extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean MYMR_AmbientOcclusion(
		miColor *result ,
		miState *state, 
		struct MYMR_AmbientOcclusion_p *paras)
	miUint samples = * mi_eval_integer(&paras->samples);
	miVector trace_direction;
	miUshort dimension = 2;
	int instance = 0, found=0;
	double amb_exp;
	double sample[dimension];
	//Try to get samples to random places monte carlo style
	while (mi_sample(sample,&instance,state,dimension,&samples)){
		// get the direction of the ray given the sample
		if (mi_trace_probe(state, &trace_direction, &state->point)){
	printf("%d %d\n",found,samples);
	amb_exp = 1.0 - ((double)found/(double)samples);
	result->r = result->g  = result->b = amb_exp;
	return miTRUE;
文件: baseocc.cpp 项目: OpenXRay/xray
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_amb_occlusion(
	miColor     *result,
	miState     *state,
	struct mib_amb_occlusion_p *paras)
	double sample[3], near_clip, far_clip;
	int	  counter  = 0;
	miUint	  samples  = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->samples);
	miScalar  clipdist = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->max_distance);
	miBoolean reflecto = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->reflective);
	miBoolean ret_type = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->return_type);

	miTag	   org_env = state->environment; /* Original environ. */

	miVector orig_normal, trace_dir;
	miScalar output      = 0.0, 
		 samplesdone = 0.0;
	miScalar spread     = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->spread);
	miScalar o_m_spread = 1.0f - spread;
	miColor   env_total;	/* environment Total */ 	
	miVector  norm_total;	/* Used for adding up normals */
	miBoolean occ_alpha = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->occlusion_in_alpha);

        miScalar  falloff   = 1.0;
        miao_trace_info ti;
        int       version = 1;

	/* If called as user area light source, return "no more samples" for	
	   any call beyond the first */
	if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT && state->count > 0) 
		return (miBoolean)2;

        /* Figure out the call version */
        mi_query(miQ_DECL_VERSION, 0, state->shader->function_decl, &version); 
        if (version >= 2)
            falloff = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->falloff);
            if (falloff <= 0.0) 
                falloff = 1.0;
            ti.id_inclexcl   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->id_includeexclude);
            ti.id_nonself    = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->id_nonself);

            /* None of these options used, go into compatible mode */
            ti.compatible = (ti.id_inclexcl   == 0 && 
                             ti.id_nonself    == 0 
            ti.compatible = miTRUE;

	/* Used for adding up environment */
	env_total.r = env_total.g = env_total.b = env_total.a = 0;

	far_clip = near_clip = clipdist;

	orig_normal  = state->normal;
	norm_total   = state->normal; /* Begin by standard normal */

	/* Displacement? Shadow? Makes no sense */
	if (state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE ||
            state->type == miRAY_SHADOW) {
		result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0.0;
		return (miTRUE); 

	if (clipdist > 0.0) 
		mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip);

	/* Avoid recursion: If we are designated as environment shader,
	   we will be called with rays of type miRAY_ENVIRON, and if so
	   we switch the environment to the global environment */

	if (state->type == miRAY_ENVIRONMENT)
	    state->environment = state->camera->environment;

	while (mi_sample(sample, &counter, state, 2, &samples)) {
		mi_reflection_dir_diffuse_x(&trace_dir, state, sample);
		trace_dir.x = orig_normal.x*o_m_spread + trace_dir.x*spread;
		trace_dir.y = orig_normal.y*o_m_spread + trace_dir.y*spread;
		trace_dir.z = orig_normal.z*o_m_spread + trace_dir.z*spread;

		if (reflecto) {
			miVector ref;
			miScalar nd = state->dot_nd;
			/* Calculate the reflection direction */
			state->normal = trace_dir;
			state->dot_nd = mi_vector_dot(
			/* Bugfix: mi_reflection_dir(&ref, state);
			   for some reason gives me the wrong result,
			   doing it "manually" works better */
			ref    = state->dir;
			ref.x -= state->normal.x*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			ref.y -= state->normal.y*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			ref.z -= state->normal.z*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			state->normal = orig_normal;
			state->dot_nd = nd;
			trace_dir = ref;

		if (mi_vector_dot(&trace_dir, &state->normal_geom) < 0.0) 

		output	    += 1.0; /* Add one */
		samplesdone += 1.0;

		if (state->options->shadow &&
		    miao_trace_the_ray(state, &trace_dir, &state->point, &ti)) {
			/* we hit something */
			if (clipdist == 0.0) 
				output -= 1.0;
			else if (state->child->dist < clipdist) {
				miScalar f = pow(state->child->dist / clipdist,
                                                 (double) falloff);

				output -= (1.0 - f);

				norm_total.x += trace_dir.x * f;
				norm_total.y += trace_dir.y * f;
				norm_total.z += trace_dir.z * f;

				switch (ret_type) {
					case 1: 
					    /* Environment sampling */
					    miColor envsample;
						state, &trace_dir);

					    env_total.r += envsample.r * f;
					    env_total.g += envsample.g * f;
					    env_total.b += envsample.b * f;
					  /* Most return types need no 
						special stuff */
		else {
			/* We hit nothing */
			norm_total.x += trace_dir.x;
			norm_total.y += trace_dir.y;
			norm_total.z += trace_dir.z;

			switch (ret_type) {
				case 1: /* Environment sampling */
					   miColor envsample;

						   state, &trace_dir);

					   env_total.r += envsample.r;
					   env_total.g += envsample.g;
					   env_total.b += envsample.b;
					/* Most return types need no 
						special treatment */

	if (clipdist > 0.0) 
		mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip);
	if (samplesdone <= 0.0) /* No samples? */
		samplesdone = 1.0;  /* 1.0 to not to break divisons below */

	switch (ret_type) {
		case -1:  /* Plain old occlusion with untouched normal*/
		case 0:   /* Plain old occlusion */
		default:  /* (also the default for out-of-bounds values) */
			miVector old_dir = state->dir;
			output /= (miScalar) samplesdone;

			if (ret_type == -1)
				norm_total = state->normal;
			else {

				/* If the color shaders use the normal....
					give them the bent one... */
				state->normal = norm_total;  
				state->dir    = norm_total;
			if (output == 0.0)
				*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);
			else if (output >= 1.0)
				*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright);
			else {
				miColor bright, dark;
				bright = *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright);
				dark   = *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);

				result->r = bright.r * output + dark.r * 
					(1.0 - output);
				result->g = bright.g * output + dark.g * 
					(1.0 - output);
				result->b = bright.b * output + dark.b * 
					(1.0 - output);

				if (occ_alpha)
					result->a = output;
					result->a = bright.a * output 
						   + dark.a * (1.0 - output);

			state->normal = orig_normal;
			state->dir    = old_dir;
		case 1: /* Sampled environment */
			miColor br	= *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright),
				drk	= *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);

			result->r = drk.r + (br.r * env_total.r / samplesdone);
			result->g = drk.g + (br.g * env_total.g / samplesdone);
			result->b = drk.b + (br.b * env_total.b / samplesdone);
			if (occ_alpha)
				result->a = output/ samplesdone;
				result->a = 1.0;
		case 2: /* Bent normals, world */
		case 3: /* Bent normals, camera */
		case 4: /* Bent normals, object */
			miVector retn; /* returned Normal */


			if (ret_type == 2)
				mi_normal_to_world(state, &retn, &norm_total);
			if (ret_type == 3)
				mi_normal_to_camera(state, &retn, &norm_total);
			if (ret_type == 4)
				mi_normal_to_object(state, &retn, &norm_total);

			result->r = (retn.x + 1.0) / 2.0;
			result->g = (retn.y + 1.0) / 2.0;
			result->b = (retn.z + 1.0) / 2.0;
			if (occ_alpha)
				result->a = output/ samplesdone;
				result->a = 1.0;

	if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT) {
		 /* Are we a light shader? */
		int type;
		mi_query(miQ_FUNC_CALLTYPE, state, 0, &type);

		/* Make sure we are called as light shader */
		if (type == miSHADER_LIGHT) {
			/* If so, move ourselves to above the point... */
			state->org.x = state->point.x + state->normal.x;
			state->org.y = state->point.y + state->normal.y;
			state->org.z = state->point.z + state->normal.z;
			/* ...and set dot_nd to 1.0 to illuminate fully */
			state->dot_nd = 1.0;
	/* Reset environment, if we changed it */
	state->environment = org_env;
	return miTRUE;