int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *srcName="f_fibonacci-mips.bin"; if(argc>1){ srcName=argv[1]; } mips_mem_h m=mips_mem_create_ram(0x20000, 4); mips_cpu_h c=mips_cpu_create(m); FILE *src=fopen(srcName,"rb"); if(!src){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load source file '%s', try specifying the relative path to f_fibonacci-mips.bin.", srcName); exit(1); } uint32_t v; uint32_t offset=0; while(1==fread(&v, 4, 1, src)){ if(mips_mem_write(m, offset, 4, (uint8_t*)&v)){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory error while loading binary."); exit(1); } offset+=4; } fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %d bytes of binary at address 0.", offset); fclose(src); // No error checking... oh my! uint32_t n=12; // Value we will calculate fibonacci of uint32_t sentinelPC=0x10000000; mips_cpu_set_register(c, 31, sentinelPC); // set return address to something invalid mips_cpu_set_register(c, 4, n); // Set input argument mips_cpu_set_register(c, 29, 0x1000); // Create a stack pointer uint32_t steps=0; while(!mips_cpu_step(c)){ fprintf(stderr, "Step %d.\n", steps); ++steps; uint32_t pc; mips_cpu_get_pc(c, &pc); if(pc==sentinelPC) break; } uint32_t fib_n; mips_cpu_get_register(c, 2, &fib_n); // Get the result back uint32_t fib_n_ref=f_fibonacci(n); fprintf(stderr, "fib(%d) = %d, expected = %d\n", n, fib_n, fib_n_ref); return 0; }
int main() { gfxInitDefault(); consoleInit(GFX_TOP, NULL); char* srcName; //open directory DIR *pdir; struct dirent *pent; int err = 0; pdir=opendir("/3ds/mips43ds/"); printf("Files in /3ds/mips43ds/ : \n"); if (pdir){ char dir_name[50][512]; int i = 0; while ((pent=readdir(pdir))!=NULL) { if(strcmp(".", pent->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", pent->d_name) == 0) continue; if(pent->d_type != DT_DIR) { printf("%d. %s\n", i+1, pent->d_name); strcpy(dir_name[i], pent->d_name); i++; } } //select file printf("Please select a file to load (Left/Right keys):\n"); int select = 0; int selected = 0; printf("< %d. %s >\n", 1, dir_name[0]); while(selected == 0) { gspWaitForVBlank(); hidScanInput(); u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kDown & KEY_DRIGHT) { select++; if (select < 0) select = i; if (select > i) select = 0; printf("< %d. %s >\n", select+1, dir_name[select]); } else if (kDown & KEY_DLEFT) { select--; if (select < 0) select = i; if (select > i) select = 0; printf("< %d. %s >\n",select+1, dir_name[select]); } if (kDown & KEY_A) { selected = true; srcName = dir_name[select]; } if (kDown & KEY_START){ romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; } } printf("\nSelected file %s.\n", dir_name[select]); closedir(pdir); } else { iprintf ("opendir() failure; terminating\nPress Start to Exit\n"); while (1) { u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); gspWaitForVBlank(); hidScanInput(); if (kDown & KEY_START){ romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; } } } mips_mem_h m=mips_mem_create_ram(0x20000, 4); mips_cpu_h c=mips_cpu_create(m); //char* srcName = "test_mips_fibonacci.bin"; FILE *src=fopen(srcName,"rb"); if(!src){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load source file '%s', try specifying the relative path to '%s'.\nPress Start to Exit\n", srcName, srcName); while (1) { u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); gspWaitForVBlank(); hidScanInput(); if (kDown & KEY_START){ romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; } } } uint32_t v; uint32_t offset=0; while(1==fread(&v, 4, 1, src)){ if(mips_mem_write(m, offset, 4, (uint8_t*)&v)){ fprintf(stderr, "Memory error while loading binary.\nPress Start to Exit\n"); while (1) { u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); gspWaitForVBlank(); hidScanInput(); if (kDown & KEY_START){ romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; } } } offset+=4; } fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %d bytes of binary at address 0.\n", offset); fclose(src); uint32_t n=12; // Value we will calculate fibonacci of uint32_t sentinelPC=0x10000000; mips_cpu_set_register(c, 31, sentinelPC); // set return address to something invalid mips_cpu_set_register(c, 4, n); // Set input argument mips_cpu_set_register(c, 29, 0x1000); // Create a stack pointer uint32_t steps=0; fprintf(stderr, "Executing... "); while(!mips_cpu_step(c)){ //fprintf(stderr, "Step %d.\n", steps); ++steps; uint32_t pc; mips_cpu_get_pc(c, &pc); if(pc==sentinelPC) break; } fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n"); //uint32_t fib_n; //mips_cpu_get_register(c, 2, &fib_n); // Get the result back //uint32_t fib_n_ref=f_fibonacci(n); //fprintf(stderr, "fib(%d) = %d, expected = %d\n", n, fib_n, fib_n_ref); fprintf(stderr, "Final register values:\n"); uint32_t reg_val; for (int i=0; i < 32; i+=2) { mips_cpu_get_register(c, i, ®_val); // Get the result back fprintf(stderr, "$%d = %d,\t\t\t\t\t\t", i, reg_val); mips_cpu_get_register(c, i+1, ®_val); // Get the result back fprintf(stderr, "$%d = %d\n", i+1, reg_val); } fprintf(stderr, "\n\nPress Start to Exit\n"); //} // Main loop while (aptMainLoop()) { gspWaitForVBlank(); hidScanInput(); u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kDown & KEY_START) break; // break in order to return to hbmenu } romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; }