文件: dicom.c 项目: MyOwnClone/goxel
void dicom_import(const char *dirpath)
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *dirent;
    dicom_t dicom, *dptr;
    static UT_icd dicom_icd = {sizeof(dicom_t), NULL, NULL, NULL};
    UT_array *all_files;
    int w, h, d;    // Dimensions of the full data cube.
    int i;
    uint16_t *data;
    uvec4b_t *cube;

    // First we parse all the dicom images into a sorted array.
    // XXX: how to propery iter a directory?
    utarray_new(all_files, &dicom_icd);
    dir = opendir(dirpath);
    while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
        if (dirent->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
        asprintf(&dicom.path, "%s/%s", dirpath, dirent->d_name);
        dicom_load(dicom.path, &dicom, NULL, 0);
        CHECK(dicom.rows && dicom.columns);
        utarray_push_back(all_files, &dicom);
    utarray_sort(all_files, dicom_sort);

    // Read all the file data one by one into the data cube.
    w = dicom.columns;
    h = dicom.rows;
    d = utarray_len(all_files);
    data = calloc(w * h * d, 2);

    dptr = NULL;
    while( (dptr = (dicom_t*)utarray_next(all_files, dptr))) {
        i = utarray_eltidx(all_files, dptr);
        dicom_load(dptr->path, &dicom,
                   (char*)&data[w * h * i], w * h * 2);

    // Generate 4 * 8bit RGBA values.
    // XXX: we should maybe support voxel data in 2 bytes monochrome.
    cube = malloc(w * h * d * sizeof(*cube));
    for (i = 0; i < w * h * d; i++) {
        cube[i] = uvec4b(255, 255, 255, clamp(data[i], 0, 255));

    // This could belong to the caller function.
    mesh_blit(goxel()->image->active_layer->mesh, cube,
              -w / 2, -h / 2, -d / 2, w, h, d);

void qubicle_import(const char *path)
    FILE *file;
    int version, color_format, orientation, compression, vmask, mat_count;
    int i, j, r, index, len, w, h, d, pos[3], x, y, z;
    char buff[256];
    uint32_t v;
    uvec4b_t *cube;
    const uint32_t CODEFLAG = 2;
    const uint32_t NEXTSLICEFLAG = 6;

    file = fopen(path, "r");
    version = READ(uint32_t, file);
    color_format = READ(uint32_t, file);
    orientation = READ(uint32_t, file);
    compression = READ(uint32_t, file);
    vmask = READ(uint32_t, file);
    mat_count = READ(uint32_t, file);

    for (i = 0; i < mat_count; i++) {
        len = READ(uint8_t, file);
        r = fread(buff, len, 1, file);
        w = READ(uint32_t, file);
        h = READ(uint32_t, file);
        d = READ(uint32_t, file);
        pos[0] = READ(int32_t, file);
        pos[1] = READ(int32_t, file);
        pos[2] = READ(int32_t, file);
        cube = calloc(w * h * d, sizeof(*cube));
        if (compression == 0) {
            for (index = 0; index < w * h * d; index++) {
                v = READ(uint32_t, file);
                cube[index].uint32 = v;
                cube[index].a = cube[index].a ? 255 : 0;
        } else {
            for (z = 0; z < d; z++) {
                index = 0;
                while (true) {
                    v = READ(uint32_t, file);
                    if (v == NEXTSLICEFLAG) {
                        break; // Next z.
                    len = 1;
                    if (v == CODEFLAG) {
                        len = READ(uint32_t, file);
                        v = READ(uint32_t, file);
                    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
                        x = index % w;
                        y = index / w;
                        cube[x + y * w + z * w * h].uint32 = v;
        mesh_blit(goxel()->image->active_layer->mesh, cube,
                  pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], w, h, d);