	CNIRRatio::CNIRRatio( std::shared_ptr< const CSeries > const& t_SolarRadiation,
	                      double const lowLambda, double const highLambda ) {
		auto integratedSolar = t_SolarRadiation->integrate( IntegrationType::Trapezoidal );
		auto aSolarRange = CWavelengthRange( WavelengthRange::Solar );

		auto totSolar = integratedSolar->sum( aSolarRange.minLambda(), aSolarRange.maxLambda() );

		auto totVisible = integratedSolar->sum( lowLambda, highLambda );
		m_Ratio = totVisible / totSolar;
 * Run multiple test.
 * @param transaction_file The file includes associations between TFs and genes.
 *                          Each line indicates a gene.
 *                          If gene is targeted by the TF, then value is 1, otherwise 0.
 * @param flag_file Each line indicates a gene. The column1 is gene name.
 *                   If gene has the feature, the column2 is 1. The other case 0.
 * @param threshold The statistical significance threshold.
 * @param set_method The procedure name for calibration p-value (fisher/u_test/chi).
 * @param max_comb the maximal size which the largest combination size in tests set.
 * @param log_file File name for logging.
 * @param alternative hypothesis, 1 -> greater, 0 -> two sided, -1 -> less
void LampCore::run(std::string& transaction_file, std::string& flag_file, double threshold,
        std::string& set_method, int max_comb,
        std::string& log_file, int alternative) {
	// read 2 files and get transaction list
	std::cerr << "Read input files ..."<< std::endl;
	try {
		readFile.readFiles(transaction_file, flag_file, ',');
		// If the alternative hypothesis is 'less',
		// the positive and negative of observe values are reversed, 
		// and conduct the identical procedure to 'greater'.
		if (alternative < 0)
			reverseValue( readFile.getTransaction_list(), set_method );
		if ((int)readFile.getColumnid2name().size() <= max_comb)
			max_comb = -1;
	} catch (std::string &msg) {
		throw msg;
	} catch (...) {
		throw std::string("Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to read input files.");
	// run multiple test
	std::string transaction4lcm53 = transaction_file + ".4lcm53";
	// run
	try {
		FILE* fp_log = fopen(log_file.c_str(), "w");
		if (fp_log == NULL)
			throw std::string("Can't open file : " + log_file);
		boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> outlog;
#if (BOOST_VERSION >= 104900) 
		outlog.open(fileno(fp_log), boost::iostreams::close_handle);
		outlog.open(fileno(fp_log), true);
		starttime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		std::cerr << "Compute the optimal correction factor ...";
		double max_lambda = maxLambda(readFile.getTransaction_list());
		fre_pattern = new LCM(max_lambda, fileno(fp_log));
		lam_star = runMultTest(readFile.getTransaction_list(), transaction4lcm53,
				threshold, set_method, max_comb, outlog, alternative,
		correction_term_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

		k = fre_pattern->getTotal( lam_star );
		std::cerr << " " << k << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Compute P-values of testable combinations ..." << std::endl;
		fwerControll(max_lambda, threshold, outlog);
		finish_test_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		std::cerr << "Output results ..." << std::endl;
		// If the positives and negatives are reversed, the number of positives is calculated. 
		if (( alternative < 0 ) && (std::find(BINARY_METHODS.begin(), BINARY_METHODS.end(), set_method) != BINARY_METHODS.end())) {
			for (enrich_t* l : enrich_lst) {
				l->stat_score = l->len - l->stat_score;
	} catch (std::string &msg) {
		throw msg;
	} catch (...) {
		throw std::string("Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to test.");