static void mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker_send(mln_event_t *ev, int fd, void *data) { mln_tcp_conn_t *conn = &master_conn; mln_chain_t *c; int ret; while ((c = mln_tcp_conn_get_head(conn, M_C_SEND)) != NULL) { ret = mln_tcp_conn_send(conn); if (ret == M_C_FINISH) { continue; } else if (ret == M_C_NOTYET) { mln_chain_pool_release_all(mln_tcp_conn_remove(conn, M_C_SENT)); mln_event_set_fd(ev, \ mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(conn), \ M_EV_SEND|M_EV_APPEND|M_EV_NONBLOCK|M_EV_ONESHOT, \ M_EV_UNLIMITED, \ NULL, \ mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker_send); return; } else if (ret == M_C_ERROR) { mln_log(report, "master process dead!\n"); exit(127); } else { mln_log(error, "Shouldn't be here.\n"); abort(); } } mln_chain_pool_release_all(mln_tcp_conn_remove(conn, M_C_SENT)); }
void mln_socketpair_close_handler(mln_event_t *ev, mln_fork_t *f, int fd) { mln_event_set_fd(ev, fd, M_EV_CLR, M_EV_UNLIMITED, NULL, NULL); enum proc_exec_type etype = f->etype; enum proc_state_type stype = f->stype; mln_s8ptr_t *args = f->args; mln_u32_t n_args = f->n_args; if (stype == M_PST_SUP) { mln_fork_destroy(f, 0); if (etype == M_PET_DFL) { int rv = mln_fork_restart(ev); if (rv < 0) { mln_log(error, "mln_fork_restart() error.\n"); abort(); } else if (rv == 0) { mln_event_set_break(ev); } else { mln_log(report, "Child process restart.\n"); } } else {/*M_PET_EXE*/ if (mln_fork_spawn(stype, args, n_args, ev) < 0) { mln_log(error, "mln_fork_spawn() error.\n"); abort(); } mln_log(report, "Process %s restart.\n", args[0]); } } else {/*M_PST_DFL*/ mln_fork_destroy(f, 1); } }
/* * Message Format: * [Length(include type length) 4bytes|type 4bytes|content Nbytes] */ void mln_ipc_fd_handler_master(mln_event_t *ev, int fd, void *data) { int ret; mln_fork_t *f = (mln_fork_t *)data; mln_tcp_conn_t *conn = &(f->conn); while (1) { ret = mln_tcp_conn_recv(conn, M_C_TYPE_MEMORY); if (ret == M_C_FINISH) { continue; } else if (ret == M_C_NOTYET) { break; } else if (ret == M_C_CLOSED) { mln_log(report, "Child process dead!\n"); mln_socketpair_close_handler(ev, f, fd); return ; } else { mln_log(error, "recv msg error. %s\n", strerror(errno)); mln_socketpair_close_handler(ev, f, fd); return ; } } mln_ipc_fd_handler_master_process(ev, f); }
int mln_fork_spawn(enum proc_state_type stype, \ mln_s8ptr_t *args, \ mln_u32_t n_args, \ mln_event_t *master_ev) { mln_log(none, "Start up process '%s'\n", args[0]); int ret = do_fork_core(M_PET_EXE, \ stype, \ args, \ n_args, \ master_ev); if (ret < 0) { return -1; } else if (ret == 0) { char fd_str[256] = {0}; snprintf(fd_str, sizeof(fd_str)-1, "%d", \ mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn)); args[n_args] = fd_str; if (master_ev != NULL) mln_event_destroy(master_ev); mln_log_destroy(); if (execv(args[0], args) < 0) { mln_log(error, "execv error, %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } return 0; }
/*mln_set_worker_ipc_handler*/ void mln_set_worker_ipc_handler(mln_ipc_handler_t *ih) { mln_rbtree_node_t *rn = mln_rbtree_search(worker_ipc_tree, \ worker_ipc_tree->root, \ ih); if (rn->data != NULL) { mln_log(error, "IPC type '%d' already existed.\n", ih->type); abort(); } rn = mln_rbtree_new_node(worker_ipc_tree, ih); if (rn == NULL) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); abort(); } mln_rbtree_insert(worker_ipc_tree, rn); }
static void mln_ipc_fd_handler_master_process(mln_event_t *ev, mln_fork_t *f) { mln_tcp_conn_t *tc = &(f->conn); while (1) { while (f->error_bytes) { f->error_bytes = mln_ipc_discard_bytes(tc, f->error_bytes); } switch (f->state) { case STATE_IDLE: { if (mln_ipc_get_buf_with_len(tc, &(f->msg_len), M_F_LENLEN) < 0) { return; } f->state = STATE_LENGTH; } case STATE_LENGTH: { if (f->msg_content == NULL) { f->msg_content = malloc(f->msg_len); if (f->msg_content == NULL) { f->error_bytes = f->msg_len; f->state = STATE_IDLE; break; } } if (mln_ipc_get_buf_with_len(tc, f->msg_content, f->msg_len) < 0) { return; } memcpy(&(f->msg_type), f->msg_content, M_F_TYPELEN); f->state = STATE_IDLE; mln_ipc_handler_t ih; ih.type = f->msg_type; mln_rbtree_node_t *rn = mln_rbtree_search(master_ipc_tree, \ master_ipc_tree->root, \ &ih); if (!mln_rbtree_null(rn, master_ipc_tree)) { mln_ipc_handler_t *ihp = (mln_ipc_handler_t *)(rn->data); if (ihp->handler != NULL) ihp->handler(ev, \ f, \ f->msg_content+M_F_TYPELEN, \ f->msg_len-M_F_TYPELEN, \ &(ihp->data)); } free(f->msg_content); f->msg_content = NULL; break; } default: mln_log(error, "No such state!\n"); abort(); } } }
static void mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker_process(mln_event_t *ev, mln_tcp_conn_t *tc) { while (1) { while (child_error_bytes) { child_error_bytes = mln_ipc_discard_bytes(tc, child_error_bytes); } switch (child_state) { case STATE_IDLE: { if (mln_ipc_get_buf_with_len(tc, &(cur_msg_len), M_F_LENLEN) < 0) { return; } child_state = STATE_LENGTH; } case STATE_LENGTH: { if (child_msg_content == NULL) { child_msg_content = (mln_u8ptr_t)malloc(cur_msg_len); if (child_msg_content == NULL) { child_error_bytes = cur_msg_len; child_state = STATE_IDLE; break; } } if (mln_ipc_get_buf_with_len(tc, child_msg_content, cur_msg_len) < 0) { return; } memcpy(&cur_msg_type, child_msg_content, M_F_TYPELEN); child_state = STATE_IDLE; mln_ipc_handler_t ih; ih.type = cur_msg_type; mln_rbtree_node_t *rn = mln_rbtree_search(worker_ipc_tree, \ worker_ipc_tree->root, \ &ih); if (!mln_rbtree_null(rn, worker_ipc_tree)) { mln_ipc_handler_t *ihp = (mln_ipc_handler_t *)(rn->data); if (ihp->handler != NULL) ihp->handler(ev, \ tc, \ child_msg_content+M_F_TYPELEN, \ cur_msg_len-M_F_TYPELEN, \ &(ihp->data)); } free(child_msg_content); child_msg_content = NULL; break; } default: mln_log(error, "No such state!\n"); abort(); } } }
void mln_conf_get_cmds(mln_conf_t *cf, char *domain, mln_conf_cmd_t **v) { mln_conf_domain_t *cd = cf->search(cf, domain); if (cd == NULL) return; struct conf_cmds_scan_s ccs; = v; ccs.pos = 0; if (mln_rbtree_scan_all(cd->cmd, cd->cmd->root, mln_conf_get_cmds_scan, (void *)&ccs) < 0) { mln_log(error, "Shouldn't be here.\n"); abort(); } }
void mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker(mln_event_t *ev, int fd, void *data) { int ret; mln_tcp_conn_t *conn = &master_conn; while (1) { ret = mln_tcp_conn_recv(conn, M_C_TYPE_MEMORY); if (ret == M_C_FINISH) { continue; } else if (ret == M_C_NOTYET) { break; } else if (ret == M_C_CLOSED) { mln_log(report, "Master process dead!\n"); exit(127); } else { mln_log(error, "recv msg error. %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(127); } } mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker_process(ev, conn); }
void mln_fork_worker_set_events(mln_event_t *ev) { if (mln_event_set_fd(ev, \ mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn), \ M_EV_RECV|M_EV_NONBLOCK, \ M_EV_UNLIMITED, \ NULL, \ mln_ipc_fd_handler_worker) < 0) { mln_log(error, "mln_event_set_fd() failed.\n"); abort(); } }
static int do_fork_worker_process(mln_sauto_t n_worker_proc) { mln_sauto_t i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < n_worker_proc; ++i) { mln_log(none, "Start up worker process No.%l\n", i+1); if ((ret = mln_fork_restart(NULL)) < 0) { continue; } else if (ret == 0) { return 0; } } return 1; }
/* * events */ void mln_fork_master_set_events(mln_event_t *ev) { mln_fork_t *f; for (f = worker_list_head; f != NULL; f = f->next) { if (mln_event_set_fd(ev, \ mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&(f->conn)), \ M_EV_RECV|M_EV_NONBLOCK, \ M_EV_UNLIMITED, \ f, \ mln_ipc_fd_handler_master) < 0) { mln_log(error, "mln_event_set_fd() failed.\n"); abort(); } } }
/*pre-fork*/ int mln_pre_fork(void) { if (signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { mln_log(error, "signal() to ignore SIGCHLD failed, %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { mln_log(error, "signal() to ignore SIGPIPE failed, %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = do_fork_sig_handler; sigemptyset(&(act.sa_mask)); sigfillset(&(act.sa_mask)); if (sigaction(wait_signo, &act, NULL) < 0) { mln_log(error, "sigaction error, signo:%d. %s\n", \ wait_signo, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (mln_tcp_conn_init(&master_conn, -1) < 0) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); return -1; } child_state = STATE_IDLE; child_error_bytes = 0; cur_msg_len = 0; child_msg_content = NULL; cur_msg_type = 0; struct mln_rbtree_attr rbattr; rbattr.cmp = mln_fork_rbtree_cmp; rbattr.data_free = NULL; if ((master_ipc_tree = mln_rbtree_init(&rbattr)) < 0) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); if (mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn) >= 0) close(mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn)); mln_tcp_conn_destroy(&master_conn); return -1; } if ((worker_ipc_tree = mln_rbtree_init(&rbattr)) < 0) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); mln_rbtree_destroy(master_ipc_tree); master_ipc_tree = NULL; if (mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn) >= 0) close(mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&master_conn)); mln_tcp_conn_destroy(&master_conn); return -1; } mln_set_ipc_handlers(); return 0; }
static int do_fork_core(enum proc_exec_type etype, \ enum proc_state_type stype, \ mln_s8ptr_t *args, \ mln_u32_t n_args, \ mln_event_t *master_ev) { int fds[2]; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds) < 0) { mln_log(error, "socketpair() error. %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { close(fds[1]); /* * In linux 2.6.32-279, there is a loophole in process restart. * If you use select() or kqueue(), you wouldn't get this problem. * If I don't add a signal to make parent process wait for child, * the event which combined with the fd that * created by socketpair() and used to receive child process messages * would be tiggered by epoll_wait() with an empty receive buffer. * If fd is blocking model, the parent routine would be blocked * in read(). Because there is a moment that child process not be built yet, * but parent process have already added the fd into the epoll and * jump into the mln_event_dispatch(). * And then, child process built, that would make the event * which is triggered in parent process to be a lie. */ while (child_startup == 0) ; child_startup = 0; struct mln_fork_attr fattr; fattr.args = args; fattr.n_args = n_args; fattr.fd = fds[0]; = pid; fattr.etype = etype; fattr.stype = stype; mln_fork_t *f = mln_fork_init(&fattr); if (f == NULL) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); abort(); } if (master_ev != NULL) { if (mln_event_set_fd(master_ev, \ mln_tcp_conn_get_fd(&(f->conn)), \ M_EV_RECV, \ M_EV_UNLIMITED, \ f, \ mln_ipc_fd_handler_master) < 0) { mln_log(error, "mln_event_set_fd() failed.\n"); abort(); } } return 1; } else if (pid == 0) { close(fds[0]); mln_fork_destroy_all(); mln_rbtree_destroy(master_ipc_tree); if (rs_clr_handler != NULL) rs_clr_handler(rs_clr_data); master_ipc_tree = NULL; mln_tcp_conn_set_fd(&master_conn, fds[1]); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); signal(wait_signo, SIG_DFL); if (kill(getppid(), wait_signo) < 0) { mln_log(error, "kill() error. %s\n", strerror(errno)); abort(); } return 0; } mln_log(error, "fork() error. %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; }
/* * fork processes */ int do_fork(void) { mln_conf_t *cf = mln_get_conf(); if (cf == NULL) { mln_log(error, "configuration crashed.\n"); abort(); } mln_conf_domain_t *cd = cf->search(cf, "main"); if (cd == NULL) { mln_log(error, "Domain 'main' NOT existed.\n"); abort(); } mln_sauto_t n_worker_proc = 0; mln_conf_cmd_t *cmd = cd->search(cd, "worker_proc"); if (cmd != NULL) { if (mln_conf_get_argNum(cmd) > 1) { mln_log(error, "Too many arguments follow 'worker_proc'.\n"); exit(1); } mln_conf_item_t *ci = cmd->search(cmd, 1); if (ci == NULL) { mln_log(error, "'worker_proc' need an integer argument.\n"); exit(1); } if (ci->type != CONF_INT) { mln_log(error, "'worker_proc' need an integer argument.\n"); exit(1); } n_worker_proc = ci->val.i; if (n_worker_proc < 0) { mln_log(error, "Invalid value to 'worker_process'.\n"); exit(1); } } if (!do_fork_worker_process(n_worker_proc)) return 0; mln_conf_cmd_t **v, **cc; mln_u32_t i, n_args; mln_conf_item_t *arg_ci; mln_s8ptr_t *v_args; mln_u32_t n = mln_conf_get_cmdNum(cf, "exec_proc"); if (n == 0) return 1; v = (mln_conf_cmd_t **)calloc(n+1, sizeof(mln_conf_cmd_t *)); if (v == NULL) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); return -1; } mln_conf_get_cmds(cf, "exec_proc", v); for (cc = v; *cc != NULL; ++cc) { n_args = mln_conf_get_argNum(*cc); if (n_args == 0) { mln_log(error, "Demand arguments in 'exec_proc'.\n"); exit(1); } v_args = (mln_s8ptr_t *)calloc(n_args+2, sizeof(mln_s8ptr_t)); if (v_args == NULL) { mln_log(error, "No memory.\n"); continue; } for (i = 0; i < n_args; ++i) { arg_ci = (*cc)->search(*cc, i+1); if (arg_ci->type != CONF_STR) { mln_log(error, "Demand string arguments in 'exec_proc'.\n"); exit(1); } v_args[i] = (char *)(arg_ci->val.s->data); } if (!mln_string_constStrcmp((*cc)->cmd_name, "keepalive")) { mln_fork_spawn(M_PST_SUP, v_args, n_args, NULL); } else if (!mln_string_constStrcmp((*cc)->cmd_name, "default")) { mln_fork_spawn(M_PST_DFL, v_args, n_args, NULL); } else { mln_log(error, "Invalid command '%S' in 'exec_proc'.\n", (*cc)->cmd_name); exit(1); } } free(v); return 1; }
static inline int mln_Allocator_init(mln_salloc_t **sa) { if (*sa != NULL) return 0; int err = 0; #ifdef MAP_ANONYMOUS *sa = (mln_salloc_t *)mmap(NULL, \ sizeof(mln_salloc_t), \ PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, \ MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, \ -1, 0); #else *sa = (mln_salloc_t *)mmap(NULL, \ sizeof(mln_salloc_t), \ PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, \ MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, \ -1, 0); #endif if (*sa == MAP_FAILED) { mln_log(error, "Allocator init failed. %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } mln_index_table_init((*sa)->index_tbl); (*sa)->current_size = 0; (*sa)->threshold = 0; err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&((*sa)->index_lock)); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "index_lock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err1; } err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&((*sa)->stat_lock)); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "stat_lock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err2; } if (sa != &mAllocator) { MLN_LOCK(&mMiscLock); if (!mForkSet) { if ((err = pthread_atfork(mln_sa_atfork_prepare, \ mln_sa_atfork_parent, \ mln_sa_atfork_child)) != 0) { mln_log(error, "pthread_atfork error. %s\n", strerror(err)); MLN_UNLOCK(&mMiscLock); goto err3; } mForkSet = 1; } if (!mKeyInit) { if ((err = pthread_key_create(&mKey, mln_move)) != 0) { mln_log(error, "pthread_key_create error. %s\n", strerror(err)); MLN_UNLOCK(&mMiscLock); goto err3; } mKeyInit = 1; } if ((err = pthread_setspecific(mKey, *sa)) != 0) { mln_log(error, "pthread_setspecific error. %s\n", strerror(err)); if (mRef == 0) { pthread_key_delete(mKey); mKeyInit = 0; } MLN_UNLOCK(&mMiscLock); goto err3; } ++mRef; sa_q_chain_add(&mAHead, &mATail, *sa); MLN_UNLOCK(&mMiscLock); return 0; } mPageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); if (mPageSize < 0) { mPageSize = M_DFL_PAGESIZE; } = NULL; mLargeTree.nil.parent = &(mLargeTree.nil); mLargeTree.nil.left = &(mLargeTree.nil); mLargeTree.nil.right = &(mLargeTree.nil); mLargeTree.nil.color = M_SARB_BLACK; mLargeTree.root = &(mLargeTree.nil); mLargeTree.cmp = mln_large_tree_cmp; err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&mHeapLock); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "mHeapLock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err3; } err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&mLargeTreeLock); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "mLargeTreeLock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err4; } err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&mMmapLock); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "mMmapLock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err5; } err = MLN_LOCK_INIT(&mMiscLock); if (err != 0) { mln_log(error, "mMiscLock init error. %s\n", strerror(err)); goto err6; } return 0; err6: MLN_LOCK_DESTROY(&mMmapLock); err5: MLN_LOCK_DESTROY(&mLargeTreeLock); err4: MLN_LOCK_DESTROY(&mHeapLock); err3: MLN_LOCK_DESTROY(&((*sa)->stat_lock)); err2: MLN_LOCK_DESTROY(&((*sa)->index_lock)); err1: munmap((*sa), sizeof(mln_salloc_t)); *sa = NULL; return -1; }