/* This sets up all the callback functions for a menu entry.
 * OK     : When we press the 'OK' button on an entry.
 * Cancel : When we press the 'Cancel' button on an entry.
 * Scan   : When we press the 'Scan' button on an entry.
 * Start  : When we press the 'Start' button on an entry.
 * Select : When we press the 'Select' button on an entry.
 * Info   : When we press the 'Info' button on an entry.
 * Content Switch   : ??? (TODO/FIXME - Kivutar should document this)
 * Up     : when we press 'Up' on the D-pad while this entry is selected.
 * Down   : when we press 'Down' on the D-pad while this entry is selected.
 * Left   : when we press 'Left' on the D-pad while this entry is selected.
 * Right  : when we press 'Right' on the D-pad while this entry is selected.
 * Deferred push : When pressing an entry results in spawning a new list, it waits until the next
 * frame to push this onto the stack. This function callback will then be invoked.
 * Refresh : What happens when the screen has to be refreshed. Does an entry have internal state
 * that needs to be rebuild?
 * Get value: Each entry has associated 'text', which we call the value. This function callback
 * lets us render that text.
 * Get title: Each entry can have a custom 'title'.
 * Label: Each entry has a label name. This function callback lets us render that label text.
 * Sublabel: each entry has a sublabel, which consists of one or more lines of additional information.
 * This function callback lets us render that text.
void menu_cbs_init(void *data,
      menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs,
      const char *path, const char *label,
      unsigned type, size_t idx)
   menu_ctx_bind_t bind_info;
   const char *repr_label        = NULL;
   const char *menu_label        = NULL;
   uint32_t label_hash           = 0;
   uint32_t menu_label_hash      = 0;
   enum msg_hash_enums enum_idx  = MSG_UNKNOWN;
   file_list_t *list             = (file_list_t*)data;
   if (!list)

   menu_entries_get_last_stack(NULL, &menu_label, NULL, &enum_idx, NULL);

   if (!label || !menu_label)

   label_hash      = msg_hash_calculate(label);
   menu_label_hash = msg_hash_calculate(menu_label);

#ifdef DEBUG_LOG

   repr_label = (!string_is_empty(label)) ? label : path;

#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
   if (cbs && cbs->enum_idx != MSG_UNKNOWN)
      RARCH_LOG("\t\t\tenum_idx %d [%s]\n", cbs->enum_idx, msg_hash_to_str(cbs->enum_idx));

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_ok.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_ok(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "OK", cbs->action_ok_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_cancel.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_cancel(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CANCEL", cbs->action_cancel_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_scan.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_scan(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SCAN", cbs->action_scan_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_start.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_start(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "START", cbs->action_start_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_select.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_select(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SELECT", cbs->action_select_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_info.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_info(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "INFO", cbs->action_info_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_bind_content_list_switch.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_content_list_switch(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CONTENT SWITCH", cbs->action_content_list_switch_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_up.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_up(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "UP", cbs->action_up_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_down.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_down(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DOWN", cbs->action_down_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_left.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_left(cbs, path, label, type, idx, menu_label, label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "LEFT", cbs->action_left_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_right.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_right(cbs, path, label, type, idx, menu_label, label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "RIGHT", cbs->action_right_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_deferred_push.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_deferred_push(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DEFERRED PUSH", cbs->action_deferred_push_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_refresh.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_refresh(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "REFRESH", cbs->action_refresh_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_get_string_representation.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_get_string_representation(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET VALUE", cbs->action_get_value_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_title.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_title(cbs, path, label, type, idx, label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET TITLE", cbs->action_get_title_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_label.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_label(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "LABEL", cbs->action_label_ident);

   /* It will try to find a corresponding callback function inside
    * menu_cbs_sublabel.c, then map this callback to the entry. */
   menu_cbs_init_bind_sublabel(cbs, path, label, type, idx);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SUBLABEL", cbs->action_sublabel_ident);

   bind_info.cbs             = cbs;
   bind_info.path            = path;
   bind_info.label           = label;
   bind_info.type            = type;
   bind_info.idx             = idx;
   bind_info.label_hash      = label_hash;

   menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_BIND_INIT, &bind_info);
void menu_cbs_init(void *data,
      menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs,
      const char *path, const char *label,
      unsigned type, size_t idx)
   menu_ctx_bind_t bind_info;
   char elem0[PATH_MAX_LENGTH];
   char elem1[PATH_MAX_LENGTH];
   const char *repr_label       = NULL;
   struct string_list *str_list = NULL;
   const char *menu_label       = NULL;
   uint32_t label_hash          = 0;
   uint32_t menu_label_hash     = 0;
   file_list_t *list            = (file_list_t*)data;
   if (!list)

   elem0[0] = '\0';
   elem1[0] = '\0';

   menu_entries_get_last_stack(NULL, &menu_label, NULL, NULL);

   if (label)
      str_list = string_split(label, "|");

   if (str_list && str_list->size > 0)
      strlcpy(elem0, str_list->elems[0].data, sizeof(elem0));
   if (str_list && str_list->size > 1)
      strlcpy(elem1, str_list->elems[1].data, sizeof(elem1));

   if (!label || !menu_label)
      goto error;

   label_hash      = menu_hash_calculate(label);
   menu_label_hash = menu_hash_calculate(menu_label);

#ifdef DEBUG_LOG

   repr_label = (!string_is_empty(label)) ? label : path;

   menu_cbs_init_bind_ok(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, menu_label, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "OK", cbs->action_ok_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_cancel(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CANCEL", cbs->action_cancel_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_scan(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SCAN", cbs->action_scan_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_start(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "START", cbs->action_start_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_select(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "SELECT", cbs->action_select_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_info(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "INFO", cbs->action_info_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_content_list_switch(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "CONTENT SWITCH", cbs->action_content_list_switch_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_up(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "UP", cbs->action_up_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_down(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DOWN", cbs->action_down_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_left(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, menu_label, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "LEFT", cbs->action_left_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_right(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, menu_label, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "RIGHT", cbs->action_right_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_deferred_push(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "DEFERRED PUSH", cbs->action_deferred_push_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_refresh(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "REFRESH", cbs->action_refresh_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_get_string_representation(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET VALUE", cbs->action_get_value_ident);

   menu_cbs_init_bind_title(cbs, path, label, type, idx, elem0, elem1, label_hash, menu_label_hash);

   menu_cbs_init_log(repr_label, "GET TITLE", cbs->action_get_title_ident);

   bind_info.cbs             = cbs;
   bind_info.path            = path;
   bind_info.label           = label;
   bind_info.type            = type;
   bind_info.idx             = idx;
   bind_info.elem0           = elem0;
   bind_info.elem1           = elem1;
   bind_info.label_hash      = label_hash;
   bind_info.menu_label_hash = menu_label_hash;

   menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_BIND_INIT, &bind_info);

   str_list = NULL;