int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage: $0 dfe_ip cpu_ip\n"); return 1; } struct in_addr dfe_ip; inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip); struct in_addr cpu_ip; inet_aton(argv[2], &cpu_ip); struct in_addr netmask; inet_aton("", &netmask); const int port = 5007; max_file_t *maxfile = Tracker_init(); max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*"); max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true); max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL); char regName[32]; for (int i=0; i < 1024; i++) { sprintf(regName, "filter_%d", i); if (i == 150) { max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0xCC /* a value to match... */); } else { max_set_uint64t(actions, "filteringKernel", regName, 0x4D1B /* or any value you want */); } } max_run(engine, actions); max_actions_free(actions); void *buffer; size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 512; posix_memalign(&buffer, 4096, bufferSize); max_framed_stream_t *toCpu = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "toCPU", buffer, bufferSize, -1); /* * This executable both creates a normal Linux UDP socket as well as a DFE UDP Socket. * We then exchange data between the two. */ // DFE Socket max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask); max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udpTopPort1"); max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, port); max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &cpu_ip, port); // Linux Socket int cpu_socket = create_cpu_udp_socket(&cpu_ip, &dfe_ip, port); printf("Sending test frame...\n"); sendTestFrame(cpu_socket); printf("Waiting for kernel response...\n"); fflush(stdout); void *f; size_t fsz; size_t numMessageRx = 0; uint8_t received_data[512]; while (numMessageRx < NUM_MESSAGES_EXPECTED) { if (max_framed_stream_read(toCpu, 1, &f, &fsz) == 1) { printf("CPU: Got output frame - size %zd - NumMsg = %zd!\n", fsz, numMessageRx); // Frame size would be rounded up to the next 8 bytes. memcpy(received_data, f, fsz); numMessageRx++; max_framed_stream_discard(toCpu, 1); } else usleep(10); } max_udp_close(dfe_socket); max_unload(engine); max_file_free(maxfile); printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 4) { printf("Usage: %s <dfe_ip> <cpu_ip> <netmask>\n", argv[0]); return 1; } struct in_addr dfe_ip; inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip); struct in_addr cpu_ip; inet_aton(argv[2], &cpu_ip); struct in_addr netmask; inet_aton(argv[3], &netmask); const int port = 5008; /* Create DFE Socket, then listen */ max_file_t *maxfile = FieldAccumulatorTCP_init(); max_engine_t *engine = max_load(maxfile, "*"); max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_CH2_SFP1, &dfe_ip, &netmask); max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udp_ch2_sfp1"); max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, port); max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &cpu_ip, port); int cpu_socket = create_cpu_udp_socket(&cpu_ip, &dfe_ip, port); FILE *stream = fopen("source_data1.csv", "r"); char line[BUFFERSIZE]; // char *to_be_free = line; /* Ignore Header File */ fgets(line, BUFFERSIZE, stream); printf(line); while (fgets(line, BUFFERSIZE, stream)) { struct input_data data; parse(line,&data); printf("\n Instrument id = %d \n level = %d \n side = %d \n Quantity = %d \n Price = %d",data.instrument_id,data.level,data.side,data.quantity,data.price); calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data); } // /* Set Value A */ // data.instrument_id = 0; // data.level = 0; // data.side = 0; // data.quantity = 5; // data.price = 10; // calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data); // // /* Set B*/ // data.instrument_id = 1; // data.level = 0; // data.side = 1; // data.quantity = 3; // data.price = 4; // calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data); // // /* Hold */ // data.instrument_id = 1; // data.level = 0; // data.side = 1; // data.quantity = 5; // data.price = 6; // calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data); // // /* Set AB */ // data.instrument_id = 2; // data.level = 0; // data.side = 1; // data.quantity = 7; // data.price = 8; // calculateDeltas(cpu_socket, &data); max_udp_close(dfe_socket); max_unload(engine); max_file_free(maxfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage: $0 dfe_ip remote_ip\n"); return 1; } struct in_addr dfe_ip; inet_aton(argv[1], &dfe_ip); struct in_addr remote_ip; inet_aton(argv[2], &remote_ip); struct in_addr netmask; inet_aton("", &netmask); const int in_port = 2000; const int out_port = 2000; // struct in_addr mcastaddr; // inet_aton("", &mcastaddr); max_file_t *maxfile = SignExtWithPatternMatching_init(); max_engine_t * engine = max_load(maxfile, "*"); max_config_set_bool(MAX_CONFIG_PRINTF_TO_STDOUT, true); max_actions_t *actions = max_actions_init(maxfile, NULL); max_run(engine, actions); max_actions_free(actions); void *buffer; size_t bufferSize = 4096 * 512; posix_memalign(&buffer, 4096, bufferSize); max_framed_stream_t *toCpu = max_framed_stream_setup(engine, "toCPU", buffer, bufferSize, -1); max_ip_config(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &dfe_ip, &netmask); max_udp_socket_t *dfe_socket = max_udp_create_socket(engine, "udpTopPort1"); // max_ip_multicast_join_group(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &mcastaddr); // max_udp_bind_ip(dfe_socket, &mcastaddr, in_port); max_udp_bind(dfe_socket, in_port); max_udp_connect(dfe_socket, &remote_ip, out_port); printf("Listening on %s in_port %d\n", argv[1], in_port); printf("Waiting for kernel response...\n"); fflush(stdout); void *f; size_t fsz; size_t numMessageRx = 0; while (1) { if (max_framed_stream_read(toCpu, 1, &f, &fsz) == 1) { numMessageRx++; printf("CPU: Got output frame %zd - size %zd bytes\n", numMessageRx, fsz); uint64_t *w = f; for (size_t i=0; i < 3; i++) { printf("Frame [%zd] Word[%zd]: 0x%lx\n", numMessageRx, i, w[i]); } max_framed_stream_discard(toCpu, 1); } else usleep(10); } // max_ip_multicast_leave_group(engine, MAX_NET_CONNECTION_QSFP_TOP_10G_PORT1, &mcastaddr); max_udp_close(dfe_socket); max_unload(engine); max_file_free(maxfile); printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }