int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { double operating_time, operating_current; double discharge_time; //ask user for battery info printf("%s", "Enter battery voltage > "); scanf("%lf", &bat.voltage); printf("%s", "Enter power rating of the battery (in joules) > "); scanf("%lf", &bat.energy_limit); printf("%s", "What is battery’s available energy (in joules) > "); scanf("%lf", &bat.energy_available); printf("%s", "What is operating time (in seconds) > "); scanf("%lf", &operating_time); printf("%s", "What is operating current (int amps) > "); scanf("%lf", &operating_current); /****** start calculation *******/ bat = power_device (bat, operating_time, operating_current); printf("\n\nthe outcome is %d\n",bat.dec); printf("the updated energy is %f\n\n\n",bat.energy_available); discharge_time = max_time(bat, operating_time, operating_current); printf("%s%f\n", "Discharge time with current load:\n", discharge_time); bat = recharge (bat); discharge_time = max_time(bat, operating_time, operating_current); printf("%s%f\n", "Discharge time after the battery is fully recharged:\n", discharge_time); //debug //printf("%f %f %f\n", bat.voltage, bat.energy_limit, bat.energy_available); return 0; }
void connection_queue::on_timeout(error_code const& e) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); INVARIANT_CHECK; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG function_guard guard_(m_in_timeout_function); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(!e || e == asio::error::operation_aborted); if (e) return; ptime next_expire = max_time(); ptime now = time_now_hires() + milliseconds(100); std::list<entry> timed_out; for (std::list<entry>::iterator i = m_queue.begin(); !m_queue.empty() && i != m_queue.end();) { if (i->connecting && i->expires < now) { std::list<entry>::iterator j = i; ++i; timed_out.splice(timed_out.end(), m_queue, j, i); --m_num_connecting; continue; } if (i->expires < next_expire) next_expire = i->expires; ++i; } // we don't want to call the timeout callback while we're locked // since that is a recepie for dead-locks l.unlock(); for (std::list<entry>::iterator i = timed_out.begin() , end(timed_out.end()); i != end; ++i) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif i->on_timeout(); #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch (std::exception&) {} #endif } l.lock(); if (next_expire < max_time()) { error_code ec; m_timer.expires_at(next_expire, ec); m_timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&connection_queue::on_timeout, this, _1)); } try_connect(l); }
Event count(const events_t & events) { if (events.empty()) { return {}; } return events.front().copy().set_metric(events.size()) .set_time(max_time(events)); }
void connection_queue::check_invariant() const { int num_connecting = 0; for (std::list<entry>::const_iterator i = m_queue.begin(); i != m_queue.end(); ++i) { if (i->connecting) ++num_connecting; else TORRENT_ASSERT(i->expires == max_time()); } TORRENT_ASSERT(num_connecting == m_num_connecting); }
Event mean(const events_t & events) { if (events.empty()) { return {}; } Event e(events.front()); e.set_metric_d(reduce(sum_fn, events) / events.size()); e.set_time(max_time(events)); return e; }
Event maximum(const events_t & events) { if (events.empty()) { return {}; } double max = events[0].metric(); for (const auto & e: events) { auto tmp = e.metric(); if (tmp > max) { max = tmp; } } Event e(events.front()); e.set_metric_d(max); e.set_time(max_time(events)); return e; }
Event minimum(const events_t & events) { if (events.empty()) { return {}; } double min = metric_to_double(events[0]); for (const auto & e: events) { auto tmp = metric_to_double(e); if (tmp < min) { min = tmp; } } Event e(events.front()); e.set_metric_d(min); e.set_time(max_time(events)); return e; }
void connection_queue::on_timeout(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("connection_queue::on_timeout"); #endif mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); --m_num_timers; INVARIANT_CHECK; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG function_guard guard_(m_in_timeout_function); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(!e || e == error::operation_aborted); // if there was an error, it's most likely operation aborted, // we should just quit. However, in case there are still connections // in connecting state, and there are no other timer invocations // we need to stick around still. if (e && (m_num_connecting == 0 || m_num_timers > 0)) return; ptime next_expire = max_time(); ptime now = time_now_hires() + milliseconds(100); std::list<entry> timed_out; for (std::list<entry>::iterator i = m_queue.begin(); !m_queue.empty() && i != m_queue.end();) { if (i->connecting && i->expires < now) { std::list<entry>::iterator j = i; ++i; timed_out.splice(timed_out.end(), m_queue, j, i); --m_num_connecting; continue; } if (i->connecting && i->expires < next_expire) next_expire = i->expires; ++i; } // we don't want to call the timeout callback while we're locked // since that is a recepie for dead-locks l.unlock(); for (std::list<entry>::iterator i = timed_out.begin() , end(timed_out.end()); i != end; ++i) { TORRENT_ASSERT(i->connecting); TORRENT_ASSERT(i->ticket != -1); TORRENT_TRY { i->on_timeout(); } TORRENT_CATCH(std::exception&) {} } l.lock(); if (next_expire < max_time()) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("connection_queue::on_timeout"); #endif error_code ec; m_timer.expires_at(next_expire, ec); m_timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&connection_queue::on_timeout, this, _1)); ++m_num_timers; } try_connect(l); }
entry(): connecting(false), ticket(0), expires(max_time()), priority(0) {}
std::unique_ptr<intermediate> run( const std::atomic_bool& keep_going) const { // RAYTRACER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const auto rays_to_visualise = std::min(32ul, raytracer_.rays); engine_state_changed_(state::starting_raytracer, 1.0); auto raytracer_output = raytracer::canonical( compute_context_, voxels_and_mesh_.voxels, source_, receiver_, environment_, raytracer_, rays_to_visualise, keep_going, [&](auto step, auto total_steps) { engine_state_changed_(state::running_raytracer, step / (total_steps - 1.0)); }); if (!(keep_going && raytracer_output)) { return nullptr; } engine_state_changed_(state::finishing_raytracer, 1.0); raytracer_reflections_generated_(std::move(raytracer_output->visual), source_); // look for the max time of an impulse const auto max_stochastic_time = max_time(raytracer_output->aural.stochastic); // WAVEGUIDE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// engine_state_changed_(state::starting_waveguide, 1.0); auto waveguide_output = waveguide_->run( compute_context_, voxels_and_mesh_, source_, receiver_, environment_, max_stochastic_time, keep_going, [&](auto& queue, const auto& buffer, auto step, auto steps) { // If there are node pressure listeners. if (!waveguide_node_pressures_changed_.empty()) { auto pressures = core::read_from_buffer<float>(queue, buffer); const auto time = step / waveguide_->compute_sampling_frequency(); const auto distance = time * environment_.speed_of_sound; waveguide_node_pressures_changed_(std::move(pressures), distance); } engine_state_changed_(state::running_waveguide, step / (steps - 1.0)); }); if (!(keep_going && waveguide_output)) { return nullptr; } engine_state_changed_(state::finishing_waveguide, 1.0); return make_intermediate_impl_ptr( make_combined_results(std::move(raytracer_output->aural), std::move(*waveguide_output)), source_, receiver_, room_volume_, environment_); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ if(argc<2){ printf("Usage: ./trace domain \n for example: ./trace\n"); exit(0); } char command[200]; strcpy(command, "traceroute "); strcat(command, argv[1]); strcat(command, " > output.txt"); system(command); FILE * fp; char * line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; char *token; char delimiter[5] = " (),"; char* strArray[12]; fp = fopen("output.txt", "r"); // open file if (fp == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); int line_number = 0; int currentLine = 0; int tokenNumber = 0; float time[3]; float min, max, avg; while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { //while line present do following printf("%s", line); tokenNumber = 0; token = strtok(line, delimiter); // token separated if(currentLine == 0) { //code for fist line while(token != NULL) { strArray[tokenNumber] = (char*)malloc(strlen(token) + 1); strcpy(strArray[tokenNumber], token); //token copy tokenNumber++; token = strtok(NULL, delimiter); } printf("DNS = %s\nIP = %s\n\n",strArray[2],strArray[3]); currentLine++; } else { //code for other lines while(token != NULL) { strArray[tokenNumber] = (char*)malloc(strlen(token) + 1); strcpy(strArray[tokenNumber], token); if(tokenNumber == 3) { time[0] = atof(strArray[tokenNumber]); //time token saved by converting it to float } if(tokenNumber == 5) { time[1] = strtod(strArray[tokenNumber],NULL); //time token saved by converting it to float } if(tokenNumber == 7) { time[2] = strtod(strArray[tokenNumber],NULL); //time token saved by converting it to float } tokenNumber++; token = strtok(NULL, delimiter); } min = min_time(time, 3); //find min max = max_time(time, 3); // find max avg = avg_time(time, 3); // find avg printf("DNS = %s\nIP = %s\n",strArray[1],strArray[2]); printf( "time 1 = %f, time 2 = %f, time 3 = %f\n",time[0], time[1], time[2]); printf( "min time = %f\nmax time = %f\navg time = %f\n\n",min, max, avg); } } fclose(fp); //close file printf(" ** end of mytrace program ** \n"); }