static int get_audio( mlt_frame frame, void **buffer, mlt_audio_format *format, int *frequency, int *channels, int *samples )
	context cx = mlt_frame_pop_audio( frame );
	mlt_frame nested_frame = mlt_frame_pop_audio( frame );
	int result = 0;

	// if not repeating last frame
	if ( mlt_frame_get_position( nested_frame ) != cx->audio_position )
		double fps = mlt_profile_fps( cx->profile );
		if ( mlt_producer_get_fps( cx->self ) < fps )
			fps = mlt_producer_get_fps( cx->self );
		*samples = mlt_sample_calculator( fps, *frequency, cx->audio_counter++ );
		result = mlt_frame_get_audio( nested_frame, buffer, format, frequency, channels, samples );
		int size = mlt_audio_format_size( *format, *samples, *channels );
		int16_t *new_buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( size );

		mlt_frame_set_audio( frame, new_buffer, *format, size, mlt_pool_release );
		memcpy( new_buffer, *buffer, size );
		*buffer = new_buffer;
		cx->audio_position = mlt_frame_get_position( nested_frame );
		// otherwise return no samples
		*samples = 0;
		*buffer = NULL;

	return result;
static int filter_get_audio( mlt_frame frame, void **buffer, mlt_audio_format *format, int *frequency, int *channels, int *samples )
	mlt_filter filter = mlt_frame_pop_audio( frame );
	private_data* pdata = (private_data*)filter->child;
	mlt_position pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );

	// Get the producer's audio
	*format = mlt_audio_f32le;
	mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, buffer, format, frequency, channels, samples );

	mlt_service_lock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );

	check_for_reset( filter, *channels, *frequency );

	if( pos != pdata->prev_pos )
		// Only analyze the audio if the producer is not paused.
		analyze_audio( filter, *buffer, *samples );

	pdata->prev_pos = pos;

	mlt_service_unlock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) );

	return 0;
void mlt_service_apply_filters( mlt_service self, mlt_frame frame, int index )
	int i;
	mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
	mlt_properties service_properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES( self );
	mlt_service_base *base = self->local;
	mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	mlt_position self_in = mlt_properties_get_position( service_properties, "in" );
	mlt_position self_out = mlt_properties_get_position( service_properties, "out" );

	if ( index == 0 || mlt_properties_get_int( service_properties, "_filter_private" ) == 0 )
		// Process the frame with the attached filters
		for ( i = 0; i < base->filter_count; i ++ )
			if ( base->filters[ i ] != NULL )
				mlt_position in = mlt_filter_get_in( base->filters[ i ] );
				mlt_position out = mlt_filter_get_out( base->filters[ i ] );
				int disable = mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( base->filters[ i ] ), "disable" );
				if ( !disable && ( ( in == 0 && out == 0 ) || ( position >= in && ( position <= out || out == 0 ) ) ) )
					mlt_properties_set_position( frame_properties, "in", in == 0 ? self_in : in );
					mlt_properties_set_position( frame_properties, "out", out == 0 ? self_out : out );
					mlt_filter_process( base->filters[ i ], frame );
					mlt_service_apply_filters( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( base->filters[ i ] ), frame, index + 1 );
文件: mlt_filter.c 项目: mcfrisk/mlt
static int filter_get_frame( mlt_service service, mlt_frame_ptr frame, int index )
	mlt_filter self = service->child;

	// Get coords in/out/track
	int track = mlt_filter_get_track( self );
	int in = mlt_filter_get_in( self );
	int out = mlt_filter_get_out( self );

	// Get the producer this is connected to
	mlt_service producer = mlt_service_producer( &self->parent );

	// If the frame request is for this filters track, we need to process it
	if ( index == track || track == -1 )
		int ret = mlt_service_get_frame( producer, frame, index );
		if ( ret == 0 )
			mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( *frame );
			if ( position >= in && ( out == 0 || position <= out ) )
				*frame = mlt_filter_process( self, *frame );
			return 0;
			*frame = mlt_frame_init( service );
			return 0;
		return mlt_service_get_frame( producer, frame, index );
static void get_frame_str( mlt_filter filter, mlt_frame frame, char* text )
	int pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	char s[12];
	snprintf( s, sizeof( s ) - 1, "%d", pos );
	strncat( text, s, MAX_TEXT_LEN - strlen( text ) - 1 );
double mlt_transition_get_progress_delta( mlt_transition self, mlt_frame frame )
	double progress = 0;
	mlt_position in = mlt_transition_get_in( self );
	mlt_position out = mlt_transition_get_out( self );

	if ( out == 0 )
		// If always active, use the frame's producer
		mlt_producer producer = mlt_frame_get_original_producer( frame );
		if ( producer )
			in = mlt_producer_get_in( producer );
			out = mlt_producer_get_out( producer );
	if ( out != 0 )
		mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
		double length = out - in + 1;
		double x = ( double ) ( position - in ) / length;
		double y = ( double ) ( position + 1 - in ) / length;
		progress = ( y - x ) / 2.0;
	return progress;
static int jackrack_get_audio( mlt_frame frame, void **buffer, mlt_audio_format *format, int *frequency, int *channels, int *samples )
	// Get the filter service
	mlt_filter filter = mlt_frame_pop_audio( frame );

	// Get the filter properties
	mlt_properties filter_properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );

	int jack_frequency = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "_sample_rate" );

	// Get the producer's audio
	*format = mlt_audio_float;
	mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, buffer, format, &jack_frequency, channels, samples );
	// TODO: Deal with sample rate differences
	if ( *frequency != jack_frequency )
		mlt_log_error( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ), "mismatching frequencies JACK = %d actual = %d\n",
			jack_frequency, *frequency );
	*frequency = jack_frequency;

	// Initialise Jack ports and connections if needed
	if ( mlt_properties_get_int( filter_properties, "_samples" ) == 0 )
		mlt_properties_set_int( filter_properties, "_samples", *samples );
	// Get the filter-specific properties
	jack_ringbuffer_t **output_buffers = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_properties, "output_buffers", NULL );
	jack_ringbuffer_t **input_buffers = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_properties, "input_buffers", NULL );
//	pthread_mutex_t *output_lock = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_properties, "output_lock", NULL );
//	pthread_cond_t *output_ready = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_properties, "output_ready", NULL );
	// Process the audio
	float *q = (float*) *buffer;
	size_t size = *samples * sizeof(float);
	int j;
//	struct timespec tm = { 0, 0 };

	// Write into output ringbuffer
	for ( j = 0; j < *channels; j++ )
		if ( jack_ringbuffer_write_space( output_buffers[j] ) >= size )
			jack_ringbuffer_write( output_buffers[j], (char*)( q + j * *samples ), size );

	// Synchronization phase - wait for signal from Jack process
	while ( jack_ringbuffer_read_space( input_buffers[ *channels - 1 ] ) < size ) ;
		//pthread_cond_wait( output_ready, output_lock );
	// Read from input ringbuffer
	for ( j = 0; j < *channels; j++, q++ )
		if ( jack_ringbuffer_read_space( input_buffers[j] ) >= size )
			jack_ringbuffer_read( input_buffers[j], (char*)( q + j * *samples ), size );

	// help jack_sync() indicate when we are rolling
	mlt_position pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	mlt_properties_set_position( filter_properties, "_last_pos", pos );

	return 0;
static int producer_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **buffer, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	// Obtain properties of frame
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );

	// Obtain the producer for this frame
	mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "producer_frei0r", NULL );

	// Obtain properties of producer
	mlt_properties producer_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );

	// Allocate the image
	int size = *width * ( *height + 1 ) * 2;

	// Allocate the image
	*buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( size );

	// Update the frame
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "image", *buffer, size, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "width", *width );
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "height", *height );

	*format = mlt_image_yuv422;
	if ( *buffer != NULL )
		mlt_position in = mlt_producer_get_in( producer );
		mlt_position out = mlt_producer_get_out( producer );
		mlt_position time = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
		double position = ( double )( time - in ) / ( double )( out - in + 1 );
		process_frei0r_item( producer_type , position, producer_props, frame , buffer, format , width , height , writable );

    return 0;
文件: mlt_filter.c 项目: amongll/mlt
mlt_frame mlt_filter_process( mlt_filter self, mlt_frame frame )
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( self );
	int disable = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "disable" );
	const char *unique_id = mlt_properties_get( properties, "_unique_id" );
	mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	char name[30];

	// Make the properties key from unique id
	snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "pos.%s", unique_id );
	name[sizeof(name) -1] = '\0';

	// Save the position on the frame
	mlt_properties_set_position( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), name, position );

	if ( disable || self->process == NULL )
		return frame;
		// Add a reference to this filter on the frame
		mlt_properties_inc_ref( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES(self) );
		snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "filter.%s", unique_id );
		name[sizeof(name) -1] = '\0';
		mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(frame), name, self, 0,
			(mlt_destructor) mlt_filter_close, NULL );

		return self->process( self, frame );
void consumer_frame_show_cb( mlt_consumer sdl, mlt_consumer parent, mlt_frame frame )
	consumer_sdl self = parent->child;
	self->last_speed = mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" );
	self->last_position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	mlt_events_fire( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( parent ), "consumer-frame-show", frame, NULL );
static void *consumer_thread( void *arg )
	// Map the argument to the object
	mlt_consumer consumer = arg;

	// Get the properties
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );

	// Convenience functionality
	int terminate_on_pause = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "terminate_on_pause" );
	int terminated = 0;

	// Frame and size
	mlt_frame frame = NULL;

	// Loop while running
	while( !terminated && mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "_running" ) )
		// Get the frame
		frame = mlt_consumer_rt_frame( consumer );

		// Check for termination
		if ( terminate_on_pause && frame != NULL )
			terminated = mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" ) == 0.0;

		// Check that we have a frame to work with
		if ( frame )
			avsync_stats* stats = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "_stats", NULL );
			double fps = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "fps" );
			mlt_position pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );

			 if( !strcmp( mlt_properties_get( properties, "report" ), "frame" ) )
				 stats->report_frames = 1;
				 stats->report_frames = 0;

			detect_flash( frame, pos, fps, stats );
			detect_blip( frame, pos, fps, stats );
			calculate_sync( stats );
			report_results( stats, pos );

			// Close the frame
			mlt_events_fire( properties, "consumer-frame-show", frame, NULL );
			mlt_frame_close( frame );

	// Indicate that the consumer is stopped
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_running", 0 );
	mlt_consumer_stopped( consumer );

	return NULL;
mlt_frame transition_process( mlt_transition transition, mlt_frame a_frame, mlt_frame b_frame )
	char *name = mlt_properties_get( MLT_TRANSITION_PROPERTIES( transition ), "_unique_id" );
	mlt_properties_set_position( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( a_frame ), name, mlt_frame_get_position( a_frame ) );
	mlt_frame_push_service( a_frame, transition );
	mlt_frame_push_frame( a_frame, b_frame );
	mlt_frame_push_get_image( a_frame, transition_get_image );
	return a_frame;
void AudioEnvelope::loadEnvelope()
    Q_ASSERT(m_envelope == NULL);

    std::cout << "Loading envelope ..." << std::endl;

    int samplingRate = m_info->info(0)->samplingRate();
    mlt_audio_format format_s16 = mlt_audio_s16;
    int channels = 1;

    Mlt::Frame *frame;
    int64_t position;
    int samples;

    m_envelope = new int64_t[m_envelopeSize];
    m_envelopeMax = 0;
    m_envelopeMean = 0;

    QTime t;
    int count = 0;
    m_producer->set_speed(1.0); // This is necessary, otherwise we don't get any new frames in the 2nd run.
    for (int i = 0; i < m_envelopeSize; i++) {

        frame = m_producer->get_frame(i);
        position = mlt_frame_get_position(frame->get_frame());
        samples = mlt_sample_calculator(m_producer->get_fps(), samplingRate, position);

        int16_t *data = static_cast<int16_t*>(frame->get_audio(format_s16, samplingRate, channels, samples));

        int64_t sum = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < samples; k++) {
            sum += fabs(data[k]);
        m_envelope[i] = sum;

        m_envelopeMean += sum;
        if (sum > m_envelopeMax) {
            m_envelopeMax = sum;

//        std::cout << position << "|" << m_producer->get_playtime()
//                  << "-" << m_producer->get_in() << "+" << m_producer->get_out() << " ";

        delete frame;

        if (m_length > 0 && count > m_length) {
    m_envelopeMean /= m_envelopeSize;
    std::cout << "Calculating the envelope (" << m_envelopeSize << " frames) took "
              << t.elapsed() << " ms." << std::endl;
static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *image_format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	int error = 0;
	mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
	mlt_filter filter = (mlt_filter)mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
	int samples = 0;
	int channels = 0;
	int frequency = 0;
	mlt_audio_format audio_format = mlt_audio_s16;
	int16_t* audio = (int16_t*)mlt_properties_get_data( frame_properties, "audio", NULL );

	if ( !audio && !preprocess_warned ) {
		// This filter depends on the consumer processing the audio before the
		// video. If the audio is not preprocessed, this filter will process it.
		// If this filter processes the audio, it could cause confusion for the
		// consumer if it needs different audio properties.
		mlt_log_warning( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE(filter), "Audio not preprocessed. Potential audio distortion.\n" );
		preprocess_warned = true;

	*image_format = mlt_image_rgb24a;

	// Get the current image
	error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, image_format, width, height, writable );

	// Get the audio
	if( !error ) {
		frequency = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "audio_frequency" );
		if (!frequency) {
			frequency = 48000;
		channels = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "audio_channels" );
		if (!channels) {
			channels = 2;
		samples = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "audio_samples" );
		if (!samples) {
			mlt_producer producer = mlt_frame_get_original_producer( frame );
			double fps = mlt_producer_get_fps( mlt_producer_cut_parent( producer ) );
			samples = mlt_sample_calculator( fps, frequency, mlt_frame_get_position( frame ) );

		error = mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, (void**)&audio, &audio_format, &frequency, &channels, &samples );

	// Draw the waveforms
	if( !error ) {
		QImage qimg( *width, *height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
		convert_mlt_to_qimage_rgba( *image, &qimg, *width, *height );
		draw_waveforms( filter, frame, &qimg, audio, channels, samples );
		convert_qimage_to_mlt_rgba( &qimg, *image, *width, *height );

	return error;
static int filter_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	mlt_filter filter = (mlt_filter) mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter );
	mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );

	// Get the image
	*format = mlt_image_yuv422;
	int error = mlt_frame_get_image( frame, image, format, width, height, 0 );

	// Only process if we have no error and a valid colour space
	if ( error == 0 )
		double factor = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "start" );

		mlt_position f_pos = mlt_filter_get_position( filter, frame );
		mlt_position f_len = mlt_filter_get_length2( filter, frame );
		int speed = mlt_properties_anim_get_int( properties, "speed", f_pos, f_len );
		int deformX = mlt_properties_anim_get_int( properties, "deformX", f_pos, f_len );
		int deformY = mlt_properties_anim_get_int( properties, "deformY", f_pos, f_len );

		if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "end" ) )
			// Determine the time position of this frame in the transition duration
			double end = fabs( mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( filter ), "end" ) );
			factor += ( end - factor ) * mlt_filter_get_progress( filter, frame );

		// If animated property "wave" is set, use its value. 
		char* wave_property = mlt_properties_get( properties, "wave" );
		if ( wave_property )
			factor = mlt_properties_anim_get_double( properties, "wave", f_pos, f_len );

		if (factor != 0) 
			int image_size = *width * (*height) * 2;
			uint8_t *dst = mlt_pool_alloc (image_size);
			DoWave(*image, *width, (*height), dst, position, speed, factor, deformX, deformY);
			*image = dst;
			mlt_frame_set_image( frame, *image, image_size, mlt_pool_release );

	return error;
文件: mlt_filter.c 项目: mcfrisk/mlt
mlt_frame mlt_filter_process( mlt_filter self, mlt_frame frame )
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( self );
	int disable = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "disable" );
	const char *unique_id = mlt_properties_get( properties, "_unique_id" );
	mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	char name[20];

	// Make the properties key from unique id
	strcpy( name, "pos." );
	strcat( name, unique_id );

	// Save the position on the frame
	mlt_properties_set_position( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), name, position );

	if ( disable || self->process == NULL )
		return frame;
		return self->process( self, frame );
static void get_timecode_str( mlt_filter filter, mlt_frame frame, char* text )
	int frames = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	double fps = mlt_profile_fps( mlt_service_profile( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( filter ) ) );
	char tc[12] = "";
	if (fps == 0)
		strncat( text, "-", MAX_TEXT_LEN - strlen( text ) - 1 );
		int seconds = frames / fps;
		frames = frames % lrint( fps );
		int minutes = seconds / 60;
		seconds = seconds % 60;
		int hours = minutes / 60;
		minutes = minutes % 60;
		sprintf(tc, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hours, minutes, seconds, frames);
		strncat( text, tc, MAX_TEXT_LEN - strlen( text ) - 1 );
文件: mlt_frame.c 项目: agpanarin/mlt
void mlt_frame_write_ppm( mlt_frame frame )
	int width = 0;
	int height = 0;
	mlt_image_format format = mlt_image_rgb24;
	uint8_t *image;
	if ( mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &format, &width, &height, 0 ) == 0 )
		FILE *file;
		char filename[16];
		sprintf( filename, "frame-%05d.ppm", (int)mlt_frame_get_position( frame ) );
		file = fopen( filename, "wb" );
		if ( !file )
		fprintf( file, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
		fwrite( image, width * height * 3, 1, file );
		fclose( file );
static int producer_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **buffer, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	// Obtain properties of frame
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );

	// Obtain the producer for this frame
	mlt_producer producer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "producer_frei0r", NULL );

	// Obtain properties of producer
	mlt_properties producer_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );

	// Choose suitable out values if nothing specific requested
	if ( *width <= 0 )
		*width = mlt_service_profile( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE(producer) )->width;
	if ( *height <= 0 )
		*height = mlt_service_profile( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE(producer) )->height;

	// Allocate the image
	int size = *width * ( *height + 1 ) * 4;

	// Allocate the image
	*buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( size );

	// Update the frame
	mlt_frame_set_image( frame, *buffer, size, mlt_pool_release );

	*format = mlt_image_rgb24a;
	if ( *buffer != NULL )
		double position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
		mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ) );
		double time = position / mlt_profile_fps( profile );
		process_frei0r_item( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE(producer), position, time, producer_props, frame, buffer, width, height );

    return 0;
double mlt_transition_get_progress( mlt_transition self, mlt_frame frame )
	double progress = 0;
	mlt_position in = mlt_transition_get_in( self );
	mlt_position out = mlt_transition_get_out( self );

	if ( out == 0 )
		// If always active, use the frame's producer
		mlt_producer producer = mlt_frame_get_original_producer( frame );
		if ( producer )
			in = mlt_producer_get_in( producer );
			out = mlt_producer_get_out( producer );
	if ( out != 0 )
		mlt_position position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
		progress = ( double ) ( position - in ) / ( double ) ( out - in + 1 );
	return progress;
static int framebuffer_get_image( mlt_frame frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )

	// Get the filter object and properties
	mlt_producer producer = mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
	int index = ( int )mlt_frame_pop_service( frame );
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( producer );

	mlt_service_lock( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ) );

	// Frame properties objects
	mlt_properties frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
	mlt_frame first_frame = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "first_frame", NULL );

	// Get producer parameters
	int strobe = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "strobe" );
	int freeze = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "freeze" );
	int freeze_after = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "freeze_after" );
	int freeze_before = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "freeze_before" );
	int in = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "in" );

	// Determine the position
	mlt_position first_position = (first_frame != NULL) ? mlt_frame_get_position( first_frame ) : -1;
	mlt_position need_first = freeze;

	if ( !freeze || freeze_after || freeze_before )
		double prod_speed = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "_speed" );
		double actual_position = in + prod_speed * (double) mlt_producer_position( producer );

		if ( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "reverse" ) )
			actual_position = mlt_producer_get_playtime( producer ) - actual_position;

		if ( strobe < 2 )
			need_first = floor( actual_position );
			// Strobe effect wanted, calculate frame position
			need_first = floor( actual_position );
			need_first -= need_first % strobe;
		if ( freeze )
			if ( freeze_after && need_first > freeze ) need_first = freeze;
			else if ( freeze_before && need_first < freeze ) need_first = freeze;
	// Determine output buffer size
	*width = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "width" );
	*height = mlt_properties_get_int( frame_properties, "height" );
	int size = mlt_image_format_size( *format, *width, *height, NULL );

	// Get output buffer
	int buffersize = 0;
        int alphasize = *width * *height;
	uint8_t *output = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "output_buffer", &buffersize );
        uint8_t *output_alpha = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "output_alpha", NULL );
	if( buffersize == 0 || buffersize != size )
		// invalidate cached frame
		first_position = -1;

	if ( need_first != first_position )
		// invalidate cached frame
		first_position = -1;
		// Bust the cached frame
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "first_frame", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
		first_frame = NULL;

	if ( output && first_position != -1 ) {
		// Using the cached frame
	  	uint8_t *image_copy = mlt_pool_alloc( size );
		memcpy( image_copy, output, size );
                uint8_t *alpha_copy = mlt_pool_alloc( alphasize );
                memcpy( alpha_copy, output_alpha, alphasize );

		// Set the output image
		*image = image_copy;
		mlt_frame_set_image( frame, image_copy, size, mlt_pool_release );
                mlt_frame_set_alpha( frame, alpha_copy, alphasize, mlt_pool_release );

		*width = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "_output_width" );
		*height = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "_output_height" );
		*format = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "_output_format" );

		mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ) );
		return 0;

	// Get the cached frame
	if ( first_frame == NULL )
		// Get the frame to cache from the real producer
		mlt_producer real_producer = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "producer", NULL );

		// Seek the producer to the correct place
		mlt_producer_seek( real_producer, need_first );

		// Get the frame
		mlt_service_get_frame( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( real_producer ), &first_frame, index );

		// Cache the frame
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "first_frame", first_frame, 0, ( mlt_destructor )mlt_frame_close, NULL );
	mlt_properties first_frame_properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( first_frame );

	// Which frames are buffered?
	uint8_t *first_image = mlt_properties_get_data( first_frame_properties, "image", NULL );
        uint8_t *first_alpha = mlt_properties_get_data( first_frame_properties, "alpha", NULL );
	if ( !first_image )
		mlt_properties_set( first_frame_properties, "rescale.interp", mlt_properties_get( frame_properties, "rescale.interp" ) );

		int error = mlt_frame_get_image( first_frame, &first_image, format, width, height, writable );

		if ( error != 0 ) {
			mlt_log_error( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ), "first_image == NULL get image died\n" );
			mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ) );
			return error;
		output = mlt_pool_alloc( size );
		memcpy( output, first_image, size );
		// Let someone else clean up
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "output_buffer", output, size, mlt_pool_release, NULL ); 
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_output_width", *width );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_output_height", *height );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "_output_format", *format );

	if ( !first_alpha )
                alphasize = *width * *height;
                first_alpha = mlt_frame_get_alpha_mask( first_frame );
                output_alpha = mlt_pool_alloc( alphasize );
                memcpy( output_alpha, first_alpha, alphasize );
                mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "output_alpha", output_alpha, alphasize, mlt_pool_release, NULL ); 

	mlt_service_unlock( MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( producer ) );

	// Create a copy
	uint8_t *image_copy = mlt_pool_alloc( size );
	memcpy( image_copy, first_image, size );
        uint8_t *alpha_copy = mlt_pool_alloc( alphasize );
        memcpy( alpha_copy, first_alpha, alphasize );

	// Set the output image
	*image = image_copy;
	mlt_frame_set_image( frame, *image, size, mlt_pool_release );

	mlt_frame_set_alpha( frame, alpha_copy, alphasize, mlt_pool_release );

	return 0;
static mlt_frame transition_process( mlt_transition transition, mlt_frame a_frame, mlt_frame b_frame )
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_TRANSITION_PROPERTIES( transition );
	mlt_properties b_props = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( b_frame );

	// Only if mix is specified, otherwise a producer may set the mix
	if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "start" ) )
		// Determine the time position of this frame in the transition duration
		mlt_properties props = mlt_properties_get_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( b_frame ), "_producer", NULL );
		mlt_position in = mlt_properties_get_int( props, "in" );
		mlt_position out = mlt_properties_get_int( props, "out" );
		int length = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "length" );
		mlt_position time = mlt_properties_get_int( props, "_frame" );
		double mix = mlt_transition_get_progress( transition, b_frame );
		if ( mlt_properties_get_int(  properties, "always_active" ) )
			mix = ( double ) ( time - in ) / ( double ) ( out - in + 1 );

		// TODO: Check the logic here - shouldn't we be computing current and next mixing levels in all cases?
		if ( length == 0 )
			// If there is an end mix level adjust mix to the range
			if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "end" ) )
				double start = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "start" );
				double end = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "end" );
				mix = start + ( end - start ) * mix;
			// A negative means total crossfade (uses position)
			else if ( mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "start" ) >= 0 )
				// Otherwise, start/constructor is a constant mix level
		    	mix = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "start" );
			// Finally, set the mix property on the frame
			mlt_properties_set_double( b_props, "audio.mix", mix );
			// Initialise transition previous mix value to prevent an inadvertant jump from 0
			mlt_position last_position = mlt_properties_get_position( properties, "_last_position" );
			mlt_position current_position = mlt_frame_get_position( b_frame );
			mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "_last_position", current_position );
			if ( !mlt_properties_get( properties, "_previous_mix" )
			     || current_position != last_position + 1 )
				mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "_previous_mix", mix );
			// Tell b frame what the previous mix level was
			mlt_properties_set_double( b_props, "audio.previous_mix", mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "_previous_mix" ) );

			// Save the current mix level for the next iteration
			mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "_previous_mix", mlt_properties_get_double( b_props, "audio.mix" ) );
			mlt_properties_set_double( b_props, "audio.reverse", mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "reverse" ) );
			double level = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "start" );
			double mix_start = level;
			double mix_end = mix_start;
			double mix_increment = 1.0 / length;
			if ( time - in < length )
				mix_start = mix_start * ( ( double )( time - in ) / length );
				mix_end = mix_start + mix_increment;
			else if ( time > out - length )
				mix_end = mix_start * ( ( double )( out - time - in ) / length );
				mix_start = mix_end - mix_increment;

			mix_start = mix_start < 0 ? 0 : mix_start > level ? level : mix_start;
			mix_end = mix_end < 0 ? 0 : mix_end > level ? level : mix_end;
			mlt_properties_set_double( b_props, "audio.previous_mix", mix_start );
			mlt_properties_set_double( b_props, "audio.mix", mix_end );

	// Override the get_audio method
	mlt_frame_push_audio( a_frame, transition );
	mlt_frame_push_audio( a_frame, b_frame );
	mlt_frame_push_audio( a_frame, transition_get_audio );
	return a_frame;
static int filter_get_audio( mlt_frame frame, void **buffer, mlt_audio_format *format, int *frequency, int *channels, int *samples )
	// Get the filter from the frame
	mlt_filter this = mlt_frame_pop_audio( frame );

	// Get the properties from the filter
	mlt_properties filter_props = MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( this );

	// Get the frame's filter instance properties
	mlt_properties instance_props = mlt_frame_unique_properties( frame, MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( this ) );

	// Get the parameters
	double gain = mlt_properties_get_double( instance_props, "gain" );
	double max_gain = mlt_properties_get_double( instance_props, "max_gain" );
	double limiter_level = 0.5; /* -6 dBFS */
	int normalise =  mlt_properties_get_int( instance_props, "normalise" );
	double amplitude =  mlt_properties_get_double( instance_props, "amplitude" );
	int i, j;
	double sample;
	int16_t peak;

	if ( mlt_properties_get( instance_props, "limiter" ) != NULL )
		limiter_level = mlt_properties_get_double( instance_props, "limiter" );
	// Get the producer's audio
	*format = mlt_audio_s16;
	mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, buffer, format, frequency, channels, samples );
//	fprintf( stderr, "filter_volume: frequency %d\n", *frequency );

	// Determine numeric limits
	int bytes_per_samp = (samp_width - 1) / 8 + 1;
	int samplemax = (1 << (bytes_per_samp * 8 - 1)) - 1;
	int samplemin = -samplemax - 1;

	mlt_service_lock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( this ) );

	if ( normalise )
		int window = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_props, "window" );
		double *smooth_buffer = mlt_properties_get_data( filter_props, "smooth_buffer", NULL );

		if ( window > 0 && smooth_buffer != NULL )
			int smooth_index = mlt_properties_get_int( filter_props, "_smooth_index" );
			// Compute the signal power and put into smoothing buffer
			smooth_buffer[ smooth_index ] = signal_max_power( *buffer, *channels, *samples, &peak );
//			fprintf( stderr, "filter_volume: raw power %f ", smooth_buffer[ smooth_index ] );
			if ( smooth_buffer[ smooth_index ] > EPSILON )
				mlt_properties_set_int( filter_props, "_smooth_index", ( smooth_index + 1 ) % window );

				// Smooth the data and compute the gain
//				fprintf( stderr, "smoothed %f over %d frames\n", get_smoothed_data( smooth_buffer, window ), window );
				gain *= amplitude / get_smoothed_data( smooth_buffer, window );
			gain *= amplitude / signal_max_power( (int16_t*) *buffer, *channels, *samples, &peak );
//	if ( gain > 1.0 && normalise )
//		fprintf(stderr, "filter_volume: limiter level %f gain %f\n", limiter_level, gain );

	if ( max_gain > 0 && gain > max_gain )
		gain = max_gain;

	// Initialise filter's previous gain value to prevent an inadvertant jump from 0
	mlt_position last_position = mlt_properties_get_position( filter_props, "_last_position" );
	mlt_position current_position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
	if ( mlt_properties_get( filter_props, "_previous_gain" ) == NULL
	     || current_position != last_position + 1 )
		mlt_properties_set_double( filter_props, "_previous_gain", gain );

	// Start the gain out at the previous
	double previous_gain = mlt_properties_get_double( filter_props, "_previous_gain" );

	// Determine ramp increment
	double gain_step = ( gain - previous_gain ) / *samples;
//	fprintf( stderr, "filter_volume: previous gain %f current gain %f step %f\n", previous_gain, gain, gain_step );

	// Save the current gain for the next iteration
	mlt_properties_set_double( filter_props, "_previous_gain", gain );
	mlt_properties_set_position( filter_props, "_last_position", current_position );

	mlt_service_unlock( MLT_FILTER_SERVICE( this ) );

	// Ramp from the previous gain to the current
	gain = previous_gain;

	int16_t *p = (int16_t*) *buffer;

	// Apply the gain
	for ( i = 0; i < *samples; i++ )
		for ( j = 0; j < *channels; j++ )
			sample = *p * gain;
			*p = ROUND( sample );
			if ( gain > 1.0 )
				/* use limiter function instead of clipping */
				if ( normalise )
					*p = ROUND( samplemax * limiter( sample / (double) samplemax, limiter_level ) );
				/* perform clipping */
				else if ( sample > samplemax )
					*p = samplemax;
				else if ( sample < samplemin )
					*p = samplemin;
		gain += gain_step;
	return 0;
static void foreach_consumer_put( mlt_consumer consumer, mlt_frame frame )
    mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
    mlt_consumer nested = NULL;
    char key[30];
    int index = 0;

    do {
        snprintf( key, sizeof(key), "%d.consumer", index++ );
        nested = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, key, NULL );
        if ( nested )
            mlt_properties nested_props = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES(nested);
            double self_fps = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "fps" );
            double nested_fps = mlt_properties_get_double( nested_props, "fps" );
            mlt_position nested_pos = mlt_properties_get_position( nested_props, "_multi_position" );
            mlt_position self_pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
            double self_time = self_pos / self_fps;
            double nested_time = nested_pos / nested_fps;

            // get the audio for the current frame
            uint8_t *buffer = NULL;
            mlt_audio_format format = mlt_audio_s16;
            int channels = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" );
            int frequency = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "frequency" );
            int current_samples = mlt_sample_calculator( self_fps, frequency, self_pos );
            mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, (void**) &buffer, &format, &frequency, &channels, &current_samples );
            int current_size = mlt_audio_format_size( format, current_samples, channels );

            // get any leftover audio
            int prev_size = 0;
            uint8_t *prev_buffer = mlt_properties_get_data( nested_props, "_multi_audio", &prev_size );
            uint8_t *new_buffer = NULL;
            if ( prev_size > 0 )
                new_buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( prev_size + current_size );
                memcpy( new_buffer, prev_buffer, prev_size );
                memcpy( new_buffer + prev_size, buffer, current_size );
                buffer = new_buffer;
            current_size += prev_size;
            current_samples += mlt_properties_get_int( nested_props, "_multi_samples" );

            while ( nested_time <= self_time )
                // put ideal number of samples into cloned frame
                int deeply = index > 1 ? 1 : 0;
                mlt_frame clone_frame = mlt_frame_clone( frame, deeply );
                int nested_samples = mlt_sample_calculator( nested_fps, frequency, nested_pos );
                // -10 is an optimization to avoid tiny amounts of leftover samples
                nested_samples = nested_samples > current_samples - 10 ? current_samples : nested_samples;
                int nested_size = mlt_audio_format_size( format, nested_samples, channels );
                if ( nested_size > 0 )
                    prev_buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( nested_size );
                    memcpy( prev_buffer, buffer, nested_size );
                    prev_buffer = NULL;
                    nested_size = 0;
                mlt_frame_set_audio( clone_frame, prev_buffer, format, nested_size, mlt_pool_release );
                mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(clone_frame), "audio_samples", nested_samples );
                mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(clone_frame), "audio_frequency", frequency );
                mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(clone_frame), "audio_channels", channels );

                // chomp the audio
                current_samples -= nested_samples;
                current_size -= nested_size;
                buffer += nested_size;

                // send frame to nested consumer
                mlt_consumer_put_frame( nested, clone_frame );
                mlt_properties_set_position( nested_props, "_multi_position", ++nested_pos );
                nested_time = nested_pos / nested_fps;

            // save any remaining audio
            if ( current_size > 0 )
                prev_buffer = mlt_pool_alloc( current_size );
                memcpy( prev_buffer, buffer, current_size );
                prev_buffer = NULL;
                current_size = 0;
            mlt_pool_release( new_buffer );
            mlt_properties_set_data( nested_props, "_multi_audio", prev_buffer, current_size, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
            mlt_properties_set_int( nested_props, "_multi_samples", current_samples );
    } while ( nested );
/** Filter processing.

static mlt_frame filter_process( mlt_filter this, mlt_frame frame )
	// Get the properties of the frame
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );

	// Get a unique name to store the frame position
	char *name = mlt_properties_get( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( this ), "_unique_id" );

	// Assign the frame out point to the filter (just in case we need it later)
	mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FILTER_PROPERTIES( this ), "_out", mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "out" ) );

	// Assign the current position to the name
	mlt_properties_set_position( properties, name, mlt_frame_get_position( frame ) - mlt_filter_get_in( this ) );

	// Push the filter on to the stack
	mlt_frame_push_service( frame, this );

	// Push the get_image on to the stack
	mlt_frame_push_get_image( frame, filter_get_image );

	return frame;

/** Constructor for the filter.

mlt_filter filter_watermark_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg )
static void *consumer_worker_thread( void *arg )
	// The argument is the consumer
	mlt_consumer self = arg;

	// Get the properties of the consumer
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self );

	// Get the width and height
	int width = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "width" );
	int height = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "height" );
	mlt_image_format format = self->format;

	// See if video is turned off
	int video_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "video_off" );
	int preview_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "preview_off" );
	int preview_format = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "preview_format" );

	// General frame variable
	mlt_frame frame = NULL;
	uint8_t *image = NULL;

	if ( preview_off && preview_format != 0 )
		format = preview_format;

	// Continue to read ahead
	while ( self->ahead )
		// Get the next unprocessed frame from the work queue
		pthread_mutex_lock( &self->queue_mutex );
		int index = first_unprocessed_frame( self );
		while ( self->ahead && index >= mlt_deque_count( self->queue ) )
			mlt_log_debug( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE(self), "waiting in worker index = %d queue count = %d\n",
				index, mlt_deque_count( self->queue ) );
			pthread_cond_wait( &self->queue_cond, &self->queue_mutex );
			index = first_unprocessed_frame( self );

		// Mark the frame for processing
		frame = mlt_deque_peek( self->queue, index );
		if ( frame )
			mlt_log_debug( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE(self), "worker processing index = %d frame %d queue count = %d\n",
				index, mlt_frame_get_position(frame), mlt_deque_count( self->queue ) );
			frame->is_processing = 1;
			mlt_properties_inc_ref( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ) );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &self->queue_mutex );

		// If there's no frame, we're probably stopped...
		if ( frame == NULL )

		// All non normal playback frames should be shown
		if ( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" ) != 1 )
			mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "consumer_deinterlace", 1 );

		// Get the image
		if ( !video_off )
			// Fetch width/height again
			width = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "width" );
			height = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "height" );
			mlt_events_fire( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self ), "consumer-frame-render", frame, NULL );
			mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &format, &width, &height, 0 );
		mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "rendered", 1 );
		mlt_frame_close( frame );

		// Tell a waiting thread (non-realtime main consumer thread) that we are done.
		pthread_mutex_lock( &self->done_mutex );
		pthread_cond_broadcast( &self->done_cond );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &self->done_mutex );

	return NULL;
static void *consumer_thread( void *arg )
	// Identify the arg
	consumer_sdl self = arg;

	// Get the consumer
	mlt_consumer consumer = &self->parent;

	// Get the properties
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );

	// internal intialization
	mlt_frame frame = NULL;
	int last_position = -1;
	int eos = 0;
	int eos_threshold = 20;
	if ( self->play )
		eos_threshold = eos_threshold + mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self->play ), "buffer" );

	// Determine if the application is dealing with the preview
	int preview_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "preview_off" );

	pthread_mutex_lock( &self->refresh_mutex );
	self->refresh_count = 0;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &self->refresh_mutex );

	// Loop until told not to
	while( self->running )
		// Get a frame from the attached producer
		frame = mlt_consumer_get_frame( consumer );

		// Ensure that we have a frame
		if ( self->running && frame != NULL )
			// Get the speed of the frame
			double speed = mlt_properties_get_double( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" );

			// Lock during the operation
			mlt_service_lock( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ) );

			// Get refresh request for the current frame
			int refresh = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "refresh" );

			// Decrement refresh and clear changed
			mlt_events_block( properties, properties );
			mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "refresh", 0 );
			mlt_events_unblock( properties, properties );

			// Unlock after the operation
			mlt_service_unlock( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ) );

			// Set the changed property on this frame for the benefit of still
			mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "refresh", refresh );

			// Make sure the recipient knows that this frame isn't really rendered
			mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "rendered", 0 );

			// Optimisation to reduce latency
			if ( speed == 1.0 )
				if ( last_position != -1 && last_position + 1 != mlt_frame_get_position( frame ) )
					mlt_consumer_purge( self->play );
				last_position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
				//mlt_consumer_purge( self->play );
				last_position = -1;

			// If we aren't playing normally, then use the still
			if ( speed != 1 )
				mlt_producer producer = MLT_PRODUCER( mlt_service_get_producer( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ) ) );
				mlt_position duration = producer? mlt_producer_get_playtime( producer ) : -1;
				int pause = 0;

				if ( self->active == self->play )
					// Do not interrupt the play consumer near the end
					if ( duration - self->last_position > eos_threshold )
						// Get a new frame at the sought position
						mlt_frame_close( frame );
						if ( producer )
							mlt_producer_seek( producer, self->last_position );
						frame = mlt_consumer_get_frame( consumer );
						pause = 1;
						// Send frame with speed 0 to stop it
						if ( frame && !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->play ) )
							mlt_consumer_put_frame( self->play, frame );
							frame = NULL;
							eos = 1;

						// Check for end of stream
						if ( mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->play ) )
							// Stream has ended
							mlt_log_verbose( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ), "END OF STREAM\n" );
							pause = 1;
							eos = 0; // reset eos indicator
							// Prevent a tight busy loop
							struct timespec tm = { 0, 100000L }; // 100 usec
							nanosleep( &tm, NULL );
				pause = self->active == self->play;
				if ( pause )
					// Start the still consumer
					if ( !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->play ) )
						mlt_consumer_stop( self->play );
					self->last_speed = speed;
					self->active = self->still;
					self->ignore_change = 0;
					mlt_consumer_start( self->still );
				// Send the frame to the active child
				if ( frame && !eos )
					mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "refresh", 1 );
					if ( self->active )
						mlt_consumer_put_frame( self->active, frame );
				if ( pause && speed == 0.0 )
					mlt_events_fire( properties, "consumer-sdl-paused", NULL );
			// Allow a little grace time before switching consumers on speed changes
			else if ( self->ignore_change -- > 0 && self->active != NULL && !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->active ) )
				mlt_consumer_put_frame( self->active, frame );
			// Otherwise use the normal player
				if ( !mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->still ) )
					mlt_consumer_stop( self->still );
				if ( mlt_consumer_is_stopped( self->play ) )
					self->last_speed = speed;
					self->active = self->play;
					self->ignore_change = 0;
					mlt_consumer_start( self->play );
				if ( self->play )
					mlt_consumer_put_frame( self->play, frame );

			// Copy the rectangle info from the active consumer
			if ( self->running && preview_off == 0 && self->active )
				mlt_properties active = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self->active );
				mlt_service_lock( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ) );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "rect_x", mlt_properties_get_int( active, "rect_x" ) );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "rect_y", mlt_properties_get_int( active, "rect_y" ) );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "rect_w", mlt_properties_get_int( active, "rect_w" ) );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "rect_h", mlt_properties_get_int( active, "rect_h" ) );
				mlt_service_unlock( MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( consumer ) );

			if ( self->active == self->still )
				pthread_mutex_lock( &self->refresh_mutex );
				if ( self->running && speed == 0 && self->refresh_count <= 0 )
					mlt_events_fire( properties, "consumer-sdl-paused", NULL );
					pthread_cond_wait( &self->refresh_cond, &self->refresh_mutex );
				self->refresh_count --;
				pthread_mutex_unlock( &self->refresh_mutex );
			if ( frame ) mlt_frame_close( frame );
			mlt_consumer_put_frame( self->active, NULL );
			self->running = 0;

	if ( self->play ) mlt_consumer_stop( self->play );
	if ( self->still ) mlt_consumer_stop( self->still );

	return NULL;
static void on_consumer_frame_show( mlt_properties owner, mlt_consumer consumer, mlt_frame frame )
	if ( frame )
		consumer->position = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );
static int get_image( mlt_frame a_frame, uint8_t **image, mlt_image_format *format, int *width, int *height, int writable )
	mlt_frame b_frame = mlt_frame_pop_frame( a_frame );
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( a_frame );
	mlt_transition transition = MLT_TRANSITION( mlt_frame_pop_service( a_frame ) );
	uint8_t *b_image;
	int window_size = mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_TRANSITION_PROPERTIES( transition ), "window_size" );
	double psnr[3], ssim[3];

	*format = mlt_image_yuv422;
	mlt_frame_get_image( b_frame, &b_image, format, width, height, writable );
	mlt_frame_get_image( a_frame, image, format, width, height, writable );

	psnr[0] = calc_psnr( *image, b_image, *width * *height, 2 );
	psnr[1] = calc_psnr( *image + 1, b_image + 1, *width * *height / 2, 4 );
	psnr[2] = calc_psnr( *image + 3, b_image + 3, *width * *height / 2, 4 );
	ssim[0] = calc_ssim( *image, b_image, *width, *height, window_size, 2 );
	ssim[1] = calc_ssim( *image + 1, b_image + 1, *width / 2, *height, window_size, 4 );
	ssim[2] = calc_ssim( *image + 3, b_image + 3, *width / 2, *height, window_size, 4 );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.psnr.y", psnr[0] );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.psnr.cb", psnr[1] );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.psnr.cr", psnr[2] );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.ssim.y", ssim[0] );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.ssim.cb", ssim[1] );
	mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "meta.vqm.ssim.cr", ssim[2] );
	printf( "%05d %05.2f %05.2f %05.2f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n",
			mlt_frame_get_position( a_frame ), psnr[0], psnr[1], psnr[2],
			ssim[0], ssim[1], ssim[2] );

	// copy the B frame to the bottom of the A frame for comparison
	window_size = mlt_image_format_size( *format, *width, *height, NULL ) / 2;
	memcpy( *image + window_size, b_image + window_size, window_size );

	if ( !mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_TRANSITION_PROPERTIES( transition ), "render" ) )
		return 0;

	// get RGBA image for Qt drawing
	*format = mlt_image_rgb24a;
	mlt_frame_get_image( a_frame, image, format, width, height, 1 );

	// convert mlt image to qimage
	QImage img( *width, *height, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
	int y = *height + 1;
	uint8_t *src = *image;
	while ( --y )
		QRgb *dst = (QRgb*) img.scanLine( *height - y );
		int x = *width + 1;
		while ( --x )
			*dst++ = qRgba( src[0], src[1], src[2], 255 );
			src += 4;

	// setup Qt drawing
	QPainter painter;
	painter.begin( &img );
	painter.setRenderHints( QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing );

	// draw some stuff with Qt
	QPalette palette;
	QFont font;
	QString s;
	font.setBold( true );
	font.setPointSize( 30 * *height / 1080 );
	painter.setPen( QColor("black") );
	painter.drawLine( 0, *height/2 + 1, *width, *height/2 );
	painter.setPen( QColor("white") );
	painter.drawLine( 0, *height/2 - 1, *width, *height/2 );
	painter.setFont( font );
	s.sprintf( "Frame: %05d\nPSNR:   %05.2f (Y) %05.2f (Cb) %05.2f (Cr)\nSSIM:    %5.3f (Y) %5.3f (Cb) %5.3f (Cr)",
			  mlt_frame_get_position( a_frame ), psnr[0], psnr[1], psnr[2],
			  ssim[0], ssim[1], ssim[2] );
	painter.setPen( QColor("black") );
	painter.drawText( 52, *height * 8 / 10 + 2, *width, *height, 0, s );
	painter.setPen( QColor("white") );
	painter.drawText( 50, *height * 8 / 10, *width, *height, 0, s );

	// finish Qt drawing
	window_size = mlt_image_format_size( *format, *width, *height, NULL );
	uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *) mlt_pool_alloc( window_size );
	mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(a_frame), "image", dst, window_size, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	*image = dst;

	// convert qimage to mlt
	y = *height + 1;
	while ( --y )
		QRgb *src = (QRgb*) img.scanLine( *height - y );
		int x = *width + 1;
		while ( --x )
			*dst++ = qRed( *src );
			*dst++ = qGreen( *src );
			*dst++ = qBlue( *src );
			*dst++ = qAlpha( *src );

	return 0;
static void *consumer_read_ahead_thread( void *arg )
	// The argument is the consumer
	mlt_consumer self = arg;

	// Get the properties of the consumer
	mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self );

	// Get the width and height
	int width = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "width" );
	int height = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "height" );

	// See if video is turned off
	int video_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "video_off" );
	int preview_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "preview_off" );
	int preview_format = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "preview_format" );

	// Get the audio settings
	mlt_audio_format afmt = mlt_audio_s16;
	const char *format = mlt_properties_get( properties, "mlt_audio_format" );
	if ( format )
		if ( !strcmp( format, "none" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_none;
		else if ( !strcmp( format, "s32" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_s32;
		else if ( !strcmp( format, "s32le" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_s32le;
		else if ( !strcmp( format, "float" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_float;
		else if ( !strcmp( format, "f32le" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_f32le;
		else if ( !strcmp( format, "u8" ) )
			afmt = mlt_audio_u8;
	int counter = 0;
	double fps = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, "fps" );
	int channels = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" );
	int frequency = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "frequency" );
	int samples = 0;
	void *audio = NULL;

	// See if audio is turned off
	int audio_off = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "audio_off" );

	// Get the maximum size of the buffer
	int buffer = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "buffer" ) + 1;

	// General frame variable
	mlt_frame frame = NULL;
	uint8_t *image = NULL;

	// Time structures
	struct timeval ante;

	// Average time for get_frame and get_image
	int count = 0;
	int skipped = 0;
	int64_t time_process = 0;
	int skip_next = 0;
	mlt_position pos = 0;
	mlt_position start_pos = 0;
	mlt_position last_pos = 0;
	int frame_duration = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "frame_duration" );
	int drop_max = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "drop_max" );

	if ( preview_off && preview_format != 0 )
		self->format = preview_format;

	// Get the first frame
	frame = mlt_consumer_get_frame( self );

	if ( frame )
		// Get the image of the first frame
		if ( !video_off )
			mlt_events_fire( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self ), "consumer-frame-render", frame, NULL );
			mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &self->format, &width, &height, 0 );

		if ( !audio_off )
			samples = mlt_sample_calculator( fps, frequency, counter++ );
			mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, &audio, &afmt, &frequency, &channels, &samples );

		// Mark as rendered
		mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "rendered", 1 );
		last_pos = start_pos = pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );

	// Get the starting time (can ignore the times above)
	gettimeofday( &ante, NULL );

	// Continue to read ahead
	while ( self->ahead )
		// Put the current frame into the queue
		pthread_mutex_lock( &self->queue_mutex );
		while( self->ahead && mlt_deque_count( self->queue ) >= buffer )
			pthread_cond_wait( &self->queue_cond, &self->queue_mutex );
		mlt_deque_push_back( self->queue, frame );
		pthread_cond_broadcast( &self->queue_cond );
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &self->queue_mutex );

		// Get the next frame
		frame = mlt_consumer_get_frame( self );

		// If there's no frame, we're probably stopped...
		if ( frame == NULL )
		pos = mlt_frame_get_position( frame );

		// Increment the counter used for averaging processing cost
		count ++;

		// All non-normal playback frames should be shown
		if ( mlt_properties_get_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" ) != 1 )
			mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "consumer_deinterlace", 1 );
			// Indicate seeking or trick-play
			start_pos = pos;

		// If skip flag not set or frame-dropping disabled
		if ( !skip_next || self->real_time == -1 )
			if ( !video_off )
				// Reset width/height - could have been changed by previous mlt_frame_get_image
				width = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "width" );
				height = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "height" );

				// Get the image
				mlt_events_fire( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( self ), "consumer-frame-render", frame, NULL );
				mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &self->format, &width, &height, 0 );

			// Indicate the rendered image is available.
			mlt_properties_set_int( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "rendered", 1 );

			// Reset consecutively-skipped counter
			skipped = 0;
		else // Skip image processing
			// Increment the number of consecutively-skipped frames

			// If too many (1 sec) consecutively-skipped frames
			if ( skipped > drop_max )
				// Reset cost tracker
				time_process = 0;
				count = 1;
				mlt_log_verbose( self, "too many frames dropped - forcing next frame\n" );

		// Always process audio
		if ( !audio_off )
			samples = mlt_sample_calculator( fps, frequency, counter++ );
			mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, &audio, &afmt, &frequency, &channels, &samples );

		// Get the time to process this frame
		int64_t time_current = time_difference( &ante );

		// If the current time is not suddenly some large amount
		if ( time_current < time_process / count * 20 || !time_process || count < 5 )
			// Accumulate the cost for processing this frame
			time_process += time_current;
			mlt_log_debug( self, "current %"PRId64" threshold %"PRId64" count %d\n",
				time_current, (int64_t) (time_process / count * 20), count );
			// Ignore the cost of this frame's time

		// Determine if we started, resumed, or seeked
		if ( pos != last_pos + 1 )
			start_pos = pos;
		last_pos = pos;

		// Do not skip the first 20% of buffer at start, resume, or seek
		if ( pos - start_pos <= buffer / 5 + 1 )
			// Reset cost tracker
			time_process = 0;
			count = 1;

		// Reset skip flag
		skip_next = 0;

		// Only consider skipping if the buffer level is low (or really small)
		if ( mlt_deque_count( self->queue ) <= buffer / 5 + 1 )
			// Skip next frame if average cost exceeds frame duration.
			if ( time_process / count > frame_duration )
				skip_next = 1;
			if ( skip_next )
				mlt_log_debug( self, "avg usec %"PRId64" (%"PRId64"/%d) duration %d\n",
					time_process/count, time_process, count, frame_duration);

	// Remove the last frame
	mlt_frame_close( frame );

	return NULL;