);
//			imshow(debugWindow,out);
			//redo max;
		cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP,mask);
	cv::circle(eyeROI, maxP, 3,cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
	if(debugL1 && (debugWindow == costado))
		calculos("EyeROI", eyeROI);
		std::string eyeROI_window = debugWindow;
		cv::moveWindow(eyeROI_window, 640, 350);
		int c = cv::waitKey(10);
		if( (char)c == 'g' )
	return unscalePoint(maxP,eye);