/*! \brief Main function. Execution starts here. */ int main(void) { irq_initialize_vectors(); cpu_irq_enable(); // Initialize the sleep manager sleepmgr_init(); sysclk_init(); board_init(); ui_init(); ui_powerdown(); memories_initialization(); // Start USB stack to authorize VBus monitoring udc_start(); // The main loop manages only the power mode // because the USB management is done by interrupt while (true) { if (main_b_msc_enable) { if (!udi_msc_process_trans()) { sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } }else{ sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } } }
static void run_usb_msc_test(const struct test_case *test) { memories_initialization(); // Start USB stack to authorize VBus monitoring udc_start(); if (!udc_include_vbus_monitoring()) { // VBUS monitoring is not available on this product // thereby VBUS has to be considered as present main_vbus_action(true); } // The main loop manages only the power mode // because the USB management is done by interrupt while (!main_b_msc_read) { if (main_b_msc_enumerated) { if (!udi_msc_process_trans()) { sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } }else{ sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } } test_assert_true(test, main_b_msc_enumerated, "MSC enumeration fails"); udc_stop(); }
/*! \brief Main function. Execution starts here. */ int main(void) { irq_initialize_vectors(); cpu_irq_enable(); // Initialize the sleep manager sleepmgr_init(); sysclk_init(); board_init(); ui_init(); ui_powerdown(); ctrl_access_init(); // Required with FreeRTOS memories_initialization(); // Create a semaphore to manage the memories data transfer vSemaphoreCreateBinary(main_trans_semphr); Assert( main_trans_semphr != NULL ); // Start USB stack to authorize VBus monitoring udc_start(); // Create a task to process data transfer xTaskCreate(main_memories_trans_task, ((const signed portCHAR *)"DATA TRANSFER"), #if defined(CONF_BOARD_NAND) 3072/sizeof(portSTACK_TYPE), // NF require large stack #else 256, #endif NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL); // Uncomment the following line, if you want FreeRTOS to always run // when USB cable is unplugged. // IDLE is the sleep level required by the Timer counter used by FreeRTOS. // sleepmgr_lock_mode(SLEEPMGR_IDLE); // Start OS scheduler vTaskStartScheduler(); return 0; }
/** * \brief Application entry point for FatFS example. */ int main(void) { uint32_t disk_dev_num; const usart_serial_options_t usart_serial_options = { .baudrate = CONF_TEST_BAUDRATE, .paritytype = CONF_TEST_PARITY, #if !SAM .charlength = CONF_TEST_CHARLENGTH, .stopbits = CONF_TEST_STOPBITS, #endif }; /* Initialize the system */ sysclk_init(); board_init(); #if XMEGA rtc_init(); #endif #if SAM sysclk_enable_peripheral_clock(CONSOLE_UART_ID); #endif stdio_serial_init(CONF_TEST_USART, &usart_serial_options); /* Intialize the memory device */ memories_initialization(); /* Output example information */ puts(STRING_HEADER); for (disk_dev_num = 0; disk_dev_num < get_nb_lun(); disk_dev_num++) { if (run_fatfs_test(disk_dev_num)) { printf("-I- DISK %d Test passed !\n\r\n\r", disk_dev_num); } else { printf("-F- DISK %d Test Failed !\n\r\n\r", disk_dev_num); } } while (1) { /* Do nothing */ } }
/*! \brief Main function. Execution starts here. */ int main(void) { //uint8_t i = 0; uint16_t temp_crc; irq_initialize_vectors(); cpu_irq_enable(); // Initialize the sleep manager sleepmgr_init(); sysclk_init(); board_init(); ui_init(); ui_powerdown(); memories_initialization(); // Initialize LCD et024006_Init( FOSC0, FOSC0 ); gpio_set_gpio_pin(ET024006DHU_BL_PIN); //et024006_PrintConsole("Welcome Eric", BLACK, -1); //clear_lcd et024006_DrawFilledRect(1, 1, ET024006_WIDTH, ET024006_HEIGHT, BLACK); // Initialize AES module aes_task(); // Start TC tc_task(); Init_System_Status(); // Initialize crc for fast calculations crcInit(); // Read the stored values from the flash Load_stored_values(); //i = sizeof(stored_values_t) - sizeof(uint16_t); temp_crc = crcFast((const uint8_t *)&Stored_values_ram, 192); //temp_crc1 = crcFast("123456789", 9); if (temp_crc == Stored_values_ram.block_crc) { stSystemStatus.stored_value_crc_status = 1; } //Stored_values_ram.salt[5] = 0x4d68ab23; //Update_stored_values(); // Start USB stack to authorize VBus monitoring udc_start(); if (!udc_include_vbus_monitoring()) { // VBUS monitoring is not available on this product // thereby VBUS has to be considered as present main_vbus_action(true); } // The main loop manages only the power mode // because the USB management is done by interrupt while (true) { if (main_b_msc_enable) { if (!udi_msc_process_trans()) { sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } } else { sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } //main_process_mode(); } }