/** Approximate the distance between a point and an ellipse using Rosin 
double d_rosin( Ring *ering, double x, double y )
  double xtmp, ytmp;
  double ae2, be2, fe2; 
  double xp, yp, xp2, yp2, xx, yy;  
  double delta, A, ah, bh2, term;
  double d[4];

  xtmp = x - ering->cx;
  ytmp = y - ering->cy;
  ae2  = ering->ax * ering->ax;
  be2  = ering->bx * ering->bx;
  fe2 = ae2 - be2;
  xp = xtmp * cos(-ering->theta) - ytmp * sin(-ering->theta);
  yp = xtmp * sin(-ering->theta) + ytmp * cos(-ering->theta);
  xp2 = xp * xp;
  yp2 = yp * yp;
  delta = (xp2 + yp2 + fe2) * (xp2 + yp2 + fe2) - 4 * xp2 * fe2;
  A = (xp2 + yp2 + fe2 - sqrt(delta))/2.0; 
  ah = sqrt(A);
  bh2 = fe2 - A;
  term = (A * be2 + ae2 * bh2);
  xx = ah * sqrt( ae2 * (be2 + bh2) / term );
  yy = ering->bx * sqrt( bh2 * (ae2 - A) / term );

  d[0] = dist( xp, yp, xx, yy);
  d[1] = dist( xp, yp, xx,-yy);
  d[2] = dist( xp, yp,-xx, yy);
  d[3] = dist( xp, yp,-xx,-yy);
  double dmin = min_array(d,4); 
  if( xp2+yp2 > xx*xx+yy*yy ) return dmin;
  else return -dmin; 
// Note that 'arraySize =  8*((3*8*6144)+12)';
void dlsch_LLR_quant(const short *llr, const unsigned int arraySize, const short Mlevel, short *llr_quant)

  unsigned int i, j;
  short max_llr, min_llr;
  short llr_interval;
  float quant_step;
  float *transLevelArray;

  min_llr = min_array(llr, arraySize);
  max_llr = max_array(llr, arraySize);
  llr_interval = (max_llr - min_llr);
  quant_step = (float)llr_interval / Mlevel;

  if ((Mlevel%2) != 0) {
    printf("Mlevel should be mutiple of 2...\n");

  transLevelArray = (float *)malloc((Mlevel+1)*sizeof(float));

  if (!transLevelArray) {
    printf("Cannot allocate memory for transLevelArray...!\n");

  for(j=0; j < Mlevel+1; j++) {
    transLevelArray[j] = min_llr + j*quant_step;

  for (i=0; i < arraySize; i++) {
    for(j=0; j < Mlevel; j++) {
      if ((transLevelArray[j] <= llr[i]) && (llr[i] <= transLevelArray[j+1])) {
        llr_quant[i] = (short)(transLevelArray[j] +  quant_step/2);  // mid-points are selected;

      if (transLevelArray[j+1] <= llr[i]) { // the last term;
        llr_quant[i] = (short)(transLevelArray[j] +  quant_step/2);  // mid-points are selected;

  printf("min_llr: %d  : max_llr: %d \n", min_llr, max_llr);
  printf("llr_interval: %d  : quant_step: %f \n", llr_interval, quant_step);
  printf("transLevelArray = [");

  for(j=0; j < Mlevel+1; j++)
    printf("%f ", transLevelArray[j]);

  printf("] \n\n");
#endif // TEST_DEBUG  

char current_location(int* position)
    // int buffer to hold blob data
    unsigned int buffer[12];
    // read wii camera blob data into int buffer
    // points
    int x1 = (int)buffer[0];
    int y1 = (int)buffer[1];
    int x2 = (int)buffer[3];
    int y2 = (int)buffer[4];
    int x3 = (int)buffer[6];
    int y3 = (int)buffer[7];
    int x4 = (int)buffer[9];
    int y4 = (int)buffer[10];
    // array of points
    int x_points[4] = {x1, x2, x3, x4};
    int y_points[4] = {y1, y2, y3, y4};
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i<=4;i++)
        if (x_points[i]==1023 && y_points[i]==1023)
            x_points[i] = NaN;
            y_points[i] = NaN;
    // calculate all possible distances
    int d12 = calc_dist(x_points[0], y_points[0], x_points[1], y_points[1]);
    int d13 = calc_dist(x_points[0], y_points[0], x_points[2], y_points[2]);
    int d14 = calc_dist(x_points[0], y_points[0], x_points[3], y_points[3]);
    int d23 = calc_dist(x_points[1], y_points[1], x_points[2], y_points[2]);
    int d24 = calc_dist(x_points[1], y_points[1], x_points[3], y_points[3]);
    int d34 = calc_dist(x_points[2], y_points[2], x_points[3], y_points[3]);
    // store all distances in an array
    int all_distances[6] = {d12,d13,d14,d23,d24,d34};
    // store all pair
    int all_pairs[6][2] = {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
    // index and value of max and min distance
    int max_dat[2];
    int min_dat[2];

    // fill min and max arrays
    max_array(all_distances, 6, max_dat);
    min_array(all_distances, 6, min_dat);
    // index of max and min points
    int max_index = max_dat[1];
    int min_index = min_dat[1];

    // array of pair indicies
    int long_pair[2] = {all_pairs[max_index][0], all_pairs[max_index][1]};
    int short_pair[2] = {all_pairs[min_index][0], all_pairs[min_index][1]};
    int top_point[2];
    int bottom_point[2];
    // finds top and bottom points
    if (long_pair[0] == short_pair[0] || long_pair[0] == short_pair[1])
        top_point[0] = x_points[long_pair[0]];
        top_point[1] = y_points[long_pair[0]];
        bottom_point[0] = x_points[long_pair[1]];
        bottom_point[1] = y_points[long_pair[1]];
        top_point[0] =x_points[long_pair[1]];
        top_point[1] =y_points[long_pair[1]];
        bottom_point[0] =x_points[long_pair[0]];
        bottom_point[1] =y_points[long_pair[0]];

    // calculate center of rink
    double x_center = ((double)top_point[0] + (double)bottom_point[0])/2;
    double y_center = ((double)top_point[1] + (double)bottom_point[1])/2;
    //double theta = acos(y_unit);
    double x_diff = (double)top_point[0] - x_center;
    double y_diff =(double)top_point[1] - y_center;
    // calculate position of camera relative to camera coordinate axes
    double camera_x = 512;
    double camera_y = 384;
    // calculate angle theta
    double theta = atan2(x_diff, y_diff);

    // rotated points
    float rotated_x = ((((camera_x-x_center)*cos(theta)) + ((camera_y-y_center)*-sin(theta))) + camera_x);
    float rotated_y = ((((camera_x-x_center)*sin(theta)) + ((camera_y-y_center)*cos(theta))) + camera_y);

    // position and angle relative to rink axes
    position[0] = (int) (10*((512 - (rotated_x)))/28);
    position[1] = (int) (10*(((rotated_y) - 384))/28);
    position[2] = (int) (theta*(180/M_PI));
    return 1;