mono_threads_init (MonoThreadInfoCallbacks *callbacks, size_t info_size)
	gboolean res;
	threads_callbacks = *callbacks;
	thread_info_size = info_size;
	const char *sleepLimit;
#ifdef HOST_WIN32
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_info_key, NULL);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_exited_key, NULL);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_info_key, (void *) thread_info_key_dtor);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_exited_key, (void *) thread_exited_dtor);

	g_assert (res);

	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&small_id_key, NULL);
	g_assert (res);

	unified_suspend_enabled = g_getenv ("MONO_ENABLE_UNIFIED_SUSPEND") != NULL || mono_threads_is_coop_enabled ();
	if ((sleepLimit = g_getenv ("MONO_SLEEP_ABORT_LIMIT")) != NULL) {
		errno = 0;
		long threshold = strtol(sleepLimit, NULL, 10);
		if ((errno == 0) && (threshold >= 40))  {
			sleepAbortDuration = threshold;
			sleepWarnDuration = threshold / 20;
		} else
			g_warning("MONO_SLEEP_ABORT_LIMIT must be a number >= 40");

	mono_os_sem_init (&global_suspend_semaphore, 1);
	mono_os_sem_init (&suspend_semaphore, 0);

	mono_lls_init (&thread_list, NULL, HAZARD_FREE_NO_LOCK);
	mono_thread_smr_init ();
	mono_threads_platform_init ();
	mono_threads_suspend_init ();
	mono_threads_coop_init ();
	mono_threads_abort_syscall_init ();

#if defined(__MACH__)
	mono_mach_init (thread_info_key);

	mono_threads_inited = TRUE;

	g_assert (sizeof (MonoNativeThreadId) <= sizeof (uintptr_t));
static void*
register_thread (MonoThreadInfo *info, gpointer baseptr)
	size_t stsize = 0;
	guint8 *staddr = NULL;
	int small_id = mono_thread_info_register_small_id ();
	gboolean result;
	mono_thread_info_set_tid (info, mono_native_thread_id_get ());
	info->small_id = small_id;

	info->handle = g_new0 (MonoThreadHandle, 1);
	mono_refcount_init (info->handle, thread_handle_destroy);
	mono_os_event_init (&info->handle->event, FALSE);

	mono_os_sem_init (&info->resume_semaphore, 0);

	/*set TLS early so SMR works */
	mono_native_tls_set_value (thread_info_key, info);

	THREADS_DEBUG ("registering info %p tid %p small id %x\n", info, mono_thread_info_get_tid (info), info->small_id);

	if (threads_callbacks.thread_register) {
		if (threads_callbacks.thread_register (info, baseptr) == NULL) {
			// g_warning ("thread registation failed\n");
			mono_native_tls_set_value (thread_info_key, NULL);
			g_free (info);
			return NULL;

	mono_thread_info_get_stack_bounds (&staddr, &stsize);
	g_assert (staddr);
	g_assert (stsize);
	info->stack_start_limit = staddr;
	info->stack_end = staddr + stsize;

	info->stackdata = g_byte_array_new ();

	mono_threads_suspend_register (info);

	Transition it before taking any locks or publishing itself to reduce the chance
	of others witnessing a detached thread.
	We can reasonably expect that until this thread gets published, no other thread will
	try to manipulate it.
	mono_threads_transition_attach (info);
	mono_thread_info_suspend_lock ();
	/*If this fail it means a given thread has been registered twice, which doesn't make sense. */
	result = mono_thread_info_insert (info);
	g_assert (result);
	mono_thread_info_suspend_unlock ();
	return info;
mono_threads_init (MonoThreadInfoCallbacks *callbacks, size_t info_size)
	gboolean res;
	threads_callbacks = *callbacks;
	thread_info_size = info_size;
#ifdef HOST_WIN32
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_info_key, NULL);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_exited_key, NULL);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_info_key, (void *) unregister_thread);
	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&thread_exited_key, (void *) thread_exited_dtor);

	g_assert (res);

	res = mono_native_tls_alloc (&small_id_key, NULL);
	g_assert (res);

	unified_suspend_enabled = g_getenv ("MONO_ENABLE_UNIFIED_SUSPEND") != NULL || mono_threads_is_coop_enabled ();

	mono_coop_sem_init (&global_suspend_semaphore, 1);
	mono_os_sem_init (&suspend_semaphore, 0);

	mono_lls_init (&thread_list, NULL);
	mono_thread_smr_init ();
	mono_threads_init_platform ();
	mono_threads_init_coop ();
	mono_threads_init_abort_syscall ();

#if defined(__MACH__)
	mono_mach_init (thread_info_key);

	mono_threads_inited = TRUE;

	g_assert (sizeof (MonoNativeThreadId) <= sizeof (uintptr_t));