void LoadScriptFile(pzllst *lst,FManNode *filename, bool control, MList *controlst)
#ifdef TRACE
    printf("Loading script file %s\n",filename->File);

    if (control)

    mfile *fl=mfopen(filename);
    if (fl == NULL)
        printf("Error opening file %s\n",filename->File);

    char buf[FILE_LN_BUF];


        char *str=PrepareString(buf);

        if (strCMP(str,"puzzle")==0)
        else if (strCMP(str,"control")==0 && control )

文件: file.c 项目: amitsaha/libmill
size_t mfread(mfile f, void *buf, size_t len, int64_t deadline) {
    /* If there's enough data in the buffer it's easy. */
    if(f->ilen >= len) {
        memcpy(buf, &f->ibuf[f->ifirst], len);
        f->ifirst += len;
        f->ilen -= len;
        errno = 0;
        return len;

    /* Let's move all the data from the buffer first. */
    char *pos = (char*)buf;
    size_t remaining = len;
    memcpy(pos, &f->ibuf[f->ifirst], f->ilen);
    pos += f->ilen;
    remaining -= f->ilen;
    f->ifirst = 0;
    f->ilen = 0;

    while(1) {
        if(remaining > MILL_FILE_BUFLEN) {
            /* If we still have a lot to read try to read it in one go directly
             into the destination buffer. */
            ssize_t sz = read(f->fd, pos, remaining);
            if(!sz) {
                return len - remaining;
            if(sz == -1) {
                if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                    return len - remaining;
                sz = 0;
            if((size_t)sz == remaining) {
                errno = 0;
                return len;
            pos += sz;
            remaining -= sz;
            if (sz != 0 && mfeof(f)) {
                return len - remaining;
        else {
            /* If we have just a little to read try to read the full connection
             buffer to minimise the number of system calls. */
            ssize_t sz = read(f->fd, f->ibuf, MILL_FILE_BUFLEN);
            if(!sz) {
                return len - remaining;
            if(sz == -1) {
                if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
                    return len - remaining;
                sz = 0;
            if((size_t)sz < remaining) {
                memcpy(pos, f->ibuf, sz);
                pos += sz;
                remaining -= sz;
                f->ifirst = 0;
                f->ilen = 0;
            else {
                memcpy(pos, f->ibuf, remaining);
                f->ifirst = remaining;
                f->ilen = sz - remaining;
                errno = 0;
                return len;
            if (sz != 0 && mfeof(f)) {
                return len - remaining;

        /* Wait till there's more data to read. */
        int res = fdwait(f->fd, FDW_IN, deadline);
        if (!res) {
            errno = ETIMEDOUT;
            return len - remaining;
int main(void)
  MEMFILE *file, *file2, *file3;
  char test[] = "This is a very long string that just goes on and on, but it can surely tell us a few things about how this code is working.";
  char test2[] = "This is the second string, and should get cat'd right up behind the first string.";
  char buffer[512];

  printf("\n--------- open should fail (file doesn't exist)\n");
  file = mfopen( "dummy", "r+b" );
  printf("fopen(\"dummy\",\"r+b\") -> 0x%x\n", file );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- open should succeed (truncated on open)\n");
  file = mfopen( "dummy", "w+b" );
  printf("fopen(\"dummy\",\"w+b\") -> 0x%x\n", file );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );
  printf("growth increment was %d\n", _mfsetgrowincrement( file, 64 ) );
  printf("growth increment is now %d\n", _mfsetgrowincrement( file, 0 ) );

  printf("\n--------- should be zero offset, and eof == false\n");
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- should write %d bytes\n", strlen(test));
  printf( "fwrite( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", strlen(test), sizeof(char),
          mfwrite( test, strlen(test), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- should read the string back in\n");
  printf( "rewind(file) \n" ); mrewind(file);
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );
  memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ));
  printf( "fread( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char),
          mfread( buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- should cat the second string to the first\n");
  printf( "fwrite( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", sizeof(char), strlen(test2),
          mfwrite( test2, strlen(test2), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- should read zero (fp is at eof)\n");
  memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ));
  printf( "fread( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char),
          mfread( buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld  feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- seek test\n");
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf( "seek(file,64,0)-> %d\n", mfseek( file, 64, SEEK_SET ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld  feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- read after seek test, should read filelen-64 bytes\n");
  memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ));
  printf( "fread( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char),
          mfread( buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "-> \"%s\"\n", buffer );

  printf("\n--------- change size test\n");
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld  feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );
  printf( "ftruncate(fileno(file),10)   ->  %d\n", mftruncate( mfileno( file ), 10 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld  feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- negative seek test\n");
  printf( "fseek(file,-5,2)->%d\n", mfseek( file, -5, SEEK_END ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );

  printf("\n--------- read after seek test, should read 5 bytes\n");
  memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ));
  printf( "fread( [], %d, %d, file )  -> %d\n", sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char),
          mfread( buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char), file ) );
  printf( "-> \"%s\"\n", buffer );

  printf("\n--------- open and write a second file\n");
  file2 = mfopen( "dummy2", "w+b" );
  printf("fopen(\"dummy2\",\"w+b\") -> 0x%x\n", file2 );
  printf( "fwrite( [], %d, %d, file2 )  -> %d\n", strlen("TEST"), sizeof(char),
          mfwrite( "TEST", strlen("TEST"), sizeof(char), file2 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file2 ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file2 ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file2) -> %ld feof(file2)-> %d\n", mftell( file2 ), mfeof( file2 ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- open and write a third file\n");
  file3 = mfopen( "dummy3", "w+b" );
  printf("fopen(\"dummy3\",\"w+b\") -> 0x%x\n", file3 );
  printf( "fwrite( [], %d, %d, file3 )  -> %d\n", strlen("BLAHBLAH"), sizeof(char),
          mfwrite( "BLAHBLAH", strlen("BLAHBLAH"), sizeof(char), file3 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file3 ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file3 ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file3) -> %ld feof(file3)-> %d\n", mftell( file3 ), mfeof( file3 ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- close second\n");
  printf( "fclose(file2)    -> %d\n", mfclose( file2 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file2 ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file2 ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file2) -> %ld feof(file2)-> %d\n", mftell( file2 ), mfeof( file2 ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- check first\n");
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- truncate to zero test\n");
  printf( "ftruncate(fileno(file),0)   ->  %d\n", mftruncate( mfileno( file ), 0 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- close first\n");
  printf( "fclose(file)    -> %d\n", mfclose( file ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file) -> %ld feof(file)-> %d\n", mftell( file ), mfeof( file ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  printf("\n--------- close third\n");
  printf( "fclose(file3)    -> %d\n", mfclose( file3 ) );
  printf( "filelength( fileno( file3 ) )-> %ld\n", mfilelength( mfileno( file3 ) ) );
  printf( "ftell(file3) -> %ld feof(file3)-> %d\n", mftell( file3 ), mfeof( file3 ) );
  printf("#of open memstreams: %d\n", count_open_streams() );

  return 0;