int mdp4_dsi_video_splash_done(void) { struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; int cndx = 0; vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); mipi_dsi_controller_cfg(0); return 0; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_splash_done(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; int cndx = 0; /* Turn off panel to avoid fading */ mipi_dsi_panel_power_en(pdev, 0); vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); mipi_dsi_controller_cfg(0); return 0; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_off(struct platform_device *pdev) { int ret = 0; int cndx = 0; struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd; struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; struct mdp4_overlay_pipe *pipe; struct vsync_update *vp; unsigned long flags; int mixer = 0; int undx, need_wait = 0; mfd = (struct msm_fb_data_type *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev); mutex_lock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_dsi_video_wait4vsync(cndx); if (pipe == NULL) return -EINVAL; if (pipe->ov_blt_addr) { spin_lock_irqsave(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (vctrl->ov_koff != vctrl->ov_done) need_wait = 1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (need_wait) mdp4_dsi_video_wait4ov(0); } mdp_histogram_ctrl_all(FALSE); dsi_video_enabled = 0; undx = vctrl->update_ndx; vp = &vctrl->vlist[undx]; if (vp->update_cnt) { /* * pipe's iommu will be freed at next overlay play * and iommu_drop statistic will be increased by one */ pr_warn("%s: update_cnt=%d\n", __func__, vp->update_cnt); mdp4_dsi_video_pipe_clean(vp); } if (pipe) { /* sanity check, free pipes besides base layer */ mixer = pipe->mixer_num; mdp4_overlay_unset_mixer(mixer); if (mfd->ref_cnt == 0) { /* adb stop */ if (pipe->pipe_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_BF) mdp4_overlay_borderfill_stage_down(pipe); /* base pipe may change after borderfill_stage_down */ pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_mixer_stage_down(pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_pipe_free(pipe, 1); vctrl->base_pipe = NULL; } else { /* system suspending */ mdp4_mixer_stage_down(vctrl->base_pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_iommu_pipe_free( vctrl->base_pipe->pipe_ndx, 1); } } mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); atomic_set(&vctrl->suspend, 1); if (vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled) { vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled = 0; mdp4_video_vsync_irq_ctrl(cndx, 0); } /* * clean up ion freelist * there need two stage to empty ion free list * therefore need call unmap freelist twice */ mdp4_overlay_iommu_unmap_freelist(mixer); mdp4_overlay_iommu_unmap_freelist(mixer); /* mdp clock off */ mdp_clk_ctrl(0); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_OVERLAY0_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, FALSE); mutex_unlock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); return ret; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_on(struct platform_device *pdev) { int dsi_width; int dsi_height; int dsi_bpp; int dsi_border_clr; int dsi_underflow_clr; int dsi_hsync_skew; int hsync_period; int hsync_ctrl; int vsync_period; int display_hctl; int display_v_start; int display_v_end; int active_hctl; int active_h_start; int active_h_end; int active_v_start; int active_v_end; int ctrl_polarity; int h_back_porch; int h_front_porch; int v_back_porch; int v_front_porch; int hsync_pulse_width; int vsync_pulse_width; int hsync_polarity; int vsync_polarity; int data_en_polarity; int hsync_start_x; int hsync_end_x; uint8 *buf; unsigned int buf_offset; int bpp, ptype; struct fb_info *fbi; struct fb_var_screeninfo *var; struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd; struct mdp4_overlay_pipe *pipe; int ret = 0; int cndx = 0; struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; struct msm_panel_info *pinfo; vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; mfd = (struct msm_fb_data_type *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev); pinfo = &mfd->panel_info; if (!mfd) return -ENODEV; if (mfd->key != MFD_KEY) return -EINVAL; mutex_lock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); vctrl->mfd = mfd; vctrl->dev = mfd->fbi->dev; vctrl->blt_ctrl = pinfo->lcd.blt_ctrl; vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled = 0; vsync_irq_cnt = 0; /* mdp clock on */ mdp_clk_ctrl(1); fbi = mfd->fbi; var = &fbi->var; bpp = fbi->var.bits_per_pixel / 8; buf = (uint8 *) fbi->fix.smem_start; buf_offset = calc_fb_offset(mfd, fbi, bpp); if (vctrl->base_pipe == NULL) { ptype = mdp4_overlay_format2type(mfd->fb_imgType); if (ptype < 0) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: format2type failed\n", __func__); pipe = mdp4_overlay_pipe_alloc(ptype, MDP4_MIXER0); if (pipe == NULL) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: pipe_alloc failed\n", __func__); mutex_unlock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); return -EBUSY; } pipe->pipe_used++; pipe->mixer_stage = MDP4_MIXER_STAGE_BASE; pipe->mixer_num = MDP4_MIXER0; pipe->src_format = mfd->fb_imgType; mdp4_overlay_panel_mode(pipe->mixer_num, MDP4_PANEL_DSI_VIDEO); ret = mdp4_overlay_format2pipe(pipe); if (ret < 0) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: format2type failed\n", __func__); pipe->ov_blt_addr = 0; pipe->dma_blt_addr = 0; vctrl->base_pipe = pipe; /* keep it */ mdp4_init_writeback_buf(mfd, MDP4_MIXER0); } else { pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; } atomic_set(&vctrl->suspend, 0); if (!(mfd->cont_splash_done)) { mfd->cont_splash_done = 1; mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); mipi_dsi_controller_cfg(0); /* Clks are enabled in probe. Disabling clocks now */ mdp_clk_ctrl(0); } pipe->src_height = fbi->var.yres; pipe->src_width = fbi->var.xres; pipe->src_h = fbi->var.yres; pipe->src_w = fbi->var.xres; pipe->src_y = 0; pipe->src_x = 0; pipe->dst_h = fbi->var.yres; pipe->dst_w = fbi->var.xres; pipe->srcp0_ystride = fbi->fix.line_length; pipe->bpp = bpp; if (mfd->display_iova) pipe->srcp0_addr = mfd->display_iova + buf_offset; else pipe->srcp0_addr = (uint32)(buf + buf_offset); pipe->dst_h = fbi->var.yres; pipe->dst_w = fbi->var.xres; mdp4_overlay_solidfill_init(pipe); mdp4_overlay_mdp_pipe_req(pipe, mfd); mdp4_calc_blt_mdp_bw(mfd, pipe); mdp4_overlay_dmap_xy(pipe); /* dma_p */ mdp4_overlay_dmap_cfg(mfd, 1); mdp4_overlay_rgb_setup(pipe); mdp4_overlayproc_cfg(pipe); mdp4_overlay_reg_flush(pipe, 1); mdp4_mixer_stage_up(pipe, 0); mdp4_mixer_stage_commit(pipe->mixer_num); /* * DSI timing setting */ h_back_porch = var->left_margin; h_front_porch = var->right_margin; v_back_porch = var->upper_margin; v_front_porch = var->lower_margin; hsync_pulse_width = var->hsync_len; vsync_pulse_width = var->vsync_len; dsi_border_clr = mfd->panel_info.lcdc.border_clr; dsi_underflow_clr = mfd->panel_info.lcdc.underflow_clr; dsi_hsync_skew = mfd->panel_info.lcdc.hsync_skew; dsi_width = mfd->panel_info.xres + mfd->panel_info.lcdc.xres_pad; dsi_height = mfd->panel_info.yres + mfd->panel_info.lcdc.yres_pad; dsi_bpp = mfd->panel_info.bpp; hsync_period = hsync_pulse_width + h_back_porch + dsi_width + h_front_porch; hsync_ctrl = (hsync_period << 16) | hsync_pulse_width; hsync_start_x = h_back_porch + hsync_pulse_width; hsync_end_x = hsync_period - h_front_porch - 1; display_hctl = (hsync_end_x << 16) | hsync_start_x; vsync_period = (vsync_pulse_width + v_back_porch + dsi_height + v_front_porch); display_v_start = ((vsync_pulse_width + v_back_porch) * hsync_period) + dsi_hsync_skew; display_v_end = ((vsync_period - v_front_porch) * hsync_period) + dsi_hsync_skew - 1; if (dsi_width != var->xres) { active_h_start = hsync_start_x + first_pixel_start_x; active_h_end = active_h_start + var->xres - 1; active_hctl = ACTIVE_START_X_EN | (active_h_end << 16) | active_h_start; } else { active_hctl = 0; } if (dsi_height != var->yres) { active_v_start = display_v_start + first_pixel_start_y * hsync_period; active_v_end = active_v_start + (var->yres) * hsync_period - 1; active_v_start |= ACTIVE_START_Y_EN; } else { active_v_start = 0; active_v_end = 0; } dsi_underflow_clr |= 0x80000000; /* enable recovery */ hsync_polarity = 0; vsync_polarity = 0; data_en_polarity = 0; ctrl_polarity = (data_en_polarity << 2) | (vsync_polarity << 1) | (hsync_polarity); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_CMD_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_ON, FALSE); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x4, hsync_ctrl); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x8, vsync_period * hsync_period); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0xc, vsync_pulse_width * hsync_period); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x10, display_hctl); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x14, display_v_start); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x18, display_v_end); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x1c, active_hctl); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x20, active_v_start); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x24, active_v_end); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x28, dsi_border_clr); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x2c, dsi_underflow_clr); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x30, dsi_hsync_skew); MDP_OUTP(MDP_BASE + DSI_VIDEO_BASE + 0x38, ctrl_polarity); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_CMD_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, FALSE); mdp_histogram_ctrl_all(TRUE); // mdp4_overlay_dsi_video_start(); mutex_unlock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); return ret; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_off(struct platform_device *pdev) { int ret = 0; int cndx = 0; struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd; struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; struct mdp4_overlay_pipe *pipe; struct vsync_update *vp; unsigned long flags; int undx, need_wait = 0; mfd = (struct msm_fb_data_type *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev); vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_dsi_video_wait4vsync(cndx); if (pipe->ov_blt_addr) { spin_lock_irqsave(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (vctrl->ov_koff != vctrl->ov_done) need_wait = 1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (need_wait) mdp4_dsi_video_wait4ov(0); } mdp_histogram_ctrl_all(FALSE); dsi_video_enabled = 0; if (vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled) { vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled = 0; vsync_irq_disable(INTR_PRIMARY_VSYNC, MDP_PRIM_VSYNC_TERM); } undx = vctrl->update_ndx; vp = &vctrl->vlist[undx]; if (vp->update_cnt) { /* * pipe's iommu will be freed at next overlay play * and iommu_drop statistic will be increased by one */ vp->update_cnt = 0; /* empty queue */ } if (pipe) { /* sanity check, free pipes besides base layer */ mdp4_overlay_unset_mixer(pipe->mixer_num); if (mfd->ref_cnt == 0) { /* adb stop */ if (pipe->pipe_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_BF) mdp4_overlay_borderfill_stage_down(pipe); /* base pipe may change after borderfill_stage_down */ pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_mixer_stage_down(pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_pipe_free(pipe, 1); vctrl->base_pipe = NULL; } else { /* system suspending */ mdp4_mixer_stage_down(vctrl->base_pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_iommu_pipe_free( vctrl->base_pipe->pipe_ndx, 1); } } mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); atomic_set(&vctrl->suspend, 1); if (vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled) { vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled = 0; vsync_irq_disable(INTR_PRIMARY_VSYNC, MDP_PRIM_VSYNC_TERM); } /* mdp clock off */ mdp_clk_ctrl(0); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_OVERLAY0_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, FALSE); return ret; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_off(struct platform_device *pdev) { int ret = 0; int cndx = 0; struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd; struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; struct mdp4_overlay_pipe *pipe; struct vsync_update *vp; unsigned long flags; int undx, need_wait = 0; mfd = (struct msm_fb_data_type *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev); vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_dsi_video_wait4vsync(cndx); atomic_set(&vctrl->vsync_resume, 0); complete_all(&vctrl->vsync_comp); if (pipe->ov_blt_addr) { spin_lock_irqsave(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (vctrl->ov_koff != vctrl->ov_done) need_wait = 1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (need_wait) mdp4_dsi_video_wait4ov(0); } mdp_histogram_ctrl_all(FALSE); dsi_video_enabled = 0; undx = vctrl->update_ndx; vp = &vctrl->vlist[undx]; if (vp->update_cnt) { /* * pipe's iommu will be freed at next overlay play * and iommu_drop statistic will be increased by one */ pr_warn("%s: update_cnt=%d\n", __func__, vp->update_cnt); mdp4_dsi_video_pipe_clean(vp); } /* MM-KW-TraceLog-00+ */ printk(KERN_INFO "[DISPLAY]%s: pipe %d, cnt %d, e %d\n", __func__, (pipe != NULL), mfd->ref_cnt, vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled); if (pipe) { /* sanity check, free pipes besides base layer */ mdp4_overlay_unset_mixer(pipe->mixer_num); if (mfd->ref_cnt == 0) { /* adb stop */ if (pipe->pipe_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_BF) mdp4_overlay_borderfill_stage_down(pipe); /* base pipe may change after borderfill_stage_down */ pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_mixer_stage_down(pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_pipe_free(pipe); vctrl->base_pipe = NULL; } else { /* system suspending */ mdp4_mixer_stage_down(vctrl->base_pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_iommu_pipe_free( vctrl->base_pipe->pipe_ndx, 1); } } mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); atomic_set(&vctrl->suspend, 1); /* mdp clock off */ mdp_clk_ctrl(0); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_OVERLAY0_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, FALSE); return ret; }
int mdp4_dsi_video_off(struct platform_device *pdev) { int ret = 0; int cndx = 0; struct msm_fb_data_type *mfd; struct vsycn_ctrl *vctrl; struct mdp4_overlay_pipe *pipe; struct vsync_update *vp; unsigned long flags; int mixer = 0; int undx, need_wait = 0; #if defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_HD_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_FHD_INVERSE_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_FHD_INVERSE_PT_PANEL) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_WUXGA_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_WUXGA_INVERSE_PT) int retry_cnt = 0; #endif printk(KERN_INFO "%s is started.. \n", __func__); #if defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_HD_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_FHD_INVERSE_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_FHD_INVERSE_PT_PANEL) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_WUXGA_PT) \ || defined(CONFIG_FB_MSM_MIPI_LGIT_VIDEO_WUXGA_INVERSE_PT) do { ret = mipi_lgit_lcd_off(pdev); if (ret < 0) { panel_next_off(pdev); msleep(2); panel_next_on(pdev); msleep(5); retry_cnt++; } else { // if upper routine is successed, need to initialize ret variable. ret = 0; break; } } while(retry_cnt < 10); printk(KERN_INFO "%s : mipi_lgit_lcd_off retry_cnt = %d\n", __func__, retry_cnt); #endif mfd = (struct msm_fb_data_type *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev); mutex_lock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); vctrl = &vsync_ctrl_db[cndx]; pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_dsi_video_wait4vsync(cndx); if (pipe->ov_blt_addr) { spin_lock_irqsave(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (vctrl->ov_koff != vctrl->ov_done) need_wait = 1; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vctrl->spin_lock, flags); if (need_wait) mdp4_dsi_video_wait4ov(0); } mdp_histogram_ctrl_all(FALSE); dsi_video_enabled = 0; undx = vctrl->update_ndx; vp = &vctrl->vlist[undx]; if (vp->update_cnt) { /* * pipe's iommu will be freed at next overlay play * and iommu_drop statistic will be increased by one */ pr_warn("%s: update_cnt=%d\n", __func__, vp->update_cnt); mdp4_dsi_video_pipe_clean(vp); } if (pipe) { /* sanity check, free pipes besides base layer */ mixer = pipe->mixer_num; mdp4_overlay_unset_mixer(mixer); if (mfd->ref_cnt == 0) { /* adb stop */ if (pipe->pipe_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_BF) mdp4_overlay_borderfill_stage_down(pipe); /* base pipe may change after borderfill_stage_down */ pipe = vctrl->base_pipe; mdp4_mixer_stage_down(pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_pipe_free(pipe, 1); vctrl->base_pipe = NULL; } else { /* system suspending */ mdp4_mixer_stage_down(vctrl->base_pipe, 1); mdp4_overlay_iommu_pipe_free( vctrl->base_pipe->pipe_ndx, 1); } } mdp4_dsi_video_tg_off(vctrl); atomic_set(&vctrl->suspend, 1); if (vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled) { vctrl->vsync_irq_enabled = 0; mdp4_video_vsync_irq_ctrl(cndx, 0); } /* * clean up ion freelist * there need two stage to empty ion free list * therefore need call unmap freelist twice */ mdp4_overlay_iommu_unmap_freelist(mixer); mdp4_overlay_iommu_unmap_freelist(mixer); /* mdp clock off */ mdp_clk_ctrl(0); mdp_pipe_ctrl(MDP_OVERLAY0_BLOCK, MDP_BLOCK_POWER_OFF, FALSE); printk(KERN_INFO "%s is ended.. \n", __func__); mutex_unlock(&mfd->dma->ov_mutex); return ret; }