void drawPlus(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, Color color)
/* Draw a little tiny plus symbol centered at x/y. */
int plusSize = 5;
int plusOff = 2;

mgDrawBox(mg, x-plusOff, y, plusSize, 1, color);
mgDrawBox(mg, x, y-plusOff, 1, plusSize, color);
static struct memGfx *altColorLabels(char **labels, int labelCount, int width)
/* Return a memory image with alternating colors. */
struct memGfx *mg = NULL;
Color c1,c2;
MgFont *font = mgMediumFont();
int lineHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font)-1;
int height = lineHeight * labelCount, i;
int y = 0;

/* Allocate picture and set up colors. */
mg = mgNew(width, height);
c1 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xFF);
c2 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xFF, 0xC8, 0xC8);

/* Draw text. */
for (i=labelCount-1; i >= 0; --i)
    Color c = ((i&1) ? c2 : c1);
    mgDrawBox(mg, 0, y, width, lineHeight, c);
    mgTextRight(mg, 0+1, y+1, width-1, lineHeight, MG_BLACK, font, labels[i]);
    y += lineHeight;

return mg;
void plot(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, char *name, Color color)
/* Plot a point. */
// y = mg->height - 1 - y;
if (plotName)
    mgTextCentered(mg, x-1, y-1, 3, 3, color, font, name);
    mgDrawBox(mg, x-1, y-1, 3, 3, color);
void aliTrack(char *bacAcc, char *wholeName, char *partsName, 
    struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, FILE *mapFile, int trim, char *repeatMask)
/* Write out one alignment track. */
struct dnaSeq *whole, *partList, *part;
bits16 contig;
int maxBlockSize = 5000;
int wholeSize;
struct patSpace *ps;
DNA *wholeDna;

whole = faReadAllDna(wholeName);
if (slCount(whole) > 1)
    warn("%d sequences in %s, only using first", slCount(whole), wholeName);
wholeDna = whole->dna;
wholeSize = whole->size;
ps = makePatSpace(&whole, 1, oocFile, 5, 500);
partList = faReadAllDna(partsName);
printf("%d contigs in %s\n\n", slCount(partList), partsName);

for (part = partList, contig = 0; part != NULL; part = part->next, ++contig)
    DNA *dna = part->dna;
    int dnaSize = part->size;
    int start, size;
    int subIx = 0;
    char numText[12];

    Color color = blockColors[contig%ArraySize(blockColors)];
    sprintf(numText, "%d", contig+1);
    for (start = trim; start < dnaSize-trim; start += size)
        struct ffAli *left, *right;
        boolean rc;
        int score;

        size = dnaSize - start-trim;
        if (size > maxBlockSize)
            size = maxBlockSize;
        if (!fastFind(dna+start, size, ps, &left, &rc, &score) )
            printf("Contig %d.%d:%d-%d of %d UNALIGNED\n",
                contig+1, subIx, start, start+size, dnaSize);
            int x1, x2;
            int xo, w;
            double quality;
            int qStart, qSize, tStart,tSize;
            char qualityString[40];

            right = left;
            while (right->right != NULL)
                right = right->right;
            qStart = left->nStart - dna;
            qSize = right->nEnd - left->nStart;
	    if (rc)
		int rcEnd = right->nEnd - (dna+start) - 1;
		qStart = reverseOffset(rcEnd, size) + start;
            tStart = left->hStart - wholeDna;
            tSize = right->hEnd - left->hStart;
            quality = 100.0 * score / qSize;
            if (quality >= 25.0)
                sprintf(qualityString, "%4.1f%%", quality);
                sprintf(qualityString, "<50%%");

            printf("<A HREF=\"../cgi-bin/chkGlue.exe?bacAcc=%s&contig=%d&qStart=%d&qSize=%d&tStart=%d&tSize=%d&repeatMask=%s\">",
                bacAcc, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize, repeatMask);

            printf("Contig %d.%d:%d-%d %c of %d aligned %d-%d of %d aliSize %d quality %s</A>\n",
                contig+1, subIx, qStart, qStart+qSize, 
                (rc ? '-' : '+'), dnaSize, 
                tStart, tStart + tSize,
                qSize, qualityString);
            x1 = roundingScale(trackWidth, left->hStart - wholeDna, wholeSize);
            x2 = roundingScale(trackWidth, right->hEnd - wholeDna, wholeSize);
            xo = x1+x;
            w = x2-x1;
            mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtBlock, xo, y, w, trackHeight,
                bacAcc, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize);
            mgDrawBox(mg, xo, y, w, trackHeight, color);
            mgTextCentered(mg, xo, y, w, trackHeight, MG_WHITE, font, numText);