void config_file_dump(config_file_t *conf, FILE *file, bool sort)
   struct config_entry_list       *list = NULL;
   struct config_include_list *includes = conf->includes;

   while (includes)
      fprintf(file, "#include \"%s\"\n", includes->path);
      includes = includes->next;

   if (sort)
      list = merge_sort_linked_list((struct config_entry_list*)
            conf->entries, config_sort_compare_func);
      list = (struct config_entry_list*)conf->entries;

   conf->entries = list;

   while (list)
      if (!list->readonly && list->key)
         fprintf(file, "%s = \"%s\"\n", list->key, list->value);
      list = list->next;
void config_file_dump_orbis(config_file_t *conf, int fd)
   struct config_entry_list       *list = NULL;
   struct config_include_list *includes = conf->includes;
   while (includes)
      char cad[256];
      sprintf(cad,"#include %s\n", includes->path);
      orbisWrite(fd, cad, strlen(cad));
      includes = includes->next;

   list = merge_sort_linked_list((struct config_entry_list*)conf->entries, config_sort_compare_func);
   conf->entries = list;

   while (list)
      if (!list->readonly && list->key)
         char newlist[256];
         sprintf(newlist,"%s = %s\n", list->key, list->value);
         orbisWrite(fd, newlist, strlen(newlist));
      list = list->next;
/* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7685/merge-sort-a-linked-list */
static struct config_entry_list* merge_sort_linked_list(struct config_entry_list *list, int (*compare)(struct config_entry_list *one,struct config_entry_list *two))
   struct config_entry_list
         *right  = list,
         *temp   = list,
         *last   = list,
         *result = 0,
         *next   = 0,
         *tail   = 0;

   /* Trivial case. */
   if (!list || !list->next)
      return list;

   /* Find halfway through the list (by running two pointers, one at twice the speed of the other). */
   while (temp && temp->next)
      last = right;
      right = right->next;
      temp = temp->next->next;

   /* Break the list in two. (prev pointers are broken here, but we fix later) */
   last->next = 0;

   /* Recurse on the two smaller lists: */
   list = merge_sort_linked_list(list, compare);
   right = merge_sort_linked_list(right, compare);

   /* Merge: */
   while (list || right)
      /* Take from empty lists, or compare: */
      if (!right)
         next = list;
         list = list->next;
      else if (!list)
         next = right;
         right = right->next;
      else if (compare(list, right) < 0)
         next = list;
         list = list->next;
         next = right;
         right = right->next;

      if (!result)
         result = next;
         tail->next = next;

      tail = next;

   return result;