bool G2oSlamInterface::printVertex(OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v)
  static char buffer[10000]; // that should be more than enough
  int vdim = v->dimension();
  if (vdim == 3) {
    char* s = buffer;
    OnlineVertexSE2* v2 = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE2*>(v);
    memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYT ", 11);
    s += 11;
    s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v2->updatedEstimate.rotation().angle(), s, 6);
    *s++ = '\n';
    cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
    return true;
  else if (vdim == 6) {
    char* s = buffer;
    OnlineVertexSE3* v3 = static_cast<OnlineVertexSE3*>(v);
    Vector3d eulerAngles = internal::toEuler(v3->updatedEstimate.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>());
    const double& roll = eulerAngles(0);
    const double& pitch = eulerAngles(1);
    const double& yaw = eulerAngles(2);
    memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYZRPY ", 14);
    s += 14;
    s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().x(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().y(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(v3->updatedEstimate.translation().z(), s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(roll, s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(pitch, s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
    s += modp_dtoa(yaw, s, 6);
    *s++ = '\n';
    cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
    return true;
  return false;
static enum writing_status open_new_log_file(struct logging_status *ls)
        pr_debug("Logging: Opening new log file\r\n");

        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_FILE_INDEX; i++) {
                char buf[12];
                modp_itoa10(i, buf);

                strcpy(ls->name, "rc_");
                strcat(ls->name, buf);
                strcat(ls->name, ".log");

                const FRESULT res = f_open(g_logfile, ls->name,
                                           FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_NEW);
                if ( FR_OK == res )
                        return WRITING_ACTIVE;


        /* We fail if here. Be sure to clean up name buffer.*/
        ls->name[0] = '\0';
        return WRITING_INACTIVE;
size_t ev3_write_int( const char *fn, int value )
	char s[ 12 ];

	modp_itoa10( value, s );
	return ev3_write( fn, s );
bool HogmanSlamInterface::printVertex(PoseGraph2D::Vertex* v)
  char* s = buffer;
  memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYT ", 11);
  s += 11;
  s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.translation().x(), s, 6);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.translation().y(), s, 6);
  *s++ = ' ';
  s += modp_dtoa(v->transformation.rotation().angle(), s, 6);
  *s++ = '\n';
  cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
  return true;
bool HogmanSlamInterface::printVertex(PoseGraph3D::Vertex* v)
  char* s = buffer;
  memcpy(s, "VERTEX_XYZRPY ", 14);
  s += 14;
  s += modp_itoa10(v->id(), s);
  *s++ = ' ';
  // TODO verify that our conversion from Euler angles is the same as given in the example code on the webpage
  Vector6 p = v->transformation.toVector();
  for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
    s += modp_dtoa(p[i], s, 6);
    *s++ = ' ';
  *s++ = '\n';
  cout.write(buffer, s - buffer);
  return true;
static void appendInt(int num)
    char buf[12];
SEXP R_num_to_char(SEXP x, SEXP digits, SEXP na_as_string, SEXP use_signif) {
  int len = length(x);
  int na_string = asLogical(na_as_string);
  int signif = asLogical(use_signif);
  char buf[32];
  SEXP out = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, len));
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if(INTEGER(x)[i] == NA_INTEGER){
        if(na_string == NA_LOGICAL){
          SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, NA_STRING);
        } else if(na_string){
          SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("\"NA\""));
        } else {
          SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("null"));
      } else {
        modp_itoa10(INTEGER(x)[i], buf);
        SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar(buf));
  } else if(isReal(x)) {
    int precision = asInteger(digits);
    double * xreal = REAL(x);
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
      double val = xreal[i];
        if(na_string == NA_LOGICAL){
          SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, NA_STRING);
        } else if(na_string){
            SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("\"NA\""));
          } else if(ISNAN(val)){
            SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("\"NaN\""));
          } else if(val == R_PosInf){
            SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("\"Inf\""));
          } else if(val == R_NegInf){
            SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("\"-Inf\""));
          } else {
            error("Unrecognized non finite value.");
        } else {
          SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar("null"));
      } else if(precision == NA_INTEGER){
        snprintf(buf, 32, "%.15g", val);
        SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar(buf));
      } else if(signif){
        //use signifant digits rather than decimal digits
        snprintf(buf, 32, "%.*g", (int) ceil(fmin(15, precision)), val);
        SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar(buf));
      } else if(precision > -1 && precision < 10 && fabs(val) < 2147483647 && fabs(val) > 1e-5) {
        //preferred method: fast with fixed decimal digits
        //does not support large numbers or scientific notation
        modp_dtoa2(val, buf, precision);
        SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar(buf));
        //Rprintf("Using modp_dtoa2\n");
      } else {
        //fall back on sprintf (includes scientific notation)
        //limit total precision to 15 significant digits to avoid noise
        //funky formula is mostly to convert decimal digits into significant digits
        snprintf(buf, 32, "%.*g", (int) ceil(fmin(15, fmax(1, log10(val)) + precision)), val);
        SET_STRING_ELT(out, i, mkChar(buf));
        //Rprintf("Using sprintf with precision %d digits\n",(int) ceil(fmin(15, fmax(1, log10(val)) + precision)));
  } else {
    error("num_to_char called with invalid object type.");

  return out;
void putIntCell(Serial *serial, int num)
    char buf[10];
    putsCell(serial, buf);