char *video_save (int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2) { char *s; int r, ws, lw, lls; col1 = max1 (0, min1 (col1, COLS-1)); col2 = max1 (0, min1 (col2, COLS-1)); row1 = max1 (0, min1 (row1, ROWS-1)); row2 = max1 (0, min1 (row2, ROWS-1)); ws = (row2-row1+1)*(col2-col1+1); lw = col2-col1+1; lls = sizeof(int) * 4; s = malloc (ws*2 + lls); ((int *)s)[0] = row1; ((int *)s)[1] = col1; ((int *)s)[2] = row2; ((int *)s)[3] = col2; for (r=row1; r<=row2; r++) { memcpy (s+(r-row1)*lw+lls, scrn_cache_chars+r*COLS+col1, lw); memcpy (s+(r-row1)*lw+ws+lls, scrn_cache_attrs+r*COLS+col1, lw); } return s; }
bool ch_att::normalAtt() { long xx,yy,tx,ty,mx=0,my=0,ax=0,ay=0,max=0,maxexp=-oo; long est=0,id,estexp=0,estlev=0; for (int i=0;i<=sp;i++) for (int j=0;j<=i;j++) for (int d1=-1;d1<=1;d1+=2) for (int d2=-1;d2<=1;d2+=2) { xx=x+j*d1; yy=y+(i-j)*d2; if (!legal(xx,yy) || (g[xx][yy]!=EMPTY && g[xx][yy]!=myID)) continue; for (int k=0;k<4;k++) { tx=xx+dir[k][0],ty=yy+dir[k][1]; if (!legal(tx,ty) || !g[tx][ty] || g[tx][ty]==myID) continue; estexp=1; if (g[tx][ty]==FOOD) est=max1(2,maxhp/10); else { id=g[tx][ty]; if (att>=p[id].hp) { estlev=estLevel(id); estexp=max1(1,estlev/2); } else continue; if (estexp>=levelUpRequire()) est=6; else est=0; } if (estexp>maxexp || (estexp==maxexp && est>max)) { max=est; maxexp=estexp; mx=xx,my=yy; ax=tx,ay=ty; } } } if (!mx) return 0; move(mx,my); attack(ax,ay); return 1; }
void main() { printf("(9+10)*2=%d\n",SUM*2); printf("int在内存中占用 %ld 个字节\n",INT_SIZE); /* 使用undef来设定宏的作用域 #undef N #undef INT_SIZE 下面这两句同样的代码会编译出错 printf("(9+10)*2=%d\n",SUM*2); printf("int在内存中占用 %ld 个字节\n",INT_SIZE); */ printf("不要再字符串中使用宏,比如字符串中的STR是不会被替换成:%s\n",STR); printf("----------\n"); //一般情况下,这两个宏都能得到正确结果 int a=5,b=6; printf("max1:%d,%d max is %d\n",a,b,max1(a,b)); printf("max2:%d,%d max is %d\n",a,b,max2(a,b)); //但是有时可能会出错,max1会严格的检查参数类型,下面的语句max1就会编译报错,而max2则会有隐患 char c='a'; int d=6; //这一句因为参数类型不一致导致编译失败 //printf("max1:%c,%d max is %d\n",c,d,max1(c,d)); printf("max2:%c,%d max is %d\n",c,d,max2(c,d)); //typeof(x) _x=(x);typeof(y) _y=(y)如果不加该语句得到的将会是意想不到的结果 //比较x和y++的大小,其实质还是比较x和y,y++是在执行比较操作后才应该++操作 int x=1,y=2; //在完整的宏定义下,输出最大值2后再执行y++,y=3 printf("max1 result is %d\n",max1(x,y++)); int x1=1,y1=2; //但不完整的宏定义下,先比较出最大的y=2,然后在执行y++,y=3,最后才输出3,但这样的结果很可能不是自己想要的 printf("max2 result is %d\n",max2(x1,y1++)); printf("----------\n"); print1("print1:hello world\n"); print2("print2:hello world,%s\n","test"); printf("----------\n"); printf("嵌套宏定义的和为:%d\n",N_SUM); }
/* Jacobi iterative method for M * x = b | M(1,1) M(1,2) M(1,3) . M(1,N)| |x(1)| |b(1)| | M(2,1) M(2,2) M(2,3) . M(2,N)| |x(2)| |b(2)| | M(3,1) M(3,2) M(3,3) . M(3,N)| |x(3)| |b(3)| | . . . . . | | . | = | . | | M(N,1) M(N,2) M(N,3) . M(N,N)| |x(N)| |b(N)| INPUT: M is N x N array of coefficients b is the vector of r.h.s. x - initial approximation eps - accuracy itermax - iteration limit OUTPUT: solution vector x */ bool JacobiIter(FArr2D& M, FArr1D& x, FArr1D& b, real eps, int itermax) { int h = M.H1(); int l = M.L1(); int iter = 0; double delta, sum; FArr1D y(l,h); assert( (l == M.L2()) && (h == M.H2()) ); do { iter++; delta = 0.0; for (int i = l; i <= h; i++) { sum = 0.0; y = x; for (int j = l; j <= h; j++) if (j != i) sum += M(i,j)*x(j); x(i) = (b(i)-sum)/M(i,i); delta = max1(delta, abs(x(i)-y(i))); }; } while ( (delta > eps) && (iter < itermax) ); return (iter < itermax); } // JacobiIter <------------------------------------------------------------
int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { int n=prices.size(); if(n<2) return 0; vector<int> max1(n,0); int maxprofit=0; int lmin=prices[0]; for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ int profit=prices[i]-lmin; if(profit>maxprofit) maxprofit=profit; max1[i]=maxprofit; lmin=min(lmin,prices[i]); } int ret=max1[n-1]; int high=prices[n-1]; maxprofit=0; for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){ int profit=high-prices[i]; if(profit>maxprofit) maxprofit=profit; if(maxprofit+max1[i]>ret) ret=maxprofit+max1[i]; high=max(high,prices[i]); } return ret; }
float arrmax1(int n) { if (n == 1) return x[0]; else return max1(x[n - 1], arrmax1(n - 1)); }
long ch_att::targetSpeed() { long low=oo,high=-oo,sec_low=oo,sec_high=-oo; long speed=0,ans=0; for (int i=1;i<=MAX_PLAYER;i++) if (i!=myID) { speed=p[i].sp; if (speed>high) { sec_high=high; high=speed; } else if (speed>sec_high) sec_high=speed; if (speed<low) { sec_low=low; low=speed; } else if (speed<sec_low) sec_low=speed; } ans=(long)(sec_low+(sec_high-sec_low)*0.618); return (long)(max1(ans,1+lev*0.5)); }
void ch_att::getMap() // Get all infos about the map and the players. { for (int i=1;i<=MAX_PLAYER;i++) if (i!=myID) { p[i].status=DEAD; p[i].lastx=p[i].x; p[i].lasty=p[i].y; p[i].x=0; p[i].y=0; p[i].hp=askHP(i); } for (int i=1,dis,id;i<=N;i++) for (int j=1;j<=M;j++) { g[i][j]=askWhat(i,j); if (g[i][j]>EMPTY && g[i][j]!=myID) { id=g[i][j]; p[id].x=i; p[id].y=j; p[id].status=ALIVE; if (p[id].lastx>0) { dis=abs1(p[id].lastx-p[id].x)+abs1(p[id].lasty-p[id].y); p[id].maxmove=max1(p[id].maxmove,dis); p[id].sp=(long)(speedEstimate*p[id].maxmove); } } } for (int i=1;i<=MAX_PLAYER;i++) if (i!=myID && p[i].status==DEAD) p[i].dietime++; }
// minimize a single link (see "PatchMatch" - page 4) void minimizeLinkNNF(NNF_P nnf, int x, int y, int dir) { int xp,yp,dp,wi, xpi, ypi; //Propagation Up/Down if (x-dir>0 && x-dir<nnf->input->image->height) { xp = nnf->field[x-dir][y][0]+dir; yp = nnf->field[x-dir][y][1]; dp = distanceNNF(nnf,x,y, xp,yp); if (dp<nnf->field[x][y][2]) { nnf->field[x][y][0] = xp; nnf->field[x][y][1] = yp; nnf->field[x][y][2] = dp; } } //Propagation Left/Right if (y-dir>0 && y-dir<nnf->input->image->width) { xp = nnf->field[x][y-dir][0]; yp = nnf->field[x][y-dir][1]+dir; dp = distanceNNF(nnf,x,y, xp,yp); if (dp<nnf->field[x][y][2]) { nnf->field[x][y][0] = xp; nnf->field[x][y][1] = yp; nnf->field[x][y][2] = dp; } } //Random search wi=nnf->output->image->width; xpi=nnf->field[x][y][0]; ypi=nnf->field[x][y][1]; int r=0; while (wi>0) { r=(rand() % (2*wi)) -wi; xp = xpi + r; r=(rand() % (2*wi)) -wi; yp = ypi + r; xp = (int)(max1(0, min1(nnf->output->image->height-1, xp ))); yp = (int)(max1(0, min1(nnf->output->image->width-1, yp ))); dp = distanceNNF(nnf,x,y, xp,yp); if (dp<nnf->field[x][y][2]) { nnf->field[x][y][0] = xp; nnf->field[x][y][1] = yp; nnf->field[x][y][2] = dp; } wi/=2; } }
int main() { int m,n,i,j,k,p; int *o; printf("vvedite kol-vo strok\n"); scanf("%d", &m); printf("vvedite kol-co stolbcov\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n"); int **x; x=new int *[m]; for (i=0;i<m;i++) { x[i]=new int[n]; } srand(time(NULL)); for (i=0; i<m; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { x[i][j]=rand()/100000000; printf("%d ",x[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); int *max; max=new int [m]; for (i=0; i<m; i++) { max[i]=max1(n,x[i]); printf("max=%d\n",max[i]); } printf("\n"); for (k=0;k<(m-1);k++) //сортировка { for (i=0;i<(m-1);i++) { if (max[i]<max[i+1]) { o=x[i]; x[i]=x[i+1]; x[i+1]=o; p=max[i]; max[i]=max[i+1]; max[i+1]=p; } } } printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<m; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { printf("%d ",x[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } }
// convolve one column of I by a 2rx1 max filter void convMaxY( float *I, float *O, float *T, int h, int r ) { int y, y0, y1, yi, m=2*r+1; #define max1(a,b) a>b ? a : b; #define maxk(y0,y1) { O[y]=I[y0]; \ for( yi=y0+1; yi<=y1; yi++ ) { if(I[yi]>O[y]) O[y]=I[yi]; }} for( y=0; y<r; y++ ) { y1=y+r; if(y1>h-1) y1=h-1; maxk(0,y1); } for( ; y<=h-m-r; y+=m ) { T[m-1] = I[y+r]; for( yi=1; yi<m; yi++ ) T[m-1-yi] = max1( T[m-1-yi+1], I[y+r-yi] ); for( yi=1; yi<m; yi++ ) T[m-1+yi] = max1( T[m-1+yi-1], I[y+r+yi] ); for( yi=0; yi<m; yi++ ) O[y+yi] = max1( T[yi], T[yi+m-1] ); } for( ; y<h-r; y++ ) { maxk(y-r,y+r); } for( ; y<h; y++ ) { y0=y-r; if(y0<0) y0=0; maxk(y0,h-1); } #undef maxk #undef max1 }
int main() { int array[MAX] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,9,0}; int num, i; num = max1(array); //num = max1(array[]) 会报错; printf("the largest_num is %d\n", num); return 0; }
double hubfun_(short int* IX, float* A, float* FA, int* M_ptr, int* MMAX_ptr) { /* never used M_ptr or MMAX_ptr, so no need to dereference */ /* rename used common block variables */ int NEEDIT = drfake_.needit; /* substance of function begins here */ float HALF = 0.5f; float EXPMIN = -23.0f; float X,Y; float A5, A7; float T5, T6, T7, T1; float DENOM, DDDT, PEXP; float HUBFUN; X = (float)IX[0] - A[1]; Y = (float)IX[1] - A[2]; A5 = 1.0f/A[4]; A7 = 1.0f/A[6]; T5 = A5*X ; T6 = A[5]*Y ; T7 = A7*Y ; T1 = HALF*((T5+2.0f*T6)*X + T7*Y); if (T1 > 0.0f){ DENOM = 1.0f + T1 ; DDDT = 1.0f ; PEXP = 1.0f/DENOM ; } else{ T1 = max1(T1, EXPMIN); PEXP = expf(-T1) ; DENOM = 1.0f ; DDDT = 1.0f ; } FA[3] = PEXP ; PEXP = A[3]*PEXP ; HUBFUN = PEXP + A[0]; if (NEEDIT){ FA[5] = PEXP*DDDT/DENOM ; FA[1] = (T5 + T6)*FA[5] ; FA[2] = (A[5]*X + T7)*FA[5]; FA[4] = HALF*T5*T5*FA[5] ; FA[6] = HALF*T7*T7*FA[5] ; FA[5] = -X*Y*FA[5] ; FA[0] = 1.0f ; } return HUBFUN; }
int main() { int a[100000],n,i; int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t-->0) { scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } int check=0;int k=0,k1=0,k11=0,c=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]<0) check=1; } if(check==1) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(a[i]<0) c++; if(c==n) { k=min(a,n); k1=min(a,n); } else{ k=max(a,n); k1=max1(a,n); } } else { k=max(a,n); k1=max(a,n); } printf("%d\t%d\n",k,k1); } system("pause"); }
/// //Checks for collision between two axis aligned bounding box by seeing //if they overlap on each axis. // //Parameters: // aabb1: The first axis aligned bounding box to test // aabb2: The second axis aligned bounding box to test // //Returns: // true if colliding, else false. bool CheckCollision(const AABB &aabb1, const AABB &aabb2) { //Find the max and min points for each box glm::vec3 min1( - (aabb1.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec3 max1( + (aabb1.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec3 min2( - (aabb2.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec3 max2( + (aabb2.dimensions*0.5f)); //If there is overlap on each axis, we have a collision if (max1.x > min2.x && min1.x < max2.x) if (max1.y > min2.y && min1.y < max2.y) if (max1.z > min2.z && min1.z < max2.z) return true; return false; }
double ch_att::risk(long x,long y) { double ans=0,rate; long id,estStrength=0,rest,dis; for (int i=1;i<=N;i++) for (int j=1;j<=M;j++) if (g[i][j]>0 && g[i][j]!=myID) { id=g[i][j]; estStrength=(long)(p[id].sp*1.2); rest=max1(0,hp-estStrength); rate=(double)rest/(double)maxhp; dis=abs1(i-x)+abs1(j-y); ans+=1/(rate+eps)/(rate+eps)*p[id].sp/dis; } return ans; }
double ch_att::benefit(long x,long y) { double ans=0,rate; long id,rest,dis; for (int i=1;i<=N;i++) for (int j=1;j<=M;j++) if (g[i][j]>0 && g[i][j]!=myID) { id=g[i][j]; rest=max1(0,p[id].hp-att); rate=(double)rest/(double)maxhp; dis=abs1(i-x)+abs1(j-y); ans+=1/(rate+eps)/(rate+eps)*sp/dis*(1+log(estLevel(id))); } else if (g[i][j]==FOOD) ans+=1/eps*sp/dis; return ans; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Mat<float> hwd((float)4,3,1); BoxShape box( NULL, hwd); Mat<float> pointsB1[8]; for(int i=8;i--;) pointsB1[i] = Mat<float>(0.0f,3,1); //register the position of the 8 points composing b1: Mat<float> min1((float)0,3,1); Mat<float> max1((float)0,3,1); min1.set( -box.getHeight()/2.0f, 1,1); min1.set( -box.getWidth()/2.0f, 2,1); min1.set( -box.getDepth()/2.0f, 3,1); max1.set( -min1.get(1,1), 1,1); max1.set( -min1.get(2,1), 2,1); max1.set( -min1.get(3,1), 3,1); int col = 0; for(int pm1=2;pm1--;) { for(int pm2=2;pm2--;) { for(int pm3=2;pm3--;) { pointsB1[col].set( pm1*( min1.get(1,1) ) + (1-pm1)*( max1.get(1,1) ), 1,1); pointsB1[col].set( pm2*( min1.get(2,1) ) + (1-pm2)*( max1.get(2,1) ), 2,1); pointsB1[col].set( pm3*( min1.get(3,1) ) + (1-pm3)*( max1.get(3,1) ), 3,1); col++; } } } for(int i=8;i--;) pointsB1[i].afficher(); return 0; }
Vec2 CollisionDetector::AABBToAABB(const Rect& rect1, const Rect& rect2) { // Prevents false collision if either rects has no width and height if ((rect1.GetW() == 0 && rect1.GetH() == 0) || (rect2.GetW() == 0 && rect2.GetH() == 0)) { return Vec2(0.0, 0.0); } Vec2 min1(rect1.GetX(), rect1.GetY()); Vec2 max1(rect1.GetX() + rect1.GetW(), rect1.GetY() + rect1.GetH()); Vec2 min2(rect2.GetX(), rect2.GetY()); Vec2 max2(rect2.GetX() + rect2.GetW(), rect2.GetY() + rect2.GetH()); if ((max1.GetX() < min2.GetX()) || (max1.GetY() < min2.GetY())) { return Vec2(0.0, 0.0); } if ((max2.GetX() < min1.GetX()) || (max2.GetY() < min1.GetY())) { return Vec2(0.0, 0.0); } // Potential resolution offsets double negX = max1.GetX() - min2.GetX(); double posX = max2.GetX() - min1.GetX(); double negY = max1.GetY() - min2.GetY(); double posY = max2.GetY() - min1.GetY(); // Returns the component vector that needs the least offset to resolve the collision if (negX <= posX && negX <= negY && negX <= posY) { return Vec2(-negX, 0.0); } else if (posX <= negY && posX <= posY) { return Vec2(posX, 0.0); } else if (negY <= posY) { return Vec2(0.0, -negY); } else { return Vec2(0.0, posY); } return Vec2(0.0, 0.0); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void str_insert_at (int cline, int k, int ccol) { char *p; int l; l = max1 (strlen(lines[cline])+1, ccol+1); p = malloc (l+1); if (ccol < strlen(lines[cline])) { strcpy (p, lines[cline]); str_insert (p, k, ccol); } else { strcpy (p, lines[cline]); memset (p+strlen(lines[cline]), ' ', ccol-strlen(lines[cline])); p[ccol] = k; p[ccol+1] = '\0'; } free (lines[cline]); lines[cline] = p; }
int main(){ int num = 3,num1 = 7; int *p_num = max1(&num,&num1); printf("*p_num is %d\n",*p_num); return 0; }
double gauss2d_(short int* IX, float* A, float* FA, int* M_ptr, int* fitcall_ptr) { // A[0] = SKY, // A[1] = MAX intensity // A[2], [3], x, y, positions in field // A[4], [5], [6], sigmax^2, sigmaxy, sigmay^2 // if call from chisq, the parameters may be in a different // space, i.e. log space and will need to be converted. // else, the parameters will be in linear space. // fitcall == 1 means gaussian2d was called from chisq int fitcall = *fitcall_ptr; /* rename used common block variables */ int NEEDIT = drfake_.needit; /* substance of function begins here */ double X,Y; double sigx, sigy; double Z, A1; double DIDZ, PEXP; double GAUSSIAN2D; double HALF = 0.5; double EXPMIN = -23.0; /* Changed indices */ X = (double)(IX[0]) - A[2]; Y = (double)(IX[1]) - A[3]; sigx = 1.0/A[4]; sigy = 1.0/A[6]; Z = HALF*(sigx*X*X + 2.0*A[5]*Y*X + sigy*Y*Y); if (Z < 0.0){ Z = max1(Z, EXPMIN); } PEXP = exp(-Z); /* Changed indices */ if (fitcall == 1){ A1 = exp(A[1]); //log case FA[1] = A1*PEXP; //log case } else{ A1 = A[1]; //linear case FA[1] = PEXP; //linear case } DIDZ = A1*PEXP; GAUSSIAN2D = A1*PEXP + A[0]; if (NEEDIT){ /* Changed indices */ FA[0] = 1.0 ; FA[2] = DIDZ*(sigx*X + A[5]*Y) ; FA[3] = DIDZ*(A[5]*X + sigy*Y) ; FA[4] = DIDZ*(HALF*sigx*sigx*X*X); FA[5] = DIDZ*(-X*Y) ; FA[6] = DIDZ*(HALF*sigy*sigy*Y*Y); } return GAUSSIAN2D; }
double pgauss2d_(short int* ix, float* a, float* fa, int* m_ptr, int* fitcall_ptr) { // a[0] = sky, // a[1] = max intensity // a[2], [3], x, y, positions in field // a[4], [5], [6], sigmax^2, sigmaxy, sigmay^2 // if call from chisq, the parameters may be in a different // space, i.e. log space and will need to be converted. // else, the parameters will be in linear space. // fitcall == 1 means pseud2d was called from chisq int fitcall = *fitcall_ptr; /* rename used common block variables */ double beta4 = (double)tune17_.beta4; double beta6 = (double)tune17_.beta6; int needit = drfake_.needit; /* substance of function begins here */ double x,y; double sigx, sigy; double tx, ty, z, z2, a1; double denom, dddt, pexp; double pseud2d; double half = 0.5; double third = 0.3333333; double expmin = -23.0; /* changed indices */ x = (double)(ix[0]) - a[2]; y = (double)(ix[1]) - a[3]; sigx = 1.0/a[4]; sigy = 1.0/a[6]; tx = sigx*x ; ty = sigy*y ; z = half*(tx*x + 2.0*a[5]*y*x + ty*y); if (z >= 0.0){ z2 = half*z*z; denom = 1.0 + z + beta4*z2 + (beta6*third)*z*z2; dddt = 1.0 + beta4*z + beta6*z2; pexp = 1.0/denom; } else{ z = max1(z, expmin); pexp = exp(-z); denom = 1.0; dddt = 1.0; } /* changed indices */ if (fitcall == 1){ a1 = exp(a[1]); //log case fa[1] = a1*pexp; //log case } else{ a1 = a[1]; //linear case fa[1] = pexp; //linear case } pexp = a1*pexp; pseud2d = pexp + a[0]; if (needit){ /* changed indices */ fa[5] = pexp*dddt/denom ; fa[2] = (tx + a[5]*y)*fa[5] ; fa[3] = (a[5]*x + ty)*fa[5]; fa[4] = half*tx*tx*fa[5] ; fa[6] = half*ty*ty*fa[5] ; fa[5] = -x*y*fa[5] ; fa[0] = 1.0 ; } return pseud2d; }
/* read binary data from socket until exhaustion. returns number of bytes read, or negative value on error. does not close socket. 'buf' is returned, malloc()ed (and NUL-terminated, but NUL byte is not included into the returned byte count). when 0 is returned, 'buf' is not allocated. */ int BRecv (int sock, char **buf) { int n, na, nb, bufsize, rc; char *buffer, *p; struct timeval timeout; fd_set rdfds; bufsize = 8192; buffer = xmalloc (bufsize); /* see if we already have string ready in the buffer */ if (leftover != NULL) { na = bufsize + strlen (leftover); n = strlen (leftover); p = xmalloc (na); memcpy (p, leftover, n); } else { na = 8192; n = 0; p = xmalloc (na); } while (TRUE) { if (timelimit != -1.0) { timeout.tv_sec = timelimit; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&rdfds); FD_SET (sock, &rdfds); nb = -1; rc = select (FD_SETSIZE, &rdfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (rc != 1) { break; } } nb = recv (sock, buffer, bufsize, 0); if (nb <= 0) break; if (n+nb > na-1) { na = max1 (na*2, n+nb+1); p = xrealloc (p, na); } memcpy (p+n, buffer, nb); n += nb; } free (buffer); if (n == 0) { free (p); if (nb < 0) return -1; return 0; } /* trim buffer allowing one extra byte for NUL */ p = xrealloc (p, n+1); p[n] = '\0'; *buf = p; return n; }
void editor (char *filename, int startpos) { int stop = FALSE; // exit main loop? int fline = 0; // no. of first displayed line int cline = 0; // no. of line with cursor int shift = 0; // shift to the right int ccol = 0; // column of the cursor position in the file window int k, i, ndisp, rc, reply; char *p, buf[1024]; if (editor_open_file (filename) < 0) return; cline = min1 (startpos, nl-1); fline = max1 (0, cline - video_vsize()/2); // enter the loop while (1) { if (stop) { rc = 0; if (changed) { rc = -1; reply = fly_ask (0, " Save file `%s'? ", " Yes \n No \n Cancel ", filename); if (reply == 1) rc = editor_save_file (filename); if (reply == 2) rc = 0; if (reply == 3) stop = FALSE; } if (rc == 0) break; } ndisp = video_vsize()-1; // draw the screen for (i=0; i<ndisp; i++) { video_put_n_cell (' ', _BackWhite+_Black, video_hsize(), i, 0); if (i+fline < nl) editor_display_line (i, fline+i, shift); } video_put_n_cell (' ', _BackBlue+_White, video_hsize(), video_vsize()-1, 0); snprintf1 (buf, sizeof(buf), "L%d:C%d:S%d %c %s%s", cline, ccol, shift, fl_sym.v, changed ? "*" : "", filename); video_put (buf, video_vsize()-1, 0); video_set_cursor (cline-fline, ccol-shift); video_update (0); // get a keyboard/mouse event and process it k = getmessage (-1); if (IS_KEY(k)) { switch (k) { // Navigation keys case _Up: case _Down: case _PgUp: case _PgDn: fly_scroll_it (k, &fline, &cline, nl, video_vsize()-1); break; case _Right: ccol++; if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; break; case _Left: ccol = max1 (ccol-1, 0); if (ccol < shift) shift = ccol; break; case _Home: ccol = 0; shift = 0; break; case _End: ccol = strlen(lines[cline]); if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; break; case _CtrlHome: fline = 0; cline = 0; ccol = 0; shift = 0; break; case _CtrlEnd: fline = max1 (0, nl-video_vsize()+1); cline = min1 (fline+video_vsize()-1, nl-1); shift = 0; ccol = 0; break; // Action keys case _CtrlY: put_clipboard (lines[cline]); free (lines[cline]); for (i=cline; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; nl--; changed = TRUE; break; case _ShiftInsert: case _CtrlV: p = get_clipboard (); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') break; if (nl == na) { na *= 2; lines = realloc (lines, sizeof(char *) * na); } for (i=nl-1; i>cline; i--) lines[i+1] = lines[i]; lines[cline+1] = p; ccol = 0; shift = 0; cline++; if (cline-fline == video_vsize()-1) fline++; nl++; changed = TRUE; break; case _BackSpace: if (ccol == 0) { // ccol == 0: glue this line to the previous if (cline == 0) break; p = malloc (strlen (lines[cline])+strlen(lines[cline-1])+1); strcpy (p, lines[cline-1]); strcat (p, lines[cline]); ccol = strlen (lines[cline-1]); if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; free (lines[cline-1]); free (lines[cline]); lines[cline-1] = p; for (i=cline; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; cline--; nl--; } else { // ccol != 0: delete char at ccol-1, move cursor left str_delete (lines[cline], lines[cline]+ccol-1); ccol--; if (ccol < shift) shift = ccol; } changed = TRUE; break; case _Enter: if (nl == na) { na *= 2; lines = realloc (lines, sizeof(char *) * na); } for (i=nl-1; i>cline; i--) lines[i+1] = lines[i]; if (ccol < strlen (lines[cline])) { lines[cline+1] = strdup (lines[cline]+ccol); lines[cline][ccol] = '\0'; } else { lines[cline+1] = strdup (""); } ccol = 0; shift = 0; cline++; if (cline-fline == video_vsize()-1) fline++; nl++; changed = TRUE; break; case _Delete: if (ccol >= strlen (lines[cline])) { // glue previous line to this one if (cline == nl-1) break; p = malloc (ccol+strlen(lines[cline+1])+1); strcpy (p, lines[cline]); memset (p+strlen(lines[cline]), ' ', ccol-strlen(lines[cline])); strcpy (p+ccol, lines[cline+1]); free (lines[cline]); free (lines[cline+1]); lines[cline] = p; for (i=cline+1; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; nl--; } else { // ccol != 0: delete char at ccol-1, move cursor left str_delete (lines[cline], lines[cline]+ccol); } changed = TRUE; break; case _F2: rc = editor_save_file (filename); if (rc == 0) changed = FALSE; break; case _Esc: case _F10: stop = TRUE; break; // character keys default: if (k >= ' ' && k <= 255) { str_insert_at (cline, k, ccol); ccol++; changed = TRUE; } } } else if (IS_MOUSE(k)) { } else if (IS_SYSTEM(k)) { switch (SYS_TYPE(k)) { case SYSTEM_QUIT: stop = TRUE; break; } } } if (nl != 0 && lines != NULL) for (i=0; i<nl; i++) free (lines[i]); if (na != 0 && lines != NULL) free (lines); na = 0; lines = NULL; }
/* if whichmodel = 0, varipar_plane if whichmodel = 1, varipar_hub */ void varipar_(int* NSTOT_ptr, int* NFAST_ptr, int* NSLOW_ptr, int whichmodel) { /* recasting pointers */ int NSTOT = *NSTOT_ptr; int NFAST = *NFAST_ptr; int NSLOW = *NSLOW_ptr; /* renaming used common blocks */ float* SKYPAR; if (whichmodel == 0){ SKYPAR = skyvar_.skypar; } if (whichmodel == 1){ SKYPAR = hubvar_.hubpar; } int lverb = tune14_.lverb; float SKYGUESS = tune1_.skyguess; float* AVA = tune15_.ava; int MAX_PERF = tune15_.max_perf; float* PARMS = parpred_.parms; float* Z = subraster_.z; short int** XX = subraster_.xx; float* YE =; float* A = fitarrays_.a; float* FA = fitarrays_.fa; float* C_ptr = fitarrays_.c; //note, actually 2x2, but not used, only //passed to chisq, so not recast here int* IMTYPE = starlist_.IMTYPE; float** STARPAR = starlist_.starpar; float** SHADOW = starlist_.shadow; float** SHADERR = starlist_.shaderr; int* WHICH_STAR_MODEL = model_.which_model; /* substance of subroutine begins here */ float* PARWT = free_parking_.npmaxarray_1; float* ROOTS = free_parking_.npmaxarray_2; float* WEIGHT = free_parking_.npmaxarray_3; float* PARVAL = free_parking_.npmaxarray_4; //none of PARWT, ROOTS, WEIGHT, PARVAL are gaurenteed to be 0, static int MINRMS = 5; static int ITSKY = 100; static int K[NPMAX-3]; static int NK = 4; static int frst = 1;// true // the 7 following are sky model dependent, // first 3 for planar static int MINSKY = 25; static float SKYACC[NPSKY]; static float SKYLIM[NPSKY]; // these 4 for hubble static int MINHUB = 100; static float HACC[NPHUB]; static float HLIM[NPHUB]; float* SKYPARINIT; // will use only one set depending on model int POSITIVE, GOODSTAR, PERFECT, TYPE1, TYPE3, CONV; int I, J; int NPERF, NGOOD; float SKYMAX, XM, YM; float TEMP, USQ, SQ, WT; double chisq_return, parinterp_return; int NSKYFIT_loc; //passed to chisq if (whichmodel == 0){ NSKYFIT_loc = NSKYFIT; } if (whichmodel == 1){ NSKYFIT_loc = NHUBFIT; SKYPARINIT = malloc_float_1darr(NPHUB); } /* initializing arrays */ if (frst){ if (tune4_.nfit2 > 7) NK += (tune4_.nfit2 - 7); K[0] = 0; K[1] = 4; K[2] = 5; K[3] = 6; if (NK > 4){ for (I = 4; I < NK; I++){ K[I] = I + 3; } } if (whichmodel == 0){ for (J = 0; J < NPSKY; J++){ SKYACC[J] = 0.001f; SKYLIM[J] = 0.0f; } } if (whichmodel == 1){ HACC[0] = 0.01f; HACC[1] = -0.1f; HACC[2] = -0.1f; for (J = 3; J < NPHUB; J++){ HACC[J] = 0.1f; } for (J = 0; J < 4; J++){ HLIM[J] = -1.0e-5f; } for (J = 4; J < NPHUB; J++){ HLIM[J] = -1.0e-6f; } } frst = 0;//false } if (whichmodel == 0){ for(J = 0; J < NPMAX; J++){ PARMS[J] = 0.0f; } } if (whichmodel == 1){ for(J = 0; J < 4; J++){ PARMS[K[J]] = 0.0f; } } //none of PARWT, ROOTS, WEIGHT, PARVAL are gaurenteed to be 0, //so initialize all for (J = 0; J < NPMAX; J++){ PARWT[J] = 0.0f; ROOTS[J] = 0.0f; WEIGHT[J] = 0.0f; PARVAL[J] = 0.0f; } /* TWO PASSES, ONE TO COMPUTE EXPECTED VALUE AND ONE TO COMPUTE RMS */ CONV = 1; //true NPERF = 0; NGOOD = 0; SKYMAX = -1.0e-10f; for(I = 0; I < NSTOT; I++){ GOODSTAR = (SHADOW[I][0] > 0.0f); TYPE1 = ( (IMTYPE[I] == 1) || (IMTYPE[I] == 11) ); TYPE3 = ( (IMTYPE[I] == 3) || (IMTYPE[I] == 13) ); PERFECT = ( (GOODSTAR) && (TYPE1) ); PERFECT = ( (PERFECT) && (WHICH_STAR_MODEL[I] == 0)); GOODSTAR = ( (GOODSTAR) && (TYPE1 || TYPE3) ); if ( (PERFECT) && (NPERF <= MAX_PERF) ){ PARWT[0] += 1.0f; PARVAL[0] += STARPAR[I][0]; for (J = 1; J < NK; J++){ TEMP = 1.0f/SHADERR[I][K[J]]; PARWT[K[J]] += TEMP; PARVAL[K[J]] += TEMP*SHADOW[I][K[J]]; } NPERF += 1; } if (GOODSTAR){ if (NGOOD < MAXFIL){ //MAXFIL is the dimension of subraster arrays if (STARPAR[I][0] > SKYMAX){ SKYMAX = STARPAR[I][0]; /* Changed indices. */ XM = STARPAR[I][2]; YM = STARPAR[I][3]; } NGOOD += 1; /* Changed indices. */ XX[NGOOD-1][0] = (short int)(STARPAR[I][2] + 0.5f); XX[NGOOD-1][1] = (short int)(STARPAR[I][3] + 0.5f); Z[NGOOD-1] = STARPAR[I][0]; YE[NGOOD-1] = 1.0f; } } } //end I loop if (lverb > 10){ fprintf(logfile, "# of stars available for computing typical "); fprintf(logfile, "SHAPE (Nperf) = %d \n", NPERF); fprintf(logfile, "# of stars available for computing "); fprintf(logfile, "MODEL SKY (Ngood) = %d \n", NGOOD); } if (NPERF >= 1){ for(J = 0; J < NK; J++){ PARVAL[K[J]] = PARVAL[K[J]]/PARWT[K[J]]; AVA[K[J]] = PARVAL[K[J]]; } if (lverb > 10){ fprintf(logfile, "WEIGHTED MEANS: "); for(J = 0; J < NPMAX; J++){ fprintf(logfile, "%f ", PARVAL[J]); } fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } if (whichmodel == 0){ if (NGOOD >= MINSKY){ if (SKYPAR[0] == 0.0f){ SKYPAR[0] = AVA[0]; for(J = 1; J < NPSKY; J++){ SKYPAR[J] = 0.0f; } } /* Call the appropriate sky function. */ /* skyfun_ declared in skyfun_plane.h */ chisq_return = chisq_(&skyfun_, XX, Z, YE, &NGOOD, SKYPAR, FA, C_ptr, &NSKYFIT_loc, SKYACC, SKYLIM, &ITSKY); } else{ SKYPAR[0] = AVA[0]; for(J = 1; J < NPSKY; J++){ SKYPAR[J] = 0.0f; } } //end NGOOD> MINSKY if/else } if (whichmodel == 1){ if (NGOOD >= MINHUB){ if (SKYPAR[3] == 0.0f){ SKYPAR[0] = SKYGUESS; SKYPAR[1] = XM; SKYPAR[2] = YM; SKYPAR[3] = SKYMAX - SKYPAR[0]; SKYPAR[4] = (float)NFAST; SKYPAR[5] = 0.0f; SKYPAR[6] = (float)NSLOW; } for(J = 0; J < NPHUB; J++){ SKYPAR[J] = SKYPAR[J]; } /* Call the appropriate sky function. */ /* hubfun_ declared in skyfun_hub.h */ chisq_return = chisq_(&hubfun_, XX, Z, YE, &NGOOD, SKYPAR, FA, C_ptr, &NSKYFIT_loc, HACC, HLIM, &ITSKY); CONV = ((float)chisq_return < 1.0e10f); if (!CONV){ for(J = 0; J < NPHUB; J++){ SKYPAR[J] = SKYPARINIT[J]; } } } else{ SKYPAR[0] = SKYGUESS; SKYPAR[1] = (float)NFAST/2.0f; SKYPAR[2] = (float)NSLOW/2.0f; SKYPAR[3] = 0.0f; SKYPAR[4] = (float)NFAST; SKYPAR[5] = 0.0f; SKYPAR[6] = (float)NSLOW; } if (lverb > 10){ fprintf(logfile, "HUBFUN PARAMETERS: \n"); for(J = 0; J < NSKYFIT_loc; J++){ fprintf(logfile, "%f ", SKYPAR[J]); } fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } } if (lverb > 10){ if (whichmodel == 0){ fprintf(logfile, "SKYFUN PARAMETERS: \n"); } if (whichmodel == 1){ fprintf(logfile, "HUBFUN PARAMETERS: \n"); } for(J = 0; J < NSKYFIT_loc; J++){ fprintf(logfile, "%f ", SKYPAR[J]); } fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } if (NPERF >= MINRMS){ for(I = 0; I < NSTOT; I++){ PERFECT = ( (IMTYPE[I] == 1) || (IMTYPE[I] == 11) ); PERFECT = ( (PERFECT) && (SHADOW[I][0] != 0.0f) ); PERFECT = ( (PERFECT) && (WHICH_STAR_MODEL[I] == 0) ); if (PERFECT){ /* Changed indices. */ parinterp_return = parinterp_(STARPAR[I]+2, STARPAR[I]+3, A); for (J = 0; J < 4; J++){ /*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C: I HAVE CONVINCED MYSELF THAT THE UNCERTAINTY PER RESIDUAL SQUARED IS C: IS 2*DELTA*(O-C). BUT IF I USE 1/THIS AS A WEIGHT, ACCIDENTAL CANCELLATIONS C: GIVE SCREWEY RESULTS. SO WE'LL TAKE THE LARGER OF O-C**2 AND SHADERR. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/ USQ = (SHADOW[I][K[J]] - A[K[J]]); SQ = USQ*USQ; WT = (1.0f/SHADERR[I][K[J]]) /max1(SHADERR[I][K[J]],SQ); WEIGHT[K[J]] += WT; PARMS[K[J]] += WT*SQ; } } }//end I loop POSITIVE = 1; //true for(J = 0; J < 4; J++){ PARMS[K[J]] = PARMS[K[J]]/WEIGHT[K[J]]; POSITIVE = ( POSITIVE && (PARMS[K[J]] >= 0.0f) ); if (PARMS[K[J]] >= 0.0f){ ROOTS[K[J]] = sqrtf(PARMS[K[J]]); } else{ if (lverb > 10){ fprintf(logfile, "NEGATIVE SCATTER : \n"); fprintf(logfile, "PARAM# & SCATTER = %d %f \n", K[J], PARMS[K[J]]); } PARMS[K[J]] = 0.0f; ROOTS[K[J]] = 0.0f; } }// end J loop if (lverb > 10){ fprintf(logfile, "SCATTER:"); for(J = 0; J < NPMAX; J++){ fprintf(logfile, "%f ", ROOTS[J]); } fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } }//end NPERF > MINRMS if } else{ if (whichmodel == 0){ SKYPAR[0] = AVA[0]; for(J = 1; J < NPSKY; J++){ SKYPAR[J] = 0.0f; } } if (whichmodel == 1){ SKYPAR[0] = SKYGUESS; SKYPAR[1] = (float)NFAST/2.0f; SKYPAR[2] = (float)NSLOW/2.0f; SKYPAR[3] = 0.0f; SKYPAR[4] = (float)NFAST; SKYPAR[5] = 0.0f; SKYPAR[6] = (float)NSLOW; } if (lverb > 10){ if (whichmodel == 0){ fprintf(logfile, "SKYFUN PARAMETERS: \n"); } if (whichmodel == 1){ fprintf(logfile, "HUBFUN PARAMETERS: \n"); } for(J = 0; J < NSKYFIT_loc; J++){ fprintf(logfile, "%f ", SKYPAR[J]); } fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } }// end NPERF >=1 if/else /* free locally allocated memory */ if (whichmodel == 1){ free(SKYPARINIT); } }
/// //Performs a dynamic collision check between a moving AABB and a static AABB. // //Overview: // This algorithm detects potentially missed collisions by performing a moving version of the // separating axis test. First we must determine the distances along each axis signifying // the distance to begin collision (dFirst) & the distance to separate from that collision (dLast). Then // we can easily determine the time at which these distances will be reached by dividing them by the magnitude of the // velocity along the axis (tFirst / tLast). If we keep the largest tFirst and the smallest tLast from all axes, // we will determine the time interval which the boxes will be intersecting! If tLast < tFirst, the boxes will not overlap. // Alternatively, if tFirst > 1.0f, the boxes will not overlap! // //Parameters: // aabb1: The moving aabb // aabb2: The static aabb // mvmt: The relative movement vector of box 1 from an observer on box 2 // //Returns: // a t value between 0 and 1 indicating the "relative time" since the start of this frame that the collision occurred. // a t value of 0.0f would indicate the very start of this frame, a t value of 1.0f would indicate the very end of this frame. float CheckDynamicCollision(const AABB &aabb1, const AABB &aabb2, const glm::vec3 &mvmt) { //If we start out colliding, we do not need to perform the test. if (CheckCollision(aabb1, aabb2)) { return 0.0f; } float tFirst = 0.0f; float tLast = 1.0f; float tCurrent = 0.0f; //Get the minimum and maximum dimensions in world space for each box glm::vec2 min1( - (aabb1.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec2 max1( + (aabb1.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec2 min2( - (aabb2.dimensions*0.5f)); glm::vec2 max2( + (aabb2.dimensions*0.5f)); //For every axis (X, and Y axes in this case) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Check the direction of the projection of the movement vector on this axis if (mvmt[i] < 0.0f) { //In this case object 1 is moving in the negative direction along axis from an observer on object 2. //So if object 1 is more negative in direction than object 2, they will not collide on this axis. if (max1[i] < min2[i]) return -1.0f; //Is the "low part" object 1 higher than the "high part" object 2 along this axis? if (min1[i] > max2[i]) { //If so, the shapes are not yet colliding on this axis, so determine when they first will collide on this axis tCurrent = (max2[i] - min1[i]) / mvmt[i]; //We solve for a negative distance here, because we are dividing by a negative velocity to get a positive time //This strange ordering prevents us from needing to make a call to fabs (absolute value function) //If it is larger than the current tFirst, change tFirst if (tCurrent > tFirst) tFirst = tCurrent; } //Is the "High Part" of object 1 higher than the low part of object 2 along this axis? if (max1[i] > min2[i]) { //If so, the shapes have not yet separated on this axis, so determine when they will finish colliding tCurrent = (min2[i] - max1[i]) / mvmt[i]; //Note the wierd ordering again, for the same reason as above //If it is smaller than current tLast, update tLast if (tCurrent < tLast) tLast = tCurrent; } } else if (mvmt[i] > 0.0f) { //If object 1 is more positive along the axis than object 2, they will not collide if (min1[i] > max2[i]) return -1.0f; //Is the "High part" of object 1 lower than the "low part" of object 2 along this axis? if (max1[i] < min2[i]) { //If so, the shapes are not yet colliding on this axis so determine when they will first collide on this axis tCurrent = (min2[i] - max1[i]) / mvmt[i]; //If it is larger than the current tFirst, update tFirst if (tCurrent > tFirst) tFirst = tCurrent; } //Is the "Low part" of object 1 lower than the "high part" of object 2 along this axis? if (min1[i] < max2[i]) { //If so, the shapes have not yet separated on this axis, so determine when they will finish collidiing tCurrent = (max2[i] - min1[i]) / mvmt[i]; //If it is smaller than the current tLast, update tLast if (tCurrent < tLast) tLast = tCurrent; } } } //If there was no overlap if (tLast < tFirst) return -1.0f; return tFirst; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); QUESO::EnvOptionsValues options; options.m_numSubEnvironments = 1; options.m_subDisplayFileName = "outputData/testIntersectionSubsetContains"; options.m_subDisplayAllowAll = 0; options.m_subDisplayAllowedSet.insert(0); options.m_seed = 1.0; options.m_checkingLevel = 1; options.m_displayVerbosity = 55; QUESO::FullEnvironment *env = new QUESO::FullEnvironment(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "", "", &options); std::vector<std::string> names(1); names[0] = "my_name"; // Create a vector space QUESO::VectorSpace<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> vec_space(*env, "vec_prefix", 1, &names); // Create two vector sets QUESO::GslVector min1(vec_space.zeroVector()); min1[0] = 0.0; QUESO::GslVector max1(vec_space.zeroVector()); max1[0] = 1.0; QUESO::BoxSubset<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> set1("set1", vec_space, min1, max1); // Now for the second one QUESO::GslVector min2(vec_space.zeroVector()); min2[0] = 0.5; QUESO::GslVector max2(vec_space.zeroVector()); max2[0] = 1.5; QUESO::BoxSubset<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> set2("set1", vec_space, min2, max2); // Create their intersection QUESO::IntersectionSubset<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> intersection( "intersection", vec_space, 1.0, set1, set2); // Test the containment bool does_contain; QUESO::GslVector test_vec(vec_space.zeroVector()); // Should be true test_vec[0] = 0.75; does_contain = intersection.contains(test_vec); if (!does_contain) { std::cerr << "First IntersectionSubset contains test failed" << std::endl; return 1; } // Should be false test_vec[0] = 2.0; does_contain = intersection.contains(test_vec); if (does_contain) { std::cerr << "Second contains test failed" << std::endl; return 1; } // Print out some info intersection.print(std::cout); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
static BOOL CALLBACK EditBookMarkProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HMENU hMenu; MENUITEMINFO mInfo; int Cur; int Max; char Tmp[BMARK_MARK_LEN + FMAX_PATH * 2 + BMARK_SEP_LEN + 1]; static DIALOGSIZE DlgSize = { { BMARK_NEW, BMARK_SET, BMARK_DEL, BMARK_DOWN, BMARK_UP, IDHELP, BMARK_SIZEGRIP, -1 }, { IDOK, BMARK_JUMP, BMARK_SIZEGRIP, -1 }, { BMARK_LIST, -1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG : if(ListFont != NULL) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)ListFont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); hMenu = GetSubMenu(GetMenu(GetMainHwnd()), BMARK_SUB_MENU); Max = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); for(Cur = DEFAULT_BMARK_ITEM; Cur < Max; Cur++) { mInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); mInfo.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; mInfo.dwTypeData = Tmp; mInfo.cch = FMAX_PATH; if(GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, Cur, TRUE, &mInfo) == TRUE) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Tmp); } DlgSizeInit(hDlg, &DlgSize, &BmarkDlgSize); return(TRUE); case WM_COMMAND : switch(GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case BMARK_JUMP : if((Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != LB_ERR) PostMessage(GetMainHwnd(), WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(Cur+MENU_BMARK_TOP, 0), 0); /* ここに break はない */ case IDCANCEL : case IDOK : ClearBookMark(); Max = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); for(Cur = 0; Cur < Max; Cur++) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETTEXT, Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); AddBookMark(Tmp); } AskDlgSize(hDlg, &DlgSize, &BmarkDlgSize); EndDialog(hDlg, YES); break; case BMARK_SET : if((Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != LB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETTEXT, Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); if(DialogBoxParam(GetFtpInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(bmark_edit_dlg), hDlg, BookMarkEditCallBack, (LPARAM)Tmp) == YES) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, Cur, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_INSERTSTRING, Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, Cur, 0); } } break; case BMARK_NEW : strcpy(Tmp, ""); if(DialogBoxParam(GetFtpInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(bmark_edit_dlg), hDlg, BookMarkEditCallBack, (LPARAM)Tmp) == YES) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Tmp); Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1; SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, Cur, 0); } break; case BMARK_DEL : if((Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != LB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, Cur, 0); if(Cur >= SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) Cur = max1(0, SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)-1); if(SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) > 0) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, Cur, 0); } break; case BMARK_UP : if((Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != LB_ERR) { if(Cur > 0) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETTEXT, Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, Cur, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_INSERTSTRING, --Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, Cur, 0); } } break; case BMARK_DOWN : if((Cur = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != LB_ERR) { if(Cur < SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)-1) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_GETTEXT, Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, Cur, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_INSERTSTRING, ++Cur, (LPARAM)Tmp); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, BMARK_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, Cur, 0); } } break; case IDHELP : hHelpWin = HtmlHelp(NULL, AskHelpFilePath(), HH_HELP_CONTEXT, IDH_HELP_TOPIC_0000019); break; } return(TRUE); case WM_SIZING : DlgSizeChange(hDlg, &DlgSize, (RECT *)lParam, (int)wParam); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
/* Returns a matrix made up with the coordinates of intersecting points in the World frame of b1 that are within b2. If there are none, it returns a zero 3x8 matrix. */ Mat<float> testOBBOBB( RigidBody& b1, RigidBody& b2, bool& intersect) { float precision = 1e-3f; Mat<float> ret((float)0,3,1); bool initialized = false; BoxShape& box1 = (BoxShape&)(b1.getShapeReference()); BoxShape& box2 = (BoxShape&)(b2.getShapeReference()); Mat<float> pointsB1((float)0,3,8); //register the position of the 8 points composing b1: Mat<float> min1((float)0,3,1); Mat<float> max1((float)0,3,1); min1.set( -box1.getHeight()/2.0f, 1,1); min1.set( -box1.getWidth()/2.0f, 2,1); min1.set( -box1.getDepth()/2.0f, 3,1); max1.set( -min1.get(1,1), 1,1); max1.set( -min1.get(2,1), 2,1); max1.set( -min1.get(3,1), 3,1); int col = 1; Mat<float> temp(3,1); Mat<float> voronoiTemp(3,1); for(int pm1=2;pm1--;) { for(int pm2=2;pm2--;) { for(int pm3=2;pm3--;) { Mat<float> tempL(3,1); tempL.set( pm1*( min1.get(1,1) ) + (1-pm1)*( max1.get(1,1) ), 1,1); tempL.set( pm2*( min1.get(2,1) ) + (1-pm2)*( max1.get(2,1) ), 2,1); tempL.set( pm3*( min1.get(3,1) ) + (1-pm3)*( max1.get(3,1) ), 3,1); //-------------------- //let us compute its coordinate in the world frame : temp = b1.getPointInWorld( tempL); #ifdef debug b1.getPose().exp().afficher(); b2.getPose().exp().afficher(); tempL.afficher(); temp.afficher(); #endif //---------------------- //let us find its associated projected point : voronoiTemp = closestPointWOfBOXGivenPointW( b2, temp); //---------------------- //let us find out if there was an intersection // <==> voronoiTemp = temp, because it would means that the projected point is already the closest to b2 for it is within it. if( equals(voronoiTemp,temp,precision) ) { //let us refill pointsB1 with it : pointsB1.set( temp.get(1,1), 1,col); pointsB1.set( temp.get(2,1), 2,col); pointsB1.set( temp.get(3,1), 3,col); if(initialized) { ret = operatorL( ret, temp); } else { initialized = true; ret = temp; } intersect = true; #ifdef debug std::cout << "COLLISION DETECTOR : midnarrowphase : testOBBOBB : voronoi and temp : " << std::endl; std::cout << " ids : b1 = " << b1.getID() << " ; b2 = " << b2.getID() << std::endl; operatorL(voronoiTemp,temp).afficher(); //std::cout << "COLLISION POINTS :" << std::endl; //ret.afficher(); //tempL.afficher(); #endif } else { #ifdef debug std::cout << "COLLISION DETECTOR : ELSE : midnarrowphase : testOBBOBB : voronoi and temp : " << std::endl; std::cout << " ids : b1 = " << b1.getID() << " ; b2 = " << b2.getID() << std::endl; operatorL(voronoiTemp,temp).afficher(); //std::cout << "COLLISION POINTS :" << std::endl; //ret.afficher(); //tempL.afficher(); #endif } col++; } } } return ret; }