 * Start the robot code.
 * This function starts the robot code running by spawning a task. Currently tasks seemed to be
 * started by LVRT without setting the VX_FP_TASK flag so floating point context is not saved on
 * interrupts. Therefore the program experiences hard to debug and unpredictable results. So the
 * LVRT code starts this function, and it, in turn, starts the actual user program.
void RobotBase::startRobotTask(FUNCPTR factory)
#ifdef SVN_REV
	if (strlen(SVN_REV))
		printf("WPILib was compiled from SVN revision %s\n", SVN_REV);
		printf("WPILib was compiled from a location that is not source controlled.\n");
	printf("WPILib was compiled without -D'SVN_REV=nnnn'\n");

	// Check for startup code already running
	int32_t oldId = taskNameToId(const_cast<char*>("FRC_RobotTask"));
	if (oldId != ERROR)
		// Find the startup code module.
		char moduleName[256];
		moduleNameFindBySymbolName("FRC_UserProgram_StartupLibraryInit", moduleName);
		MODULE_ID startupModId = moduleFindByName(moduleName);
		if (startupModId != NULL)
			// Remove the startup code.
			unldByModuleId(startupModId, 0);
			printf("!!!   Error: Default code was still running... It was unloaded for you... Please try again.\n");
		// This case should no longer get hit.
		printf("!!!   Error: Other robot code is still running... Unload it and then try again.\n");

	// Let the framework know that we are starting a new user program so the Driver Station can disable.

	// Let the Usage Reporting framework know that there is a C++ program running
	nUsageReporting::report(nUsageReporting::kResourceType_Language, nUsageReporting::kLanguage_CPlusPlus);

	// Start robot task
	// This is done to ensure that the C++ robot task is spawned with the floating point
	// context save parameter.
	Task *task = new Task("RobotTask", (FUNCPTR)RobotBase::robotTask, Task::kDefaultPriority, 64000);
	task->Start((int32_t)factory, (int32_t)task);
**  Function: CFE_PSP_GetCFETextSegmentInfo
**  Purpose:
**    This function returns the start and end address of the CFE text segment.
**     It may not be implemented on all architectures.
**  Arguments:
**    (none)
**  Return:
**    (none)
int32 CFE_PSP_GetCFETextSegmentInfo(void *PtrToCFESegment, uint32 *SizeOfCFESegment)
   int32       return_code;
   uint32      Address;
   STATUS      status;
   MODULE_ID   cFEModuleId;
   MODULE_INFO cFEModuleInfo;

   if ( SizeOfCFESegment == NULL )
      return_code = CFE_PSP_ERROR;
      cFEModuleId = moduleFindByName(CFE_MODULE_NAME);

      if ( cFEModuleId == NULL )
         return_code = CFE_PSP_ERROR;
         status = moduleInfoGet(cFEModuleId, &cFEModuleInfo);
         if ( status != ERROR )
            Address = (uint32)(cFEModuleInfo.segInfo.textAddr);
            *SizeOfCFESegment = (uint32)(cFEModuleInfo.segInfo.textSize);
            return_code = CFE_PSP_SUCCESS;
            return_code = CFE_PSP_SUCCESS;

ACE_SHLIB_HANDLE vxworks_modulefind(char *name)
    return moduleFindByName(name);