int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	//create a pointer, which will be used to store the array
	int *A;

	//check if the user ran the program correctly
	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mean_median file1 [file2 ...]\n");

	//if the program is run correctly argv[1] will be the first
	//command line argument. ie name of the input file
	char *file = argv[1];

	//open file for reading
	FILE *fp = fopen(file, "rb");
	if (fp == NULL)
		return 1;

	//call read_array function which will allocate space for A
	//read the file and put the numbers in array A
	//the read_array function must return the size of the array
	int n = read_array(fp, &A);
	if (n < 0) {
		return 1;

	//print array A of size n
	print_array(A, n);
	select_sort(A, n);
	//print again
	print_array(A, n);

	//calculate mean and median of array A
	double mean = mean_array(A, n);
	double med = median_array(A, n);

	//print results
	printf("mean = %f med = %f\n", mean, med);


	return 0;
文件: b_tree.c 项目: jack-dob/c_progs
NODE* build_tree_array(double **point_array, double **storage, int N, int K, int depth){
	//This builds a k-dimensional tree from the point_array 2d array.
	int dim, m=0, i; //counters
	int approx_limit = 10000; //if more points than this, find approximate median
	int approx_N = 1000; //use this many points to find approximate median
	NODE *node = NULL; //node that we're finding
	double **larray, **lstore; // array to send to left child
	double **rarray, **rstore;// array to send to right child

	//printf("In 'build_tree_array', depth = %d:\n", depth);

	//NULL_CHECK(point_array, "", "point_array", i, N);

	if(N==0){ // if no data, return
	//NULL_CHECK(point_array, "", "point_array", i, N);
	//puts("Allocating memory to node");
	//printf("node: %u, node->left: %u\n", node, node->left);
	node = (NODE*) malloc( (int)sizeof(NODE)); // allocate the memory for the node
	//puts("Allocation successful");
	init_node(node); //initialise the node
	//NULL_CHECK(point_array, "", "point_array", i, N);

	dim = depth % K; // find which dimension we're looking at

	//puts("Finding median of 'point_array'.");
	if( (N > 1) && (N < approx_limit) ){ // if 1<N<approx_limit, sort them and find median, this gives an exactly balanced tree
		qsort_nd2(point_array, storage, N, K, dim);
		m = median_array(point_array, N, dim);
	else if(N >= approx_limit){ //if N<approx_limit, find an approximate value of the median, this gives pretty well balanced trees
		double **approx_array, **approx_store; //pointers
		//puts("N is larger than approx_limit, allocating space for approximation arrays");
		approx_array = (double**) malloc( (int)sizeof(double*)*approx_N ); //allocate stuff
		approx_store = (double**) malloc( (int)sizeof(double*)*approx_N );
		srand(time(NULL)); //seed the random number generator
		//puts("seeding approximate array");
			int j = rand() % N; //make sure that j is a random number between 0 and N-1
			approx_array[i] = point_array[j]; //populate the approximation array
		//puts("sort reduced array");
		qsort_nd2(approx_array, approx_store, approx_N, K, dim); //sort our reduced array
		//puts("find median of reduced array");
		m = median_array(approx_array, approx_N, dim); //find it's median
		//puts("order the real array to be split up: lt, median, gt.");
		m = order_lt_gt(point_array, storage, approx_array[m], N, K, dim);	//change order of 'point_array' to {[<m], m, [>m]}
																			//and tell us 'm'
		free(approx_array); //free stuff and set to NULL
		approx_array = NULL;
		approx_store = NULL;
		//continue as normal
	//puts("Found median");
	node->val = point_array[m]; //store the value of the median data point in this node
	//puts("Finding left array");
	larray = point_array; //left array is from the beginning, to the value before the median
	lstore = storage; //similarly with storage array
	node->left = build_tree_array(larray, lstore, m, K, depth+1); // recurse

	//puts("Finding right array");
	rarray = &(point_array[m+1]); // right array is from the value after the median to the end
	rstore = &(storage[m+1]); //similarly with storage
	node->right = build_tree_array(rarray, rstore, (N-(m+1)), K, depth+1); // recurse
